After a stalemate for a few seconds, Skaha flew out backwards and hit the wall directly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but instead of stepping forward to comfort Lin Hui, Lin Hui unleashed his strongest punch and attacked Skaha directly.

Because at this time, what Skaha needs is not comfort and tenderness, but blood and battle. For Skaha, the tenderness in the battle is completely unnecessary, because it can only mean that he is despising himself .

In order to present the most perfect battle, Lin Hui naturally exerted all his strength. This punch contains all of Lin Hui's combat understanding and all combat experience so far. Even if Luo Hao is here, I am afraid I have to keep applauding and admiring.

Even Skaha has to admit that Lin Hui's talent is truly unparalleled, and he deserves to be the king of people, but Skaha won't just admit defeat like this...

Chapter [-] Go, My Most Outstanding Disciple, and Lover

Who is Skaha?

She was the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in Celtic mythology. She taught Cu Chulainn and many other great heroes, and she practiced spear skills to the extreme. With a single shot, she could kill the gods and kill the gods. I don't know how many gods, undead, or heroes, and they bear countless curses themselves, and eventually become a person who will not grow old, will not die, and can only stay alone in the country of shadows that is ejected by the world forever. A person who looks at the world.

Naturally, such a person could not have been so strong from the beginning. She has also experienced countless desperate situations. Even in terms of Skaha's strength, when she was still young, she also faced countless dangers. , the first time to kill a god, Skaha is definitely not as easy as rumored.

Skaha is also constantly improving his strength in battle after battle.

In such a situation, in the face of such an unsolvable situation, Skaha was also aroused by Lin Hui's blood that hadn't been ignited for a long time. Finally, finally, someone could really force her to this point.

Perhaps it may be embarrassing for others to say this, but although Skaha has taken that step, it is because Skaha has already reached the extreme state, which has spent countless years, and often interacts with Luo Hao. It was only achieved by learning from each other and fighting against many top gods in various worlds.

However, in fact, Skaha couldn't make a full shot, because if he didn't control it, the opponent would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Skaha's strongest blow was not so easy to bear.

This is the strength of Skaha, and other strong people can also make Skaha's blood boil. However, there has never been a situation like this. The real blood boils, it seems to engulf everything, and the boiling blood spreads all over At this moment, Skaha completely ignored the pain from his body.

Holding the magic spear, at this moment, the aura on Skaha suddenly turned into an endless violent aura, all compressed on the magic spear. Facing Lin Hui's incomparable mysterious punch, Skaha's forehead actually oozes fine sweat, which shows how much pressure this battle put on Skaha.

With a single shot, the God-killing is only between the palms of the hand.

This is Skaha's strongest strike "Extinction Stab"!

A single shot is enough to kill any existence. Maybe the life level of some gods or demons in some worlds is enough to survive, but it is definitely seriously injured.

And they were friends of Lin Hui or relatives of Lin Hui's wife. Skaha had no reason to beat them half to death in a single fight, and it might be difficult to recover.

Therefore, the Extinction Thorn, which has been sealed for a long time, has finally been used again. How long has it been?

Skaha can't remember. Even at the beginning, it was only used in the third Holy Grail War, killing a god. Now, when it is used again, the opponent facing Skaha is exactly the same. lover.

But at this moment, the two have to fight here, and they have to fight for their lives, because if they want to talk about their love, they can only use such means.

One punch!

One shot!

The collision of the two broke out a terrifying impact. At this moment, Skaha was actually distracted. No, it should be said that she couldn't help but not be distracted.

Touched, Skaha finally touched the realm above the extreme realm of martial arts. Under Lin Hui's terrifying blow, Skaha finally completely entered this realm, the road beyond the extreme realm, Fully displayed in front of Skaha.

The punch that Lin Hui hit, in addition to bringing Skaha a huge pressure, also brought Skaha into this realm.

However, Skaha was still a little slower after all, because Luo Hao had completely understood in the discussion with Lin Hui a few days ago and entered the retreat. After this time, I believe that Luo Hao will definitely be able to step into it. this realm.

After all, Luo Hao is also an existence with an extraordinary talent. Compared with Skaha, he is not weak. He is proficient in all eighteen martial arts. His accomplishments, he himself also killed the first god with martial arts and became a god-killer.

However, the fact that his two wives, who were obsessed with fighting and martial arts, were able to reach this level was quite gratifying to Lin Hui.


Lin Hui's punch directly smashed Skaha's magic spear and stopped in front of Skaha's chest. However, the violent fist wind still blew Skaha's whole body out, hitting him hard. On the wall, he couldn't fall down for a long time.


Skaha opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the clothes in front of him also had some bright purple red, and there was blood flowing out from the corners of his mouth.

Lin Hui walked to Skaha, held Skaha's cheek, gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth for her, and kissed him directly.

Skaha also held Lin Hui's neck and started an alternative "confrontation" with Lin Hui.

After a long time, Lin Hui left the incomparably beautiful red lips with a hint of blood: "Master, are you satisfied with this battle?"

"This is the most enjoyable battle I've had in years. You really are outstanding, Lin Hui!"

Skaha's eyes were full of admiration, but then he coughed again. There was no way. Although Lin Hui regained his strength, Lin Hui's attack was too violent. Less force spread into Skaha's body.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Hui was also a little distressed.

"Okay, I'm not in the way. I have been able to be your teacher for a while. I'm very satisfied with this. You have completely satisfied my needs."

Skaha's smile is like that of the big sister next door, and her temperament is no longer as cold and threatening as before, but gentle as water.

"Go, go and conquer everything, you are the king! The king who conquered the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, go!"

"Put everything in your pocket!"

"I, the most outstanding disciple!"

"my sweetheart!"

Chapter [-] Want to!money!

Finally came to the ninth floor, Lin Hui is also very emotional, this time is really a little tired, constantly fighting with people, thinking of ways to break the level, just now fighting with Skaha really hard After killing a wave, even Lin Hui would be tired.

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