"Who do you think I am? I am Lin Hui. I hold the power of the law of time in my hand. You have the smell of traveling through time. How could I not feel it?"

Lin Hui rubbed Meltrilith's head: "Now, are you satisfied?"

Meltlilith blushed and didn't know what to say. After Lin Hui peeped out her biggest secret, Meltlilith felt extremely ashamed.

And the wall of heart behind Meltrilith also began to collapse.

The heart wall of the gatekeeper on the [-]th floor was shattered, which also symbolized that Lin Hui had cleared the stage. He hit the deepest part of Meltlilith's heart and successfully captured Meltlilith's heart.

And a piece of parchment fell in the sky, which was the declaration of the winner. Lin Hui stretched out his hand and pinched the parchment, and the parchment turned into a ray of light and fell directly into Meltrilith. deep inside.


Meltrilith's heart was instantly enveloped by a huge warmth, and the look in Lin Hui's eyes was a little wrong.

Originally, this kind of "love" could not be expressed in form, but after Meltrilith digitized it, when the game was cleared, Meltrilith would naturally be vacated by these original vacancies, but was All the love that Lin Hui filled with "love" returned to him.

Therefore, Meltrilith is now in the love of Lin Hui: "Love is too bad, let's get married directly!"

"My Master! My Lin Hui!"

Chapter [-] Come to meet

Lin Hui stretched his waist. After passing through the cherry blossom maze yesterday, he had a rare good night's sleep. There was no other way, he hadn't slept for two days in a row, and finally successfully cleared the level at nightfall on the third day.

But there was a little accident, that is, after Mert Lilith was wrapped in the huge love filled by Lin Hui, the whole person became emotional directly. This may be the first and last time that Mert Lilith has given Lin Hui. Make love, but don't waste it.

Lin Hui immediately saved it. Although it was an act of murder, as long as it was not discovered, it would not be considered a murder.

"Well, is it dawn?"

Meltrilith got her head out of the quilt and said sleepily.

Lin Hui rubbed Meltrilith's little head: "It doesn't matter, you can continue to sleep."

Afterwards, Lin Hui got up and got dressed and left the room.

"Did you have a good time last night?"

At this time, Skaha came towards him and looked at Lin Hui with a gentle smile.

Lin Hui looked at Skaha and couldn't help but feel a hint of warmth: "Thank you, Master."

"You're welcome, anyway, you have given me the best battle, and you are the love I admit! Keep winning!"

Skaha held Lin Hui's face and sent a kiss, then left.

And at this time, Nangong Nayue just transferred over: "Oh, came out? Don't you continue to carry it in Wenrou Township?"

Hearing Nangong's jealous words that month, Lin Hui felt a little helpless. It seemed that he really had to spend a lot of time with his lovers. Moreover, there were still many lovers outside who needed to be picked up. !

"Okay, by the way, don't you go and see Alger? She has been locked in the room for the past few days and never comes out. What have you done to her?"

Nangong was very curious that month, because Alger has always been a restless person, but now he can stay in the room for several days, even with the curtains drawn, which is really incredible. ,

On the contrary, Bai Yasha's mood was extremely high, and even without Nangong's explanation that month, he went to complete all kinds of things.

Not only White Yaksha, but the Queen of Halloween also sent a lot of congratulations, which made Nangong confused that month.

Lin Hui shrugged: "Who knows?"


Alger, who covered himself in the quilt, sobbed: "Master bastard, actually... actually... actually defiled Arja!"

Thinking back on what he looked like in the mirror, Alger's whole body was about to collapse. Lin Hui used a paintbrush to paint a big face, which was too ugly.

The most important thing is that these pigments have been blessed by Lin Hui with the power of the world. Either they will stay in the room for a month, or they will be erased with strength beyond the world. Unfortunately, Alger did not. With such strength, therefore, he can only stay at home honestly for a month, which can be regarded as a lesson for Alger.

It will be a year for the next offense!


The corner of Nangong's mouth twitched: "Forget it, do whatever you want, by the way, this time someone is visiting you, you'd better go and see!"

Lin Hui blinked in surprise: "Visit me? Who is it?"

"It's someone we've allied with."

Nangong left after dropping a sentence that month.

After all, it's time to let Lin Hui, the principal, do some work. It's not a good thing to keep Lin Hui idle all the time.

Lin Hui scratched his hair and suddenly felt worried. What if the person who came here was stupid?

The last thing Lin Hui wanted to do was socialize. As a result, Nangong rushed the ducks to the shelves that month, so Lin Hui had no choice but to execute the excuse before he came out.

"Forget it, let's go and see!"


Pushing open the door of the living room, suddenly, an object was thrown towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and directly caught the object. When he saw it, it was actually a hammer. In an instant, Lin Hui knew who was coming.

"I said, Vera, don't you have to say hello to me as soon as I come in? Didn't I say such a thing? Don't do it!"

Lin Hui is going crazy, is Vera really stupid or pretending to be stupid!

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