"I'm so sorry, Lord Human King, our leader has always been like this, please forgive me. Lord Vera, please say a few words too!"

At this time, Pumpkin Jack said quickly, as if he was worried that Lin Hui would be angry. You must know that Lin Hui is the one who has washed the entire Hakoniwa group of gods with blood. It is not a wise move to anger Lin Hui at this time!

"Hello, long time no see, and thank you."

Vera tilted her head, and then said to Lin Hui very cutely.

Looking at Vera's appearance, Lin Hui stuck a slot in his throat. He didn't spit, nor did he spit, which made Lin Hui extremely depressed.

Angry with Vera?Lin Hui hasn't had such a small stomach yet. After all, this is Vera's hobby. Although Lin Hui really can't compliment this hobby, Vera is indeed a devil who is almost cute to the extreme.

Tsk, speaking of demons, Lin Hui really feels strange, is Vera really a demon?There is such a pure existence in the devil that is almost as white as white paper, wouldn't it be eaten by other demons to the point where there are no bones left?

Well, but Vera's strength is also very strong, at least, the opponent's being called the strongest demon in the North District is not bragging.

"What are you doing here today?"

Lin Hui simply skipped the topic and asked directly. At the same time, he picked up an apple on the table and began to nibble. Anyway, the two sides were not outsiders. After Lin Hui defeated the other self, the community where Vera belonged. "Will o'wisp" signed a covenant with himself. Although it is a covenant, the other party has the meaning of becoming his subordinate.

No way, the seven deadly sins are now the only one in the small garden, and every gift game held has huge prizes, which makes many people envy those who have become the seven deadly sins (seven deadly sins). ) subordinate communities.

And "Will o'wisp" is one of them, or the first community to conclude a covenant with the seven deadly sins. How can people not envy it?

"It's nothing, I'm officially here to see Lord Human King today and discuss some things by the way."

Pumpkin Jack seemed very happy.

Chapter [-] Sometimes, the Shura Field is not what I mean

Lin Hui felt that he had an illusion, why did he feel that Pumpkin Jack was very happy?

However, although Lin Hui would be puzzled, he still had to do what he should. Lin Hui and Pumpkin Jack began to discuss the agreement between the two communities, mainly now "Will o'wisp" and the seven original sins (seven original sins). The gap between deadly sins) is too large, and the two sides are not in contrast.

Even if it is an alliance, Pumpkin Jack is embarrassed. After all, the basis of the alliance is that the alliance can only be formed when both parties have equal conditions, and the seven deadly sins can help "Will o'wisp", but let it go, " Will o'wisp" can't help the seven deadly sins, so it can't be called an alliance, but a reliance.

Therefore, today Pumpkin Jack and Vera came to revise this covenant. They are nothing more than a four-digit community, and they have nothing to do with the alliance of the seven deadly sins. On the contrary, they can only Relying on the seven deadly sins all the time to help them, even they would be embarrassed.

Lin Hui has nothing to do with this. After all, the original contract with "Will o'wisp" was just to restrain Willa and prevent her from running away.

Otherwise, who will defeat one of the Seven Deadly Sins incarnations?

The stupid and cute Vera doesn't care so much. After all, the other party is a big demon born between life and death. Lin Hui forcibly added the concept of "the last hero of mankind" and was forcibly classified into the ranks of human beings. Although that add-on is gone now, he is still one of the "six heroes" who saved Hakoniwa.

It is not a bad thing for a community where such an existence exists to align with its own community.

Not to mention that in addition to the "seven demon kings" among the targets of his alliance, there is also a community with no name and no name, where Izayoi and the others belong. In any case, in Hakoba, even the flag The first impression of a community without a name is that it is weak.

After discussing with Pumpkin Jack, Pumpkin Jack agreed to continue to maintain the covenant, and said that this covenant, the seven deadly sins (seven deadly sins) can be torn up at any time, of course, if there is any plan to "Will o'wisp" "Pumpkin Jack wouldn't have any objections if it was accepted as an affiliated community.

After Lin Hui nodded and agreed, Pumpkin Jack breathed a sigh of relief. As a community that was initially allied with the seven deadly sins, the pressure of "Will o'wisp" is not too big. You know, other than The strong community of the "Will o'wisp" community is not non-existent, but because of Vera's relationship, "Will o'wisp" got the initial quota, which made many communities jealous.

It's a pity that the seven deadly sins are standing behind them, the strongest and largest community in Hakoten.

There are many subordinate communities, and many of them are basically from the outside world, but the strength of each community is extremely powerful.

There is no "host authority" in the current Hakoba, but that doesn't mean there is no "Demon King" title.

Compared with the previous "Demon Lord", the current "Demon Lord" is more like a title. Their contract documents are black from the beginning, but they have the same effect as the contract documents of other communities.

In order to highlight the difference between "Demon King" and other communities, Nangong decided to change the title of "Demon King" after discussing with others that month. Originally, each community could apply for compulsory challenge permission three times every month. It can only be launched after paying a certain price, and the price can be paid after the challenge is completed.

The "Demon King" can apply for five times a month, but, on the other hand, the price to pay is also heavier. No matter which community is challenged, if the battle is defeated, then the general strength of the community as a whole needs to be paid.

Moreover, this challenge right cannot be used maliciously, such as challenging a community that is weaker than oneself for no reason. Once verified, the community will be disintegrated immediately.

The establishment of this challenge right is not used to bully the weak, but to settle hatreds.

For this reason, "Will o'wisp" is not less hostile to other communities, and sometimes it is often challenged.

Fortunately, each community can be challenged at most five times in a month, and no more will be accepted, otherwise, even "Will o'wisp" will not be able to hold on.


Pumpkin Jack coughed a little: "The next thing is the last thing."

Lin Hui picked up the tea brewed by Gurefia and drank it, indicating that Pumpkin Jack could speak.

"That's about when Lord Human King can marry our leader Vera..."

Before Pumpkin Jack could finish speaking, Lin Hui spat out, "What the hell? What did you say?"


Pumpkin Jack was slightly innocent, however, Vera on the side tilted her head and looked at Lin Hui: "I want to marry you."

Well, it's simple, it's clear, it's organized...what the fuck!

I haven't said anything yet, I haven't written a word with Vera yet, how could such a thing happen?

"Wait, Jack, tell me first, what's going on?"

Lin Hui crossed his fingers and leaned forward a little. Well, this is not to put pressure on Pumpkin Jack, but because Guleifeia's eyes are a little sharp behind him, and he feels a little hairy on his back.

Although it is said that Vera is indeed very beautiful, a beautiful girl, and looks weak and weak, giving people a very protective desire, and the other party is indeed able to arouse the desire of men, that kind of magic Beautiful, Lin Hui can admit that if he gets along with Vera for a while, he can fall in love with Vera, and he also has this idea after brushing a lot of Vera's favorability, but why is the time earlier? so much?

If you haven't taken action yet, the other party is about to post it backwards?This is not scientific, can we follow the script? !

Chapter [-]: Running with the World Dragon

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