"Eh? Didn't you instruct him? We thought it was you who fell in love with Lord Vera, but none of the companions in the community objected to Lord Vera being with you, which is conducive to the communication between our two communities."

How did Pumpkin Jack give Lin Hui a pimping feeling?This is not the case with the previous Pumpkin Jack, hey, hey, you return that powerful Pumpkin Jack, bastard!

Lin Hui rubbed his temples, and then asked, "Who told you?"

One thing is certain, that is, this is definitely someone Lin Hui knows, and it is also the kind of person who is not afraid of the sky and is willing to cause trouble for himself.

First of all, exclude those girls from yourself. It is impossible for them to do this. There are already enough girls around Lin Hui, and they probably won't go to help themselves to increase them. Knowing that, they will definitely agree and even participate, but they are not in the same community as themselves, and they are busy preparing to participate in the game they have prepared recently, so they are excluded.

Then there are only a handful of people left.

"It's the two princesses, Lord Human King."

Pumpkin Jack did not hesitate to sell Ji Hiiragi and Lan Yu Meng onion.

"Knew it!"

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden. It was estimated that only the two of them could meet those conditions. It would be enough to add another dream. But now Lala and the others are traveling in other worlds, so it is unlikely that it is a dream. Dream, therefore, is only the two of them.

"Lin Hui, don't you like me?"

Vera is really dumb, and it is really surprising to be able to throw such a straight ball.

What else can Lin Hui say?

Will Lin Hui refuse such a cute and cute girl?

No, if Lin Hui refused, it wouldn't be Lin Hui. What's more, Lin Hui did have certain ideas about Vera, but there were too many things recently.

Just dealing with the girls who have already established a relationship on his side is so busy that Lin Hui doesn't have that much time to take care of the girls who haven't dealt with it yet, so Vera was originally postponed by Lin Hui.

Now that the relationship is established, let's do it for the time being.

After discussing it with Pumpkin Jack, Vera temporarily stayed in the Seven Deadly Sins residence to get acquainted with the girls around Lin Hui. After all, Vera is so stupid and cute, it shouldn't be difficult to get along .

Gurefiya also took Vera to Nangong Nayue's office. After all, this kind of thing must be reported to Nangong Nayue.

After sending Pumpkin Jack away, Lin Hui was thinking about something, but he didn't expect a loli approaching him.

Kulimo was about to cry: "It's you again!"

How can I die, the first person I see when I wake up is this guy!

Lin Hui looked at Kurimo, showing his snow-white teeth: "What a coincidence, it's me again! So, come on, go out with me, how about you?"

What else can Klimore do?As a world dragon restrained by Lin Hui's ultimate dragon-killing power, can Kurimo refuse?

Kurimo didn't want to be entangled by that kind of power, even Kurimo would probably be killed, not to mention that Lin Hui's strength far surpassed hers!

Seeing that Kulimo nodded and agreed, Lin Hui immediately grabbed Kulimo's hand and the two moved quickly.

Not long after walking, I saw a black-haired girl rushing out holding a snow-white spear with a sci-fi feel. Accompanying the girl was a ponytail girl holding a sharp blade that looked very dangerous.

"Tsk, this guy runs so fast!"

The ponytail girl said very upset: "What should I do?"

"There's no other way, I can only tell Teacher Nangong, the teacher runs too fast, and the lower level is so big, and the teacher's strength far exceeds us, even if we rely on the gift of search, we may not be able to find the teacher, unless Call the others over."

The black-haired girl also said a little dejectedly.


Lin Hui was glad that he ran fast, otherwise, if he was caught, it would be another lecture. Lin Hui didn't want to listen to this at all.

Preaching or something, I'm not a child anymore, why do I act like this? Besides, although I also have ideas about Vera, it's not my fault at all. Yes, if you want to do it, you must first make snacks and cute onions!

With this idea in mind, Lin Hui started to wander around the lower levels, and the two-digit power of Kurimona was limited by Lin Hui to the level of only four figures left, so that he could move at will in the lower levels.

"Ah! Isn't this Lord Lin Hui?"

At this time, Lin Hui heard a rather lively voice, turned his head to look, and suddenly smiled: "Black Rabbit, Fei Niao and Yao, you guys came out too?"

Lin Hui took Kurimo to the three girls, and at the same time approached Kasugabe Yao: "Is your body okay?"

"Well, it has fully recovered!"

Kasugabe Yao said with a smile while holding the three-haired cat.

Lin Hui also had to admire this three-haired cat, ten years later, it is still not dead!

Well, that's right, after all, it's in Hakoba, and it's very easy to get some gifts.

"Yes! Because Mr. Lin Hui is going to hold a gift game, and we can exchange our victory for our flag and name, we naturally have to prepare more."

The black rabbit jumped and said happily.

"Look at it this time, Miss Ben will surprise you."

Jiuyuan Fei Niao said very proudly, it seems that the conversation a few days ago made Jiu Yuan Fei Niao get back the feeling of getting along with Lin Hui ten years ago.

And Kasugabe Yō also nodded.

Lin Hui looked at these two girls, they had grown up, but they had not changed much, just like it was just yesterday ten years ago.

"Ouch, Lin Hui, Xiaoju is hungry."

At this time, Kulimo broke the touching scene after the reunion of several people at an inopportune time.

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