"Otherwise we won't let you go!"

"Hahaha, that's for sure!"

Chapter [-]: Alger with Children

"Come on, follow me!"

At this time, Lin Hui rubbed his eyes and heard such playful noises coming from outside. He gently opened the curtains to take a look, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At this time, the girl lying beside Lin Hui seemed to feel something and raised her head slightly: "Brother Lin Hui, is it already dawn?"

Lin Hui rubbed the girl's head: "Little Jialing, you can continue to sleep for a while."

Jia Ling hugged Lin Hui's arm and nodded, "Well, Brother Lin Hui will sleep with me for a while."

"no problem."

Lin Hui immediately lay down, holding Jia Ling in his arms, feeling the tender skin on the girl's body, and continued to fall into this gentle village.


In the morning, Lin Hui was lying on the reclining chair. If the old man was over the age of [-] years, he was basking in the sun, but beside Lin Hui, there were Hill and Heinai Humeng accompanying him.

"Hey, Lin Jun Lin Jun, come take a look, what do you think?"

Heinai Hu Meng had not seen Lin Hui for a long time, and the whole person seemed very excited, and now he took Lin Hui to introduce his photos.

"Ms. Hu Meng, that Lord Lin Hui should be a little tired. Wouldn't it be better not to disturb him like this?"

At this time, Hill watched Lin Hui yawn, so he reminded with some worry: "If you don't rest well, your body will easily get tired."

Heinai Hu Meng looked at Hill and raised a small mouth: "Don't say that, Lin Jun is the king of people! He won't just fall down like this, because Lin Jun is the most powerful."

Hill was a little helpless: "I said so, but..."

"Okay, Hill, stop talking to this guy, this guy has always been like this, hum, too lazy!"

Thrush came over and looked at Lin Hui's appearance, and said very unhappily.

Lin Hui sat up and said, "Hey, hey, even if you say bad things, don't say it in front of my face. I also have self-esteem, this is too much!"

The thrush turned his head to one side; "Everyone knows that you are lazy."

Lin Hui propped his chin with his hand and raised his eyebrows: "Yes, so what? Don't forget, laziness is the original sin of mankind! As a king, there is nothing wrong with exercising the original sin."

"Yes, yes, there's nothing wrong, but why don't you like Alger!"

The thrush is very helpless, and seems to have thought of a very headache: "That guy doesn't know what rules are at all, and he always makes some things that we can't end!"

"Alger went to another world again?"

Lin Hui looked at Heinai Hu Meng curiously.

"Well, when I came here not long ago, I happened to see Alger taking Rinne and Xilinu to the World Passage. I didn't expect to go to the crown world this time."

Heinoi Hu Meng recalled.

"That's right, but 'mooncell' has no feedback to me, which means that Alger is more restrained than before, don't worry!"

Lin Hui smiled and said to the thrush: "Well, Hill, go change your clothes, accompany me to the crown world, and have a look!"

"it is good."

Hill got up and went to his bedroom, preparing to go to the crown world with Lin Hui.


The Crown World, also known as the "Crown of Guilty" world, this is where Lin Hui absorbed all the evils in the world and achieved the throne of the king. Based on the seven original sins in the world, he forged his name as a king. The world can be said to be the most important world, because Lin Hui's road to kingship started from here.

Wearing a crown of thorns, wearing a cloak of despair, holding a scepter of darkness, walking on the blood-stained road, and ascending the throne of bones, it is the king who bears all the sins, curses and darkness of mankind.

Coming to the crown world, Lin Hui and Hill were integrated into the crowd in an instant and became extremely inconspicuous existences. This is also to reduce unnecessary trouble. After all, Hill has become more and more radiant after his own nourishment. .

And people in every world are more or less burdened with original sin. In this way, because Lin Hui is the master of original sin, he has a very strong aura of original sin, which can easily stimulate the original sin of some ordinary people. In this way, various events are induced, and such suppression and concealment are aimed at reducing the occurrence of such events.

"Hey, I said, that's a little too much, isn't it?"

Not far away, Lin Hui and Hill's observation target appeared.

Algor looked at the man in front of him while protecting Rinne.

"Ha? What do you want to do, little kid? This little girl stepped on my shoes, do you know how much the shoes cost? Can you afford it?"

The man with a ferocious face said threateningly: "Give me one million yuan, if not, take me to see your parents, I will ask them to pay me, and, you bastard, kowtow to me and admit my mistake!"

Celino on the other side was grabbing Algor's clothes and seemed to be frightened too.

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden, good guy, he actually dared to threaten Alger, if it was replaced by the former Alger, it is estimated that this guy is not even ashes now.

However, since meeting the garden gods Rinne and Sirino, Alger's character has changed a lot, and he was accepted by Lin Hui, which unexpectedly triggered Alger's maternal side.

Yes, don't be surprised, it's the maternal side, which shocked Shiroyasha and the Queen of Halloween, they have never seen Alger who is so close to a child.

That is to say, once the garden god Rinne or Shirino is provoked, then Algor's crazy revenge will surely be ushered in.

This guy is dead, even if Alger doesn't kill him, Lin Hui will transport Boundless E to him, so that his life is better than death for the rest of his life.

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