Threatening your own daughter?

This is a sin!The unforgivable death sin.

"Can you say that again!"

Alger gritted his teeth.

"I said... ah!"

Alger broke the man's arm all at once, and stepped on him directly under his feet: "Who do you think you are, Rin Ni is worthy of you to step on you, and you want compensation, bah! You even this I have no qualifications, not only do I not say thank you, but I dare to speak madly!"

"How do you clean up next?"

Chapter [-] The Last Pleasure

Alger really made a big commotion, and even broke the man's limbs directly, um, all limbs were interrupted.

In this regard, Lin Hui just wanted to say one thing:

"Pamper me, pamper me with all my strength, pamper my daughter, even if I pierce the sky, I can clean it up!"

As for how much trouble it will bring to the world?

This was completely out of Lin Hui's consideration.

After all, the world consciousness of all the worlds is in the origin of all worlds, and the human history of those worlds is also integrated into Lin Hui. No matter what happens in the end, as long as Lin Hui does not die, the world will not be destroyed, and the history of mankind will not be destroyed. will not be discontinued.

Seeing Alger taking his two daughters to play in the mountains and water, Lin Hui was very relieved!

The original demon, the ancient goddess of the earth, the star spirit of the variable star, has a strength comparable to two digits, and it doesn't matter how Alger plays.

After such a long time, Lin Hui also felt a little unbelievable, because the people around her were progressing too fast, not to mention others, just to talk about Ji Hiirai Lingcai who inherited her fighting potential, now her strength is only It has already reached double digits, and even ordinary double digits may not be her opponents.

Shiroyasha also felt unbelievable at this point, because Ji Hiragana Recca's spiritual achievements were simply not enough to support Ji Hirao Reina to reach this level.

However, Ji Hiirao Lingcai relied on her own potential to break this restriction abruptly.

It is not Lin Hui's prerogative to break through restrictions. Now, even one of his daughters, Ji Hiirai Lingcai, has reached this level. Moreover, Ji Hiirai Lingcai's strength is still soaring, and it is very likely that in the next ten years Reaching a single-digit strength within the year is a world rule level, which is equivalent to the combat power of a world!

Relying entirely on such terrifying potential to reach this point, Ji Hiirai Lingcai's progress is not even comparable to Lin Hui's. As expected, Lin Hui calls him one of the people who is capable of catching up with him.

Lin Hui's spirituality also reached the single digit through the stone of wishing and placed it in his own world, but Ji Hiirai Lingcai reached the single digit without relying on those foreign objects at all, and then broke through the world. The level of combat power is believed to be easier than breaking through by burning the emotions of all human beings in human history.

Even though Lin Hui is getting stronger every moment now, it does not mean that others will fall behind, not only Ji Hiiragi Reika, but also Wuhe Shiori, this girl is the daughter of Lin Hui and the original elf Lin Mio, It is a power equivalent to a level of world consciousness. As long as she is willing, she can easily break through world-class combat power.

Of course, there are other people who are also working hard to advance to the double digits. The powerhouses of many worlds continue to become stronger, and even the real Red Dragon God Emperor occasionally comes to the small garden world to hang out.

Of course, this is what Lin Hui heard about, and it is not clear whether it is true or false, but since there are rumors, it means that it is possible.

Besides, if Lin Hui wants to, he can learn everything by using "mooncell", but doing so is really boring, it is easy to have boring feelings about the world, and everything is too easy to get, so Lin Hui will It's not very common to use "mooncell" to know everything, after all, it's too boring.


Ten years have passed since Lin Hui's return, and Lin Hui's strength has already reached an unimaginable level. Even Lin Hui himself can't express how strong he is. With a flick of his finger, he is a world leader. shattered.

As for the people around Lin Hui, Ji Hiirai Lingcai is also the first person other than Lin Hui to be promoted to a single digit. He has a combat power comparable to the world, and his strength has already reached a peak. Just like Lin Hui, he has stepped into the realm beyond world-class.

The second Sun Sovereignty is still in progress. Since the third year, the original no name, now Arcadia has cracked a game and obtained Sun Sovereignty. It has been seven years now. There used to be several communities that were infinitely close to the answer to the puzzle, and there was even one community, that is, the community of Kalji, "Avatāra", which was only a little short of getting the sovereignty of the sun. Unfortunately, the time was up and the puzzle was replaced.

Therefore, solar sovereignty is not so easy to obtain. This solar sovereignty war will continue to continue, and it is estimated that it will continue for hundreds of years.

In the past seven years, Lin Hui finally achieved his goal. In the dark and windy night, Lin Hui touched the station of Arcadia and ate Kasugabe Yō and Kuto Asuka. .

Yes, ate both of them.

They got what they wanted. (After all, they are both old and young, and even Nihui Shishiye got married six years ago. Bride, ahem, I won't mention this, anyway, it is a very violent existence.)

To this end, Kasugabe Takaaki's client almost went to the location of the Seven Deadly Sins to find Lin Hui desperately. However, at that time, Lin Hui was in another world, and Kasugabe Takaaki naturally couldn't find him.

As for why Kasugabe Takaaki knew?

The answer is of course because Lin Hui abducted the two and went on their honeymoon. Since she has become his wife, then it is impossible to justify not having a honeymoon!

At that time, Yuto Asuka and Kasugabe Yō were both having a good time, especially Kuto Asuka, she attached great importance to the concept of chastity, and had a lot of resentment about handing herself over to Lin Hui before getting married. , Lin Hui will come up with this method to eliminate her resentment.


Since being woken up by Meltrilith, Lin Hui has often run around in various worlds, accompanied by the girls who are willing to be with him. In the past, he was too busy, and there was no time to stop at all. , Now, I need to accumulate strength, then, it is better to regard this period of time as the time for the girls who love Lin Hui.

Perhaps, this may be Lin Hui's last happy time!

Chapter [-] Let's Go (End of this Volume)

"Yo, how can our busy people come here? Or, do you want to watch my dance? Hehe."

The girl had already taken off her sharp-edged shoes, and she was wearing the same shoes as ordinary ones. Logically speaking, it was absolutely impossible for her to wear such shoes.

Because, to her, those sharp-edged shoes were everything to her, and they were the weapons she was proud of.

Lin Hui also wanted her to put on those normal shoes, but the girl refused.

However, since becoming Lin Hui's woman, the girl has obeyed Lin Hui's wishes and put on ordinary shoes, but the consequence of this is that the girl suddenly becomes very petite, looking like a delicate doll, which is very annoying. People love.

"It's okay, I'm just here to see you, aren't you welcome?"

Lin Hui sat on the other side, and the Lion King beside Lin Hui smiled slightly when he saw such a conversation between the two: "I never thought that I would have such a day."

"Very unrealistic, right?"

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