Meltrilith is also quite unbelievable, she actually has such a moment, such a reassuring, nostalgic moment.

"Then feel it a little more."

Lin Hui also showed a somewhat helpless smile.

"Is it soon? That's right, you stayed in one place for ten years this time. You couldn't have had such a time before, right?"

Meltlily showed no mercy.

"That's it."

Lin Hui nodded: "However, it is impossible for me to stay here forever. At least, I will come back after I have solved everything."

"We'll be waiting for you."

The Lion King spoke softly, very understanding.

After spending a wonderful afternoon with the two girls, Lin Hui returned to the source of all realms.

In the origin of all worlds, there is an extremely magnificent castle. This is where girls lived in the past, but now most girls live in the world of Little Garden, where there is much more fun than other worlds.

In the center of the castle, a huge tree grows. Above the canopy, there is an extremely chaotic world. There, it is the real world transformed from Lin Hui's own inherent enchantment, which belongs to Lin Hui. The world of people, however, now, the whole world is still in the process of transformation, and it has not yet transformed into heaven and earth from chaos.


A bolt of lightning fell on the ground.

"My lord."

The blonde girl knight knelt in front of Lin Hui on one knee.

"Long time no see, Lancelot, you have been recognized by my world and become the god of thunder in that world, congratulations!"

Lin Hui showed a gratified smile.

"All this is to thank the Lord."

Lancelot was still respectful as always: "My lord, is there something wrong with this time?"

"Forget it, I will take the Nine-headed Dragon King away for a while. During this time, the evolution of the world will be suspended. You should go out and play. If you always stay in one place, your gun will be dull."

"I understand my lord, my subordinates will leave now."

Lancelot disappeared as a flash of lightning.

Afterwards, Lin Hui waved his hand, and a giant dragon with nine heads emerged from the chaotic world. It was the Nine-headed Dragon King who was the base of Lin Hui's world. After obtaining Lin Hui's world, the Nine-headed Dragon King's The power has already reached an unbelievable level.

Lin Hui let it attach to his right hand, perfectly controlling the power of the Nine-headed Dragon King.


At night, Kasugabu Yō and Lin Hui lingered to the death, as if they were going to use up all their future time in one night.

"What's the matter, Yao?"

Lin Hui gently stroked Kasugabe Yao's sweaty face.

"Lin Hui, I have a question, why don't you have a child yet? Besides, your other children are not related to you by blood, they are the children of luck born by the world with the help of you and other girls, and Your two real children are just pieces of your soul, so why aren't there any children who truly belong to you?"

Kasugabe Yō asked this question that made her extremely curious.

Lin Hui laughed dumbly: "Yao, this matter, the reason is actually very simple, my strength is too strong, so strong that it is almost impossible for me to have children, think about it, even the world is not my opponent, Do you think you can bear my true bloodline?"

"Impossible, no one in the world can bear the weight of this bloodline. Even if there is a one-in-a-million chance of being caught, the girl's vitality will be drained in an instant. , It is precisely because my strength is too strong that it is impossible to have children."

"Compared to children, I want to cherish you more, and it's not that there are no children who really belong to me."

Lin Hui pressed his forehead against Kasugabe Yao's forehead, letting her feel a little.

"Well, that's right. I'm still very strange. Really, Asuka has been bothered by this matter for a long time."

Kasugabe Yao hugged Lin Hui, and the whole person felt very at ease.

Just as Lin Hui was about to speak, suddenly, his body shook, and then a smile appeared: "Have you finally reappeared?"

"Is it the world with impaired world consciousness you once said?"

Kasugabe Yō was a little curious.

"Well, it finally appeared. It seems that the other party is also calling me. I'm about to leave, Yao."

Lin Hui hugged Kasugabu Yō and rubbed his cheek against Kasugabe Yō's face.

"I see, go and call the black rabbit and the bird together."

Kasugabe Yao showed a helpless smile.

"Eh? Do you already know?"

Lin Hui blinked, thinking that he was hiding well!

"That rabbit couldn't hide things in the first place. After being caught and interrogated by Asuka and I, he was recruited."

Kasukabe Yō covered his mouth and snickered.

"I'm afraid of you, women's intuition is really powerful!"

Lin Hui shook his head helplessly, disappeared immediately, and brought the black rabbit and Jiuyuan Fei Niao together, and the four spent a wonderful night.

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