"Oh, by the way, I also have two things to say about the Demon God."

Before everyone left, Lin Hui showed a smile: "I passed by the hidden world when I came, and by the way, the autistic children in the hidden world were all thrown out."


All the people present were speechless.

Hidden world?

Autistic children?

Isn't that a bunch of demons?

All of them were actually brought out by Lin Hui?

One Othinus almost destroyed the world, and now a group of demon gods have appeared, so how to play?

Although it is said that the devil is not as invincible as before, the problem is that the devil still has a hundred times the power of a saint, and he still has the power after liberating the physique of the saint. beat.

How much disaster is Lin Hui trying to bring to this world!

However, Lin Hui doesn't care about these things. Anyway, the notice has been notified, and the next thing has nothing to do with him.

Lin Hui disappeared with the girls, including Othinus.


"Huh, I'm back, I haven't come back for a long time, it's quite memorable!"

Lin Hui looked at the furnishings in the house and nodded with satisfaction. The place was destroyed after Jishen Shaqiu was possessed by Aiwass, but with the assistance of Aleister, it was restored to its original state.

"Ah yes yes yes, welcome back, but you haven't said anything yet!"

Misaka Mikoto looked at Lin Hui very angry, pointed to Othinus and said, "Why did you bring back such a dangerous person?"

The other girls also looked at Lin Hui. You must know that in order to fight against Othinus, the girls here have tried their best. Even Misaka Mikoto went to see Aleister through the settlement. .

After all, Aleister is Lin Hui's subordinate, and Misaka Mikoto, who is Lin Hui's daughter, can naturally invoke Aleister's power.

With the assistance of Aleister, the girls became stronger and stronger, and prevented Othinus from planning one after another. Even when Othinus attacked Academy City, he had already reached Level 6. Tongtong, Misaka Mikoto and Takitsubo Rikō jointly shot to block him.

The grievances between the girls present and Othinus cannot be solved in a short time.

Lin Hui shrugged: "Didn't I say, but there is only one pet at home, so I picked one up and raised it."

"You give me some respect, okay, I'm a devil anyway!"

Othinus listened to Lin Hui saying "pet" on the left and "pet" on the right, and the whole person was about to go wild.

"Okay, what should I do if my pet is disobedient? Now I'll teach you how to train pets."

Lin Hui said to the girls with a smile on his face, and at the same time stretched out his hand and grabbed Othinus...

Chapter [-] The strength of the goddess Qiusha

"You...what do you want to do?"

Othinus was a little scared when he saw Lin Hui's actions, and began to step back, and at the same time wanted to use his own power, but found that he could not use any magic spells.

Lin Hui grabbed Othinus' arm at once, with a wicked smile on his face, the power to change the world began to activate, directly turning Othinus' clothes into a bunny girl's dress.

"Wow wow wow!"

Othinus looked terrified when he saw that his clothes had been changed, and directly blocked his body with his hands: "You... what did you do? Give me back my clothes!"

Lin Hui spread out his hands: "Who knows? Anyway, the clothes you wore in the past were very revealing, so don't worry about it."

Lin Hui laughed, and then threw a string of pendants to Misaka Mikoto: "I put about a hundred sets of clothes in here, there are all kinds of styles, you can figure it out for yourself, in the future, Othinus will not be obedient. Use this pendant to change Othinus' clothes and take her out for a walk."

Misaka Mikoto was a little curious, and then sensed the clothes inside the pendant, and her whole face became extremely red: "Lin Hui, you... What are you planning to collect this kind of clothes for?!"

"Oh? Let me see what clothes Lin Hui has collected!"

At this time, Shokuhou Misaki was very interested, and planned to grab the pendant from Misaka Mikoto's hand.

"Why, you woman, Lin Hui gave it to me!"

At this time, the attributes between Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Caoqi broke out. Before, they would fight together because of course they had a common enemy. Now that enemy is humiliatingly changed by Lin Hui into a bunny girl's clothes. In the living room, the whole person was extremely ashamed, feeling as if he had been humiliated.

However, her strength was completely sealed, and she completely turned into a little girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old. Although this seal would be weakened when she was in danger, so that she could protect herself, but once the danger was lifted, it would Strengthened and continued to seal all her power, making Othinus very wronged.

Her arrogance and her strength were all shattered by Lin Hui.

The strength that Lin Hui showed was completely incomparable to her.

Along with Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki, everyone began to return to their previous style.


On this day, the whole world was in unimaginable great turmoil.

Othinus became a demon, and the world was about to be destroyed.

The man who once killed Jehovah and became "Satan" by the Crusaders returned, stood on the opposite side of the world, took action to save the world, and saved Othinus, who was about to destroy the world, leaving everyone puzzled.

Later, Lin Hui changed the world, resurrected the dead, made the destruction disappear, and restored everything to the way it was before.

In addition, Lin Hui's blood pressure that completely surpassed all mankind made everyone feel astonished.

Lin Hui is the king of people!

There is no doubt that no matter what others say, it is impossible not to believe it, because the fact is that, when you are hostile to Lin Hui, you can only kneel to Lin Hui. Such a thing is impossible for anyone with self-respect. However, Lin Hui did it with the pressure of his own blood.

In the end, Lin Hui revealed all the information about the demon gods he had released, which made everyone else feel scared. It wasn't a demon god, but a group of demon gods!

Although the Demon God is not able to change the world with one thought like before, it still has a huge threat to the whole world.

However, Lin Hui, who was originally the center of the world's turbulent whirlpool, seemed to have a feeling of being out of the way. He just took it with him in Academy City and didn't care about the outside world at all.

Chapter [-] Regain Control

Lin Hui owns a world, and the stone of prayer is placed in the chaos to absorb the power generated by Lin Hui when he opened up the world to continuously upgrade Lin Hui's spiritual level. After all, the world has just opened up, and everything is purely in the chaos. In , no rules have been born yet, and at this time, the power of the wishing stone will erupt, responding to Lin Hui's wish and raising the spiritual level to the limit that can be improved.

Even Lancelot du Lac can constantly comprehend everything in Lin Hui's world. Once he was born, he was earth-shattering and his strength was unparalleled. This was entirely due to the credit of the world opened up by Lin Hui .

The current Lancelot du Lac is no longer a disobedience, but has become the first deity in the world of Lin Hui, the direct deity that belongs to Lin Hui, the creator of the world in the true sense. level person.

These are all relying on Lin Hui's world to obtain such huge benefits. As the nine-headed dragon king who directly contributed to the birth of the world, how could it not have benefited?

The world consciousness of this world is the nine-headed dragon king, and the nine-headed dragon king is equivalent to a clone of Lin Hui, controlling the evolution of this world.

And Jishen Qiusha, who merged with the Nine-headed Dragon King, naturally gained huge benefits. In the decades-long confrontation, no, it should not be said that, it should be Jishen Qiusha passively counterattacking, which took a long time. Ten years of time absorbed the power of the Nine-headed Dragon King, and then fell into a deep sleep, and the strength of the whole person has grown to a terrifying level.

At this moment, Jishen Qiusha is an existence equivalent to possessing half the power of the world, and along with her control of the power of the Nine-headed Dragon King, she has become the strongest existence in this world other than Lin Hui.

With the super strength that can wipe out all the supernatural powers in this world, although I didn't realize it, Lin Hui was quite speechless.

But forget it, anyway, with Jishen Qiusha's character, there won't be much trouble.

However, Lin Hui noticed an unusual thing, no, it should be said to be several unusual things, which made Lin Hui show an evil smile.

This twenty-fifth area is divided by Aleister for Lin Hui alone. No one except Lin Hui's approval is allowed here. Otherwise, it will be cleaned up by Aleister, or by Anbu's Mai Ye Shenli and others shot to kill him.

However, due to too many things happening recently, Mikoto and others often go out again, leading to lax management of the twenty-fifth district, allowing some people who should not have come in.

"Aleister's management has been lax recently, it seems that some talents need to be cleaned up!"

Lin Hui shook his head, a little speechless about it. After all, who made the world so chaotic recently, Lin Hui doesn't really blame Aleister, it's better to say that he can maintain Academy City in such a chaotic situation. Not bad.

However, this is not the reason why his subordinates can do things.

Just do a little research to find out whose subordinates these people are.

Since some people want to court death so much, Lin Hui will not keep his hands. As for how to make a move, Lin Hui has his own plans.


"Aleister, it seems that your prestige has dropped a lot recently!"

I don't know when, in the room full of instruments, Lin Hui appeared in front of a huge test tube like a column filled with red liquid.

"Welcome back, Mr. Lin Hui."

Aleister's voice is as indifferent as before, it seems that it is difficult to want Aleister's mood swings!

"Come on, you don't need to say your compliments, but I'm also here to tell you, the batch of people you have can be replaced, and you should have backup candidates."

Lin Hui's expression was the same as always, and he told the next thing he was going to do in an indifferent tone.

"Excuse me, do you need any assistance?"

Aleister is really respectful to Lin Hui, but on the other hand, it can also be proved that Aleister is really in Lin Hui's hands. Although he has his own thinking, he is completely in his heart. Couldn't resist Lin Hui's wishes.

After explaining, Lin Hui left and went to the first council member to be dealt with.

Responsible for managing all matters related to Academy City food such as agricultural buildings, and at the same time, he can freely mobilize most of the defense forces used to protect infrastructure. He also uses a fully armed battle train, which is kept in motion at all times to ensure high altitude. safety.

However, this just shows that he is very afraid of death, so afraid of death that he has been living on the moving train, worried that others will find him.

This person is none other than the one who has been recruited by DA. He also has a unit called "Ghouls" in his hands. All his actions are to provoke Lin Hui.

This person should have been promoted by Aleister when Lin Hui was still there, but since Lin Hui disappeared, he began to grow bolder and test the bottom line of District [-] bit by bit.

There's no way, it's really scary. Anyone who comes out of the twenty-fifth district is a level 5 or higher superpower. Although Academy City says that there are eight superpowers on the surface, it is actually far away in the twenty-fifth district. There are far more than eight, and three of them have reached the level 6 level that Academy City has been working on for a long time.

Listen to God's will as a mortal.

This is the highest goal of Academy City.

Everyone else was kept in the dark, but Academy City's general council knew that the twenty-fifth area was a restricted area, a place that Aleister was forbidden to enter.

But there is a way to get people to level 6.

This is enough to make many people tempted, and Zangzang is one of them.

But unfortunately, he violated Lin Hui's taboo and sent someone to step into the twenty-fifth district, which became the direct cause of his death.

Chapter [-]: Return to the calm daily life

"You, who are you? Why are you here?!"

At this time, Zangzang was a little panicked, because there was a person in the train where he was. Although he couldn't see clearly because of the dim light, it did not prevent the hidden fear in Zangzang's heart from erupting.

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