It should have been that no one could find him.

"Is DA yours?"

At this time, Lin Hui slowly walked out of the shadows and looked at the hidden book: "You really have a lot of special thoughts about my Academy City!"

"I don't care about DA for the time being. The same is true for 'ghouls', but it is already doomed if you dare to step into the twenty-fifth district. Your life is over."

Lin Hui slowly walked towards the death book.

" are...Lin Hui..."

Li Zang didn't expect to see Lin Hui here, he suddenly understood that everything was over, he also expected to get the secrets of the twenty-fifth district, but instead he killed himself.

On this day, an accident occurred on the underground train. The entire train overturned and collapsed, and all the people inside were killed.

Aleister immediately used the power in her hand to suppress the matter.

However, this is just the beginning.

Flanda's sister was originally not allowed to live in District [-], but with the acquiescence of Yuriko Suzuka, Flanda was temporarily brought in for refuge. twenty-five districts.

Since Index and Sasha are on the magic side, it would be bad if they were found in the twenty-fifth district, so Aleister specially arranged a church shelter for them to let the two people live in it.

However, some people not only focused on the secrets of the twenty-fifth area, but also wanted to use Flanda's sister Flemia Severen to carry out the "human resources" plan, but unfortunately, one of the facilitators He broke into the twenty-fifth district openly and was bombarded and killed by Mai Ye Shenli.

That person is not the victim, but the second person known as the "weiyuan material" - Emperor Kakine, who originally used the superpower of Emperor Kakine to completely overcome Shiri Mugino.

But Mai Ye Shenli had already surpassed the level of level 5 under the training of Lin Hui. Although his strength had not yet reached level 6, he had already reached the point where he was not comparable to ordinary superpowers.

If it weren't for the immortal material restraining Mai Ye Shenli, I am afraid that Emperor Kagene would have been killed by Mai Ye Shenli the moment he entered the twenty-fifth district.

It's a pity that after supporting dozens of tricks, Mai Ye Shenli was killed by the yard pump whose ability value output reached the third stage to surpass his computing power.

This is a fact that Kakine Emperor can't believe. Originally, the non-elemental matter made by Kakine Emperor can completely reflect the atomic collapse, but through the operation of Kakino Shiri, the atomic collapse actually distorted it in the air by colliding with each other. It formed a refraction angle and killed Emperor Kakine there.

However, Emperor Kakine told everything he saw before he died.

Accelerator, Shokuhou Misaki, Mai Ye Shiri, and the new eighth Takitsubo Riku, more than half of the superpowers gathered in the twenty-five school district. How could it not be shocking?

Yaowei Hisako is also very sorry, but she did not give up the "human resources" plan. It's a pity that before this experiment entered the final stage, the operation of the demon god Othinus began. Suddenly, almost all the superpowers of Academy City were dispatched. , in order to fight against Othinus and prevent her from becoming a demon god, he did his best.

Yaowei Jiuzi took the opportunity to send someone into the twenty-fifth school district, but unfortunately, nothing was obtained, because the only house in the twenty-fifth school district was inaccessible, or it had a special protection mechanism, even if Yaowei Jiuzi was not reconciled Can only give up.

When she learned that Lin Hui was back, she immediately evacuated everyone, and prepared a lot of means, others didn't know, but Yaowei Hisako was very clear.

She is one of the members of the governing council appointed by Aleister since Academy City was established. After fifty years, Yakimi Hisako has seen many storms.

The elderly with great influence in the medical field, the Misaka sisters that Lin Hui once made, she had the idea of ​​​​doing something, but it is a pity that Lin Hui came back too quickly, and she was very concerned about those who were sent back by Lin Hui. The seven members of the governing council and their subordinates were all cleaned up by Lin Hui.

This time, Yaowei Hisako saw Lin Hui's ruthlessness and ruthlessness, and she was one of the few people who knew that Lin Hui was the real ruler of Academy City.

The general council has changed a lot of people, but Yaowei Jiuzi has been able to stay in this position because she is ruthless and cautious enough to do things carefully so as not to offend Lin Hui.

Until Lin Hui left this world, Yaowei Jiuzi finally started, trying to get all the secrets about Lin Hui, but unfortunately, he came back without success.

Now that Lin Hui is back, it is strange that Yaowei Jiuzi is not afraid.

However, Yaowei Hisako did not know that she had decided her fate since she took action.

All the love checks were destroyed, and even Yagami Hisako himself died.

Not only these two members of the general council, but more than six, that is, exactly half of the members of the general council and their subordinates, were cleaned up. big cleaning.

After doing all this, Lin Hui just wiped away the traces of these dead people. For Lin Hui, giving the other party death is a matter of thought, but if he doesn't do it himself, how can he deter other Xiao Xiao with such thoughts. What about the elder?

Afterwards, Lin Hui returned to the villa and officially began to return to life in this world.

The matter was resolved perfectly, and Othinus had no way to escape or leave. There is no one who can fight against Lin Hui in this world. Lin Hui now just wants to have a good rest and wait for the demon to be banned. The world is pulled into the source of all realms.

In the past, there was systematic assistance, but this time Lin Hui did it himself, so it was a lot slower. However, now Lin Hui also needs time.

Chapter [-] Goodbye Meiling

The next day, Lin Hui woke up early and hadn't seen the girls for a long time. Maybe it was only a few months for the girls, but Lin Hui had been in other worlds for decades. The girls have been separated for a long time, so I plan to make a good breakfast for the girls.

After I sensed it a little, everything around was as quiet and peaceful as before. Well, after all, there was a cleaning last night, and all the disobedient people were slaughtered. I can only settle down, lest Lin Hui catch him and use this excuse to wash it off.

In this Academy City, Lin Hui is an absolute existence.

Now the whole world has become turbulent. After all, several demon gods have been discovered by people who do not kill and search for magic associations, and they have fought with them.

However, the strength of the Demon God was too strong, to a certain extent, it easily defeated those who were in the magic association, and even three saints were defeated by their encounters.

In this world, demon gods can't do whatever they want, but that doesn't mean they can be kneaded by others.

Except for Lin Hui, they will not be afraid of any other existence, this is the devil.

However, no matter whether it is the Demon Gods or other organizations in this world, the Magic Association does not dare to approach Academy City easily, because there are human kings who surpass everything in this world, and even the Demon Gods can easily obliterate and change the world. Rewrite the rules of the world.

Therefore, it is all thanks to Lin Hui that Academy City is able to have such peace now!


After getting up, Lin Hui tidied up a little, looked at Misaka Mikoto lying on the bed, pinched her little nose lightly, made Misaka Mikoto frown a little, turned around and continued to sleep soundly.

Afterwards, Lin Hui left the room and entered the room prepared for Othinus. It was impossible for Othinus to leave here anyway, at least until the other party returned to his heart.

Sure enough, after being sealed with all his power, Othinus could only sleep like an ordinary girl.

"It's time to get up."

Lin Hui patted Othinus on the face and called him up.

"It's you! Hey, you guy, hurry up..."

Othinus just wanted to resist, but his clothes turned into a blue and white maid outfit: "Okay, come and help quickly, otherwise, I won't care if I'm hungry later."

Lin Hui just dropped these words and left. Anyway, Othinus is a pet part-time maid brought back by him. She likes to do it or not. There will be time to rectify her in the future. At least she has to be obedient, otherwise There is no guarantee that there will be any unmanageable troubles in the future.

Othinus was a little confused. She thought that Lin Hui was here to do something, but she actually woke up to work, so she was a little angry, so she didn't go to the kitchen.

Lin Hui doesn't care either, it's optional. In addition to himself, in this family, Yuriko Suzuka, Rigo Takitsubo, etc., there are many girls who get up early.

No, after Lin Hui was busy for a few minutes, Yuriko Lingke and others came to the kitchen. Seeing that Lin Hui was preparing breakfast, they began to help Lin Hui with other ingredients, helping Lin Hui save a lot. time.


"Oh, it smells so good!"

At this time, the black night seabird came to the living room and smelled a long-awaited fragrance.

"Lin Hui, are you actually cooking?"

This tangy aroma suddenly evoked the memories of Heiye Seabird, making Heiye Seabird a little unbelievable.

"What's the matter, can't you?"

Lin Hui turned the spoon in his hand and smiled at Heiye Seabird.

"Of course you can!"

After saying that, Heiye Seabird immediately flew to the bathroom and started to wash up.

The other girls were also woken up by the fragrance. It was the first time in a few months that they smelled this fragrance. How could it not be surprising? Even Misaka Mikoto, who had been working all night last night, immediately got up. .

Othinus, who was in her room, naturally did not have breakfast. As a demon god, she could not starve to death, but because she was sealed with all her power, she could now feel her stomach being tortured by hunger. Then, when he thought of what Lin Hui had said before, Othinus couldn't bring himself to look for Lin Hui.

Everyone was very happy to eat breakfast. It has been a long time since I had such a delicious breakfast. After all, Lin Hui is rather lazy, and only occasionally cooks to cook a meal. Today, the girls were really pleasantly surprised.

After breakfast, Yuriko Suzuka and Dolly started washing the dishes, and everyone else was getting ready to go to school.

After the family was almost gone, Lin Hui left Academy City at once. After all, nothing happened in Academy City. Although it was peaceful now, as the largest dark organization in Academy City, "Item", Suzuka Yuriko and others also went out to prevent other magicians from sneaking in. After all, this kind of thing did not happen before, and, most importantly, it happened many times when Lin Hui was still there.

Lin Hui himself came to a home all of a sudden. At this time, the people in this home should have just woken up.

Lin Hui walked into the kitchen again and started to prepare. Speaking of which, this is the one who is in this world. No, it should be said that he is the first wife in the world who is married by a clear match, although it is a bit unfair to other girls. , but it was also the result of a momentary emotional excitement.

"Huh? What does it taste like?"

At this time, a woman who, um, looked like she was in her twenties walked downstairs and saw a figure busy in the kitchen.

"Yo, Meiling, why don't you sleep for a while?"

Lin Hui greeted with a smile: "Let's take a shower first, I'll just prepare breakfast."

"Lin Hui? Is it really you?"

Misaka Meiling showed an incredible look.

Chapter [-] Travel to England

"Lin...Lin Hui? When did you come back?"

Misaka Meiling didn't expect to see Lin Hui here, which really surprised her.

"Yesterday, I came to see you not long after I came back, hurry up, go wash your face, you really haven't changed at all from before!"

Lin Hui said with a smile.

Afterwards, Lin Hui flipped the pot and poured out the poached eggs and bacon inside.

"Well, really, it's only been a few months, how can there be any changes! You say it like... ah, it seems possible!"

Misaka Meiling walked to the bathroom muttering to herself.

Lin Hui prepared breakfast, um, for two.

Although I have already eaten it, no matter what, if I just look at others, others will be embarrassed. Anyway, I can eat no matter how much food comes, so why should I embarrass others and embarrass me? appear?

Afterwards, Misaka Meiling came back and took the position: "I'm starting!"

"Well, it's delicious, Lin Hui, it's really been a long time since I've eaten your cooking, it's so delicious."

Misaka Meiling's face suddenly turned rosy and she looked very happy.

Lin Hui smiled and didn't speak. He looked at Misaka Meiling while eating, and seemed to miss this kind of time very much.

Well, isn't it? After Lin Hui and Misaka Meiling got married, this often happened. Later, due to the establishment of Academy City and the birth of Misaka Mikoto, Lin Hui gradually faded out.

"What's the matter, keep staring at people?"

Misaka Meiling was also a little embarrassed, and was stared at by Lin Hui.

"It's nothing, just look at my beautiful wife, is there anything you can't do?"

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