Lin Hui tilted his head and said with a smile.

Misaka Meiling was a little shy by Lin Hui's words: "They are both old couples and old wives, so I'm not ashamed to say such things."

Afterwards, Misaka Meiling moved her chopsticks a little faster to hide her shyness.

"Ah, by the way, you said you came back last night, so where did you live last night?"

Misaka Meiling suddenly remembered this question. Lin Hui interrupted her pace just now. She wanted to ask at first, but she forgot.

"Academy City."

Lin Hui answered briefly, feeling a little empty in his heart.

"With Mikoto?"

Misaka Meiling's eyes began to look bad, well, after all, that's the kind of relationship between the three of them.


Lin Hui's voice was a little soft, but he still admitted that, at least, Lin Hui would not lie about this kind of thing.

"Hey, just spoil her, really, you lost to your daughter in the end, do you know how I feel?"

Misaka Meiling has already accepted her fate, who let herself meet a very domineering guy like Lin Hui!

Lin Hui stuck out his tongue, like a child, and then put down his chopsticks: "That's why I came back to accompany you, wife."

Misaka Mikoto wrinkled her nose: "Death, hmph, I don't need your company, don't think I'm still the kind of little girl who can't live without you!"

Lin Hui showed a smile, then checked the date, confirmed it, and smiled at Misaka Meiling: "Wife, the end of the festival is about to start, I plan to pick you up to see it together."

"The One End Festival, is it the day when the school house is open to the public? The day when you can go in and meet the eldest ladies who you can't get in touch with before?"

Misaka Meiling raised her eyebrows.

"That's right, so, Meiling, are you interested?"

Lin Hui showed a wicked smile.

Misaka Meiling also showed a very kind and gentle smile: "Of course, we can see the hard work of our lovely daughter!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Hey hey hey hey..."


At this moment, Misaka Mikoto in Tokiwadai School couldn't help shuddering: "Why do you feel a bad premonition?"


After cleaning up the tableware, Lin Hui took Misaka Meiling out to play. Anyway, Misaka Meiling is basically studying in college now, and the usual expenses are paid into the designated account by the people of Academy City. Lack of money, no need to go out to work, very leisurely.

And Lin Hui himself is not short of money in this world. You must know that there are more than ordinary consortiums in the world that have Lin Hui's presence. Otherwise, it is impossible to support the construction of such a huge city as Academy City. , including all kinds of maintenance and so on.

Therefore, Lin Hui had a good day with Misaka Meiling and got married with Misaka Meiling in the evening.

The next day, Lin Hui left, but it was a perfect day for Misaka Meiling.

In fact, Misaka Meiling also knows that Lin Hui has many wives in other worlds, but, no matter what, she is Lin Hui's first officially married wife. For Misaka Meiling, it is definitely a part of her life. The best memory.

At the wedding ceremony, there were only himself and Lin Hui, and he was definitely a very special one among Lin Hui's many wives.


And Lin Hui, who said goodbye to Misaka Meiling, has traveled across the ocean and came to the United Kingdom, no, to be precise, he came to St. Peter's Basilica.

"Welcome, Lord Human King."

At this time, the golden swimmer, who was two and a half times the height of a person, greeted Lin Hui very respectfully.

Lin Hui raised the girl's chin with his fingers: "Then, my little Laura, what gift have you prepared to welcome me?"

Laura stood on tiptoe, put her arms around Lin Hui's neck and gave a welcome kiss, and said with a smile, "Please come with me, Lord Human King."

Afterwards, Laura took Lin Hui to the place where she rested on weekdays. This is the secret room where Laura and Lin Hui usually have a tryst. Doing this kind of thing in such a sacred place always has a different kind of excitement. Especially when I was in hostility to Jehovah at the beginning, this feeling was even stronger.

However, after seeing everything in the room, Lin Hui scratched his head: "I said Laura, do you think of me as a reckless tyrant?"

Chapter [-]: The Man Who Takes All Tactics, Military and Kindness

"Eh? Isn't it? I always thought it was like this!"

Laura laughed and moved directly to Lin Hui.

"Long time no see, Lin Hui!"

At this time, Kanzaki greeted respectfully.

"Well, long time no see, Kanzaki, Wuhe, and you too."

Lin Hui looked at the other two girls.


Kanzaki's mood is very complicated. The day before yesterday, he was still confronting Lin Hui because of Othinus's affairs, and now they are sitting together again. How could Kanzaki's mood not be complicated?

On the contrary, Wuhe didn't have so many ideas. After all, she was in action with the Amakusa-style Cross-Worship Sect to maintain the security in the UK. When she learned that Lin Hui could actually suppress the whole world by himself, forcing the whole world to stop. Without lowering her head, she was upgraded from the original little fan girl to a super little fan girl at once, and Wuhe was Lin Hui's woman. The combination of these two things suddenly made Wuhe's mood extremely complicated.

"So, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Laura suddenly leaned over and sat on the right of Lin Hui, and Kanzaki and Itsuwa were both shy types, how could they be as bold as Laura.

"Satisfied, how can I be dissatisfied? Just don't think of me as someone who only has this kind of thing in mind."

Lin Hui flicked Laura, and then accepted Laura's gift.


Lin Hui sat on the bed, and Laura leaned against Lin Hui: "What's the matter, what are you thinking about?"

"By the way, when I left before, that nun army should have been incorporated by you?"

Lin Hui remembered this matter, no wonder that after he came to this world, he could always feel the power of interesting faith surrounding him. It seemed that it was probably the matter of this nun army.

"Well, it is, but now they are helping out as the escort for the dinner hosted by Queen Elizabeth tonight. Why, miss your three little lovers?"

Laura seems to have some taste, but if she really wants to eat it, Laura may be able to sour herself to death. After all, there are too many women around Lin Hui, and Laura roughly estimates that there are dozens of them. This is still Lin Hui. All Hui girls in this world, once they are added in other worlds, it is estimated that the number will double several times.

"Don't say that, I think I can still attend tonight's dinner, how about you?"

Lin Hui thought for a moment. After all, as the only husband of the three British princesses, he couldn't justify it without showing his face.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired. There are a lot of evening dresses in the wardrobe over there. You can choose one for yourself."

Saying that, Laura rolled up a quilt and covered her beautiful body, lying on the side, as if she was really going to sleep.

Lin Hui got up and started to change his clothes. The black windbreaker he wore before was already put away by Lin Hui. That was Bai Yasha, yes, you read that right, it was Bai Yasha, the former White Night Throne Lin Hui Weaving. Yes, when Lin Hui got his hands, he was stunned. He felt that Bai Yasha was not such a person. He was so angry that Bai Yasha chased and killed Lin Hui for a long time, but Lin Hui still loved Bai Yasha once at night. .

So surprising.

Of course, the Queen of Halloween and Alger were not to be outdone when they found out.

However, it is easy to say that the Queen of Halloween, she is not impossible to complete, Alger is really uncomfortable, but under the guidance of Hagase Natsuyin, Banrigu Yuri and Aisha also completed one, There are also many twists and turns, which will not be described here.

As one of the three major problem children in the Dawn of Hakoniwa, it is incredible to be able to knit a piece of clothing for a person. Lin Hui is blessed to receive such a piece of clothing. .

After changing into the evening dress, Lin Hui went to Buckingham Palace, where the dinner was held.


As soon as he came to the vicinity of Buckingham Palace, Lin Hui noticed waves of aura fluctuations, and the whole person showed his body shape directly.


At this time, a red hair was all tied into a pencil-thin three-strand braid, wearing cork platform sandals with a height of [-] cm, removing the part below the zipper of the skirt of the nun's dress and wearing it as a miniskirt, holding a small piece with a small front end in hand. The squatting angel statue, the six wings behind the angel, are like a cane like a birdcage surrounding itself.

This girl is none other than the official Janice Santis, the former captain of the Roman Orthodox Corps of Janice, who is now a unit of the Anglican Church.

"Long time no see, my lovely nuns."

Lin Hui said with a smile, the king's demeanor on his whole body was fully revealed.

"I have seen the king."

Yanice knelt down on one knee on the spot, and the other nuns also appeared and knelt in front of Lin Hui.

When they were abandoned, it was Lin Hui who took them in. Therefore, all their beliefs will be returned to Lin Hui. This is a quid pro quo.

Lin Hui nodded: "The dinner party hasn't started yet, right?"

"Yes, my subordinates will take you there."

With that said, Yanice stood up and led the way for Lin Hui in front.

Lin Hui followed, and the other nuns stood up only after Janice and Lin Hui disappeared.

"What a powerful aura, I didn't even dare to breathe just now."

"Yeah, it's amazing. I didn't have such a strong aura when I saw this adult before. Now it's a world of difference compared to before!"

"Isn't that right? Now people are kings of people. The king of mankind is not the king of a country, but the king of the entire human race. It is natural to have such a powerful aura."

"Hee hee, I heard other people discussing before, saying that the one who won all the strategy, military and benevolence will be present, and they said that it might lose the face of the royal family."

"That's not it, who made the three princesses fall in love with one person! However, now, these people can't speak."

"Let's watch a good show!"

Chapter Twelve Your Men Will Never Let You Down

Yanis led the way, and Lin Hui followed behind.

"What is the purpose of this dinner party, it won't be launched without a purpose, right? Although I think

It's not impossible, after all, in terms of Queen Eliza's character. "Lin Hui teased slightly.

"Although I would like to agree with His Majesty's idea, but unfortunately, it is not this time."

At this time, a man in formal clothes with a serious face suddenly appeared in front of Yanice and Lin Hui: "I haven't greeted you for a long time, Your Majesty."

"You're welcome, Knight Commander."

Lin Hui looked at the head of the knights and smiled slightly: "Then, can you please explain the specific content of this dinner?"

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