
The days went on as before. After being freed by Lin Hui that day and breaking into his heart with a very tough posture, Othinus also opened his heart and began to communicate with other people, although he was still so arrogant. He has a good posture and is very picky about food. However, I have to say that with Othinus here, Lin Hui's confidence can be greatly improved.

Even if other demon gods face Othinus, they will never be the opponent of Othinus.

I thought the days would continue like this, but at this time, something unexpected happened.

You must know that there are only three absolute ability level 6 people in this world.

Misaka Mikoto is the daughter of the world, and Lin Hui's own potential is the most qualified to become level 6, and she also became the first level 6 under Lin Hui's arrangement, mastering her own rules.

And Yuriko Ling Branch itself has the ability to achieve level 6, but it was developed in advance under the guidance of Lin Hui.

As for Takitsubo Rigo, she is a level 6 in essence, but because of her lack of understanding, she finally mastered the way she fully understood from the information left by Lin Hui and became a level 6.

And now, a huge change has taken place, and after Lin Hui shattered all the aspects and displayed his amazing spatial ability that morning, this ability resonated.

In Academy City, the fourth level 6 was finally born, and Lin Hui was extremely surprised.

Chapter [-] Coordinate Transmission

"Is this my rule? My space rule."

The girl opened her palm, and in an instant, the arrangement in the entire room was changed. No, it should be said that it was moved, and the girl herself took a step, but the next moment appeared in something else. The place does not even need any movement, just a thought, and oneself can appear in other dimensions all at once.

She seems to be the master of this space, and no one can defy her thoughts at all.

The next moment, a figure entered this absolute field.

"What a surprise, I didn't expect that the fourth person to become an absolute capable person is actually you."

Lin Hui looked at the girl with red double ponytails: "Kie Biao Danxi."

"Yeah, I'm also quite surprised. I thought that the fourth person who became an absolute ability was not Shirley Maiye, but also Shokuhou Misaki. After all, the two of them were really taught by you personally."

"However, when you shattered the aspect, it seems that I have gained more benefits and have a deeper understanding of space. Not only that, the space ability you used this morning is a kind of stimulation to my ability, Let me find my own rules all at once."

Kiebiao Danxi is like a queen of manipulating space, with two wormholes appearing by her hand, which can expand to any place she can.

"How big is the range now?"

Lin Hui was a little curious, and wanted to know how much the ability range of Bidding Danxi is now. When the original itself was level 4, the limit weight of the coordinate movement of Bidding Danxi was 4520 kg, and the maximum moving distance was over 800 meters. After reaching level 5, the ability has been enhanced again. In addition, after the trauma of the past has been overcome, Yubiao Danxi has become much stronger, at least stronger than Shirai Kuroko, and there is no need to set a reference.

Therefore, compared with Shirai Kuroko's space transfer, the coordinate movement range of Knot Danxi is wider, and it is activated more quickly.

Now that he has become level 6, the ability to end the standard Danxi is definitely stronger than before.

"The scope is probably the entire Academy City. If the maximum weight of the teleportation is concerned, it is unclear, but it should be no problem to teleport the entire Academy City away."

Yubiao Danxi smiled and seemed to be waiting for something.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and touched the head of Junbiao Danxi: "Very good, you worked very hard, it's incredible that there has been such a big qualitative change after you became level 6."

Yes, Yubiao Danxi's ability is definitely a qualitative change compared to other people. The current Academy City is so vast, and after all the floating islands are connected, the area will be at least larger than the entire Tokyo. More than ten times, and the weight of the entire Academy City is even more difficult to estimate.

However, after rising to level 6, everyone will have special abilities.

Just like Misaka Mikoto's white thunder, Suzuka Yuriko is a black and white wing that cannot be explained by science or magic, and Takitsubo's is a large-scale promotion of others. Ability, coercion to make others a pseudo-level6.

Just looking at the abilities of these three people, it seems that there has not been a huge change in the knot, but the range has become larger and the movable weight has increased.

But Lin Hui guessed that this matter is not so simple, and the real ability of Biao Biao Danxi is super-wide detection.

That is to say, in the process of using the ability, Yubiao Danxi has a clear understanding of everything within the scope of his ability, and then arbitrarily controls the movement of objects in this area.

From the original coordinate movement to the current coordinate transmission, if this is replaced by war, just one person will be enough to destroy a country, send countless war weapons into the enemy's camp, and keep the enemy scattered. , can even take away everything from the enemy, equipment, food, etc., as long as it is within the realm of the enemy, there is nothing that the enemy can't take away.

That's the real scary thing about Takao Danxi.

But more than that, Jibiao Danxi can even transfer all kinds of gases in the air in this area, and use isolation methods.

Once the enemy is confronted, such a method is really terrible. Pure oxygen is poisonous.

Although this way, the control range will be smaller, but it doesn't get in the way at all. After all, the scope of Yubiao Danxi's ability is already very broad, and the reduction is generally five times larger than that of the entire Tokyo.

Just when Lin Hui was feeling this, Jiubiao Danxi suddenly floated up, wrapped his arms around Lin Hui's neck, and kissed him directly.

Naturally, Lin Hui found out about the action of Biao Biao Danxi, and used the space to transfer himself into the air. The current Biao Biao Danxi can naturally do this, but Lin Hui did not expect that Biao Biao Danxi would be so bold. Come up and do this directly to yourself.

After a while, Jiebiao Danxi released Lin Hui's neck, and the whole person moved to another place at once.

"Come to me tonight, there is a surprise!"

The soft laughter of Jibiao Danxi came over, making Lin Hui's heart a little itchy.

It's true that Bidding Danxi can be eaten for a long time, but it was agreed at the beginning that after reaching level 6, he would give himself to Lin Hui, so Bidding Danxi could not be regarded as breaking his promise.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the current Knot Danxi is already extremely powerful. Lin Hui can feel that the current Knot Danxi is not the real Knot Danxi. The previous contact with him is real, but What appeared later was not, it was just a projection of the end of the mark.

Through the projection of one's own space in a different space, others who want to attack Kiebiao Danxi will not be able to hit him at all, but will let Kiebiao Danxi find out.

This is the advantage of entering level 6. You can activate abilities at any time. Basically, as long as Jibiao Danxi is always in a different dimension, it is impossible for anyone to hurt her.

Chapter [-] Mikoto's Birthday (End of this volume)

Several months have passed, and it has been five months since the opening of Academy City. The current Academy City has gradually broken away from the run-in period and entered a period of peace, and the world society has also entered a period of development. , At this time, no one dared to jump out and pick things up.

Because all those who challenge things will be killed without even Lin Hui's action.

No one knows who did it, and no one knows how it happened, but there is no doubt that those who picked it up were killed overnight.

Academy City's status is supreme, it is the center of this world, and it is also the holy place of this world.

Social classes cannot be eliminated, but they can be reduced. This is what Lin Hui has done.

Lin Hui meets the girl he once liked in this world, then he will make the world different.

I wish everyone in this world is like a dragon.

Lin Hui did it, bestowing superpowers and magical aptitudes on everyone in this world, plus every demon god would go to different places to start classes from time to time. There can be no more than three people in the world at most, and everyone else has to stay in this world.

The specific world is decided by the Demon Gods themselves.

The whole world has become different, and the origin of the world has become incomparably strong, possessing extremely terrifying power, and it is indeed the world that Lin Hui values.

After several months of moving, I have approached the coordinate point hidden by myself. There is the origin of the world. There, it is the foundation of myself and the cornerstone of my ability to reach the peak. It is precisely because of the origin of the world. , Lin Hui was able to continuously condense the luck of many worlds to reach such a state.


"I finally understood the way of time."

Lin Hui opened his eyes, the way of space had been thoroughly understood by Lin Hui three months ago, and the way of time was more difficult than the way of space, it took Lin Hui so much time, This is only barely understood when there is a time-space spell that can open the world channel.

Next, you only need to consolidate these two ways. In the way of people, Lin Hui's strength has the power of two more ways.

However, what Lin Hui did not expect was that in Feng Zhan Binghua, Lin Hui actually sensed the power of the way of karma. That is to say, the person who gave the power to Feng Zhan Binghua was someone who possessed karma. However, this way of cause and effect is not complete. It seems that most of it has been taken away by people, and only a little residue is left. However, even some residue is enough to make Feng Zhan Binghua become the world's transcendence. world class presence.

However, because he accepted the power of others, and the power of the way of karma does not match Feng Zhan Binghua, Feng Zhan Binghua can only be regarded as a pseudo-transcendence world-class powerhouse, that is, he is forcibly promoted by force. Yes, there is absolutely no sense of his own power.

Those who truly rely on their own strength to break through the shackles of the world will break free from the shackles of the entire world on living beings, and their strength will increase by leaps and bounds, and it will increase every moment, but Feng Zhan Binghua is not like this, so there is no such treatment. Yes, but the power beyond the world, even in Hakoniwa, is far beyond the single-digit level, and it is enough to smash the wind and the ice.

Not to mention, Lin Hui had long since tore apart a small half of his soul and sent it into Feng Zhan Binghua's body, turning Feng Zhan Binghua into his true daughter.

Moreover, the power of his own soul will help Feng Zhan Binghua to accept the way of cause and effect. Therefore, Lin Hui also hopes to see Feng Zhan Binghua break free from all the shackles by himself one day.


Just when Lin Hui was about to set off, a figure appeared in front of Lin Hui, hugged Lin Hui at once, and pecked Lin Hui's lips.

"Danxi, what are you doing?"

Lin Hui looked at the little girl who had been accepted by him, and asked amusingly.

"It's nothing, I've been missing you a bit lately, can't I?"

Jiubiao Danxi put his arms around Lin Hui's neck with a sweet smile on his face.

"Of course, but I need to prepare now."

Lin Hui blinked.

"I see, I've already informed everyone else, Shokuhou said that she will hold back, and Shirai will help cover it up, but you are so kind to Misaka, Shokuhou is an old man. You are muttering, you are biased, and you have never celebrated her birthday."

Yubiao Danxi said with a very resentful expression; "Neither did I."

Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "Didn't I give Xiao Qi a gift? Isn't she already level 6?"

"But a girl just likes the person she likes to celebrate her birthday!"

Jiebiao Danxi entangled Lin Hui a little bit reluctantly.

Lin Hui patted Yubiao Danxi's little butt: "Okay, I understand, but let me go today, okay?"

"of course."

Yubiao Danxi jumped down, and then took Lin Hui to the arranged venue.


"Huh? Kuroko, why did you bring me here? Also, Shokuhou, what do you want to do?"

Misaka Mikoto looked at Shokuhou Misaki with a suspicious look on her face, and was a little wary of Shokuhou Misaki.

"Hehehe, Misaka-san is still so vigilant, aren't we good friends together? Why are you so guarded against me, Dolly will be sad too! Are you saying that, Dolly?"

"Okay, elder sister, let's go!"

Dolly pulled Misaka Mikoto to an open space in the park: "Sister, please stand here."

"What do you want to do?"

Misaka Mikoto was a little puzzled.

However, at this moment, countless fireworks salutes rushed into the sky.



Moreover, at this time, the explosion of fireworks in the sky formed a string of words, causing Misaka Mikoto to widen her eyes.

At the same time, a person appeared on the electronic big screen of the entire Academy City, and this person was Lin Hui.

This man stood under the night sky, and almost all the stars gathered around him and shone like a prince.

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