"Today, it's my girlfriend, Misaka Mikoto's birthday, I want to be here, with the world's attention, send her birthday wishes, Mikoto, I wish you a happy birthday!"

Misaka Mikoto covered her mouth all of a sudden, unable to believe that Lin Hui actually used such a thought for her own birthday, which is really hard to imagine.

It is estimated that only Lin Hui in the world can do such a thing.

At this moment, countless lights converged on the open space of the park, and Misaka Mikoto's figure suddenly appeared on the electronic screen. Suddenly, Misaka Mikoto's whole person was ashamed. It was too embarrassing. .

Some people complained that Lin Hui was doing such a big thing. It was enough to hold a birthday party in private. It was so grand and let the whole world know about it. How could it make Misaka Mikoto not shy?

"Let go of the dreams and the future that are engraved in my heart, even if the future is abandoned, it doesn't matter.

I don't care about boundaries, it's pointless

This power turns distant thoughts into bright rays of light


Lin Hui showed off her singing skills and gave the song to Misaka Mikoto as her birthday present.

And almost all the content of this song is about Misaka Mikoto, it can be said that it is a love song given to Misaka Mikoto by Lin Hui.

This time, Misaka Mikoto was really overwhelmed, and the whole person was a little dizzy.

This unique birthday carnival for Misaka Mikoto completely kicked off after Lin Hui finished singing...

Chapter 18 of the Eye-Catching Shana Volume [-] You really gave me a big surprise!

"Dad, did you hear what I said?"

Misaka Mikoto is really about to explode. The celebration of "Congratulations to Misaka Mikoto's Birthday" that swept the world last night lasted for a full night until the sky turned white.

With such a crazy celebration and the song Lin Hui sang at night, Misaka Mikoto is known all over the world as Lin Hui's girlfriend, and the whole world is talking about Misaka Mikoto's identity.

After all, Lin Hui changed the world by himself and suppressed all men.

He single-handedly created this unprecedented prosperous world of cultivation, allowing everyone to gain a power that is different from their own before, and opened up Academy City, a holy place for cultivation, so that everyone can study.

"Okay, Mikoto, what else do you want, your mother and I have never enjoyed such treatment. Lin Hui is really too partial."

Misaka Mikoto suddenly hugged Misaka Mikoto and said in Misaka Mikoto's ear.

"Wow! Mom, what are you doing!"

Misaka Mikoto's whole body was like a cat, and her whole body jumped away in an instant, and her whole person's face became extremely red.

"The relationship between my elder sister and my mother is really good. Misaka is very envious, so I had to seek comfort from my father."

At this time, the last work ran to Lin Hui's side and hugged Lin Hui's leg.

"Okay, stop making trouble, I'm opening the world channel."

Lin Hui rolled his eyes reluctantly. In the past, after the death of the system, Lin Hui could easily open the world channel, and the world channel of the package queen was opened by the system. After all, it was only set by Lin Hui. It's just a teleportation array, and this time, Lin Hui really wants to open the world channel and stabilize it.

In this way, it is necessary to fully understand the way of space and time, and work together to establish the space-time channel. This aspect is not so simple.

"Lin Hui, is it really okay?"

Misaka Meiling looked at Lin Hui with some worry, because she took a big advantage. She was the first woman to marry Lin Hui. She can be said to be the most special one among Lin Hui's women.

"Don't worry, they are all very good, it doesn't matter, and my status in the family is also very high, don't worry, basically it is the same."

Lin Hui proudly patted his chest and assured, and then, the next moment, Lin Hui's hands released an extremely powerful force, and immediately, the entire open space was shrouded in light, and as soon as a mysterious and mysterious formation appeared, At this moment, in front of everyone, a wormhole-like passage was opened, and there was infinite brilliance inside, enticing people to enter it.

Then, three streams of light descended: "You are here, Sengzheng, Chimera, and Nefertus."

"Yes, the three of us are the first three."

Chimera greeted Lin Hui very respectfully. The strength of this man has never been forgotten by the demon gods. His incomparably terrifying strength shook everything. Even the aspects that they couldn't eliminate were shattered by Lin Hui layer by layer. The ground was shattered, and in the end, the original appearance was covered with other aspects, what a terrifying strength.

"Well, come with me."

Afterwards, Lin Hui was the first to step into the space-time passage, followed by Misaka Meiling and other Lin Hui's women, while Seng Zheng and the other three entered after everyone present entered.

Even Nefertus' face was a little weird: "This human king looks, um, it's really not to be underestimated in every sense."

"Let's go!"


"I'm back, this time is quite fast, it's only been a year."

Nangong sensed that in that month, another passage had been opened in the origin of all worlds. This place was the aura of the world that Lin Hui had forcibly broken open when he was in distress, but this time it was truly opened by Lin Hui. That's it.

The faces of the people next to him were also happy, and when they were about to speak, their expressions suddenly changed.

Not only them, but even Nangong's face that month was not very good-looking, and the whole person's expression became a little gloomy: "Our man really gave us a big surprise this time!"

And only Ji Hiragana was in a cold sweat. She forgot one thing, um, this was definitely not something she forgot, but after this time, Ji Hiirai felt that she was in a bad mood. It seemed, I need to break through my strength soon, otherwise, being beaten with all my strength by a father who surpasses the world level, even if I am immortal, it will still hurt a lot!

The next moment, an incomparably beautiful night sky-like scenery appeared in front of everyone, and everyone here could sense the special nature of this world, and under the earth under everyone's feet were all the thousands of people. The place where the origin of the world converges and unifies the laws of the origin of all the worlds.

And the world origin of the forbidden world has also begun to integrate into this place of origin of all worlds, and the history of mankind has gradually entered Lin Hui's body.

Afterwards, Lin Hui sent some knowledge of these worlds to the Demon God and sent them away. As for the others, Lin Hui was about to speak when suddenly, a chain directly wrapped Lin Hui into a ball and hung it upside down in the air. middle.

Lin Hui is a little confused, not only Lin Hui, but also the girls present are also very confused, why is Lin Hui being attacked, and why does Lin Hui look a little bitter?

"Um, Nayuki-chan? Why are you tying me up again this time?"

Lin Hui shook his body, which seemed a little funny, but turned his body and looked behind him.

And there, a formation with purple light appeared, and Nangong appeared in front of everyone with a few girls that month.

The girls from the forbidden world looked at this very cute girl in front of them and couldn't believe it. Lin Hui did mention it when he talked to them at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be true. Petite and cute.

Nangong snorted coldly that month, and then glanced at the girls from the forbidden world, which made the girls in the forbidden world feel enormous pressure.

"You really gave me a big surprise when you came back this time!"

Chapter [-] Pit Dad, Find Change


Lin Hui was dumbfounded, what did he do, didn't he bring people over?

There are a lot of people, but it's not like that, right?

It's not that I haven't done it before, although this time, people are indeed, a little bit, just a little bit more.

Nangong slowly circled around Lin Hui that month, looking at Lin Hui coldly as he turned: "Don't you understand? I know that it is impossible for us to restrict you, and these people you know are still in front of Luo Hao and the others. , then it is even more impossible for us to stop you, but are you a little too much this time?"

Lin Hui blinked, then glanced suspiciously at Ji Hiirai Lingcai.

As a result, Ji Hiiratina's psychological quality was not good. When she saw Lin Hui looking at herself, Ji Hiiragi Lingcai, who had tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, immediately looked erratic.

Now, even an idiot knows what the problem is.

Lin Hui felt the injustice in his heart. He thought Ji Hiragana Lingcai had already said it, but he was meowing, but she didn't say it. It would be a strange thing that Nangong was angry that month!

Afterwards, Nangong glanced at the girls who came back from the forbidden world that month, um, I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Just kidding, this time Lin Hui stayed with more than [-] girls and came back!

Among them, there are [-], no, [-] girls who look exactly the same. This simply makes Nangong wonder if Lin Hui likes this face the most, otherwise it won't cost [-] Multiple identical people came out.

Maybe this is Misaka Mikoto's face. Lin Hui used to call saber a saber face. For example, Mordred, Joan of Arc, Black Joan of Arc, etc., they were all saber faces, which made Nangong suspicious that month. If he changed his appearance, he would make Lin Hui like him a little more.

Of course, in the end Nangong gave up the idea that month.

But this time, Lin Hui really did this kind of thing, getting more than [-] identical people. This feeling is simply making Nangong vomit blood sadly that month.

"That month sauce, I'm wronged, I've already told Lingcai, let her tell you after I leave!!!"

Lin Hui complained of blood and tears, and the whole person kept twisting and shaking, even with the chains.

Nangong glanced at Lin Hui after listening to that month: "Oh? I see, you want to take advantage of this year to calm me down? With such a buffer, I won't be too excited, that's the idea. Bar?"

Lin Hui nodded, now that he is embarrassed and lost, he has lost all his prestige in front of the girls he just brought back. In the past, his image among those girls was tall and mighty, and now I guess he is in their hearts. The image is a joke.

Ah, Lin Hui is also quite self-aware, and knows that he is a joker.

The problem is, I just said that I have quite a status in the family, and now I am slapped in the face immediately, and it is hanged and beaten, which makes Lin Hui feel sad and want to die.

Although the chain trapped on his body is easy to break, but if it breaks, just kidding, Lin Hui estimates that he will not want to go to Nangong's bed that month in a few hundred years. Even if he does, he will be kicked off by Nangong that month. , Absolutely, because that month Nangong was someone who could say that he could do it.

"That month sauce, can you let me go? I really didn't hide it from you on purpose, and, even if I hide it from you, you will find out sooner or later. You just let me go for my honesty, right? "

Lin Hui swayed his body and looked at Nangong Nayue pitifully.

The girls on the side feel that their three views are about to be destroyed. They have never seen Lin Hui like this. Facing a weak girl, they would bow their heads like this. You know, in the world of magic forbidden, Lin Hui is an existence that is almost monopolistic, and even Othinus can only be manipulated by him.

As a result, as soon as they came to the origin of the Myriad Realms, they gave them a big surprise.

"Since you have said so, then let me ask and see."

Afterwards, Nangong walked towards Ji Hiiragi Lingcai that month.

"Um, that month sauce... oops."

Ji Hirao Lingcai was knocked on the head by Nangong Nayue's folding fan: "Don't add the word 'sauce' after the teacher."

"Zancai, let me ask you, did you really forget?"

Ji Hiragana Reina blinked, her brain was spinning fast, um, finally, Ji Hiirai Reina came up with a set of "perfect" rhetoric.


Ji Hirao Lingcai's two index fingers kept stirring each other: "I think my father is too bad, obviously if this is the case, the person who is hanged by Nayuejiang is me, so I didn't plan to say it at first, but when I get there Then I really forgot. Hehe."

Saying that, Ji Hiirai sold a cute snack, and spit out his little sweet tongue.

"Zancai, I have no grievances with you, why are you doing this to me!"

Lin Hui felt that he couldn't love him any more. He clearly believed in Lingcai so much that he gave this task to Lingcai.

However, Nangong heard another meaning in that month: "Oh, it turns out that I am like this in your heart, Lingcai."

Suddenly, Ji Hiragan Lingcai felt a "squeak" in her heart, and she forgot about it.


With a sound of breaking through the air, Ji Qi Lingcai was also tied up and hung upside down beside Lin Hui.

"You also give me a good reflection."

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