"So, that means you won?"


Some Red World Demon Gods even sneered, thinking that under such an attack, it was impossible for Lin Hui to win the bet.

However, after the smoke cleared, everyone could see that Lin Hui's clothes were not damaged in any way, and even Lin Hui's appearance had not been touched.

Afterwards, Lin Hui threw the chain away fiercely, and at the same time pushed the Ruyi Divine Iron in Xiu Denan's hand hard, knocking it into the air, and slowly floated up from the pothole in the ground.

"Okay, there have been three attacks, and there are ninety-seven remaining, let's continue!"

Lin Hui's face was completely relaxed: "You don't need to keep your hands, you don't seem to be doing your best, right?"

Xiu Denan smiled: "It really looks like this is the case!"

In an instant, Xiu Denan's whole person began to change.

Xiu Denan is called "Thousand Changes" in the red world. This name also represents Xiu Denan's ability. He has the ability to change into any animal beast, and can take care of the strongest attack of any kind of beast. The ability to convert parts into one's own, and even to change parts of creatures that do not exist in the world.

However, at this moment, Xiu Denan did not become an animal, but his entire body continued to enlarge, becoming like a giant wearing steel armor. The whole person possessed extremely terrifying power. The Ruyi Divine Iron also became bigger as Xiu Denan became bigger, turning into a huge halberd.

The judge of perverse reason, Belupeolu is not good at fighting, but good at strategy, and has a person who is a genius and a ghost. In the original book, he even calculated the backhand of Shana and others. After the backhand is played It turned against the wind in an instant. If it wasn't because the apostles of the Red World were attracted by the words of guidance at that time, even if they were willing to go to a world where they couldn't eat people, Shana and others would have been defeated.

Its Noble Phantasm "Hell Chains" has the ability to siege and block it. After being bound, it can't be broken at all. Even its power is strong enough to resist the monstrous waves. After being besieged, it can't escape at all, and can only be captured by it.

Although he is not good at fighting, he still possesses the strength to overwhelm "Wanjo Skilled Hands" Will Amina.

As the "top seat", Hecate's real mission is not to fight, but to become a tool to collect the will of the sacrificial snake and sacrifice to it.

The top seat is under the gods, that is, the most important existence under the "creation god". Its strength is not even comparable to that of Belupeo, but it is still one of the most top demon kings in the red world.

In the attack just now, Hecate just showed a part of his ability, and Hecate's ability is more inclined to the ability of sealing, and Hecate's best offensive freedom method is "Ester". "Star", the maximum output can summon dozens of water-blue light bombs like shooting stars.

In the face of Lin Hui's mad words, Sanzhuchen showed absolute strength.

At a time like this, there is no one else except the Red World Demon God, and even the Red World Demon God might not be able to do what Lin Hui said.

If Lin Hui really did it, then it would be impossible for these arrogant and arrogant Red World Demon Kings to submit to Lin Hui.

Among the Demon Kings of the Red World, strength represents everything. If a human being is to be placed on their head, then they must show strength that is stronger and invincible than them.

Under the halberd attack of Xiu Denan's transformed giant, Lin Hui did not dodge, he raised his palm directly, and received Xiu Denan's attack steadily. Lin Hui's body.

Lin Hui stepped out again unscathed, and in the next instant, countless chains severely imprisoned Lin Hui.

He directly pulled Lin Hui into a "big" character, his neck, arms, and legs were all entangled in chains, constantly shrinking, as if he was going to strangle Lin Hui completely.

At the same time, Xiu Denan swung Ruyi Divine Iron and slashed towards Lin Hui ruthlessly.


Ruyi Divine Iron Slash on Lin Hui's body made a sound like a roar of metal. Even Xiu Denan himself was shocked back a few steps, while Lin Hui, who was bound by the chains of hell, flew backwards. Dozens of meters, under the manipulation of the hell chain, was pulled back again.

At the same time, at this time, the Three Pillars of Officials had fully exerted all their strength. The purple mad flame, the golden magic flame, and the sky blue fierce flame all came towards Lin Hui.

And Lin Hui, as he declared, did not dodge or dodge, and completely endured all the attacks of the next three pillars.

Even the attack of the Three Pillars has shattered the entire land and even the surrounding peaks, leaving one after another huge potholes on the ground as if they had been attacked by meteorites.

Under such an attack, if he didn't dodge or dodge, even the Red World Demon God would be injured, but in the dust, a bound figure suddenly moved.



With a flutter of his arms, the chains that were originally tied to his body were completely loosened, and the smoke and dust were blown away along with this gust of wind.

People, no injuries, not even a single wound, clothing, intact, not a single gap can be seen.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of Sanzhuchen, Lin Hui was completely fine, which was completely unimaginable.

Even those Demon Gods of the Red World have completely shut up. The strength that Lin Hui has shown has been recognized by them. Next, there is only the last item of the bet, as long as he can survive it.

"One hundred strokes have passed, then, is it my turn to fight back?"

Lin Hui showed a smile.

Immediately, Xiu Denan protected Belupeo and Hecate, and a huge thick armor changed around his body, and Belupeo used his hell chains to completely protect himself and Hecate. stand up.

After Lin Hui waited for them to take precautions, he raised his arm: "Then, let's see the provocative words I used to launch the gods..."

Chapter Thirteen: The Submission of the Masquerade

"I provoke the gods in the sky with this spirit! I am the supreme king, I am the supreme tyrant, fear all gods and demons! O Chilei of sin and karma, curse O storm of blessings, O holy rain of endless darkness and clean light, destroy everything! Destroy everything, cleanse despair!"

The crimson thunderbolt crashed down, as if to tear the sky apart, the golden whirlwind swept everything, overturned the earth, and every drop of black and white rainwater smashed huge pits on the ground like cannonballs. Hole.

This is Lin Hui's strength, Lin Hui's strength.


"Is this really powerful?"

Shabulak looked at Lin Hui who was floating in the air, and his eyes were filled with incomparably hot rays of light.

Xiu Denan turned into an earth giant and was smashed by the crimson thunderbolt, Belupiolu's chains were scattered by the golden whirlwind, and the endless rain blasted all three of them into the ground.

However, the other Red World Apostles and Red World Demon Kings did not participate in this battle. Even if they were dripped by the rain, nothing happened. This was enough to show the degree of Lin Hui's control of power.

That's right, with Lin Hui's current strength, any power can completely destroy this world. The current power is still less than [-]/[-] after being suppressed by Lin Hui. Of course, it is to prevent Sanzhuchen from dying. After killing Sanzhuchen, who will help him manage the masquerade.

After everything subsided, all the Crimson Demon Kings and Crimson Apostles were silent.

The terrain was changed by Lin Hui's blow. If it wasn't for the fact that the Xingli Hall was still there, they wouldn't even think that the abyss in front of them was where they were before.

Lin Hui was too strong, too strong, so powerful that no one could resist.

Afterwards, Lin Hui hooked his finger, and immediately, three light spots floated out from the abyss, and among the light spots were the defeated Three Pillars.

At this moment, Lin Hui moved the three of them to one side, and then performed time rewind.

Immediately, the injuries on the three people fully recovered.

Xiu Denan opened his eyes in a split second, jumped up and looked at Hecate who was on the side. After confirming that Hecate was all right, he breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked up to see Lin Hui, There is complexity in his eyes.

The same is true for Belupeo. After seeing that Hecate was safe and sound, the whole person was relieved.

And Hecate is as expressionless as ever, but it is certain that Hecate is so restless in his heart.

"How? Are you convinced?"

Lin Hui fell down slowly and stood in front of everyone, while Nakaoka Asami also fell in front of Lin Hui and knelt down on one knee: "Congratulations to my king."

This is a kind of respect expressed by everyone to the King of Humans in the grand occasions in the origin of the world.

Because Lin Hui is the only human king in the heavens and the world, the real king of the human race.

"I've seen the ally!"

Some of the Red World Demon Kings who were still in the Xingli Hall all flew out one after another and landed at the back of the team. Everyone knelt down on one knee, including Sanzhuchen.

"I have seen the ally!!!"

Lin Hui nodded. This time, he had subdued all the people at the masquerade. Regardless, Lin Hui still needed to explain some things.

"Then, this time it's like this, but don't spread the news of me becoming the head of the masquerade party, everyone is silent, don't spread the word, before I prepare everything, before the 'Psalm of Great Destiny' is completed, this news As long as the people present know it, other people, once it is reported, will be regarded as traitors by me and will be destroyed on the spot!"

Lin Hui directly issued a gag order.

"There is no need for the alliance to take the initiative. I will definitely complete the order. If there is a violation, I will take action."

At this time, Libezar really had a clear understanding of Lin Hui's strength, and he was the first to become a fanatical follower of Lin Hui's men, and he directly issued a military order.

The rest of the people also opened their mouths and made absolute guarantees.

Lin Hui turned around and walked towards the Xingli Hall: "Mami, and the general, the staff officer, the Great Imperial Witch, the four of you, come with me, I have something to tell you."

The four immediately followed.


Under the leadership of Belupiolu, the five people came to a huge room, which was originally the room of the sacrificial snake, and it was always planned, so it was very clean.

Lin Hui sat on the main seat, and the four stood in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui glanced at the four of them, then thought for a while, and said, "I will leave the Xingli Hall temporarily, I have something to do, Mami, you will stay in the Xingli Hall temporarily, if there is anything I need to do. will contact you."


Asami Nakaoka took the order directly.

"Leader, what is it that you need to do in person?"

At this time, Belupiolu was a little strange. With Lin Hui's strength, everything can be done directly, right?

"It's a personal matter, my staff officer, you don't want this."

Lin Hui suddenly lost the domineering attitude in front of others, and became very accommodating, and then stood up: "Also, General, you can also move freely now, the 'Psalm of Great Life' will only start in a few months. , you can continue to pretend to be looking for a zero-time fan, and don't let people find out about the abnormality of Xingli Hall."

"Subordinates take orders."

Xiudan replied immediately.

"You don't need to do this, just pretend you don't know me outside. If you want to fight, you can fight, and I will control my strength."

Lin Hui laughed, giving people a very strange feeling, as if the current Lin Hui and the previous Lin Hui were two people, with essential differences, and even a certain change in temperament.

Lin Hui patted Xiu Denan on the shoulder and said jokingly.

"Then, if we meet at that time, the subordinates will overstep."

Xiu Denan was also very strange to Lin Hui's change, but he did not object.

"Well, that's fine. Next is the staff."

Lin Hui thought for a while, and then came up with an idea...

Chapter [-] The Story of Nakaoka Asami

"I'm going to take the [-]-hour fan now temporarily, and I'll notify you to take it away when I've used it up. However, as I said, I'm a human, so I don't like you eating human beings to gain existence. force."

Lin Hui spoke slowly.

"But, Alliance Leader, in this case..."

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