Belupiolu's face was bitter, because if the apostles in the red world were not allowed to devour humans, where would they get the power of existence they consumed?

They are not like the Fire Mist Warriors who can restore the power of existence by resting. Under this situation, the Red World Apostles of the Masquerade Ball will definitely be wiped out by the Fire Mist Warriors.

"So, I have to give you something now."

Lin Hui stretched out a hand: "After all, it is something that distorts the laws of time, and at the same time the power to distort time, it can be regarded as something out of nothing, if there is a real analogy, it is Mobius. The ring, so that the power of existence will no longer be consumed, which is a semi-permanent time rewind."

Suddenly, on Lin Hui's palm, light spots appeared one after another, gears appeared on the outside of the light spots, and hourglasses appeared on the gears. These were completely combined.

"This...this is?"

"Zero hour fan?"

At this moment, Xiu Denan's face was completely stunned, because Zero Hour Mizi was known as the secret treasure among the secret treasures. It was a super treasure jointly developed by Nakaoka Mami and "Cai Piao" Felice.

It is precisely because Nakaoka Mami has the power of "time" that she can complete the research of the zero-time fan, so that the power of existence is no longer consumed.

Now Lin Hui has taken out more than [-] zero hour fans in a blink of an eye, which is unbelievable.

"Okay, don't be surprised, Xiu Denan, Belupeolu, Hecate, each of you three will take one, and the rest will be placed in the Xingli Hall, every night from twelve to twelve thirty. , these zero-hour fans will restore the power of existence for the people in the Xingli Hall, so that's it."

Bellupiolu immediately took the order: "Thank you for your understanding."

"Also, if someone has something important to do, let that person take one away. However, it is not allowed to be left outside. Once it is left, it must be recycled."

Lin Hui gave another order.


Bellupiolu knew very well that once the existence of so many zero-hour fans in the Xingli Hall was known, I am afraid that the entire red world would be in chaos.

"The next step is to deal with the Hecate."

Lin Hui looked at Hecate with a hint of pity in his eyes.

"Hecate? Is there something wrong with Hecate?"

Xiu Denan frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, but changed the question.


Heikati looked up at Lin Hui, her eyes were very calm, with a little turbulence.

Lin Hui looked at Hecate, and could feel that the goal of Hecate was born to sacrifice himself, to appear as a sacrifice summoned by the sacrificial Serpent Divine Might.

"As my shrine maiden, the duty to sacrifice you no longer exists."

Lin Hui put his hand on Hecate's head and gently stroked: "I won't want anything that requires sacrifice to be born, so now let me untie the things that bind you. ."

Lin Hui put his finger on the center of Hecate's eyebrows, and suddenly, a white light disappeared into the center of Hecate's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Hecate began to close his eyes and fell forward. Lin Hui hugged Hecate, looked at Belupeo, and handed Hecate to her: "Bring the black card. Go down and take a rest, from now on, Hecate is still the great sorcerer, but it is not a living sacrifice born based on the wishes of the apostles."

"Lord, thank you."

There was a look of joy on Belupeolu's face. To be honest, if Hecate, who had been with Belupeolu for so many years, really became a living sacrifice, even Belupeolu would be in the heart. I can't bear it, but if you want to use the "Sacrificial Creation" of the Ritual Serpent, you must destroy the living sacrifice, Hecate, to activate it.

The "Creation God" sacrificial serpent, after fulfilling the wishes of the other apostles in the red world, will enter a long sleep period proportional to the size of the wish.Then, Hecate, who was sacrificed as a living sacrifice every time he was summoned, was reborn with the new wishes of the Apostles of the Red World as a component while the "Creator God" was asleep. , waiting for the next awakening of the "creation god" sacrificial snake.

This is the eternal infinite reincarnation, but it is different now. Lin Hui received the power of the sacrificial snake. Originally, if he wanted to create, he still needed Hecate as a living sacrifice. I would rather, but due to Lin Hui's special nature, the two powers of "creation" and "determination" have become Lin Hui's own power. Therefore, Lin Hui does not need Hecate as a living sacrifice, he can. Exercising the power of creation alone.

And just now, Lin Hui released Hecate's mission as a living sacrifice, which means that Hecate would no longer be a living sacrifice for New Wish, which was enough to make Belupeo overjoyed.

After standing silent for a while, Xiu Denan knelt down to Lin Hui: "Thank you, Alliance Leader."

Then, the figure walked outside and left.

Lin Hui propped his chin with his hand, then looked at Nakaoka Mami next to him, looked at the strange expression on the other's face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you are really generous."

Nakaoka Asami blinked.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Hui asked with a smile.

"It's nothing. Then again, you don't know that I have had a hard time in this world all these years!"

Nakaoka Mami leaned directly on Lin Hui's body, and seemed to start to recall the ups and downs of those years.

"Well, then you have to tell me about it."

Lin Hui is also interested, especially the influence of Nakaoka Asami on the world.

Chapter [-] Nakaoka Asami's Past

At night, Lin Hui and Nakaoka Mami were lying together, Lin Hui had not seen Nakaoka Mami for almost a hundred years, and Nakaoka Mami had been in this era for an inexplicable long time, from the ancient times until In modern times, for thousands of years, people feel tired.

Now that we meet again, it is natural that the dry wood meets the fire, and it ignites at one point.

"Well, then you really worked hard. I'm sorry for not being by your side all these years."

Lin Hui stroked Nakaoka Mami's face and looked at the tired look in those eyes, and felt very distressed.

Nakaoka Asami suffered a lot that she shouldn't have.

The death of a close friend, the death of a friend, countless corpses, countless blood, as a fire and fog warrior who has been fighting since ancient times, Nakaoka Mami has seen too much.

Countless people have been swallowed up by the apostles, even their existence and even their memories will disappear, and no traces will be left in this world. What a sad thing this is.

What an unforgivable thing this is!

With this belief in mind, Nakaoka Mami kept fighting, fighting with the devil kings of the red world with all her might.

Because Nakaoka Mami herself has a strong fighting power, her mastery of the law of freedom is extremely pure, and she even taught the ban to others to prevent huge losses after the war.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Fengjue that many fire and fog warriors let go of their hands and feet to fight, because there is no need to worry too much about what will happen to others once it spreads.

And Nakaoka Mami is also known as the master of the free method for this reason, and the ban is enough for Nakaoka Mami to be passed down through the ages.

Lin Hui looked a little weird when he heard the news, but he didn't know what to say. After all, Feng Jue was the real Master of Freedom Law in the original book. The most outstanding Master of Freedom Law in the red world, he could even There is no more outstanding master of the free-spirited method in this world than he is to use the free-spirited method to revive the person who has become a torch into a real person, and even restore the things that no longer exist.

Now that Asami Nakaoka has robbed this matter, Lin Hui really doesn't know what to say.

Of course, Nakaoka Asami was not only talking about this matter, but also about the events after that epoch-making war.

"It was at that time that my body had a problem. I often fell into a deep sleep from time to time. Sometimes it would be fine for a few days, and sometimes it would sleep for hundreds of years at once. There is no way I can avoid this situation."

Nakaoka Mami was a little distressed, and at the same time looked a little sad: "If it weren't for this, many people would not die."

"let me see."

Lin Hui was a little curious about Nakaoka Mami's symptoms, because logically speaking, such a thing could not happen.

After Nakaoka Asami used her divine power to summon, it was impossible for her body to have any problems. This was something Lin Hui could be sure of.

After checking, and looking at Nakaoka Mami's contract item, she immediately understood.

"I know what's going on."

"This matter still lies with me." Lin Hui felt helpless: "Because you used the divine power to summon, you have broadened the connection with me, and although the two of us are in different worlds, we are far apart. Far away, even I can't know where you are, but you always broaden your connection, so my growing power will be passed on to you from time to time."

"My strength is too huge and the quality is extremely high. Therefore, your body can't bear it. Passively falling into a deep sleep is to adapt to the part of the power I pass on to you."

Lin Hui clicked on the ring, and suddenly, a small sealing barrier appeared: "Now that I have applied a seal, the connection between us has been temporarily weakened, and at the same time, I have also temporarily weakened the transmission of power. In this way, you can won't fall asleep."

Nakaoka Asami stroked her contract ring: "Well, that's what it is, it's the result of my own lack of strength."

"What happened to make you feel bad?"

Lin Hui is curious about what happened to Zhonggang Mami.

"It's nothing, it's just because of the death of my friend. At the beginning, after I survived the war in Taikoo, the friends around me died and were injured. Many of them died gradually after the war, and some of them didn't die. It also fell under the burden of the masquerade, and the battle between the Fire Mist Warriors and the Red World Apostles is still over."

Nakaoka Mami seems to be very tired of fighting: "Later, I got to know a Fire Mist Warrior, she is the same as other Fire Mist Warriors, she became a Fire Mist Warrior for revenge, but she and Other fire and fog warriors have different places."

"She contracted with one of the three demon gods in the red world, 'Tian Yuan Jie Huo' Alastair, known as the 'Blinding Eye Crusher', a very powerful and handsome woman, if you meet her , maybe she will also be fascinated by her."

Nakaoka Mami seems to have a very high evaluation of the fire and fog warrior: "For that one, strength and self-confidence are both necessary factors, so even the apostles of the red world are infatuated with her, but they are in love with her I was very moved by being rejected, so I also began to think, is there any possibility of reconciliation between the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Apostle?"

"In the end, the power of the Fire Mist Warriors comes from the Apostles of the Red World. For this reason, I have also taken in many Apostles of the Red World. As long as they don't do evil, then I will treat them kindly. The zero-hour fans are me and the other two. It was researched by an apostle of the Red World who has a lot of research on the Law of Freedom, so none of the apostles of the Red World that I took in have eaten people."

"Well, then you did a good job."

Lin Hui praised.


Suddenly, Nakaoka Mami's voice increased a little bit, and she sobbed slightly: "That fire fog warrior, my friend, my dear friend, Matilda Sanmiru is dead!"

Chapter [-] Strength First

"Died in that battle!"

Nakaoka Mami burst into tears, her eyes full of self-blame and annoyance: "When she was fighting desperately, I was actually sleeping, and I had been sleeping for decades, if only I could wake up earlier. Now, maybe I can catch up with that battle, and maybe Matilda won't have to die."

Feeling Nakaoka Mami's trembling hand, Lin Hui knew that Matilda was definitely one of Nakaoka Mami's best friends. If possible, Lin Hui was thinking about one thing.

As for the battle in the mouth of Nakaoka Mami, Lin Hui is not ignorant. It was a battle that divided the medieval and modern times. Hundreds of years ago, there was a red world devil who fell in love with his contractor. The original red The Demon King was also a companion who fought with Asami Nakaoka.

Redstone's real name is "Ring of Underworld" Assis, his contractor is a woman, known as "Coffin Tailor" Di Si, Di Si is a brilliant free teacher, and also the oldest Fire Mist Warrior.One-handedly formed the organization "Cradle of Flames", which has destroyed many disciples many times, and used the free method "Coffin of Purification" to achieve countless victories and was elected as a heroic crusader.

The former Dith was also a fire and mist warrior who participated in the battle of the Serpent of Sealing Ritual, and was one of the few remaining fire and mist warriors after the war at that time.

However, Dess died.

Yes, he died in battle and was killed by a Crimson Demon King. The angry Assis appeared and completely defeated the Crimson Demon King.

However, even so, it is impossible for Assis to revive the dead Diss, because, as a warrior of fire and mist, Diss' existence has long been used as a container to carry Assis.

If the container is broken, naturally there is no possibility of recovery.

Therefore, the world-renowned Zizai division is the highest-level betrayal of the world order, and formed the Legion "Funeral Bell" for the resurrection of the fire-mist warriors who died in battle and who were also lovers.

In that battle, almost all the fire and fog warriors participated in it, just like the crusade of the sacrificial snake in the ancient times, but because the strongest fire and fog warrior in the ancient times, Nakaoka Asami, fell into a deep sleep, so that time. The battle was headed by Matilda Saint Lumi, the contractor of the Red World Demon God, the first-generation "blazing-eyed crusader".

In that battle, Assis successfully launched a secret technique called "devouring the city", which transformed all the edible and inedible things of the apostles into edible power, and devoured all the power of existence. , Assis was known as the strongest "king" at that time.

In order to allow himself and Dish to have offspring, and to fight against the army of the fire-mist warriors, Assis successfully launched the devouring the city, and used the Noble Phantasm "Little Night Screaming Bird" to interpret "decomposition" and "fixation" (The Great Life Psalm's The ancient in-itself recorded in the broken chapter (reformed by "Exploration" Dantario)), these two in-itself methods, and then created the in-itself method, the effect is to decompose the existence of the red world apostles and human beings, and then create The children of the red world apostles and human beings are destined to be born, that is, the so-called children of the two worlds.

However, it is a pity that the use of the "devour city" secret technique has caused serious distortions in the world. If the children of the two worlds are born, this distortion will be irreversible.

Therefore, in that battle, Matilda sacrificed her life, launched the divine power call "The Sky is Broken", and made the "God of Punishment" Alastair appear at the cost of her own life.

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