Even though Assis was the strongest "king", he was vulnerable before God.

In this battle, many fire and fog warriors have fallen, including the first-generation "blazing-eyed crusaders", and a lot of the apostles of the Red World have also fallen, except for the "Rainbow Wing" Mei Li of the "Nine Skeleton Libra" In addition to Sim, the nine-tailed red world demon king, including the leader Assis, all fell, and the Noble Phantasm "Little Night Screaming Bird" was taken by Will Emina after the war, because Mathil In order to achieve the goal of liberating the Red World Apostles, Will Emina almost died in order to keep this promise. When she was about to die, she was rushed over, and the furious Nakaoka Asami wiped out all the besieging Will Ai. Mina's Red World Apostle and Fire Mist Warrior.

Mami Nakaoka, who had lost her friend, left the battlefield with Will Emina in a very sad mood. In the end, the apostle of the red world in the Noble Phantasm "Little Night Screaming Bird" was freed and became the shelter of Mami Nakaoka. A member of the Red Apostles.

And Willemina also left in search of the next "blazing-eyed crusader".

This battle took Nakaoka Mami's awakening as the cut-off point, and no one dared to provoke the strongest fire and fog warrior who fought against the sacrificial snake from the ancient times and suppressed it.

And because of the serious distortion of the world, a large number of fire and fog warriors were born, and time has come to modern times.

Lin Hui felt that after venting her inner unease, Nakaoka Mami fell into a deep sleep. It is estimated that over the years, Nakaoka Mami should not feel very well.

If I change myself, I am afraid it will also be very uncomfortable. If a girl I love dies, then I will be so angry that I can't add anything, and I will change everything at the cost of destroying the world. The reversal should not have happened. fate.

Lin Hui will not comment much on Assis's actions. Assis was a hero in the early stage, but became a loser in the later stage, a betrayal, and an unforgivable traitor.

Because, Assis failed.

If Assis succeeds, then the history books are all written by the victors. Of course, this is also related to the strength of Assis. In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusory.

This sentence can also be used for Nakaoka Mami, because Nakaoka Mami's lack of strength will make her fall into a deep sleep when she receives her power.

If Assis is strong enough, he will not let his contractor die, or be wiped out when facing Alastair.

If Nakaoka Asami's strength is strong enough, then she will not fall into a deep sleep when receiving her own power, and she will not be unable to rush to the battlefield.

You know, this battle has lasted for [-] years! .

Everything is based on absolute strength, and only strength is the most real embodiment!

Chapter [-] The city full of torches

In the morning, after Lin Hui had eaten, he called Sanzhuchen. Sure enough, Hecate was already awake. The present Hecate was slightly different from yesterday. The empty shell is injected with a little soul.

"Hecate, how are you feeling now?"

Lin Hui came straight to the point.

"It feels like it's fuller."

Heikati covered her heart and looked at Lin Hui: "I also saw some memories, it feels incredible."

"Well, what you saw should belong to my memory, and it may have been brought in when I changed you yesterday."

Lin Hui also seemed to be a little distressed. After all, no matter how Lin Hui suppressed his power, Lin Hui's power would always contain Lin Hui's memory fragments.

Even if Lin Hui has been beaten to death, he only needs a trace of strength to recover sooner or later, but it will not be known how long it will take.

"Change Hecate? Please make it clear from the leader."

At this time, Belupeo was a little worried about Hecate.

"It's nothing, according to the original reason, Hecate is used as a living sacrifice of the sacrificial snake to activate the divine power call, so the container of Hecate can be said to be infinite, but this is also easy to cause black cards. Ti's emptiness cannot be filled."

"Now there is no need for Hecate as a living sacrifice, then, the meaning of Hecate is lost, so I gave Hecate a bit of strength to slowly change Hecate, let Hecate To find the meaning of life that belongs to her, not to be attached to her by others."

Lin Hui smiled slightly, then continued: "Of course, I didn't change the size of the Hecate's container, but put my power into it, no matter how big the Hecate's container was, but she always used To carry the power of the sacrificial serpent."

"The sacrificial snake is the creator god, and as the creator god, it can be said to be the origin of everything, but no matter how infinite it is, there is always a limit, because the sacrificial snake should be comparable to this world. Then the limit of Hecate is this world, that is to say, only by turning this world into the power of existence can fill the emptiness of Hecate."

"However, I am an existence far beyond the world. I have differentiated a trace of the power of the world. Even a trace is enough for Hecate to digest it for a long time."

Lin Hui explained the situation of Hecate.

"A world?"

This time, even Xiu Denan was smacking his tongue. Hecate's container was so big that they couldn't imagine it, but they didn't expect Lin Hui's strength to do it, because even Hecate himself had said it, it was full. Some.

That is to say, even if Lin Hui's strength cannot be compared with the existence of a world, it is still enormous. From this, we can see how terrifying Lin Hui's strength is.

"By the way, I'm leaving the Xingli Hall today, Xiu Denan, you can go out and continue to interfere with other people's sights, Belupeolu, you can continue to maintain the operation of the Xingli Hall, by the way, tell Dantario, I I gave him a zero-hour fan, if I don't find something useful for me, I will kill him next time I come back."

Lin Hui was not very cold about Dantario, but he had to say that many things in Xingli Palace were created by him, which must be admitted.


Belupeo took the lead.

"Lord, what about me?"

At this time, Hecate looked at Lin Hui, and there was a trace of emotion in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

"Heikati? Didn't I say it? From now on, look for the meaning of your life. You are no longer a living sacrifice, so you will never be a doll anymore."

"Be your own, and find a life that belongs to Hecate!"

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and touched Hecate's head. Then he was about to get up when suddenly, a corner of his clothes was pulled.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

At this time, Xiudan and Belupeo both looked at Hecate.

Because Hecate's little hand tightly grasped the corner of Lin Hui's clothes.


"Can I go with you?"

Hecate was very confused after being relieved of his duties by Lin Hui, but he saw Lin Hui's memory in his sleep last night, and felt Lin Hui's power circulating in his body, Hecate suddenly had a desire The idea of ​​going out to see, of course, if Lin Hui does not agree, Hecate will naturally not disobey Lin Hui's order.

Lin Hui pondered for a while and glanced at Xiu Denan, but Xiu Denan didn't seem to hear, and looked elsewhere.


Lin Hui nodded: "I will help you disguise it, so that no one will find out that you are the 'top seat' of the masquerade."

"Thank you allies."

Heikati saluted slightly, then stepped aside and followed behind Lin Hui.

"Mami, you stay here and keep an eye on the news I send you. By the way, what about that letter?"

Lin Hui looked at Nakaoka Asami.

"I see. The letter is here, but Lin Hui, you really..."

Nakaoka Asami looked a little weird.

"Don't think blindly, just want to see the successor."

Afterwards, Lin Hui left Xingli Hall with Hecate.

After watching Lin Hui and Hecate left, Nakaoka Mami looked at Xiu Denan: "Why, don't you feel bad?"

Xiu Denan took out a cigarette and started smoking: "How is it possible? However, maybe Hecate is the most correct choice to follow the leader. I can't give Hecate what she wants."

"Okay, Scarlet Flame Demoness, don't irritate the general any more. Although you are on our side now, the leader didn't say that we can't teach you a lesson."

Bellupiolu also understood what Lin Hui meant by keeping herself. In addition to running the Xingli Palace, it was to maintain the balance between Nakaoka Asami and the other Red World Demon Kings.

You know, the hatred between the two sides is not less!


After Lin Hui took Hecate through several space transfers, he found the place where the distortion was extremely huge.

Even Hecate couldn't help but say, "Torch, a lot..."

Chapter [-] Konoe History

The torch is a substitute for the existence left behind after the "power of existence" has been captured.

Since the world will be distorted at the moment of death, in order to avoid being noticed by the fire and fog warriors, the "Apostle of the Red World" should make people like that to reflect the current situation of the world, and balance the impact of existence and disappearance on the world.

In order to make the burning residue of oneself, it is necessary to maintain the original memory personality and life activity ability.

While consuming the remaining power, the relationship between people and the surrounding, residence, identity, and sense of existence are gradually lost, and they disappear when no one can stop them.

With the disappearance of this, all traces of man are wiped out and become non-existent.

The so-called torch is just such a thing, some leftover residue that has disappeared.

Lin Hui didn't say much about Hecate's words. After all, it was a fact.

"Let's go. Don't worry, you are human now!"

Lin Hui chuckled lightly, and brought Hecate to the city in front of him and fell.

Misaki City is a large-scale city in the prefecture and is famous for its special landscape.

The characteristic of this city is that the distribution is very orderly. In the north and south of the city, there is a river that flows through the center of the city. On the east side of the river, there are people coming and going, and the urban function is dense. The commercial area, the west side of the river It is a residential area of ​​houses owned by people who settled in Misaki City.

Connecting the two urban areas on the east and west sides is a rather spectacular iron bridge. This iron bridge is called Misaki Bridge. As for the name of the river, it is called Zhennanchuan.

The place where Lin Hui and Hecate fell was a very dense commercial area, but the amazing thing was that no one was surprised that Lin Hui and Hecate fell from the sky, as if they didn't pay attention. to the same.

This is naturally because Lin Hui has reduced the aura of himself and Hecate to the extreme, and perfectly integrated with the surrounding nature, so naturally, no one will notice the two of them.

Afterwards, Lin Hui untied the ability to remove the breath little by little, and let himself and Hecate slowly appear in the sight of the people around him, so that it would not be very abrupt.

However, some people noticed Lin Hui and Hecate, not because they saw Lin Hui and Hecate falling from the air, but felt that Lin Hui and Hecate had unique temperaments.

This is how it was originally, Lin Hui himself is the world master of more than a dozen worlds, and in these worlds, Lin Hui is in a high position, even if he is sealed, Lin Hui can be like a noble son. , not to mention that there is no seal at all, Lin Hui is like an emperor, even if he doesn't do anything, the people around him will still make way for him.

Although Hecate next to Lin Hui does not have the incomparable noble temperament, he is also a rare and beautiful girl, standing with Lin Hui as if they were a pair of brothers and sisters, but Hecate with her back Carrying a violin case on his back adds a bit of literary temperament to Hecate.

Right here, Lin Hui's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he quickly stepped forward, while Hecate, who was following behind Lin Hui, didn't say a word, just followed behind Lin Hui.


Lin Hui showed a gentle smile to the two girls.

It's just that the two girls looked at Lin Hui as if they were frightened, and then one of the science subjects reacted. Riko pulled the girl next to him and said hello to Lin Hui: "Hello, um, what's the matter? "

"My sister and I are new here, so I would like to ask, is there a better place here?"

Lin Hui asked the two girls like a normal tourist, but Lin Hui also looked at the two girls a little.

The girl being questioned has long black hair with braids tied with two pink pearl-like hair bands on both sides of her head, while the shy girl on the other side has short brown hair and a strand on the left. White hair accessories give people a very cute feeling.

"It's a good place, maybe, the amusement park is good, but it's a little late now, it might be a bit late to go now... By the way, if you come to Misaki City, you must go to Misaki Bridge, the scenery there is very good! "

At this time, the girl with the horns seemed to have let go.

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