"Well, then thank you, two lovely ladies."

Lin Hui said with a smile, as if he had remembered something: "By the way, it was so abrupt just now, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Lin Hui, this is my sister Konoe Shicai, please give me more advice. "

"Hello, I'm Hirai Yuki, this is my classmate Yoshida Kazumi, please give me more advice."

Hirai Yuan's face was a little rosy, and it seemed that the words praised by Lin Hui made this somewhat lively girl a little shy.

"I'm Yoshida Kazumi, please give me more advice."

Yoshida Kazumi said softly, and the voice was a little soft, which made people sound very comfortable.

And Hecate also replied according to the etiquette in the memory given to her by Lin Hui: "I am Konoe Shicai, please give me more advice."

Konoe Shina, which is Hecate's current name, is a "false container" that Hecate used to collect human emotions by the "top seat" Hecate, who was created by Belupiolu through the Noble Phantasm Hell chain in the original book.

Now it has been used by Lin Hui upright and bright, and the breath of Hecate who is the Demon King of the Red World has been completely hidden by Lin Hui. The current Hecate is just a human being, a real human being, no Contains any false ingredients.

"Well, take the liberty to ask, are your sister and you brothers and sisters?"

At this time, Hirai Yuan clearly noticed that Lin Hui and Hecate are not the same, after all, even their surnames are different.

"Well, it's not. Shi Cai was an orphan I met one time. I saw that she was helpless, so I took her with me."

Lin Hui was silent for a while, and said.

"Hold... I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Miss Konoe, I didn't mean to."

It was only after Hirai Enquiries that he reacted. He was a little flustered and seemed to be a bit rash.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Hecate does not matter. Originally, the identity of Konoe Shicai was false, and it was normal to be questioned.

Just when Lin Hui wanted to say goodbye, a mutation happened...

Chapter [-] The hot red lotus fire

A circle of mysterious runes flickered on the ground, extending continuously, enclosing many of them including Lin Hui.

Immediately, a large flame, pale white flames swept around, dyeing everything around, whether it was buildings, humans, or other creatures, even the sky, the earth, all turned into flames. red.

"This...what's the matter? What happened?"

When the girl named Maru Hirai saw a huge change in the world around her, her whole body felt panic.

Yoshida Kazumi, who was on the side, was also very scared, but she was a little calmer than Hirai margin, and immediately grabbed Hirai margin's little hand, and the two stood next to each other, which seemed to have some sense of security.

However, Lin Hui was a little surprised, even Hecate next to him: "Why, are you able to work in Fengjue?"

"Eh? Sealed?"

Just when Hirai Margin heard this never-before-seen ranking, a huge tremor occurred.


A huge sound came over, and immediately, a giant baby three or four meters high like a baby appeared in front of everyone, and a spherical monster composed of countless faces floated beside the baby.

"Although it's not as much as the rain imagined, but it's enough."

"Then, I'm going!"

Saying that, the baby opened that big mouth full of sharp teeth and began to absorb the power of existence.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hui immediately moved: "Forget it, Shi Cai, you stay here to protect them, and I'll go back when I go."

"Yes, sir."

Heikati responded immediately, and then walked to Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi, as if protecting them, took the box on her back and was ready to open it at any time.

And Lin Hui jumped out immediately, kicked the baby directly on the chin, and made the giant baby close his mouth.


The spherical monsters that were planning to start eating people found that someone came to them, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

Lin Hui slowly landed on the ground with a backflip: "Kill your people."

The moment they saw Lin Hui, the two monsters were stunned.


"Impossible, how could human beings be able to act in Fengjue?"

Lin Hui moved his wrist, then glanced at the two monsters: "It is impossible for humans to open and close one's mouth. Do you think you are noble? Do you think you can look down on human beings with a little special ability? Don't look down on people!"


In an instant, Lin Hui slammed the spherical monster out with a punch, then swept his foot on the giant baby's leg and threw it to the ground.

"What's wrong? The two adults seem to have been knocked to the ground by a humble human like me!"

Lin Hui sneered, and then, the whole person flew up and kicked the giant baby into the sky again, and the whole person punched directly, blasting the giant baby's head.

What splattered from the blasting head was not bright red blood or other disgusting things, but white flames.

And the body without the head began to burn at this moment, turning into fly ash and disappearing directly.

"You... how dare you..."

The spherical monster flew directly towards Lin Hui and slammed into it fiercely, intending to kill Lin Hui.



Suddenly, Yoshida Kazumi, who was watching from the side, covered her eyes all of a sudden, and Hirai Yuki also turned away from the picture, a little bit reluctant to watch the handsome looking young man being smashed into minced meat.

Only Hecate looked at all this very calmly.

If it is said that this phosphorus can cause trouble to Lin Hui, then wouldn't their three-pillar ministers become a joke.

That's right, these two monsters are not even the Apostles of the Red World. They are phosphorus particles created by the Apostles of the Red World using the power of existence. They are the servants of the Red World Apostles. The form and function change with the owner's interests.It can gather the "power of existence", but its own energy is insufficient and cannot be used at will. Without the power supply of the master, it cannot maintain its form, and it will lose its power and die.

In other words, as long as the apostle of the red world is killed, then the phosphorus subordinate to the apostle of the red world will automatically perish.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and I saw Lin Hui standing there intact, while the original phosphorus was stepped on by Lin Hui at once, unable to move at all. The huge smoke just now was not a phosphorus collision. It was formed on Lin Hui's body, but it was formed when Lin Hui turned around and stepped on the phosphorus under his feet.

"How...how can there be such a powerful human being!"

This Phosphorus is very unwilling to be labeled like this by a mere human being.

"Stop chattering over there, trying to sneak attack on me? Stop dreaming."

Lin Hui ignored Phosphorus, who was trampled under his feet, and looked into the broken shop window to the side.

A woman in green clothes, wavy hair, and brown pupils walked out slowly; "You..."

"What, aren't you convinced?"

Lin Hui grinned: "Then, come and have a good time!"

Lin Hui's feet slammed hard, and suddenly, the phosphorous particles that had been stepped on by Lin Hui exploded instantly, the pale white flame was completely burning, and Lin Hui rushed out unscathed, directly hitting the woman with a punch. aside.

Not far away is where Yoshida Kazumi and the other three were.


Immediately, pale white flames began to burn on the woman's body, indicating that the body could not last long.

"You bastard, my master will not let you go! Damn human!"

The woman spoke viciously.

Lin Hui stepped forward and ignored the woman's harsh words. Suddenly, the woman fell apart, yes, just like a puppet.

Lin Hui's eyes and hands were quick, and he directly grabbed a doll that flew out of the scattered puppets.

"You...you let me go!"

The captured doll suddenly panicked.

However, at this moment, a heat wave hit, making people look a little sideways, it was a red lotus-like flame...

Chapter [-]: The Three Parties of Chaos

Appearing in front of the four was a petite girl in a black trench coat, and the most striking thing was the long hair that was burning like a flame.

"Human? Phosphorus?"

The young but majestic voice of the girl rang out, giving people a very strong illusion.

"Who are you? Why are you able to act in Fengjue?"

At this time, the girl walked towards Lin Hui. After all, this matter still made the girl curious, because according to common sense, it is impossible for human beings to act in a ban, and only the apostles of the Red World can act. It's just the fog warrior and Mystis who hides the Noble Phantasm.

The so-called Mystis refers to a special torch, a torch with a Noble Phantasm lodged in the body or the special power saved by the Red World Demon King using the torch. As the host burns out, it will randomly jump to other hosts, the alias is "activity". treasure house".

However, as a human being able to act in this, it is obviously very abnormal.

Moreover, a human actually defeated Phosphorus, indicating that this human has extremely good fighting power.

"Is that... it's over?"

At this time, Hirai Yuki said weakly.

The girl looked back and saw that in addition to Lin Hui, there were actually three other human beings who were able to function in the banishment, which made a look of doubt appear on the originally majestic little face, but when the girl saw the black card In an instant, the complexion of the whole person changed.

And the pendant on the girl's chest also made a very calm voice: "'The 'Top Seat' Hecate? Impossible, as the great sorcerer among the three pillar ministers, how could you possibly appear in the outside world?"

"Hecate? 'The top seat?'"

More words made Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi look at each other, completely unaware of what happened. Rather, today's events made both of them feel that their worldviews had collapsed.

"Hey, I said, that fire fog warrior over there, can you stop staring at my sister like this, it will scare her."

Lin Hui walked over slowly, blocking the girl's sight. Although Hecate didn't react to the girl's hostility and words, Lin Hui was also worried that Hecate might say something she shouldn't say. , and forcibly came over and interrupted the two of them looking at each other.

"Sister? You said that Hecate was your sister?"

The girl's eyes widened, and even the pendant made an unbelievable voice: "Young man, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Heikati? Who is that? This is my sister, Konoe Shina, who is not the Hecate you are talking about!"

Lin Hui looked at the girl and pouted: "Don't admit the wrong person. Oh, the person I'm waiting for is here."

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