After speaking, Lin Hui looked up into the sky, and suddenly, a pale white flame ignited, and the flame continued to burn, gradually forming the appearance of a man.

An elegant and gentleman's voice rang out from the other party's mouth: "I said who defeated my Phosphorus and caught Marianne, so it turns out that she is the famous 'Blazing Eyed Crusher', then, can you please Did you let my Marianne go?"

With such a voice, a young man wearing a pure white suit and surrounded by a feather-like white cloth appeared in the light white flame.

The girl frowned suddenly, and before she could speak, she was interrupted by a slightly frivolous voice next to her.

"I said, can you not ignore me? The fire and fog warrior next to me didn't do anything. It was me who defeated your phoenix, and your baby doll is also with me!"

As he said that, Lin Hui raised his hand. The doll was caught by Lin Hui's neck and struggled constantly, but it didn't help at all.

Compared with the elegant voice of the young man who had just emerged from the flames, Lin Hui's voice gave off an uncomfortable feeling, like a nobleman and a rogue, but the temperament of the two was that of Lin Hui. On the young man, this huge contrast makes people feel an indescribable sense of awkwardness.

"Human? And there's more than one human being able to act in the bane? It's really surprising, then, human, can you put my lovely Mary Ann?"

The young man smiled at Lin Hui, but the killing intent in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Hehe, the famous 'Hunter' has such embarrassing times, it really makes people feel that things are impermanent! You have hunted down so many fire and fog warriors, can't you use your Noble Phantasm to save your beloved doll? ?"

Lin Hui slowly walked towards the young man while laughing at the young man.

That's right, this one is none other than Fariagni, the Crimson Demon King named "Hunter" because of his behavior of collecting Noble Phantasm and hunting fire and fog warriors. He has a cunning personality and is very intelligent Ji's other strengths can be ranked in the top five among the modern "kings" and are powerful.

Fariagni's characteristic as a king is that he can see through the "prey nature". With this power, he can immediately see through the ability and usage of Noble Phantasm. Demon King.

The smile on Fariagni's face faded, and he put on a gloomy expression: "What do you want?"

"It's nothing, but I really feel a little pity for your plan."

Lin Hui said with a smile: "It's a pity, ah, yes, but when I was about to finish, I came, um, even if I arrive, it is estimated that this scorching crusader will destroy yours. Plan it."

Hearing this, the girl was a little puzzled, feeling as if Lin Hui knew everything, giving people a feeling that everyone was under his control.

"you know?"

Fariagni's face suddenly changed, and he was about to shoot, but someone was faster than him.


Lin Hui squeezed hard and directly crushed the doll in his hand: "This doll is useless, it was originally a prop to lead you out."

"Marian, you bastard!

Fariagni was furious, his body was burning with flames, and a deck of playing cards appeared in his hand: "I must kill you!"

Chapter [-] Ex - calibur!

The poker cards shot directly at Lin Hui like sharp knives.

Lin Hui's footsteps lightly tapped the ground, his whole body seemed to have no weight, and he floated back directly with a gust of wind, making all the poker attacks fail.

However, this is Fariagni's proud Noble Phantasm, named "Regular Sharp", which not only possesses extremely powerful attack power, but also possesses the ability to track targets.

Although Lin Hui's retreat avoided the attack this time, following Fariagni's command, those playing cards attacked Lin Hui again.

Lin Hui immediately stepped on the ground and threw a punch. The terrifying force directly destroyed several playing cards, and at the same time, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

When he appeared again, Lin Hui appeared in front of Fariagni.


Fariagni didn't expect Lin Hui's speed to be so fast, and even he was approached to such a distance without even noticing it, which was completely beyond Fariagni's expectations.

Fariagni made a decisive decision, and suddenly a large amount of flames emerged from his body, detonating them in an instant.


The terrifying flames came out, and Fariagni flew out a little embarrassed. There was no way. If the flames were not detonated in the situation just now, I am afraid there is no way to escape.

After all, Fariagni has also seen Lin Hui's terrifying power, and even the Noble Phantasm such as the "regular sharp" has been destroyed several times.

"Huh, how bold! To detonate one's own flame at such a close distance, should it be said that he possesses the Noble Phantasm to evade all flames—'azure blue'?"

Lin Hui's black windbreaker was not damaged in any way, and the whole person slowly fell from the smoke without any damage at all, which made Fariagni hate it.

Lin Hui's strength is very strong, so strong that he is actually playing Fariagni from beginning to end.

However, this is of course, after all, if Fariagni is to deal with the Fire Mist Warrior, it can really be said to have a huge advantage. Let's not say anything else, just the flame of the Fire Mist Warrior, as long as you rely on "Blue" can be completely ignored. Against the Fire Mist Warrior, Fariagni can be said to be invincible. In addition, he has a revolver-like Noble Phantasm called "Happy Trigger". , that is the trump card for dealing with fire fog warriors.

This is one of Fariagni's strongest cards that can hunt down many fire and fog warriors. It is specially used to deal with fire and fog warriors. The container of fire and fog warriors that is hit will burst, and the demon king in the body will be forced to appear, afraid of himself. Demon Lords who appear to consume a large amount of existence power tend to return to the red world immediately.

Unless it is a container that can completely contain the Demon Lord in the body, if it is hit by the "Happiness Trigger", there is only one way to die.

It's a pity that Lin Hui is not a fire and fog warrior, but a human being, a human with super combat power. It is precisely because of this that some of Fariagni's methods are completely useless to Lin Hui.

"That's why I say you're out of luck!"

Lin Hui chuckled, then looked around: "Well, give you some more time, you should be able to activate 'that', but unfortunately, it is impossible for you to activate 'that', because I You are here with a certain 'God of Punishment' contractor, and the target of your 'that' is gone!"

Following Lin Hui's words, Fariagni's anger continued to rise: " actually know about this! Then you killed Marianne?!"

"Please, I'm a human, how could I have posted this kind of man-eating monster?"

Lin Hui looked at Fariagni indifferently: "I didn't pursue it before, but now, as long as I'm here, don't try to eat anyone!"


Fariagni waved his hand, and immediately, the deck of playing cards all lifted into the air, spread out, and lined up in front of Fariagni, each playing card with a pale white flame.

"I said, you call yourself a 'hunter' because of the Noble Phantasms scattered around the world by mobile phones. I admit that you do have quite a few good Noble Phantasms, but the Noble Phantasms in your hand, I am one of them. I can't see anything at all!"

Lin Hui said with a light smile, walking towards the place where the three Hecate was.

And Hecate also seemed to understand what Lin Hui wanted to do, and immediately opened the box. Immediately, an extremely gorgeous long sword lay quietly in the box.

It is a long sword that makes people sigh at its gorgeousness. The blue hilt symbolizes the supreme dignity, the golden handguard is like a noble king, and the pure white sword body exudes absolute justice. golden light.

Lin Hui grabbed the hilt of the sword, took it out, turned around and pointed it at Fariagni: "How does this Noble Phantasm of mine compare to your Noble Phantasm?"

"Go to hell!"

"Regular sharps" charged directly at Lin Hui, and attacked Lin Hui with Fariagni's full of anger.

However, Lin Hui swung his sword out, and it didn't have such a gorgeous swordsmanship, just a simple horizontal cut.


All the playing cards were cut in half by Lin Hui's sword, turned into pale white flames, and gradually disappeared.

"This sword connects the past, the present, and the future, connects the withered lives of all the soldiers on the battlefield, and connects the tragic and lofty ideals in their hearts when they are dying. Proud to carry out this faith to the end..."



Fariagni's right arm suddenly broke, and Lin Hui did not know when he appeared behind Fariagni: "When the King of Victory sings the true name of the miracle in his hands, he is victorious. It's that moment!"

"What? Could it be? Impossible, the Noble Phantasm should have long since been lost in time!"

Fariagni is not an idiot, because the name of this victorious king is familiar to everyone, and he can be called the king who has brought a huge influence on the whole world!

"Gathering the breath of the stars, the shining torrent of life - take it!"

Chapter [-] The truth of this world

Lin Hui slashed down the long sword that had gathered the rays of light, and at that moment, the golden giant sword that shone with the light of victory slashed down, shrouding Fariagni in a torrent of light.

"No! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Afterwards, Fariagni was completely engulfed by the golden torrent, completely wiped out, and not even a single residue remained.

This seal that also appeared because of Fariagni was crumbling and was about to disappear. However, in the next instant, when the pale white flame disappeared, it was replaced by a layer of red lotus-like flame. The petite girl took action and took over for Fariagni to maintain the ban, preventing too much damage to the world due to the lifting of the ban.

Lin Hui flipped forward and fell, and put the Sword of Oath of Victory back into the box.

Lin Hui stopped Hecate when he wanted to close the box: "Wait a minute, I just used it, let me inject some power into it."

After speaking, Lin Hui pointed his finger on the sword, and suddenly, a burst of light flowed into the sword from Lin Hui's fingertips.


The blade hummed softly, as if expressing that he was very comfortable, and Lin Hui still poured power into his body.

"Alastair, is that the legendary Noble Phantasm?"

At this time, the girl on the side asked when Lin Hui injected power into the sword.

"Well, it shouldn't be wrong, that golden holy sword will never admit mistakes, but the problem is, in that legend, this holy sword should have been thrown into the lake and returned to the fairy of the lake, completely lost. It's been a long time, but why did that person have it and still be able to use it."

The calm voice also revealed a hint of inconceivable: "What's more, this person is actually able to completely suppress a Red World Demon King, his combat power is too strong, it is unbelievable, this is no longer a height that humans can reach. already."

"Is it a great person like the legendary king?"

At this time, Alastair put forward such a hypothesis.

"A great... person?"

The girl also seemed to be lost in thought, but then she shook her head and looked at the surrounding damage: "This time, let's use the power of this person's existence, anyway, it has been damaged so badly."

Saying that, the girl was about to squat down to extract the power of the existence of the person who had been cut off from the cause and effect of the battle and used it to repair the damage around her.

"No, please don't use the power of these people's existence. If you want to use it, use mine."

At this time, a hand was placed in front of the girl.

The girl raised her head suddenly, and saw a piece of silver hair shimmering under the red lotus-like flame.

During the discussion between the girl and the demon king of the contract, Lin Hui had given strength to the sword of oath victory and came to the girl's side.

"The power of your existence, do you know what you mean by that?"

The girl frowned and looked at Lin Hui, she really didn't understand why Lin Hui would do such a thing.

"Well, after all, it's because of my relationship that the damage here is so serious. However, I am quite confident in my own power of existence. Someone said before that my power of existence is huge beyond imagination. , it's okay to use some."

Lin Hui said with a smile, but this made the girl hesitate.

"Well, in that case, the distortion will be smaller."

In the end, Alastair spoke up. Although Lin Hui's power of existence is used, he doesn't know what the consequences will be. If Lin Hui consumes the light, it will not be very good. However, if it is a great person, existence The power should not be less.

The girl held Lin Hui's hand and started repair work.

At the time of the repair, when Lin Hui's hand was used to absorb the power of existence used for the repair, the girl suddenly widened her eyes, and even her voice trembled: "How is it possible? Such a huge power of existence? Alastair !"

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