Yoshida Kazumi's face was pale, and it was completely unimaginable that such a danger existed in this world.

Lin Hui nodded: "So, when you decide to step into this world, I will tell you to be mentally prepared, of course, I will not help you at all, I will provide protection. "

"At the price of two Noble Phantasms, I will protect you until I decide to leave."

Chapter [-] You are too weak

Hearing Lin Hui's words, even Alastair couldn't believe it: "You still have a Noble Phantasm? That one is already incredible, and he took out two defensive treasures at once. Tool, where did you get so many Noble Phantasms?"

Lin Hui chuckled: "You don't need to worry about this. Let's take a look at the Noble Phantasm I prepared for you, Miss Hirai, Miss Yoshida."

Lin Hui waved, and immediately, a crimson ripple appeared in front of the two of them. Suddenly, two items fell out and landed on the table.

This time, even Shana was attracted by these two things.

Without him, everyone's eyes fell on one of the items.

It was a scabbard made of gold and blue. According to legend, if King Arthur hadn't lost his scabbard, King Arthur would not have been seriously injured and died in the battle of the sword fence. .

Of course, there is another way of saying that King Arthur did not die, just because he was injured too badly, he entered the legendary "goblin town" to sleep and recover from his injuries, until the world reappeared when the world was in crisis again.

However, these legends are too mysterious, and they can all be viewed as Shenhuo stories.

But now, the world view of Hirai and Yoshida Kazumi has been shattered once again. It was incredible to see the sword of oath victory that had disappeared in the long river of time, but I didn't expect that there has been a sword of oath victory. Swords are more precious, and at the same time more difficult to find Noble Phantasms appear.

"King Arthur's... scabbard?"

Yoshida Kazumi directly covered her mouth. She could never imagine how Lin Hui was able to obtain such an extremely precious Noble Phantasm, and now she is very generous in lending it to herself and her husband. Hirai margin.

"No way?"

Now even Shana is completely stunned, and Alastair is completely speechless, this scabbard is too precious.

According to legend, as long as you hold this scabbard, you can heal all injuries, even curses, and when the power is fully exerted, it can even reach the level of never dying.

It is absolutely enough to protect people.

"Avalon, you will never be unfamiliar with this Noble Phantasm. To be honest, it is mainly because other Noble Phantasms need to be triggered actively. I am also very troubled. After all, this Noble Phantasm is quite good, but, Since I took it out, I will definitely lend it to you, I said, to protect your safety, then I will definitely protect it to the end."

Lin Hui showed a generous smile.

"But, this is too... precious, isn't it? This..."

Hirai Yuki has been so shocked by Lin Hui's generosity that she can't speak. There is no way. If it were Hirai Yuki herself, she would not be able to do such generosity.

"It's okay, let me introduce you. You must be familiar with the legends of Avalon, but my Avalon is because of my power..."

Lin Hui pondered for a while, but as a result, some questions were called.

"Isn't it not as powerful as the legend?"

Shana is a little skeptical, if it is not as powerful as the legend, then it is estimated that it will not be of much use.

"No, if it is implanted in a person's body, it can isolate all dangers when encountering danger. When entering a state of complete defense, it is practically impossible to harm the bearer. Ignore all magic and physics, and even attack The rebounded "absolute guardianship", and even the holder himself will enter the sixth dimension."

"Sixth dimension?"


It was the first time for the three girls to hear about such a ranking, and even Hecate put down what was in his hand and looked at Lin Hui, a little curious, because she knew that if Lin Hui took out these Noble Phantasms, Then Sanzhuchen has no chance of winning at all.

"Well, for example, we are now in the third dimension, and the dimension lower than ours can be called the second dimension, and the dimension lower than the second dimension can be called the first dimension, of course, In other words, the dimension higher than ours is naturally the fourth dimension, such as the red world, the red world can be regarded as the fourth dimension, but even if the demon king of the red world appears, it is impossible to break through the fifth dimension , because the dimensional difference in the middle is not that simple."

"Not to mention, when people enter the sixth dimension, even if the world is destroyed, it will not hurt the holder at all."

Lin Hui's words are very concise and clear, and people can understand it as soon as they hear it, um, probably.

Although Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi knew that they knew those words, they didn't understand the sentences when they were combined. They only knew one thing, that is, with this Noble Phantasm, they couldn't die even if they wanted to. .

Afterwards, Lin Hui pointed to another Noble Phantasm on the table: "You probably have rarely heard of this Noble Phantasm, but its ability is not much worse than Avalon, at least it is absolutely enough to keep you all."

"The Achilles Cosmos that surrounds the sky. According to legend, the shield held by Achilles is the shield made by the forging god Hephaestus. To confront this shield is to oppose the world. Deploying the defense is equivalent to being in a small independent world, even if it is an attack that destroys the world, this shield can block the next blow."

Lin Hui just gave a brief introduction, but Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan realized that Lin Hui was not protecting them from the apostles of the Red World, but to allow them to survive even if they encountered the disaster of world destruction. .

"By the way, I will live here temporarily, Shana, you will also live here."

Lin Hui looked at Shana, and spoke directly, using words that Shana could not refuse, as if giving an order, causing Shana to frown directly, and her eyes that were originally dazed because of shock were immediately filled with anger.

"Why? I'm just here to crusade the disciples. I'll leave naturally after it's settled. Why should I stay here?"

"Because you are too weak."

Chapter [-] is noisy

"What did you say?"

Shana's eyes were about to burst into flames. She didn't expect that one day she would be called "weak" by a human being. You know, she was recognized by Will Emina as an excellent and qualified fire fog warrior. Over the years, he has been alone and crusade against the Apostles of the Red World, and gradually the name "Burning Eyes Crusher" was recalled by the Apostles of the Red World.

"I said you were weak, do you have any other opinions?"

Lin Hui shook his head helplessly: "Perhaps you think you can defeat the disciples alone, but those are only weak apostles in the red world. It is estimated that there are not many red world demon kings you have really encountered."

Lin Hui paused and looked at the pendant on Shana's chest: "Alastair, I'll just ask you, do you really think Shana used your power?"

"This one……"

Alastair of course knows that Shana is far from mature now. After all, Shana now only relies on her melee combat to fight, and the weapons are also very special, so she can be invincible, but, Shana herself was unaware of her own power.


Shana didn't expect that Alastair did not refute, that is to say, she is still very weak.

Lin Hui looked at Shana, the provocation in his mouth disappeared, but said softly: "Now you still have many, many possibilities that have not been discovered, you can't even draw your own flames now, right? "

"This? Of course I can!"

Shana gritted her teeth and said not to be outdone.

"No, no, you did not rely on yourself to draw out the flame of Alastair, but rely on your Noble Phantasm, the legendary special torch, that is, Mystis, the one in the sky, the legendary one. The swordsman of the past kept wandering in search of a strong man who matched his sword-making pinnacle - 'Zhidianzana', and finally admitted you and gave it to you."

"That Noble Phantasm has the power to cut off the Law of Freedom, and your flame is drawn out by relying on that Noble Phantasm. Can you still be said to be powerful like this? You are even the power of Alastair. The fur is useless!"

"Noisy, noisy, noisy!"

Shana slammed on the table at once, and the whole person was about to leave.

"If you want to become stronger, come to me, I believe you can find it."

Lin Hui looked at Shana who was leaving, and just said such a sentence, Shana's feet stopped for a while, and then left immediately, as if she didn't want to stay in this place anymore.


At this time, Hirai Yuan watched Lin Hui and Shana fall out and was a little scared, because one was the one who promised to protect them and gave them such an important Noble Phantasm, while the other was always unknown , but silently protecting mankind as a heroic fire and fog warrior.

"It's nothing, have you discussed it?"

Lin Hui looked at the two girls and showed a gentle smile.

"Well, I want this."

Margin Hirai took the shield, which is Achilles' Noble Phantasm - the Achilles Cosmos that surrounds the sky, that is to say, Avalon was left to Kazumi Yoshida by Margin Hirai.

"Have you decided?"

Lin Hui glanced at Yoshida Kazumi, and saw Yoshida Kazumi hesitated, as if he was worried about whether he should agree or not, after all, his friends kept the best for him.

"Okay, don't worry, it's just to protect you from being eaten by the Red World Apostles, no matter which Noble Phantasm is enough."

Lin Hui pointed his finger on the shield, and immediately, the shield flowed into Hirai Rim's body as if it had melted. At the same time, he picked up the scabbard and put it into Yoshida Kazumi's body: "Okay, like this. Come, even if Fariagni wants to do something to you, he has to pass me first, otherwise, these two Noble Phantasms will definitely protect you."

"Well, thank you so much."

Hirai Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi immediately stood up and thanked Lin Hui.

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, I also involved you in this world."

Lin Hui shook his head.

"No, no, if it weren't for you, Xiaoyuan and I might be eaten by those phosphorus seeds, so thank you very much."

Yoshida Kazumi is always able to say eye-catching words at critical moments. It seems that the girl who competes with Shana in the original book can't be underestimated.

"It's alright, by the way, I'm not going to live in Misaki City recently. My sister may also go to your school. You can take care of it then."

Lin Hui suddenly thought of something and said it.

"Well, if Miss Konoe comes to our school, she must inform us!"

Hirai said happily, with a look of surprise on his face, and Yoshida Kazumi was also very happy. After all, being with a super person like Lin Hui is still very stressful, but if it is replaced by Konoe Shicai If such a person has almost zero sense of existence, then there is not much pressure.

I didn't see that during the conversation just now, Konoe Shina didn't say a word, just ate snacks and drank tea in silence.

After sending off Hirai and Yoshida Kazumi, Hecate wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Hui and made a mute gesture.

After waiting for a while, suddenly, with this shop as the center, a seal unfolded, and red lotus-like flames directly enveloped this area.

Fire like a burst of flames.

Eye pupils as if they were burning.

The black windbreaker kept swaying, and the fiery red powder kept floating around.

He pointed at Lin Hui with the sword in hand.

"You said I was too weak, so how strong are you?"

"Don't worry, it's enough to point you."

Lin Hui said jokingly, and then, Lin Hui smiled: "Why, decide to fight with me, and then see your current strength?"

"Noisy, noisy, noisy! I'll make the decision myself!"

Shana slashed directly at Lin Hui with a big sword in her hand...

Chapter [-] is noisy

"What did you say?"

Shana's eyes were about to burst into flames. She didn't expect that one day she would be called "weak" by a human being. You know, she was recognized by Will Emina as an excellent and qualified fire fog warrior. Over the years, he has been alone and crusade against the Apostles of the Red World, and gradually the name "Burning Eyes Crusher" was recalled by the Apostles of the Red World.

"I said you were weak, do you have any other opinions?"

Lin Hui shook his head helplessly: "Perhaps you think you can defeat the disciples alone, but those are only weak apostles in the red world. It is estimated that there are not many red world demon kings you have really encountered."

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