Lin Hui paused and looked at the pendant on Shana's chest: "Alastair, I'll just ask you, do you really think Shana used your power?"

"This one……"

Alastair of course knows that Shana is far from mature now. After all, Shana now only relies on her melee combat to fight, and the weapons are also very special, so she can be invincible, but, Shana herself was unaware of her own power.


Shana didn't expect that Alastair did not refute, that is to say, she is still very weak.

Lin Hui looked at Shana, the provocation in his mouth disappeared, but said softly: "Now you still have many, many possibilities that have not been discovered, you can't even draw your own flames now, right? "

"This? Of course I can!"

Shana gritted her teeth and said not to be outdone.

"No, no, you did not rely on yourself to draw out the flame of Alastair, but rely on your Noble Phantasm, the legendary special torch, that is, Mystis, the one in the sky, the legendary one. The swordsman of the past kept wandering in search of a strong man who matched his sword-making pinnacle - 'Zhidianzana', and finally admitted you and gave it to you."

"That Noble Phantasm has the power to cut off the Law of Freedom, and your flame is drawn out by relying on that Noble Phantasm. Can you still be said to be powerful like this? You are even the power of Alastair. The fur is useless!"

"Noisy, noisy, noisy!"

Shana slammed on the table at once, and the whole person was about to leave.

"If you want to become stronger, come to me, I believe you can find it."

Lin Hui looked at Shana who was leaving, and just said such a sentence, Shana's feet stopped for a while, and then left immediately, as if she didn't want to stay in this place anymore.


At this time, Hirai Yuan watched Lin Hui and Shana fall out and was a little scared, because one was the one who promised to protect them and gave them such an important Noble Phantasm, while the other was always unknown , but silently protecting mankind as a heroic fire and fog warrior.

"It's nothing, have you discussed it?"

Lin Hui looked at the two girls and showed a gentle smile.

"Well, I want this."

Margin Hirai took the shield, which is Achilles' Noble Phantasm - the Achilles Cosmos that surrounds the sky, that is to say, Avalon was left to Kazumi Yoshida by Margin Hirai.

"Have you decided?"

Lin Hui glanced at Yoshida Kazumi, and saw Yoshida Kazumi hesitated, as if he was worried about whether he should agree or not, after all, his friends kept the best for him.

"Okay, don't worry, it's just to protect you from being eaten by the Red World Apostles, no matter which Noble Phantasm is enough."

Lin Hui pointed his finger on the shield, and immediately, the shield flowed into Hirai Rim's body as if it had melted. At the same time, he picked up the scabbard and put it into Yoshida Kazumi's body: "Okay, like this. Come, even if Fariagni wants to do something to you, he has to pass me first, otherwise, these two Noble Phantasms will definitely protect you."

"Well, thank you so much."

Hirai Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi immediately stood up and thanked Lin Hui.

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, I also involved you in this world."

Lin Hui shook his head.

"No, no, if it weren't for you, Xiaoyuan and I might be eaten by those phosphorus seeds, so thank you very much."

Yoshida Kazumi is always able to say eye-catching words at critical moments. It seems that the girl who competes with Shana in the original book can't be underestimated.

"It's alright, by the way, I'm not going to live in Misaki City recently. My sister may also go to your school. You can take care of it then."

Lin Hui suddenly thought of something and said it.

"Well, if Miss Konoe comes to our school, she must inform us!"

Hirai said happily, with a look of surprise on his face, and Yoshida Kazumi was also very happy. After all, being with a super person like Lin Hui is still very stressful, but if it is replaced by Konoe Shicai If such a person has almost zero sense of existence, then there is not much pressure.

I didn't see that during the conversation just now, Konoe Shina didn't say a word, just ate snacks and drank tea in silence.

After sending off Hirai and Yoshida Kazumi, Hecate wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Hui and made a mute gesture.

After waiting for a while, suddenly, with this shop as the center, a seal unfolded, and red lotus-like flames directly enveloped this area.

Fire like a burst of flames.

Eye pupils as if they were burning.

The black windbreaker kept swaying, and the fiery red powder kept floating around.

He pointed at Lin Hui with the sword in hand.

"You said I was too weak, so how strong are you?"

"Don't worry, it's enough to point you."

Lin Hui said jokingly, and then, Lin Hui smiled: "Why, decide to fight with me, and then see your current strength?"

"Noisy, noisy, noisy! I'll make the decision myself!"

Shana slashed directly at Lin Hui with a big sword in her hand...

Chapter [-] Shana's onslaught, another one?

In the face of Shana's attack, Lin Hui did not panic at all. He jumped up slightly and fell behind Shana at once. The moment Shana turned around, the whole person rolled out the window and fell outside. At this time, Hecate also directly picked up the music box that was put aside and rushed out of the room, landing behind Lin Hui.

The reason why Lin Hui chose this place is because the outside of this place is a meadow, with a wide field of vision and some flowers and plants, and there is a large road next to the grass, so Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai can see the road through the window. those pedestrians.

In this case, Lin Hui and Shana can also let go of their hands and feet, and the damage will not be too severe, resulting in a lot of things that need to be repaired.

Lin Hui had already thought about it from the very beginning. After all, in terms of Shana's character now, as long as she is angry with herself, she will definitely want to make trouble for herself. However, Shana is not the kind of person who can't listen to others. Shana still listened to Rastel's words.

If even Alastair acquiesced, then Shana would have to face herself. Therefore, the result would be that Shana would definitely come back to share the outcome with herself, and it was precisely because of this that Lin Hui would put Yala on the line. Stella went into the water.

No one knows her own strength better than Rastell, Shana really didn't even show her fur.

You must know that the night hat on Shana's body is the unique black clothes of Alastair's fire and fog warriors. It is integrated with Alastair's wings and is synchronized with the user's will. The interior can be changed at will, and it has the functions of defense and storage.

But now, Shana only used Yekasa's defense and storage functions, and even Alastair's wings were not manifested. One can imagine how much Alastair's power Shana exerted.

Accompanied by the fiery flames, a petite figure stabbed directly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui slowly took a few steps back.


A terrifying explosion exploded in front of Lin Hui. The rolling heat wave made Lin Hui's windbreaker sway constantly. The red lotus-like flames illuminated Lin Hui's resolute face red.

Among the flames, a young girl was holding a blade of flame and stood there looking at Lin Hui. On the blade, the flames began to gather, and in an instant, the girl rushed towards Lin Hui.

For close combat, Shana kept fighting and learning in Tiandao Palace, because the "Xiaobai" at that time was Shana's training object at that time, constantly training Shana's actual combat ability. Shana's real first life-and-death opponent was The Tianmu one, and the Tianmu one is just a special torch, that is, the Mistis, and it does not use the Free-Hearted Method.

As a condition for Shana to pass, "Rainbow Wing" Melichim used his own freedom method, but he didn't really kill Shana. Therefore, the number of times Shana really fought against the red world apostles who used the freedom method Not much, more battles are hand-to-hand combat. Shana has high achievements in hand-to-hand combat.

But it's a pity.

In the face of Shana's attack, Lin Hui dodged Shana's attack with one side, and flew straight up, his knee slammed into Shana's abdomen.

When Shana saw this scene, she immediately stretched out her hand to block Lin Hui's attack, but her arm suddenly went numb, and her whole body flew out.

Lin Hui's strength was so strong that Shana's left arm was directly paralyzed, and now she can't use her strength.


Alastair felt it directly. Lin Hui came directly behind Shana after repelling Shana. The speed was so fast that even Alastair almost didn't notice it, which made Alastair absolutely unaware. As he thought, Lin Hui's strength was too strong, much stronger than the previous Red World Apostles he had seen.


Shana swung the knife behind her, but the next moment, the knife suddenly stopped.

Lin Hui stretched out his fingers and directly clamped the blade of "Zhidian Zhana", completely unafraid of the red lotus-like flames emanating from it.


At the moment when Shana was in a trance, Lin Hui directly shoved Shana's body, knocking Shana into the air.


"Cough cough!"

Shana fell to the ground, and the whole person kept coughing. In the confrontation just now, Shana was completely defeated.

"First, you were distracted during the battle. Haven't you learned it before? Any accident may happen in the battle. Once you encounter an emergency, what you have to do at that time is not to be in a daze, but to immediately Random changes."

"Secondly, as a soldier, how can you let go of a weapon? If the enemy takes away the weapon, then you are like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. If you can use the free method, then you can listen to half of my words, but Now that you don't have the Zhan Dian Zhan, you can't even draw out the flames, how do you want to fight?"

"Finally, it's the same sentence, your own strength is too weak!"

"If you encounter an apprentice who is good at free-spirited law, of course, I don't mean those masters of free-handedly law in the true sense, then you still have the power to fight, but if you encounter a strong hand-to-hand combat, such as me, For example, 'Thousand Changes' Xiu Denan and the like, then you only have to lose this way."


Lin Hui directly threw Zhi Dianzhan in front of Shana: "Go ahead, you are really not right now!"

"Will Emina really doesn't seem to be able to train you!"

Lin Hui looked at Shana, and immediately, Shana was irritated: "You, you are not allowed to say Will Emina! Take that sentence back!"

Immediately, there were crimson waves around Lin Hui, and a white-gold long sword fell out of the space, which was directly held in Lin Hui's hand, and pointed at Shana: "Want me. Take that back? Then ask the caliburn in my hand first."

Chapter [-] A Letter

The sword in the stone (caliburn), also known as the sword of the king, was once predicted by the great magician Merlin when the British Empire was in turmoil. It can be successful, only the legendary knight king Arthur Pendragon draws the sword, so the famous king Arthur was born.

Under the leadership of King Arthur, he won twelve major battles in ten years, thus laying the foundation for the incomparably glorious moment of the British Empire.

However, the sword in the stone did not always accompany King Arthur to fight all the time. The young king Arthur broke the sword in a duel against King Perinor against the spirit of chivalry, so the great magician Merlin guided him to the holy lake. Next to it, the fairy in the lake held a sword in her hand and lifted it out of the water.The king came to the lake by boat, and he got the holy sword Excalibur, which is called "King's Sword", from the fairy of the lake. This sword was forged by the elves in Avalon. It is encrusted with gems, and because its sharp edge cuts iron like mud, the Lady of the Lake is named "Excalibur" (which means "broken steel" in ancient Celtic).

Therefore, the sword of oath of victory was the weapon that accompanied King Arthur in his constant battles. At the end of the battle of the sword fence, King Arthur's last knight, Bedwell, was thrown back into the lake and returned to Avalon, the kingdom of elves, together with King Arthur. .

However, now, an intact sword in the stone has once again appeared in Lin Hui's hands. How can this not be shocking?

Because, if the Sword of Oath of Victory or some other Avalon, the small world surrounding the sky, etc. can still be found, then the Sword in the Stone has definitely been broken and disappeared in this world. The Noble Phantasm, but now it can no longer be fooled by other things.

Moreover, now that Shana can no longer listen to any words, and the person closest to her has been belittled by Lin Hui, Shana is absolutely impossible to turn back.

A petite hand grasped the hilt of Zhi Dianzhan's knife: "I will definitely let you take back that sentence!"

At this moment, Shana's knife was completely ignited with flames.

Because of her anger, Shana's vision became narrower.

Because of anger, the flames on Shana's knife began to rage.

Because of anger, Shana's whole aura became unstable.

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