Shana's feet moved suddenly, and the whole person rushed towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui slashed with a sword, and Shana immediately raised the dagger in her hand and slammed Lin Hui's sword fiercely together.


A crisp jingle sounded, and Lin Hui directly pressed Shana to the ground that she couldn't stand her body upright. Lin Hui's strength was too strong.

Not to mention things like Shana and Lin Hui's competition of freedom, Shana has indeed gone through a lot of actual combat in the white-blade fighter, but Lin Hui's melee ability has been tempered in countless life-and-death fights.

The strongest thing about Lin Hui is not his various abilities, nor those abilities, but his body, that tough and incomparable body that accommodates a lot of human history and bears all the sins and original sins of mankind.

It is precisely because of this near-perfect body that Lin Hui has an innate advantage in close combat. Coupled with the fighting skills that Lin Hui has cultivated from countless fights, even people from the whole world will fight together. , Lin Hui kills one by one, and can also use completely different techniques and skills to slaughter the entire world.

Not to mention, once Lin Hui uses his powerful incarnation, even the world can be blown up by Lin Hui.

Therefore, Shana has no victory in close combat.

Shana, can't beat Lin Hui.

A sword slid through an extremely mysterious trajectory, and directly picked Shana's sword to one side, and the whole person was directly attached to her body. When Shana saw this scene, the whole person immediately panicked, but then her face became straight, and her face showed extremely decisive. expression.


The flame was detonated!

Lin Hui's whole body was shocked, and Shana also flew backwards.


"Cough cough!"

Shana fell to the ground, with some burn marks on her chest.

"Too reckless to detonate my flame at such a close distance."

Alastair did not stop Lin Hui and Shana from fighting, but criticized Shana's actions at this time.

"But, I have no choice."

Shana's whole body is a little weak. In the battle just now, Shana has never felt so aggrieved. The whole person seems to be being played by the opponent. Lin Hui has released water many times in the battle. Shana can feel that Lin Hui has not used it at all. After trying his best, several times, he clearly felt that he was about to lose, but Lin Hui suddenly pulled away to give himself some breathing time.

And just now, at such a close distance, Shana had no means of countering the opponent, so she could only give it a shot.

"Alastair, don't say that. After all, the opponent is me, and I am the opponent. Didn't Shana draw your flame just now? This is considered progress, so I won't say more. Oh what!

Lin Hui suddenly retracted the golden sword into the space: "Today's training has been pretty good, and then I just need Shana to remember that feeling, and in a few days, Shana should be able to cover that without the help of Zhidian. You can draw your fire."

Lin Hui is no longer ready to continue fighting, so he also stopped, but still pointed out Shana's shortcomings: "But, Shana, although the reaction just now is good, but if the opponent is not me, but a life-and-death fight Enemy, then even if you are injured, you still have to get up, otherwise, it will only be you!"

"Give me back that sentence!"

Shana also understood just now that she had indeed made some progress under Lin Hui's coercion, but Shana would never agree with Lin Hui's comments on Will Emina.

"Take back that sentence? Okay, you can read this letter first and see if I want to take it back."

The space around Lin Hui was filled with crimson light, and a letter shot directly at Shana...

Chapter [-] You are Shana


Shana was a little dazed. Looking at the letter flying towards her, she reached out her hand subconsciously, caught the envelope, and saw a line of small words on the front of the envelope.

The burning-eyed crusader, Shana, personally opened it.

There is no doubt that this is a letter to himself, but Lin Hui only obtained the name of Shana for himself today. Why would the person who wrote this letter know about it?


Shana called out softly.

"Well, let's see, I don't think Lin Hui has any ill will towards you."

Alastair judged Lin Hui's actions in the short period of one or two hours. It seemed that he was treating Shana well, even if he was rude, it was for Shana's sake.

Shana nodded, opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

I saw the first line of words: To dear Shana.

Afterwards, Shana was stunned, because the following lively statement can tell who wrote it to her at a glance. The most important thing is that it also wrote that this person's knowledge of Shana's name also came from Lin Hui. Yes, because Lin Huida had decided from the very beginning to name the new scorching crusader "Xia Na".

Therefore, the person who wrote the letter would naturally call her by the name Shana, who had only been given it for less than two hours.

" this, Mami-san's letter?!"

Shana couldn't believe it.

In the beginning, Shana was picked up by Will Amina, but at some point, a very beautiful and handsome woman would come to Tiandao Palace to play with her and exercise herself.

The woman's name is Nakaoka Asami, known as the strongest fire fog warrior, the title is "Red Flame Witch", and also the oldest fire fog warrior. She once participated in the battle of "God Punishment", and she is also one of the few really. The Fire Mist warrior who survived that battle is now the only Fire Mist who has survived from the ancient times.

Even Kamsin Naifharvey, known as the "dressed rider", was contracted in the middle of the war. Unfortunately, he did not participate in that war. However, even this incomparably ancient card Musin also highly respects Nakaoka Asami, calling him "the last pillar of the Fire Mist Warrior".

And Kamsin, as one of the few lawyers in the world, was also taught to him by Nakaoka Mami, because after participating in that war, Nakaoka Mami would fall into a deep sleep from time to time. The distortion of the world will continue to expand because it will not be corrected, so looking for a successor, I happened to meet Kam Xin, and taught Kam Xin how to correct the distortion.

As a result, Kamsing, as a fire and fog warrior with outstanding combat power, is also a rare lawyer in the world. Kamsing has always used the "teacher" for Asami Nakaoka, who taught him this technique. to call each other.

Nakaoka Mami is naturally very attentive to the newly appointed crusaders. Unfortunately, many children have failed in the past few hundred years. Until the appearance of Shana, she was called the best by Will Emina. A possible child, so Asami Nakaoka showed up.

However, Shana often sees Nakaoka Mami and Will Emina quarreling, and the relationship between the two has continued to decline from the initial best friend, and it has continued to deteriorate. In the end, Nakaoka Mami only sees Shana every time she comes. Not even Willemina would go to see it.

In the words of Nakaoka Mami: "That silly girl is too brainy, she must be beaten up!"

It's a pity that the two have been together for hundreds of years, and there is no way that Nakaoka Mami will start with her companion. Therefore, Nakaoka Mami will choose to avoid each other in such a way of escaping.

"Shana, I have very different opinions on Will Emina's approach!"

"As a person who lives in this world as a trace, then he will definitely have his own name. Although you have become a fire and fog warrior and have disappeared from this world, you are much better than those who were swallowed up by the disciples. , because, you are still walking in this world."

"However, you are not as good as those who were swallowed up by the disciples, because even if the disciples were swallowed up, even if human beings remember that there is such a person, but those of us who are for human beings, or for the vengeance of the fire fog warriors or You can remember their names more or less, but you don't even have a name of your own, which is absolutely abnormal in my opinion."

"Alastair, I know, you will read this letter too, for this, I will criticize you too, a teenage girl has become your contractor, but why can't you have your own Name, do you mean that if you have a name, you will lose the sense of mission of the Fire Mist Warrior?"

"Not at all!"

"Xana, you have to remember, a name has too many meanings for you."

"I think the name Shana sounds very good, so please don't let such a name be ashamed, because this name appeared in this world as your scorching crusader, try to become stronger, fight, and then, Let your name only belong to you, not the title of 'Bright Eyed Crusader', but as 'Bright Eyed Crusher' Shana, let the name 'Xana' resound throughout the world!"

"You're not Matilda, you don't have to be like that."

"As a fire and fog warrior, Matilda made the title of 'the blazing crusader' resound throughout the world, but, along with her own name, Matilda Sanmi Lu, now it's your turn, Shana, go, face the other Red World Apostles and call out your own name!"

"You are you, you are the 'blazing eye crusader' Shana!"

The first letter is here, making Shana's eyes a little ruddy. As a person like Shana's "birth mother", Will Emina has a huge influence on Shana. However, Will Emina has a huge impact on Shana. The direction in which Mina cultivated Shana was a little distorted.

What she cultivated was not a fire-mist warrior with a great sense of mission, but a fire-mist puppet with a great sense of mission. The puppet does not need a name. Therefore, Nakaoka Asami and Will Amy Najian quarrels every time.

Perhaps in Will Amina's heart, she only has a glimmer of hope, hoping to see Shana like Matilda once, but it's a pity!

Shana, not Matilda!

Chapter [-] Lin Hui's Past "Escape Experience"

The first letter was to talk to Shana Lara about her experiences these days and her thoughts on the name "Xana". Looking at the words of Mami Nakaoka, Shana felt a huge impulse in her heart.

The original Shana was just following Will Emina's request and continued to move forward on the road of becoming a qualified Fire Mist Warrior, not because of hatred for the Red World Apostles, but because of her passion as a Fire Mist Warrior. Only with a sense of mission will act, but now, Nakaoka Mami is holding grievances for Shana. As an excellent fire and fog warrior, how can there not even be a name that is called and remembered by others?

Shana is not a puppet. Shana is an excellent fire and fog warrior. Shana should and must have a name of her own. Shana is not an accessory to the title of "Brightening Eyes Crusade", but "Brightening Eyes Crusade." The title of "the person" will be remembered because of Shana.

Matilda has passed the past tense, and the current "blazing crusader" is Shana!


Alastair murmured softly, and even Alastair had to be persuaded when someone said this. Perhaps it was because Asami Nakaoka talked about Matilda's death. It touched Alastair's heart.

Shana is like her own daughter to Alastair. As an old father, Alastair will naturally choose to move forward in a direction that is beneficial to her daughter. Now, Asami Nakaoka will make her own The idea and the path with Will Amina were placed in front of Shana and Alastair.

"Alastair, I will try to accept the name."

Shana said softly, but then Shana showed a gentle look on her face again: "However, I don't think Will Emina's statement is wrong, I will continue to use the name 'Xana'. You have a sense of mission to crusade the disciples."

"That's fine."

Alastair was also touched by Shana's growth at the moment.

Then, Shana looked at the second letter, and then looked at Lin Hui in disbelief.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Lin Hui chuckled lightly.

"You, who are you? What is your relationship with Sister Mami?"

Shana looked at Lin Hui and couldn't imagine it, because Nakaoka Mami admired Lin Hui very much in the letter. You must know that even other fire and fog warriors, Nakaoka Mami will comment in a satisfactory manner, rather than praise with gorgeous words. The other party, however, in this letter, more than one-third of the content is praising Lin Hui.

High strength, intelligence and wit, etc., and even asked Shana to follow Lin Hui to study, because Lin Hui is another life mentor invited by Nakaoka Asami for Shana.

As I said before, it is precisely because Lin Hui will use the name "Xia Na" to refer to Shana, so Nakaoka Mami also called Shana like this in the letter.

Not only that, Nakaoka Mami even faintly pointed out that Lin Hui's strength is extremely terrifying, extremely powerful, and surpasses anyone in this world. Shana will learn from Lin Hui, then there will be huge gains. If possible, I even hope that Shana can travel with Lin Hui and so on.

Shana is of course very convinced of Nakaoka Mami's words, because Nakaoka Mami's words are extremely authoritative, but this is too incredible.

It was revealed in the letter that even Nakaoka Mami herself could not be Lin Hui's opponent. Shana could not imagine such a thing at all.

"Okay, let's fix it now. I have to find a house in this city, otherwise, I'll have to stay in a hotel at night."

Lin Hui seemed to have a headache and stretched out his hand.

Shana held Lin Hui's hand, and then began to repair the things in Fengjue. Shana sighed every time she felt the enormous power of existence in Lin Hui's body. She didn't understand who Lin Hui was. , Why can you have so many Noble Phantasms?

Either one is a Noble Phantasm that exists only in legends.

"Then, Lin Hui, I have something I want to ask you."

Alastair spoke suddenly.

Lin Hui looked at the firelight flashing in the pendant: "Please speak."

"Where did you meet that child, and when did you meet it? Did it have anything to do with the masquerade attack?"

Alastair still can't let go of Konoe Shinai's affairs. It's too similar. If Konoe Shinai is matched with a big witch's clothes, and her hair is dyed a little bit, then it will be a "top seat". "It's Hecate.

"Oh, you said Shi Cai, it was me two years ago. At that time, the zero-hour fan on my body happened to be discovered. Those apostles of the red world wanted to snatch them, but they were completely wiped out by me, and Shi Cai's family was also the same. At that time, I was not careful and didn't notice those red world apostles, who were eaten up by them and used to restore my existence, for this, I felt a little remorseful, so I took Shi Cai with me."

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