Alastair felt it at once, this force directly broke through the sky, and a huge flame turned into a wolf's head, constantly swimming, and even the body was about to condense.

Shana kept jumping backwards. However, the house itself was not very big, and when it was propped up by Marco Yasis's huge body, the surrounding walls began to shatter towards the outside.

Lin Hui and Lian Nancy moved to another house at once, while Shana was flying in the air.

"This is a little troublesome. If it continues to rampage like this, then the ban will not be able to sustain."

Lian Nancy felt the turmoil of Ma Qionglin, and then looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "Don't look at me, now you can look at Shana's performance, Shana will definitely win, she is the girl who turns the impossible into the possible!"

"No, with Shana's current strength, it may be a little dangerous."

Lin Nanxi commented very seriously and made a fair judgment on this.

"Yes, it is true in terms of strength, but in terms of combat, Shana's determination is much stronger than that of a woman who is incompetent and furious, so Shana will win!"

Lin Hui is a man who has traveled to countless Shura fields. Naturally, he is very clear that there are too many factors that can determine the outcome of a battle, and determination is one of the most important conditions.

Afterwards, Shana rushed into the sky, like a flame of flame, completely wrapped herself in it with red lotus-like flame wings, and rushed directly into the incompletely manifested body of Marco Yasis, with a single knife. Slashed Marjoram.

Immediately, Marchionne and the books beside her were directly split out of the flame, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"Really, this movement is really big!"

Lin Hui and Lian Nanxi walked over slowly, and Shana also had some black marks on her body, which were left from the previous battle and the rush into the flames just now.

Lin Hui felt a little distressed when he saw it. Then, he stretched out his hand and displayed Mami Nakaoka's free method, completely reversing the injury left by Shana to the state before the injury.

"Sure enough, I knew that Shana won in reverse."

Lin Hui touched Shana's head, and Shana's face turned a little red. She patted off Lin Hui's big hand at once: "It's so noisy, I will definitely win, you don't need to say it!"

After that, Lin Hui ignored this arrogant girl and walked to Marjoram's side. At this moment, all the clothes around Marjoram were burnt out. I don't know if Marco Yasis brought it down intentionally or not. A curtain was draped over Marchionne, covering the spring light that should have been leaked.

"I said, Marchionn Dow, I know you've been looking for silver, haven't you?"

Lin Hui suddenly spoke in shocking words, and directly said the name of the Red World Apostle that Ma Qionglin had been chasing.

"Hey, Lin Hui, you..."

Lian Nanxi spoke out, and Lin Hui reached out his hand to stop her.

"What did you say? Do you know it?"

Ma Qionglin's whole body suddenly recovered, and her whole body became extremely ferocious, with a murderous aura releasing.

"Want to see it? Yes, no problem at all."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hui's mouth: "However, I have to tell you one thing first."

Chapter [-] Tool Man No. [-], get!

Lin Hui's words made Ma Qionglin stunned. Even Shana and Alastair couldn't understand it. Could it be that Lin Hui can still call out Yin now?Is this a joke?

"Hey, hey, don't say you can find silver now, it's impossible!"

Macyasis exclaimed strangely, "I've never heard of a disciple's flame being silver!"

Lin Hui shrugged: "Believe it or not, anyway, I have a way for you to see it right away."

"Wait a minute, Lin Hui, is this inappropriate?"

At this time, Lian Nanxi stopped her and said to Lin Hui, "I think it's better not to let Ma Qionglin know about this."

"Besides, let's talk about it, do you really know what silver is? That guy can't be chased or found, and he can only wait for his own existence."

Lian Nanxi was dissatisfied with Lin Hui's words.

"It's my fault, but I really have a way to make it appear."

Lin Hui closed one eye and looked at Ma Qionglin: "What, do you want to know?"

"Isn't that of course? My beautiful goblet has been hunted for hundreds of years for that guy!"

Marco Yasis kept roaring, and the huge book was beating, and it seemed that he couldn't hold back the urge to fight.

"That...that guy is everything to me, I must kill him, you hurry up and call that guy over!"

Ma Qionglin's whole face also showed a ferocious expression, her eyes were full of murderous intent, which was not consistent with the somewhat confused look before.

"Well, it's not impossible to tell you, but are you really the best mentally prepared?"

Lin Hui chuckled: "Actually, Yin is not far from you, but I won't let it appear right now, because although I won't say anything about saving the lives of unrelated people, but There is no reason to let others die."

With that said, Lin Hui turned around and said, "Find me when you've figured it out."

"Think about the meaning of life after you take revenge on Yin."

"Stop for me, human, and tell me where the silver is."

Marchionne stood up against the wall behind her: "Where the hell is that guy Yin?"

"Don't worry, it won't run away, so I will let you think clearly, Marco Yasis, you should also pay attention to your contractor, now she is crazy, her mental state is unstable, and she is on the silver lining. But there is no doubt that he will die!"

Lin Hui shook his hand, as if to say goodbye.


Ma Qionglin has been looking for silver for hundreds of years, and now she has finally found a clue, but the other party didn't tell her, how could this convince her!

Besides, it's not that Ma Qionglin can't believe Lian Nanxi's words, because the other party is a very famous master of freedom in the red world. Many incredible freedom methods are created by Lian Nanxi. Compared with Ma Qionglin As far as the "massacre improvisation" is concerned, the law of freedom created by Lin Nancy can be used in a wider range.


"That, Lin Hui, do you really know where the silver is?"

After leaving, Shana couldn't hold back her curiosity and finally asked this question.

Lian Nanxi on the side just pouted: "How could he know, at best, it's just what Mami-sama told him, anyway, silver is nothing..."

"Silver is not a disciple."

Lin Hui interrupted Lian Nanxi's words and said directly: "It's more popular, it's a machine, or a device or something, and what I said before to make the other party appear immediately is not a lie."

"Then you let the other party appear!"

Lian Nanxi was naturally very unhappy when Lin Hui robbed her of her lines. If it wasn't for Nakaoka Mami's mission, she would not have been so busy all these years, and was even chased by many fire and fog warriors, if she hadn't escaped The means are first-class, but they have to be forced out of their true bodies.

Lin Hui didn't say a word, just took out the Zero Hour Fan and pointed his finger on it. The next moment, a seal was suddenly activated.

The color of the flame in the seal is very similar to that of Fariagni, but it is completely different. It is an absolutely pure color.


That's right, it was the color of the so-called apostle's flame that Marchionne had been chasing.


Lian Nanxi also opened her mouth wide, revealing the tender and looming small tongue inside.

Shana also looked at Lin Hui in disbelief: "Lin Hui, are you..."

Alastair said, "Wait a minute, Shana, something is wrong."

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and flicked Shana's head: "What are you thinking, I'm not silver. If you compare that kind of thing with me, it will only bring down my style."

"Besides, I know the truth about Yin, and Lian Nancy also knows it, so I can't tell Ma Qionglin now, otherwise, the other party will die."

Lin Hui sighed softly: "And it's probably suicide."

"It scared me to death, I thought you really wanted to say it at the time."

Lian Nanxi was also a little scared: "the other party at least knows Mami-sama. If you let Ma Qionglin die like this, Mami-sama won't be able to explain it, right?"

"No, it won't, anyway, Marjoram will know the truth sooner or later. After the masquerade knows the whereabouts of the Zero Hour Mistress, it is impossible for the other party to not act."

Lin Hui stretched his waist: "So, Shana, I will ask you to protect me from now on!"

"of course!"

Shana raised her chest and assured: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

"That's it, by the way, there is one more thing. In the afternoon's free method training, Lian Nancy will teach you."

Lin Hui patted Lian Nanxi on the back, causing the pink and pink little loli to stumble and almost fall to the ground: "Huh? Me? Why?"

"You are the best free-spirited master other than Mami. It is perfect for you to teach Shana."

Lin Hui said in a very natural tone, "I'm just a human, and I don't know much about the Law of Freedom, so you are the most suitable."

But in my heart, I was secretly complacent, Tool Man No. [-], get!

Chapter [-] Yoshida Kazumi's Invitation

It was already two or three o'clock in the morning when I got home. At this time, normal people have been asleep for a long time, and for a group of young people who like nightlife, it is time to be sleepy.

Even Shana can't hold it anymore. After all, no matter what, the Fire Mist Warrior needs to rest to recover the power of existence. Unlike Lian Nanxi or Hecate, they can recover in other ways.

There is Lin Hui's supply on Hecate, so naturally there is no need to worry, and Lian Nanxi has collected the power of existence for decades, which is enough to allow her to live carefree for a long time.

"I'm going to rest first."

Shana said hello and was stopped by Lin Hui when she was about to go upstairs.

"Wait a minute, Shana, let's take a bath first, it's more conducive to sleep after a bath, and you don't want to go to bed in such a dirty state, right?"

Afterwards, Lin Hui threw a new set of clothes to Shana: "I'll prepare towels for you later."

"Isn't it necessary to take a shower? Even if it gets dirty, Alastair's flame will help me clean it."

Shana is still unfamiliar with various human behaviors and habits.

"Don't say that, taking a bath is conducive to the process of relaxation and rest. In order to completely relax your tense spirit, it is very comfortable."

Lin Hui looked at Shana, and then thought for a moment: "By the way, Lian Nanxi, do you want to go in and wash with Shana?"

"Me? Yes."

Lian Nanxi thought for a while and agreed.

Later, Shana gave Lin Hui the artifact on her neck, that is, the pendant that Alastair usually showed her will. Lin Hui then turned and left and walked to the room to the side to help the two girls prepare towels.

"Why do you seem to have changed a lot all of a sudden."

At this time, the pendant placed on the table by Lin Hui made a sound, and Alastair was a little strange about the transformation of Lin Hui before and after.

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