"It's nothing, it seems that I was a little arrogant before, and I can't listen to other people's words. I'm sorry."

Lin Hui showed an apologetic smile: "Perhaps it's because I've been in a high position for too long, I always feel that I'm superior, and my strength is very strong, so I don't take some people's suggestions into account."

"My decision has always been correct, which is understandable, but, man, always blindly lack of judgment on myself at times like this, precisely because I have always been correct and a winner, So, I can keep going.”

"However, when I moved forward, I lost my direction and ignored the opinions of those around me. This was a big mistake on my part."

"From the past, I have hated those guys who are high above and claim to be gods. They don't regard human life as the most precious treasure and want to trample them, and those who have no power are regarded as playthings and ants to despise. ."

"As a result, in the end, I almost became such a person, Alastair, you said, is it that humans have been making similar mistakes repeatedly, and the result will not change."

Lin Hui took out two towels and laughed at himself: "I've heard a story before."

"There is a village that has been invaded by evil dragons all the time. However, it is not that no one cares, but that many dragon slayer warriors go there to kill the evil dragon."

Lin Hui put the pendant in his hand, as if he was talking, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "However, every time no one comes back, everyone thinks that those people were killed by that evil dragon."

"As a result, one time, everyone followed quietly, but found that it was not the case. The dragon slayer killed the dragon, but the dragon slayer who bathed in the blood of the dragon grew scales and teeth. It became sharp, its body became huge, it grew wings, and it became a dragon."

"Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons. Perhaps, I have felt the same way after being a king for a long time."

Lin Hui put the towel and pendant at the bathroom door: "Xia Na, Lian Nancy, I put the towel at the door, you can take it in later."

Afterwards, Lin Hui planned to leave, and did not intend to listen to Alastair's answer.

"Lin Hui, this is indeed a very regrettable story, but I don't think you will become an evil dragon. Even if you kill the evil dragon and bathe in the blood of the evil dragon, it will be the same."

Lin Hui paused as he went upstairs.

"Thank you."


As always, the days continued, killing the Crimson Demon King in this city, and defeating the Fire Mist Warriors who came to find fault, Lin Hui and Shana's normal days continued.

In the morning, under the leadership of Lin Hui, Shana continued to draw out the flames in her body, and even now she no longer needed Lin Hui's power to guide her.

In the morning, Lin Hui and Shana fought against each other. Now Lin Hui will not kill Shana in seconds, but every time he uses a little bit stronger than Shana to suppress Shana, allowing Shana to continue to make breakthroughs in her melee ability, and even Lin Hui will also use a variety of different fighting styles to make Shana adapt to fighting a variety of enemies.

In the afternoon, under the guidance of Lian Nanxi, he was groping for his own freedom method. Sure enough, Lian Nanxi is not a master of freedom method, and Shana soon learned the trick. Of course, she wants to create her own freedom method. , This is still very difficult for Shana, but she is already very proficient in the mastery of flames.

In the evening, the flames continued to be exercised, so Shana didn't feel any discomfort in what should have been a very boring day for Shana.

Lin Hui's cooking is delicious, and the black tea is delicious. Sometimes, when he is resting, Lin Hui will make some interesting stories to make Shana very fascinated, as if the previous quarrel never happened.

For Shana, it would be better if there was no guard Slay who often clings to Lin Hui as soon as he got home.

However, the original days should continue like this. When the next Red World Apostle is on the spot, Shana will attack again and use it as a test of her strength.

However, all this was taken away by a piece of paper that was insignificant to Shana.

"Huh? Shi Cai, what is this?"

Lin Hui saw a reception scroll that was placed on the coffee table by Konoe Shinai: "Does this seem to be the Misaki Water World that just opened a few days ago? It seems to be a water park, where did it come from?"

There was still no emotion in Hecate's voice: "The classmates in the class gave it. By the way, it seems that Yoshida Kazumi also intends to invite my brother and me to go."

"Yoshida Kazumi, Shi Cai, are you planning to go?"

Lin Hui looked at Hecate, wanting to hear Hecate's answer.

"Brother go, I'll go."

Hecate's answer, as always, made Lin Hui smile wryly.

Chapter [-] feels like a pervert

Lin Hui was helpless, but Hecate's answer was within his expectations. If Hecate could answer with her own will, then Lin Hui would be surprised, and this is what Lin Hui is working on.

But in just a few days, it is good that Hecate can change, although the change is still very small.

"A water park? Human activities are quite strange!"

At this time, Lian Nanxi looked at the tickets in Lin Hui's hand and seemed very interested in this water park.

"Well then, let's go together. Although it has just opened, if you want tickets, I can still get them. Shana, are you going?"

Lin Hui looked at Shana.

"Don't go, because it's useless to become stronger. It's better to strengthen training. I have to become stronger."

Shana looked at Zhi Dian Zhan, which was tightly held by her, and the flames on it became more vigorous. In recent days, Shana's strength has been getting stronger and stronger, and the battle with Lin Hui is also constantly grabbing To attack, Lin Hui had to use stronger power for every attack, because Shana became stronger than Lin Hui imagined.

Although she has not yet created her own law of freedom, this is just Shana's imagination of her own power and has no idea, because in the end, Shana is just a child.

Shana didn't know how to answer the three questions Lin Hui asked herself. However, one thing was certain. Shana knew that once she got the answer, her understanding and imagination of power would come naturally. appeared.

"Okay, don't say that, occasional relaxation is also needed."

Lin Hui rubbed Shana's little head: "Or, Shana can't swim? She's really cute!"

"Noisy, noisy, no one can swim, go and go!"

Shana said fiercely: "I'm hungry!"

Afterwards, Shana ran into the house and started to take off her clothes.

"Xana, don't start undressing when you're outside."

At this time, Alastair's voice also came out, and he did not object to Shana going out to relax, but he still pointed out some of Shana's uncivilized habits and asked him to correct them.

"It's uncomfortable for sweat to stick to your body, okay, I'll pay attention next time."

Then, Shana took a towel and walked into the bathroom.

Lin Hui shook his head at this, but Lian Nanxi contracted the process of tidying up Shana's clothes. After all, Lian Nancy also took care of Nakaoka Mami before, so it would not be good for Lin Hui to help Shana pack up. .

"Then, Xiaolian, are you going?"

Lin Hui suddenly started flirting with the pink-haired little girl.

"Don't use that title to call me, just call me by my name. There's nothing to do anyway, Mami-sama also let us move freely, but Phyllis blames herself for losing the zero-hour fan, and she's still there. Outside, I don't know what to do."

Although Lian Nanxi is not disgusted with Lin Hui's name, she doesn't want to agree. It's too strange, and she is not a lover. Lian Nanxi can't stand such a nasty name.

"OK, that's three tickets. I'll leave for a while. You can help me prepare for dinner later."

Lin Hui disappeared in place all at once, which made Lian Nanxi a little surprised, because when Lin Hui left, he felt a little weird, but there were no traces of the law of freedom, and how did he leave? Lin Nancy couldn't understand.

After getting back the three tickets to Misaki Water World, Lin Hui came back and made dinner, and by the way helped Shana make her favorite pineapple buns, which was also Shana's request.

After returning that day, as an apology, Lin Hui asked Shana to make a request. Shana's request was naturally that she wanted to eat pineapple buns every night. As a result, after Lin Hui made it herself, Shana lost interest in other pineapple buns. , after all, the craftsmanship of others is far from Lin Hui's.

"By the way, if you go swimming, you should prepare a swimsuit, right? Do you have any?"

Lin Hui asked such a question after dinner.


"A swimsuit?"

"Can't it be at school?"

Listening to the three women's answers, Lin Hui had a headache. Well, the two have no common sense. The only one with common sense is the one who doesn't want to manage anything. How can he feel like a housekeeper?


I'm not a babysitter!

After tidying up a little, Lin Hui took the three girls out and went to the nearest shopping mall nearby.

Came to a women's clothing store, which should sell women's swimwear, so Lin Hui looked at Lian Nanxi: "I said, Xiaolian, otherwise, you can bring Shana and Shi Cai in. "

At this time, Lian Nanxi had goosebumps all over her body, she was about to agree, but her eyes lit up, and then she smiled at Lin Hui: "Lin Hui, I don't know what you like girls to wear. Swimsuits, let's go in together!"

Afterwards, Lian Nanxi grabbed Lin Hui's hand at once and took Lin Hui directly to the store. It was a good time. Everyone who bought clothes in the store looked over and saw a cute little girl holding her back. A more handsome young man entered the store.

And behind the two of them were two little girls, one was expressionless, the other didn't seem to be happy.

Lin Hui was a little speechless: "Tsk, okay."

"Xia Na, Shi Cai, wait a moment, I'll ask the clerk where the swimsuits are sold here."

Lin Hui asked Lian Nanxi to be optimistic about the two girls, which caused Shana's dissatisfaction. After all, for Shana, this feeling was like she was still a child.

After Lin Hui came back, his face was strange, looking at Lian Nanxi, Lin Hui extremely doubted that Lian Nanxi had noticed it before he would piss him off like this.

And Lian Nanxi knew that her conspiracy had succeeded when she saw Lin Hui's expression.

Afterwards, Lin Hui took the three girls to an underwear area, and the swimsuit was in the innermost area, that is to say, they had to pass through the underwear area, and when the girls here saw Lin Hui come in, Immediately, his face turned a little red, and he put down the underwear in his hand. When he was seen by a handsome big boy, he was always a little shy.

In particular, Shana's gaze towards Lin Hui always felt strange.

Lin Hui instantly felt that he was a pervert...

Chapter [-] Shana is jealous

Lin Hui is the king of people.

As a human king, wouldn't it be very cheap if his face was the same as that of ordinary people?

Therefore, after Lin Hui was a little embarrassed, he abandoned that trace of shame. Anyway, for himself, it was not that he had never been to this kind of place before, not to mention that no one knew him here, so he was panicking and suffered a loss. Not myself.

Seeing the change in Lin Hui's expression, Lian Nanxi was a little bored. She originally wanted to see Lin Hui's flustered expression, but was resolved by Lin Hui's understatement.

Yes, there are actually not no boys here, there are still a few boys who were dragged in by their girlfriends, but those little boys were all blushing and became the target of ridicule by all the girls, but they suddenly killed Lin Hui like this. A freak, seeing that the women's underwear is not as red as the young boys, who are obviously about the same age.

Soon, Lin Hui took the three little girls through the underwear area, and he kept his eyes fixed on the way, because there were two eyes behind him staring at him, as if he dared to start a seal here if there was anything wrong with him. Knife cut yourself.

But this is not your own pot. If you want to cut it, you will also cut the guy next to you who teaches you the law of freedom!

"So what? Are you going to pick us swimsuits?"

Shana looked at the clothes around her, some were even made up of several pieces of cloth, which made Shana blush and shy, and some were really not suitable for Shana.

Well, it's really not suitable. After all, Shana's current figure is more suitable for a one-piece swimsuit.

"Ah, isn't this Konoe-san?!"

At this time, a girl ran over excitedly, took Hecate's hand and said with a smile, "Student Konoe, why did you come back here. Yimei, look, it's classmate Konoe."

"Eh? Konoe-san is here too?"

At this time, the curtain of a fitting room was pulled open, and I saw an invincible young and beautiful girl wearing a set of white... bikini, yes, pure white supported the girl's figure It was just right to fully present all the youth, cuteness and beauty of this girl.

If a boy sees this scene, it is estimated that he will faint with happiness.

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