

The man who was lying on the ground flew up and fell into the water fiercely. Because he was caught off guard, he choked several saliva.

"Ah, Mr. Lin Hui?!"

Hirai Yuan was very surprised. He didn't expect that at such a time, the Prince Charming in his mind actually appeared to save him.

"Hey, boy, how dare you kick my brother?"

Even this man did not expect that someone would dare to do it. This is good, because Lin Hui did it first, so even if they hit someone, they would have a reason. That kind of "justifiable defense" and so on is precisely because he has a little Only clever people can trouble others without being troubled by others.

"Come down for me!"

Lin Hui walked over, punched them all, and dropped them all on the ground, throwing them directly into the pool, splashing a lot of water.

"Are you all right, Miss Hirai?"

After Lin Hui got rid of these men, he looked at Hirai Margin.

"Well, it's okay, I'm so happy that Mr. Lin Hui can come to save me!"

At this time, Hirai Yuan suddenly rushed up and hugged Lin Hui's neck, looking very excited.

"It's nothing, pay attention in the future. It's best to find someone to accompany you. After all, it's too dangerous for a girl to be alone, especially in this kind of place."

Lin Hui touched Hirai Margin's head and let her let go of his arm.

And at this time, everyone else rushed over and saw the scene just now, especially Eita Tanaka, who admired powerful people very much: "Wow, Mr. Lin Hui is amazing!"

"Xiaoyuan, it's great that you're okay, these bad guys didn't do anything to you, did they?"

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi was also a little worried.

"It's okay, Mr. Lin Hui saved me."

Margin Hirai's face was a little flushed, and it seemed that it was the aftermath of being too excited just now.

"Hey, how does it feel to be a hero saving beauty?"

At this time, Lian Nanxi approached Lin Hui and asked.

"That's it, what else can I feel, but wait a moment, I'll do something."

Lin Hui saw that the four men in the pool had gathered because of the crowd from his side, so he planned to leave in despair, but Lin Hui was not so kind to let them go directly like this.

Lin Hui gently stretched out his hand towards the four men, grabbed it, and some peculiar power was drawn out of them by Lin Hui.

This scene was seen by Shana, which made Shana a little curious, because Lin Hui used a completely different power from the Fire Mist Warrior, so even Shana didn't know what Lin Hui did.

"Lin Hui, what did you just do?"

Shana walked to Lin Hui's side. At this time, Lin Hui looked at Hirai Yuki's side. Now Yoshida Kazumi and Ogata Zhenzhu are comforting Hirai Yuki. Go and do some errands.

At this moment, the people gathered around Lin Hui are all people who live in his own home, and they are relatively close people. Moreover, Hecate also seems to want to know, so Lin Hui will not hide it.

"Actually, it's just the use of the special power of some human kings."

Lin Hui stretched out his hand. At this moment, there seemed to be something vague in Lin Hui's hand: "This is the good luck of those guys, which is the good side of the good luck we usually say."

"I took all this good luck out of those guys, and from now on, they'll only be accompanied by bad luck."

Lin Hui said with a smile, as if he really wanted to see the bad luck of those guys.

Chapter fifty-ninth Shana's hazy feelings

"Take a person's good fortune? Can a human king even do such a thing?"

Alastair was a little surprised, and his evaluation of Lin Hui rose again. Before, he only treated Lin Hui as a very special human being, but now it seems that Lin Hui is really a person who can influence all the time. The terrifying existence of the human race.

As long as Lin Hui is willing, he can even change the fate of the human race.

"Of course."

Lin Hui explained with a chuckle: "A person's luck has been accompanied by good luck and bad luck from the very beginning."

"I know a guy, he is a bit special, he has a very special ability, that is to eliminate all the power of all supernatural powers, no, it should be said to be the power to return the distorted world to its original state, that is, to eliminate everything mistakes, let everything return to its original point.”

"It's just that he couldn't master this power, which caused this power and his own luck to be eliminated."

Lin Hui thought for a while and said, "For example, all of us are in a state of good luck in our daily life. This kind of good luck can be said to allow us to maintain a normal life, but this kind of good luck Luck is not very special, but that guy is worse, because everything is back to its original point, so he often breaks the bank card, and the things he buys will be broken. It's raining or something."

"This...is this too unfortunate?"

Lian Nanxi doesn't know how to complain anymore, this can really be said to be accompanied by the god of mold.

"No, it's not bad luck, it's something that a normal person would encounter, it's just that all of us live in a state of luck. It can be seen by comparing people who have all their luck at the origin."

"A person's luck is summed up to zero. Under normal circumstances, there will always be someone who will definitely be unlucky, but in fact, this is not the case, but because of their own luck suddenly fluctuates. Therefore, they have been accumulated before. Good luck instantly turns into a lot of bad luck all at once."

"If a person suddenly becomes very lucky, then he will encounter bad luck later, this will never change the fact."

Lin Hui looked at the light in his hand: "If I don't inject this good luck into other people's bodies, then the luck of those people will return to the original point at once, which means that they will not suffer bad luck. Of course, they will definitely not. Good luck comes with it.”


Lin Hui raised it lightly, and all the good luck in his hand was injected into Hirai Margin's body: "I gave it to her, then she will become more fortunate than usual, but once bad luck breaks out, it will feedback to those guys. It can be regarded as a little compensation for Hirai Margin."

"So those guys will have a hard time in the future."

Lian Nanxi said something thoughtfully, but in the end, neither Lin Hui nor Lian Nanxi nor Shana would have any sympathy for those guys.

If you are scumbags, you should live like scumbags. If you harm people or something, you should not do it. You should think about how to live every day well.

Because Lin Hui has even taken away all the good luck that usually protected them, and there is nothing left. That is to say, they will either have a bad life, or they will have a worse life. For the specific situation, you can refer to It is right to calculate the ten times and one hundred times of the bad luck.

Because the good luck of the four people is gathered on the body of Hirai Yuri, it is equivalent to concentrating the power of one person on the body of one person. Generally speaking, an ordinary person cannot bear such power, so he will explode and die. Death is not uncommon, so is good luck. Generally speaking, if the good luck of the four people is all concentrated on Hirai Yuki, then the bad luck must become extremely huge, but Lin Hui is grafted over.

That is to say, bad luck will only be borne by those four people. Therefore, Hirai Yuki will be luckier than the average person, while those four people will be more unlucky than Kamijou Touma. Come once every three days.

After that, because of the "Hirai Margin Incident", everyone didn't go anywhere to play. After the sky got dark, Lin Hui took everyone to the Night View Restaurant. By the way, he waved his hand and directly purchased the goods except himself and Yoshida. The meal coupons for everyone other than Yimei were spent on Mami Nakaoka's money anyway. For Lin Hui, Lin Hui spent this money with peace of mind.

The dishes in the Night View Restaurant were all very tasty, and everyone had a great time eating. Lin Hui also helped Heikadi to wipe off the sauce accidentally on his face from time to time, giving people a very careful feeling.

On the other hand, Ike speed person is the one who is active at the table, reconciling the atmosphere of the meal.

For everyone, such a dinner is estimated to be rare, especially in such a luxurious place, it is estimated that few people other than Sato Keisaku will have the opportunity to come here once.

Lin Hui naturally wouldn't be so stingy. Anyway, he ordered all the signature meals here, so he wasn't afraid of not being able to finish it. He also ordered pineapple buns for Shana very carefully. I heard that the pineapple buns here tasted good.

After the meal was almost finished, everyone started chatting with each other. Hecate was always very silent, and Shana was not familiar with everyone. Lian Nancy was called by Lin Hui to take care of Hecate, because Shana was not familiar with them. Lin Hui was a little worried when he went out alone.

Shana sat alone on the bench outside and looked at the scenery outside. Although the sky was already dark, the night lights in Misaki City were just lit up, giving people a colorful and dazzling feeling.

Looking at these lights, Shana covered her chest: "Alastair, what kind of feeling is this?"

"I feel so strange, why do I feel uncomfortable when I watch Lin Hui wipe the corners of Shi Cai's mouth, why do I feel unhappy when I watch Lin Hui play with other girls, why do I want it now Lin Hui is with me?"

Chapter [-] The Invading Apostles of the Red World

Alastair doesn't know how to answer Shana's question, because Shana's question is already moving in the direction of attachment. the path he has gone through.

For Alastair, it was not such a pleasant memory, and that's why Alastair wanted to find someone who was motivated by the mission and responsibilities of the Fire Mist Warrior to become his contractor .

As a result, I didn't expect that Shana would have such feelings just a few days after contacting Lin Hui, and even Alastair didn't know what to say.

Is it because Shana is too pure and can't help temptation?Or was Lin Hui so powerful that he seduced Shana in a few strokes?

Just when Alastair wanted to answer, he noticed that a figure came towards Shana.


Lin Hui put a glass of ice soda on Shana's face.

"Yeah, what are you doing!"

Shana suddenly said angrily: "It's very icy."

"Seeing that you are in a daze, I just want to cheer you up."

Lin Hui smiled, then sat down beside Shana: "You don't seem to be very happy today, what's on your mind?"


Shana turned her face to one side, but this was a direct admission.

Even Lin Hui was dumbfounded, and Shana was so simple that Lin Hui didn't know what to say. Besides, Lin Hui wasn't a fool. Shana had a crush on herself, but it wasn't that Lin Hui couldn't feel it.

It's just that Lin Hui was more surprised. He did approach Shana because he liked Shana, but within a few days of contacting Shana, Shana developed a good impression of him. It's really incredible. The thing that arrives, even if it is simple, is not so fast, right?

Moreover, Shana is not like Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yumyo who loves herself after being rescued by her hero, nor does she obey her orders like Hecate, and it is easy to feel herself under her own words.

But, in fact, it is so incredible that Shana has a good impression of herself.

However, Lin Hui didn't intend to break it, just let this feeling continue.

"Hey, Shana, I want to tell you a fact!"

Lin Hui looked at Shana and planned to reveal his purpose bit by bit: "I did let you out today with some impure purpose."


Shana jumped up, her eyes showed a kind of betrayal, and her whole face was full of anger: "Lin Hui, tell me clearly, what is your purpose and what do you mean? ?"

Lin Hui chuckled: "No special purpose, I just don't want you to stay at home all the time, I want you to take a look, look at the world, look at the people around you, and look at the communication between people , I hope you can bond with these people."

Lin Hui said slowly, "Stay at home blindly and don't feel the people and things around you, Shana, you won't have any growth."

Lin Hui raised his head, looked at Shana, whose anger was gradually receding, and showed a gentle smile: "I can tell you, the answers to those three questions are in your communication with others, I believe, Shana, you You will definitely be able to find out the answers to those three questions by yourself, and by then, Shana, the scorching-eyed crusader, will truly be born!"

"is that so?"

Shana has some doubts about Lin Hui's explanation, but considering that Lin Hui has no reason to lie to herself, this is indeed credible. After all, Lin Hui is thinking about herself from beginning to end, and it is true to exercise herself.

"Then, Lin Hui, I have a point. It's definitely not appropriate for Shana to form a bond with the people here, because you don't forget that Shana is a warrior of fire and fog, and leaving too many entanglements with others will affect Shana's life. ."

Alastair calmly analyzed: "I don't think it's suitable for Shana to stay."

"Don't be in such a hurry, Alastair, I don't think there is any harm in letting Shana have more contact with the people here. You have to consider one thing, Shana, she is just a child, and children's nature is to love to play, In order to train Shana, you made Shana lose her childhood."

"However, this is also Shana's volition, so I won't say anything more, but, Alastair, Shana, in my opinion, is not just a container, but a person, a living person, she has The right to get friends, there are some things that Shana can understand only after getting friends."

Lin Hui stood up and put his hand on Shana's head: "It's so pitiful to always be alone."

"It's so noisy, who wants you to care!"

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