Hearing this, Shana couldn't help it: "Will Emina said that I am a mature fire and fog warrior, and I will depend on myself in the future."

"Yes, when you are in a crisis, you can only rely on yourself, but if the situation allows, you should rely on your friends more."

Lin Hui said with a smile: "When you are confused, when you are not overwhelmed, you can find friends, share, or share your anxiety and anxiety."

At this moment, Lin Hui raised his head, looked in the direction of Misaki Bridge, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Hui felt the aura of the Red World Apostle. He didn't expect that the battle with the "Hunter" had just ended, and a new Red World Apostle would be ushered in within a few days. Moreover, this time, there was a very familiar feeling. breath.

"what happened?"

Shana looked at Lin Hui and was a little curious: "Did something happen? Or, is there an apprentice?"

"Just take it as it is, get ready, your second test is coming soon."

Lin Hui shrugged: "Alastair, I don't think it's a good thing for Shana to walk alone forever, what is the best for Shana, I've seen many people who are similar to Shana, I I think, Alastair, I can take care of children better than you!"

Chapter [-]: Marchionn Dow Who Came to the Door

Tonight, Shana and Alastair are destined to be unable to sleep.

Because the impact of Lin Hui's words on them was too great, it was big enough to make some of their long-term ideas change earth-shaking.

Lin Hui is also getting ready. Since there are apostles from the Red World, there must be some people who will be eaten by them. Well, why don't you just send some garbage to die, so that you can clean up the city. .

As for who will it be sent to?

Lin Hui didn't know, but it is impossible for a city to be without some young people, who are idle, bullying and fearing hardship. There are countless such people in this city. Lin Hui gently touched the thoughts of these people. , is enough to make them the three who came in, no, it's two, because Lin Hui sensed that there is something very special in the body of the third apostle of the red world. With this thing existing, then the apostle of the red world You don't need to eat people to maintain your existence.

When the crowd dispersed, Lin Hui took everyone and disappeared at the door of the water world. After all, Lin Hui's abilities were so varied that people couldn't imagine how strong Lin Hui was.

After all, Lin Hui is able to use Mami Nakaoka's freedom method, which also shows how powerful Lin Hui is, and it is normal to be able to use the power of space. .

As soon as she got home, Shana went straight back to her room. It seemed that what Lin Hui and Shana said today made Shana rush into a huge shock.

In the past, Shana and Lin Hui were only together to allow Lin Hui to train himself and make himself stronger. After separating from Lin Hui, he will still be alone and continue to embark on the crusade with Alastair. The journey of the Apostles of the Red World that disrupted the balance of the world.

However, the current Lin Hui actually wants to form a bond with the people here. This is something that Shana can't do anyway, because the two sides have never met, but, for some reason, Shana has a heart in her heart. The voice told her that it would be beneficial to trust Lin Hui and this man's judgment.

"Alastair, what should I do?"

Shana couldn't make a choice, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know how to go on.


Alastair was also criticized by Lin Hui tonight, because Lin Hui, as the king of human beings, does have a say in the rules of conduct for human beings, but the problem is, Shana It is Alastair's fire and fog warrior. Shana is a container. She abandoned her past, present and future together, and turned it into a container that can make Alastair appear in this world. It can no longer be regarded as a human being.

So, can those things Lin Hui said be useful to Shana?

Alastair did not know, nor did he know, but Alastair knew the meaning contained in Lin Hui's words.

Alastair could clearly hear the love and concern for Shana in Lin Hui's words, and the love for Shana. Alastair also had this kind of emotion.

Today is destined to be a sleepless night.

In addition to Shana, the fire and fog warrior, there is another fire and fog warrior who is almost awake.

"Marco, you say, should you believe the words of that human?"

Marjorie was sitting on a sofa. She met a young man who seemed to feel good these days. She ate and stayed at his house for a while. He just left today, and Marjoram started to think about it. Lin Hui's words.

"My beautiful goblet, Marchionne Duo, won't be so depressed, even if it is enough to break your spirits, then I believe that you will definitely be able to survive. It's been so long, if You can't just give up!"

The huge book that was put aside by Marjoram said in a low and sneering voice: "Go, find that guy, and kill him!"

"Stupid Marco, wouldn't you say something nicer? Then, it's decided, it's time to say goodbye to here."

Then, Marchionne also fell asleep.


The next day, after Shana finished her morning exercise, she started to eat the pineapple buns that Lin Hui helped her prepare.

"I said, Shana, do you need to go to school?"

Lin Hui looked at Shana: "You should be about the same age as Shi Cai now, right? Going to the first year of high school is just right, right?"

"No, I have already completed all the courses from childhood to university. I have learned all the knowledge that can be learned through books. There is no need to go to that kind of school to waste time."

Shana bit down, with a happy smile on her face, and said, "But it's you who actually said that last night, doesn't it seem like you're lying to me?"

"Is there anything bad? People occasionally tell white lies for the sake of each other!"

Lin Hui shrugged: "Humans are such contradictory creatures. On the one hand, they want others to treat themselves honestly, and on the other hand, they don't want their secrets to be discovered and lie. It's a double standard, right?"

"What about you? Have you ever lied?"

Shana is a little curious about Lin Hui, because Lin Hui seems to be very arbitrary, but he is extremely powerful, and he is still a king. What kind of secrets does such a person have? It really makes people wonder what to say.

"Of course, have I lied to you twice?"

Lin Hui chuckled: "Oh, a guest has come to the door."

Lian Nanxi glanced at Lin Hui, ate breakfast unhurriedly, and sighed a little, Shana is really stupid, no one would ask such a face to face!

The result was good, Lin Hui actually admitted it directly, I really don't know what was in the heads of these two people.

"Yo, Marjoram, we're having breakfast, do you want one?"

Lin Hui turned around, holding a cup of black tea in his hand, and looked at the tall and beautiful woman who fell from the outside.

Chapter [-] Toolman No. [-], get!

"No need."

Marchionne walked over directly: "According to the agreement, I'm here, now can you tell me where the silver is? Let me see it!"

"The person who recites the eulogy."

At this time, Alastair spoke up, as if trying to stop Marjoram.

"Yo, Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire, don't say anything incomprehensible, we are here in high spirits, and of course we have to fight once."

Marcoyassis released a murderous release, as if he was about to transform into an incomparably tyrannical monster.

Lin Hui ate the last xiao long bao on the table and wiped his mouth: "OK, I promised you, I will do what I say, but I will only let you see it, but about the silver I won't tell the truth, because what I said, it is estimated that your contract demon king will kill me."

Lin Hui chuckled: "Although it can't do it, but you will definitely die, that's for sure."

Disgusting speech as always, but today Marjoram is not here to quarrel: "Then tell me quickly, where is Yin? Didn't you say you can let me see Yin?"

"Wait a minute. Shana, are you finished?"

Lin Hui turned around and asked.

Shana nodded, ate the last bit of pineapple bun in her hand, and then stood up: "Fengjue."

Immediately, a seal covered with red lotus-like flames was cast out, and the entire villa was shrouded in seal.

Lin Hui took out the zero-hour fan.

"Is this...is this, the [-]-hour fan?"

Ma Qionglin was extremely surprised when she saw the zero-hour fan in Lin Hui's hands.

"Of course, and the silver you are looking for is in it, or in other words, it was deliberately set in it."

Lin Hui opened his mouth and said, and then, he stretched out his hand and tapped on the [-]-hour fan. Suddenly, a huge figure was pulled out of it by Lin Hui. After being caught by Lin Hui, he threw it aside.


"How about it, I do what I say? Let you meet Yin."

Lin Hui took the Zero Hour Mizi back into the treasure of the king. As a result, the huge silver-white armor moved on its own and attacked Lin Hui directly.

However, at this moment, a voice containing incomparable resentment came over: "Silver!"

Marchionne directly transformed into Toka, dressed in flames, and attacked Yin ruthlessly.


Yin directly punched Toka flying, and at the same time, the whole person broke out with a very powerful momentum.

At this time, Shana's whole person also changed. Her hair was burning like a flame, and those scorching eyes that seemed to contain flames stared at Yin, as if as long as Yin could threaten Lin Hui, then Shana would definitely Will take action to knock it back.

At this moment, Shana had already pulled the Zhan Dian Zhana out of the night hat.

"Stop, that guy is my prey! Little girl, I won't allow you to shoot at my prey!"

At this moment, the ferocious Toka stood up from the side and shot out flames towards Yin.

And Yin didn't care about it at all, and just punched the flames away.

You must know that this is a proxy (avatar) type Noble Phantasm that was researched by Dantario to allow the spirit of the "Serpent of Ritual" to possess itself. It is naturally extremely strong, and its power is also extremely powerful.

However, Ma Qionglin didn't seem to back down at all. You must know that silver is everything to her. She once killed all the people she wanted to kill, leaving no one behind. Therefore, Yin will become Ma Qionglin's always. The target of chasing and killing, only in this way can Marjoram feel alive. In order to make up for her regrets, she can kill the silver that took the life of the person she wants to kill.

That way, you can fill your emptiness.

Marchionne thought so, and was doing it.

However, Marchionne misestimated one thing, and that was the strength gap between herself and Yin.

Although Marjoram has a very strong reputation in the red world, she is also a fighting maniac. She has hunted down many apostles of the red world and the demon king of the red world, but that was all when Marjorie was extremely calm, using " Slaughter Impromptu" to kill, but now that she saw Yin appear in front of her, Marjoram went crazy.

The current Marchionne has no calmness at all. She just wants to kill the silver in front of her. She hasn't even sang a sentence of "Slaughter Impromptu Poem". How could such a Marchionne be able to kill the silver?

Yin directly punched Marjoram hard, completely hammering it into the ground.

At this moment, Lin Hui suddenly took a step, slapped Yin on the body with a palm, and slammed Yin into the air, then took out the Zero Hour Mizi and aimed it at Yin.

Immediately, Yin Hua submerged into the Zero Hour Maze as a free method.

"Release the silver, I must kill that guy!"

Ma Qionglin roared at Lin Hui, finally, she finally saw the mortal enemy she was thinking about day and night, but was stopped, how could it make Ma Qionglin calm down!

As a result, Lin Hui smashed Ma Qionglin's flame clothes with one blow and let her fall directly from it: "Calm down, look at your current appearance, isn't it miserable enough? You were beaten by silver to look like this. "If you don't calm down, you won't be able to hurt even a single hair of silver!"

Lin Hui glanced at Ma Qionglin, and then said, "Yin is just the name you took, its real name is not Yin."

"What? Who is it?"

Shana was a little surprised when she heard it. Even Alastair had never heard of that strange armor with the apostle of the Red World.

"The real name of this armor is Tyrant II, and it's a Noble Phantasm. So, Marjoram, if you want to destroy this Noble Phantasm, it's not enough if you don't have enough strength."

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