Lin Hui returned to the house and sat on the chair: "You stay here and help me train Shana's freedom, I will let Yin show up for an hour every day, if you can't win the silver within an hour, then I will take back the silver, this How are the conditions?"

Lin Hui knew that in order to kill Yin, Ma Qionglin would definitely do this.

"You really do a good job!"

Marchionne seemed calmer now, and then said, "I agree."

Nice, Tool Man No. [-], get!

Chapter [-] The world is still...

Lian Nanxi was a little confused, she was so good, but someone came to fight her for a job?

Although Lian Nanxi does not dare to claim to be the strongest free-spirited master in the world, she is still one of the top ones, and Ma Qionglin's words are relatively powerful, but if compared with Lian Nanxi, they will naturally be worse. on some.

"Hey, what do you mean? Find another one?"

Lian Nanxi touched Lin Hui's side and muttered.

"It's nothing, Lin Nancy, you teach Shana how she feels about the Freedom Law, and Marjoram can teach Shana the formation of the Freedom Law. After all, Marjoram is much better at fighting than you, and you are good at most of the Freedom Laws. She has high attainments, especially in some special freedom methods. Therefore, you have a better feeling for the weaving of the freedom methods, and Marjoram has made a lot of achievements in the attack of the freedom methods. In this aspect , Marjoram is more suitable than you to teach Shana's own freedom law."

Lin Hui explained softly: "The two of you have more strengths, and combining them to teach me will make me feel more at ease. Maybe Shana will soon be able to complete her own freedom method, so as to draw out all the 'God of Punishment'. strength."

"Brother, I'll go first."

At this time, Hecate had finished breakfast and said to Lin Hui.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Hui said goodbye to Hecate, but this time, Lin Hui noticed the changes in Hecate, and had already taken the initiative to say hello to him, which would never have happened before.

It seems that Misaki Mizusei and his party have made a slight change in Hecate.

Although he always ran to his room to sleep with him at night, Lin Hui felt that the changes in Hecate could be seen every day.

After having breakfast and resting for a while, Lin Hui and Shana's morning practice will begin.

When Ma Qionglin noticed it, she was stunned, because Shana, who had beaten herself severely, was completely at a disadvantage in the duel with Lin Hui, and was even forced to fight back. Strength, every attack is a counterattack with all one's strength.

Lin Hui's strength is much stronger than Shana's. Even Ma Qionglin has to say that Lin Hui's combat power can be regarded as the strongest among the Red World Apostles and Fire Mist Warriors.

Perhaps, even if Lin Hui faced that "thousand-changing" Xiu Denan, he could at least guarantee that he would not be defeated.


At school, although Hecate did not intend to learn human knowledge, he would not cause trouble. Every day in class, he was quietly digesting the trace of the world power that Lin Hui gave him. Fill your empty body and mind.

The memory fragments that belonged to Lin Hui contained in them fascinated Hecate.

Because Lin Hui is not from this world, this is something that only Nakaoka Asami, Lin Hui and himself know.

Lin Hui's past experiences are extremely exciting and rich. The Hecate in the past may not have understood such a spiritual life after seeing these, but the Hecate now has changed, and naturally he can understand Lin Hui's past experiences incomparably. curious.

Fight with the subordinates summoned by the very strange immortal life, and dominate the world with absolute strength.

Challenge the gods with tyrannical power, kill them, take away their power, fight with the gods of that world, fight to the death with the same clan, and overcome the strongest enemy that no one can overcome for thousands of years.

In the world of the game, with courage, resourcefulness, and strength to crack and pass the trials one by one, the battle against the biggest difficulties in human history has never been defeated.

Single-handedly overturned the cataclysm that could destroy human history, and challenged the heroes of human history with one-handed power.

Throughout the splendid world, taste the splendor of Qianyu.

Hecate was extremely curious about Lin Hui, the only human king from ancient times to the present. He wanted to know more about Lin Hui.

"Kianwei-san, what's wrong?"

After class had already ended, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan came to Hecate with a bento box, and saw that Hecate was in a daze, and was a little curious.


Heikati said to the two women with a blank expression, Heikati didn't know why he always felt a little unwelcome to these two girls, it seemed that their existence would disturb him and Lin Hui.

"By the way, Konoe-kun, that, is Lin Hui okay?"

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi's face was slightly red and asked.

Hecate looked at Kazumi Yoshida, and his eyes suddenly changed: "It's okay."

"Well, Yimei, we agreed!"

Hirai Yuan pouted, and seemed to disagree with Yoshida Kazumi's approach.

Yoshida Kazumi also smiled embarrassingly: "That, Xiaoyuan, but I always feel that we are a little far away from Lin Hui."

"Do you like your brother?"

At this time, Hecate suddenly raised his head to look at the two women, stopped what he was doing, and directly exploded the bomb hidden in the hearts of Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan.


"Kimono-san, you can't say it!"

Immediately, the two women were blushed by Hecate's behavior. The little girls at this time were very shy, and they were seen through and pointed out, which directly caused Kazumi Yoshida and Yukii Hirai to be confused.

"No, you and your brother are not suitable, so no."

Hecate directly gave an ultimatum to cut off the thoughts of the two women. For some reason, Hecate always felt that he had to do this, otherwise, he would lose something important.


"why not?!"

Both women suddenly stood up and stared at Hecate in a stunned manner.

Just when Hecate was about to speak, a burst of golden light suddenly emitted from his body and protected Hecate.

At this moment, the world stands still...

Chapter [-]: It's Not Love, It's Original Sin

"This, this is?"


Both Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan noticed, because they were protected by the Noble Phantasm gifted by Lin Hui.

"You can't help your brother, that's the reason, so you can't like your brother."

Hecate dropped this sentence, and then the whole person quickly left the school.

Because Hecate clearly knows that this is not a ban, but an incomparably huge freedom method similar to a ban, shrouding the entire Misaki City in it.

After all, this level of banishment cannot be used even by a three-pillar minister, unless it is the Red World Demon God or a special free method that is similar to the banishment effect, or can do it with the help of the power of a Noble Phantasm.

It was because of this Freedom Law that Hecate could feel a very familiar aura in this Freedom Law, and all she had to do now was to meet this person.


"Freedom law? Banned?"

Lin Hui stopped his movements and was very curious about it: "Xia Na, the second test is coming, are you ready? This time I won't help you deal with it, the three apostles of the Red World are for you. It's a bit difficult, so I'll help you block one of them, but the other two are up to you."

Lin Hui took the golden sword in his hand back into the treasure of Wang Zhi.

"Also, Lian Nanxi, Ma Qionglin, don't both of you help Shana. This is Shana's own test. It's time to see Shana's strength progress."

Lin Hui spoke to the two behind him.

Lian Nanxi waved her hand: "I see, I won't shoot."

Marchionne cut it boringly: "Forget it, I know, I thought I could let out a little breath."

"Xana, are you ready?"

Lin Hui looked first.

"Of course!"

Although the battle just took a lot of physical strength for Shana, Shana will not complain because of these things, on the contrary, it is precisely because of this that she will be high-spirited.

"Be careful, don't be careless."

Alastair also wants to see the progress of Shana's strength in the past few days.

Because Lin Hui has been fighting against him, Lin Hui's strength is far superior to Shana. This is something Shana knew on the first day. However, although Lin Hui did not show the strength of the first day in the past few days, Shana still Lin Hui has never been defeated once.

Fire and fog warriors are not allowed to fail, but Shana has been defeated by Lin Hui, which is completely different from the teachings of Will Amina, which makes people feel incredible.


Shana nodded, then left the yard with Lin Hui, and the two of them moved directly towards one place.

At this moment, the vines began to extend continuously, growing in the direction of Shana and Lin Hui.

Lin Hui and Shana landed on the roof of a building, just in front of them, a pair of gorgeously dressed men and women stood on the vines and kissed, their tongues constantly intertwined, it was a very skilled French wet kiss.

The man was a beautiful blond boy in a suit who was in his teens with a weak expression.

The girl is a beautiful Goethe-Lori-style girl who looks in her teens, and her face is full of doting on the blond boy.

The two kept hugging and kissing. After seeing Shana and Lin Hui who were standing not far away, they didn't care. On the contrary, they kissed even more eagerly.

When Shana saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little irritable, and directly pulled out Zhana from the night hat: "Who are you two?"

hair, burning.

In the eyes, there is fire.

Seeing this scene, the boy and girl stopped.

The boy was very excited when he saw the Zhana in Shana's hands: "Zhina, it's Zhana! Tilia, look!"

"Yes, brother, but don't worry."

The girl raised her head and showed a sweet smile: "For the first time, this is my brother 'Ai Ran Zi' Surat, I'm 'Ai Ran him' Tilia, are you a contractor of a certain king? ?"

"I'm the fire and fog warrior of Alastair of 'Tian Yuan Jiao Huo'."

"The scorching-eyed slayer."


The flames in Shana's eyes became more and more vigorous. At this moment, Lin Hui was watching. As long as Lin Hui was there, Shana felt that she would be able to explode with infinite power.

"Tianyuan? Such an ancient name!"

Tilia doesn't seem to be interested in any of these: "But it doesn't matter. I came to you just to play with you."

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