For yourself, what is the symbol of your own strength and strength?

What is the "blazing-eyed crusader"?

Shana's original answers were all rejected by Lin Hui, so Shana is still looking for the answer to this day.

In fact, this answer is within reach for Shana, but Shana has never noticed it. As long as she can find it, Shana will definitely be a real "blazing crusader".

Shana swung down with a knife, and suddenly a terrifying flame bombarded Lin Hui, directly drowning Lin Hui's entire body in it.

"not good!"

Shana's whole body was startled, the feeling just now that Shana had unknowingly raised her power to the extreme.


A sword energy separated the flames, causing the flames to fall on both sides of him, and the fiery storm blew Lin Hui's windbreaker constantly swaying.

Lin Hui swung his sword and directly extinguished all the flames around him, and showed a helpless but pampered smile at Shana: "Really, next time focus, if it weren't for me, I'd probably die a scumbag. It's gone, but it's really incredible that you can use such a strong flame."

Shana looked at her hand: "I, I don't know why."

Shana just felt that when she was fighting with Lin Hui, she was very happy, and she forgot everything about yesterday. She just wanted to fight with Lin Hui all the time, even if there was no end to the battle.

When his heart was very messy, Lin Hui used the most direct means to restore Shana's mood to an empty state, directly raising Shana's ability to control flames to a higher level, making Shana even stronger.

"Don't be distracted next time you are fighting, it will be fatal if you encounter an apprentice."

Alastair criticized it, but even Alastair had to admit that Lin Hui was really too powerful to be able to lead Shana to this point.


Shana accepts criticism like a child who has made mistakes.

"No, if the apostles of the Red World meet the Shana just now, they will only be bombarded and killed, not even the scum will be left."

Lin Hui complained.

That's not it, Shana's attack has reached a limit just now, even if the Red World Demon King is not prepared to eat that move, it is estimated that he will be injured.

"Okay, let's take a rest and get ready for breakfast. If you want to take a bath, I'll talk about it after the morning training."

Lin Hui touched Shana's head.

"Noisy, noisy, noisy!"

Shana, who had ended the battle, suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, and kept slapping Lin Hui's big hand, but the upturn of the corner of her mouth could not be concealed no matter what.

Seeing that Shana's mood had recovered, and hearing the symbolic three consecutive lines, Lin Hui showed a smile, and then began to prepare the breakfast plate.

Afterwards, Lin Hui said to Shana: "Xia Na, eat first, Shi Cai doesn't seem to be feeling well, I'll bring her breakfast."


The innocent Shana glanced at the tray in Lin Hui's hand, and when she saw the exquisite breakfast on it, she pouted her lips secretly, secretly said that she was eccentric, and didn't think any more.

It's really no wonder Shana, because she doesn't know what happened last night.

Coupled with the rich breakfast that Lin Hui prepared today, Shana even felt that Lin Hui opened a small kitchen for Konwei Shicai because of what happened yesterday.

Lian Nancy got up when she smelled the aroma of breakfast, and was a little puzzled when she saw Lin Hui's behavior of carrying breakfast upstairs, but she didn't care.

As for Ma Qionglin, she drank all the good wine hidden in Lin Hui's villa, so angry that Lin Hui almost wanted to kill her with the wine of the world.

Lin Hui stayed in Hecate's room for about half an hour, during which Hecate was puzzled by Lin Hui's behavior of taking care of himself. After feeding himself, Hecate seemed to obey.

In fact, Hecate saw it, and finally understood why in one of the memories, when Lin Hui was feeding a girl, the girl would be shy.

Hecate has never felt this kind of feeling, just like last night Hecate felt all the sensations that he had never felt before, and the feeling of filling himself up made Hecate a little tasteful, but, Although Hecate is the Demon King of the Crimson World, he will act according to his own desires.

However, Hecate is facing Lin Hui. Since Lin Hui has other things to do, Hecate will suppress his desire to assist Lin Hui.

And last night, Hecate was actually the foundation Hecate had laid for Lin Hui. Although Hecate's selfishness was contained in it, Lin Hui was also forced to change from the route of boiling frogs in warm water to a storm-like onslaught.

At the same time, he was short, with a hood on his head and a columnar object wrapped in white cloth on his back. There were some scars on his face hidden by the hood.

"Well, there are quite a lot of torches in this city, and it seems that there are still two fire mists."

The boy's voice didn't sound too loud, but there was an old taste in it.

"The city is twisted a little bit, and it looked like there was a guy with a big appetite."

Another very mature voice rang out.

"This distortion needs to be repaired, and you need to find someone who is familiar with this city. Let's go to a place with a strong aura first. I feel that there seems to be an incredible character there."

The teenager walked into the city with a pillar-shaped object on his back...

Chapter [-]: Invitation to the Osprey Festival


The crisp sound of sword strikes rang out in the courtyard.

Shana held the handle of the knife covered by the temple, her arm trembled slightly, and a numb feeling kept climbing up, almost making Shana's hand involuntarily loosen.

However, Shana still gritted her teeth, endured the numbness in her arm, and continued to sprint forward, because now she doesn't need to rest or stop at all.

There is only one thing she can do now, and that is to constantly attack the figure standing not far away, and constantly challenge her own limit.

Lin Hui didn't know how many times he had seen Shana look like this.

Yes, that's the only way, and only in this way can you constantly surpass yourself.

Shana's strong self-esteem and unyielding character can make Shana dare to challenge herself even after being killed by herself.

For now, the melee combat ability may have almost finished the training, and then it is the moment that really needs to be unfolded.

In the face of Shana's attack, Lin Hui slammed it, and directly lifted the blade of Shana's temple to the sky and let it pass by his side. Then, the whole person hit Shana's lower abdomen with a knee. Top to go.


Shana's palm pressed directly on Lin Hui's knee, and the whole person flew backwards and landed on the ground with the help of the impact.

At this moment, Shana was slightly out of breath, and there was a thin sweat on her forehead.

Lin Hui's attack and defense can be said to be almost impeccable, no matter who wants to attack Lin Hui, he is bound to be met with a stormy counterattack from Lin Hui.

While Shana and Lin Hui were training against each other, Ma Qionglin was sent by Lin Hui to buy wine because she drank all the good wine in Lin Hui's villa. Anyway, she only needed someone to send it to the vicinity of the villa.

However, at this moment, Marjoram stopped and looked at the boy in orange with a hood in front of her: "I thought who was here, it turned out to be the old men."

"It's the eulogy reciter and the tormented minions. It turns out that you are in this city."

The teenager didn't seem to care too much about the appearance of Marjoram: "Did you get rid of the gangsters in this city?"

"No, I'm staying here for another reason. By the way, let me tell you something, there is an incredible big man in this city, and it seems that he has something to do with him."

Marchionne raised it slightly.

"The one? You mean..."

The young man seems to have understood something, and there are not many people in this world who can be feared by Marjoram. For the fighting maniac, even among the fire fog warriors, many people shy away from it.

There are only a few people who can let him sit down and talk nicely, but among them, there is only that one who has something to do with the boy.

"It's that one. Besides, that big man is still with the little girl who is 'Bright Eyed'. It seems that he is training her. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Marchionne suddenly thought of something.

The teenager shook his head: "No need, I'm just here to tune the tune, this city is very distorted, I have to find someone who is familiar with this city, I already have a goal, then, just Goodbye."

After speaking, the boy left.

Marchionne snorted coldly: "Really, Ben Lai thought there was a good show to watch."

"Hahaha, my beautiful viewers also fail sometimes."

At this time, Marcosias began to tease Marjoram as if he had healed the scar and forgot the pain.

"Stupid Marco, shut up!"

Saying that, Ma Qionglin punched the book hard, and then looked at the back of the boy leaving: "Master, you missed a very scary monster!"

When she thought of Lin Hui's identity and strength, Ma Qionglin felt incredible, as if Lin Hui should not appear in this world at all.

Because it's so incredible.

However, Ma Qionglin didn't know that she originally thought that the teenager would not meet Lin Hui, but an intersection occurred at another point in time.


It's already evening, Shana's training has ended, and Hecate is already up. Lian Nancy glances at Hecate, feeling a little strange, but also a little unexplainable, feeling that Hecate The mood changes are much more than before.

And, most importantly, Hecate seems to have become more beautiful than before, and I don't know if it is my own illusion.

Lian Nanxi tilted her head, and then she didn't care about it, it had nothing to do with herself anyway.


Just when Lian Nancy was training Shana, the doorbell rang.

Lin Hui walked to the gate and saw a young girl standing at the gate.

"Yoshida, why are you here?"

Lin Hui never expected that Yoshida Kazumi would appear here, because Yoshida Kazumei should have been hit a lot yesterday. In Lin Hui's opinion, even if Hirai Yuki came to him, Lin Hui would not be too bad. What a surprise, but it was Lin Hui who came here unexpectedly.

Once again beyond Lin Hui's expectations, Lin Hui felt that he was ashamed of the title of "wise man", why did he always disagree with his own thoughts and opinions?

"That, Lin Hui, tomorrow is the Osprey Festival, I don't know, can I go with you?"

Yoshida Kazumi summoned the courage to speak to Lin Hui, with a slight trembling in her voice, as if she was very nervous.

Lin Hui looked at Kazumi Yoshida and said very seriously, "Do you want to go with me even if you know what happened yesterday? You, have you thought about it?"

"Well, I want to confirm my intentions, and, Lin Hui, you also said that you do like us, so I want to confirm my intentions again!"

Chapter [-] Camouflage Attack

Yoshida Kazumi was very happy, because Lin Hui agreed to be with him at the Osprey Festival.

It's an incredible thing to say, Yoshida Kazumi doesn't know why she thinks like this, but she just can't restrain her inner impulse.

Yoshida Kazumi has a feeling that if he doesn't work hard once, he will regret it later.

Yoshida Kazumi didn't want to regret it, so she came and sent an invitation, and Lin Hui agreed, and the inner joy made Yoshida Kazumi happy.

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