However, at this moment, Lin Hui suddenly looked in a direction. There was a small road leading to Lin Hui's villa. Few people would pass there, but Lin Hui felt two strong auras.

Lin Hui came out, stood in front of Yoshida Kazumi, and looked there.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask that little girl for a favor."

At this moment, a young but somewhat mature voice rang out, walked out slowly from the path, and looked at Lin Hui: "Don't be too wary of me, I'm not hostile."

"you are?"

Lin Hui felt that the hooded boy in front of him seemed somewhat familiar.

"Introduce myself, I'm 'Dressed Rider' Kamsin, this is..."

Saying that, Kamsin raised his hand, and the bracelet above made a sound: "I am 'Indomitable Jianling' Bichymot."

"I hope the little girl behind you can help me."

Kamxin looked at Lin Hui, and spoke very calmly, his voice had a convincing flavor: "There will be no danger, I just want to correct the distortion of this city, I think she is the best suitable."

"It turned out to be the Fire Mist Warrior, a 'dressed rider' who has spanned thousands of years since Mami, I have heard of it for a long time."

Lin Hui suddenly smiled and said, "Yoshida, don't worry, it's not the enemy."

Lin Hui seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and also remembered what kind of character this person was.

"you are?"

Kamxin reacted to the name "Mami" in Lin Hui's mouth: "Do you know my teacher?"

"Well, my name is Lin Hui. If you know Mami well, you should have heard of it."

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "Since you're here, then come in and talk, Yoshida, come in too, and see what Kamsin needs you to help him do."


Yoshida Kazumi is very obedient and obedient. No, it would be better to say that Yoshida Kazumi is a little weak in some things that are not very important, but Yoshida Kazumi is very strong in some major events, just like before. .

Coming to the living room, Kamsing saw Shana and Marchionne who were training in the yard and Lian Nancy lying on the sofa.

"There really is a group of incredible people here, so, who is this?"

Kamsing looked at Hecate.

"It's my sister Konoe Shina. She seems to look similar to the 'top seat' Hecate, but please don't worry."

Lin Hui walked in front of Hecate, rubbed Hecate's little head, Hecate very obediently walked to Nancy's side and sat down.

"'Dressed Rider' and 'Indomitable Sharp Ridge'? It's an ancient pair of fire fog."

Alastair obviously knew this pair of fire and fog warriors, and could not help but sigh.

"Long time no see, 'Heaven and Earth Tribulation Fire'."

Bichmot also seemed to meet an old friend.

"Masters, you actually found this place, can't you come with me earlier?"

Marjoram also stopped the attack in her hand and looked at Kamsin.

"Although I'm also curious about why you are here, let me explain my intentions anyway."

Kamsin explained his purpose and asked Yoshida Kazumi's help: "I need someone familiar with this city to help me, to restore the distortion of this city through your imagination, it seems that you have Having been in contact with people like us, it is much more convenient to omit the necessary explanation."

"Can you please help me?"

Kamsing asked Yoshida Kazumi.

"for this I……"

Yoshida Kazumi looked at Lin Hui with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Don't look at me, just follow your own heart and decide."

Lin Hui said, Lin Hui wouldn't care much about Kamsing's tuning, and, most importantly, Lin Hui didn't need to do it now.

"Well, can you please wait a little longer, I will definitely assist you after the Osprey Festival."

Yoshida Kazumi said, looking very serious.

"Well, yes, then, I'll go to the street to set up the location that needs to be tuned."

Afterwards, Kamsing stood up and walked outside.

"Osprey Festival?"

After Kamxin left, Shana's expression suddenly went wrong. She seemed to be enduring something before, but now she doesn't need it, because all the people present were her own people. Although Marjoram was an outsider, she knew it later. Lin Hui is incredible.

"It's a temple fair, it should be very interesting, Shi Cai should also want to go?"

Lin Hui looked at the well-behaved Hecate and smiled.

"Well, I'm very happy to go with my brother."

The expression on Hecate's face became richer, and Lian Nancy felt that something was wrong with Hecate, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

After Yoshida Kazumi heard Hecate's words, a tangled look appeared on her face, but in the end it seemed that she had accepted her fate.

"I am coming too!"

Shana looked at Lin Hui: "I'm going too!"

"Understood, I will help you all prepare a bathrobe, Lian Nanxi, do you want it?"

Lin Hui asked Lian Nanxi, who was a bit of a waste.

"Please, I'm also looking forward to going out to play once."

Lian Nanxi sat up on the sofa and blinked at Lin Hui.

"It's good, then I'll go too, please, the king of another world."

Ma Qionglin blew a kiss at Lin Hui, and Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "You can do it yourself. I've already given you money anyway. If you want to drink, find your own way. I won't buy it for you."

Afterwards, Lin Hui left the living room and came to a slightly hidden place: "I said, is the attack of the Osprey Festival okay?"

Chapter [-]: Crazy Inquiry

"No problem! What the leader ordered me to accomplish will definitely be the best!"

At this time, a very evil voice came from a free law: "All preparations have been completed, just wait for tomorrow's Osprey Festival to start the experiment!"

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "I said, Dantario, I promised to give you a zero-hour fan to do research, but I said, you have to do what I want, right?"

"Don't worry, there will definitely be the most grand and gorgeous performance, Your Highness!"

Dantario's voice was unbridled but full of respect: "Domino!"

"Yes, please rest assured, Lord, everything is ready. There will be a good drama tomorrow, and no human beings will be harmed."

Although Domino is also very unreliable, it is slightly better than Dantario, at least compared to Dantario, Domino is just a phosphorus.

"Well, then I'll look forward to it for a while, then, what about the follow-up plan?"

Lin Hui thought of the plan he made after contacting Mami Nakaoka at night. This time the plan must be pretended to be an action at a masquerade party to relax the vigilance of Shana and Alastair, otherwise, He clearly knew the location of the Mizi at Zero Hour, and he also sensed the identity of the King of Humans. Without any action, it would not conform to the previous style of the masquerade.

In that case, there will definitely be huge flaws. Even if Lin Hui is unwilling, Alastair will definitely doubt Hecate's identity. Although he has made a guarantee with his identity as the King of Humans, he is the most powerful of all. Suspicious is still Hecate, that is to say, this time it must be a big one with a fancy dress party.

"Of course I'm fully prepared, everything is ready, but, lord, please forgive me, is this too much pressure on me? I don't even have time to do experiments."

Dantario wants to bargain with Lin Hui, because if Lin Hui's plan is implemented smoothly, Dantario will definitely be extremely busy in the next period of time.

"Don't worry, there will be time for you to do experiments in the future. Do you want to study the truth of the world? Study the unknown, I can give you everything you want, but my order is absolute, if you don't want to, you can I don't care if I leave."

Lin Hui spoke softly. Regarding Dantario, Lin Hui only valued his scientific research ability. As an apostle of the Red World, he is indeed notorious, but it is undeniable that his scientific research ability is first-class, and has been used in countless worlds. Among them, Lin Hui couldn't find many that could compare with Dantario's scientific research ability.

Crazy and genius are always separated by a fine line, and Dantario is the geek who keeps bouncing back and forth on both sides.

"Please rest assured, the leader, everything will be as you wish, then I will do the experiment first. Domino!"

Accompanied by such a voice, Lin Hui released the Freedom Law and the spatial ability around him.

Lin Hui was extremely careful when contacting the masquerade party and Mami Nakaoka. In order to prevent others from being discovered, they were isolated by space abilities, which would definitely prevent them from being discovered. Be careful.

However, since everyone is going to participate in the Osprey Festival, Lin Hui will naturally help everyone prepare their clothes.

Besides, the three loli in the family, how Lin Hui looked at them, were all about the same size.

You need to wear a swimsuit yourself, but you don't need a yukata, you only need to prepare three sets of about the same.


The next day, it was very close to the time agreed with Yoshida Kazumi, and Lin Hui went out with three little loli in yukatas.

As for whether these three are really Lolita?This is up for debate.

Even Shana is estimated to be fourteen or fifteen years old, and has passed the shelf life of Loli, let alone Hecate, a red world devil who has survived since ancient times, and Lian Nanxi is not young, at least Hundreds of years ago, the Great War to Divide the Ages existed.

Thinking about it this way, there are all pseudo-lolitas here, although the body shape is fixed.

Looking at the yukatas on the three pseudo-lolitas, Lin Hui couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Lian Nanxi was wearing a pink yukata, and there were white clouds on the pink yukata, which made people look like a little fairy.

Shana was wearing a red yukata with a white cherry blossom-like pattern on it, giving people a warm and a little calm and beautiful girl.

And Hecate is wearing a blue yukata, which is simple and clear, but with Hecate's hair, it makes people feel like a person in the painting who cleans up the dust.

After arriving at the meeting place, Yoshida Kazumi was wearing a light yellow yukata, which had no pattern like Hecate, but it looked very clean, which brought out Yoshida Kazumi's beautiful style, making people unable to divert their attention.

"I am coming."

Lin Hui smiled at Yoshida Kazumi.


Although Yoshida Kazumi also saw the three Hecate, but now Lin Hui has opened a little distance, because today is Yoshida Kazumi's home court, Lin Hui will not be too much with other women even for Yoshida Kazumi's face. The child is close, although Shana may be a little angry.

Afterwards, Lin Hui and Yoshida Kazumi began to stroll around the temple fair. As for the three Hecate, there is no problem with Lian Nancy watching. Moreover, if anyone dares to attack those three people, Lin Hui will Guaranteed, they will die without any slag left, two Crimson Demon King levels, one Crimson Demon God level, three people together, even Nakaoka Mami should be careful to deal with.

Just when Lin Hui was buying apple candy, suddenly, a light green flame covered the entire temple fair. At this moment, an incomparably huge freedom method was activated.

Lin Hui couldn't help shrinking his eyes after noticing this Freedom Law.

It's crazy enough to explore!

Chapter [-] Mad Science

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