At this moment, a voice came in, and the voice was a little cold and a little majestic.

"Not to be handed over."

At this time, another voice with no emotional voice also rang.

"Wait a minute, Willemina."

A petite figure stopped a female Fire Mist warrior who almost rushed into the living room.

This Fire Mist Warrior has straight cherry-colored hair that reaches shoulder-length and slightly tilts outwards, bangs, sideburns reaching to the chest, burgundy pupils, wearing a stand-up collar, lantern sleeves at the shoulders, and narrowed long sleeves at the bottom. A long dress that is close to the chest and waist and spreads below the waist, knee-length (or below), like a maid.

"'Ten thousand skillful hands'?"

"It was you."

At this time, both Marjoram and Kamsing looked at the woman Shana became "Will Emina".

However, Lin Hui, who was stopped by Will Emina, turned gloomy and sat down on the sofa: "Just now you asked me not to hand over the zero-hour fan?"

"That's right, the masquerade party doesn't know what conspiracy is brewing. If you hand it over to them, something will definitely happen."

Will Emina spoke with a straight face.

"There must be a conspiracy."

Willemina's headgear also made a sound, and it seemed that it was the tool that manifested the will of Willemina's Contract Demon Lord.


Lin Hui directly smashed a cup and looked at Will Emina: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who will be restricted if threatened by others? I heard that you and Mami are friends, although due to some things The relationship has become a bit bad now, but now it seems that the relationship has become bad for a reason!"

Lin Hui's voice already had an emotion of anger in it.

"That, Lin Hui, calm down first."

"'Ten thousand skillful hands', we have a reason here, don't be so anxious."

Not only Shana, but even Alastair persuaded, because even Alastair could feel that Lin Hui's anger was increasing. It may become Lin Hui's punching bag to vent his anger.

Don't look at Lin Hui's usual casualness, but if he really starts, Will Emina will definitely be killed instantly, there is no doubt, because Lin Hui is so powerful, so impeccable.

"You know Mami?"

"To be honest, I'm pissed right now."

Chapter [-] Attack on Xingli Hall

Lin Hui was blunt and expressionless, but the momentum on his body was constantly surging, giving people a great sense of oppression. This is the power of a king, the power of a king.

"Will Emina, whether I know Mami or not has nothing to do with you, but you remember it for me, I hate others to point fingers at such a time."

Although Lin Hui has calmed down the arrogance in his heart, on some special and important matters, Lin Hui is unequivocal. No matter when, he will never allow anyone to make irresponsible remarks about himself, even if Lin Hui's heart has long been There is a decision, but if others are chirping over there, then Lin Hui is not happy.

This is also the reason why Will Emina doesn't understand Lin Hui. Lin Hui is more casual most of the time, and can even apologize for his own faults sometimes. Shana also knows that after half a month of understanding, Shana has probably figured out Lin Hui's temper.

Similar to a child, moody, but usually very casual, and even shows a headache because of the girls' jealousy.

He is obviously the king of humans and can use other means to solve the problem, but Lin Hui still chooses to tell the truth, speaks out, and is very straightforward, but because of this, Shana will know that once Lin Hui gets angry, it is definitely Incredible.

The current Will Emina is oppressed by Lin Hui. Although she is a famous fire and fog warrior, Will Emina feels the same feeling as Nakaoka Mami in Lin Hui. , and possibly even above it.

"My things, I will decide by myself. I don't need others to tell me what to do. Is there a problem with Xingli Palace? Do you think I can't see it?"

Lin Hui sneered, and his eyes became a little indifferent: "The fire and fog warriors should stay here obediently. I will handle the rest myself, and you don't need to intervene."

Afterwards, Lin Hui flew out directly, pulling out a long line in the sky, turning into a light spot and disappearing in the sky.

"What should we do?" Ma Qionglin glanced at Shana, because here, only she has the best relationship with Lin Hui, and only she knows Lin Hui's temper better than others.

"Don't follow. Lin Hui is fine. He is calm, although he is very angry, but since he said he doesn't want me to follow, then we don't have to follow."

Shana's heart was a little bitter. She didn't expect that she would be left behind by Lin Hui at this time, but she thought about it, because Will Emina brought it back by herself. However, Will Emina didn't know Lin Hui's Temper, with that rigid personality, he attacked Lin Hui, and it was impossible to hit Lin Hui's muzzle.

"Well, this is the best way to deal with it. If he really needs our help, it's not too late to go."

Alastair understands the meaning of the word "King of Humans" better than anyone else, so he ignores everything because he is the King of Humans.

"I'm afraid of Konwei Shicai..."

Shana was a little worried, because neither Yoshida Kazumi nor Hirai Yuan would have an accident, but Konoe Shina and these two people are different.

However, in Shana's heart, there is a sense of loss and unwillingness, and this mood constantly impacts Shana's heart defense.


In the place where he flew away, Lin Hui's momentum began to weaken, his originally stiff face began to soften, and he rubbed his face: "Tsk, I'm really tired, if it wasn't for the 'anger' The original sin, I guess it's not easy to fool around, but it's also true, Belupeo is too bad at acting, right? If I rushed over at that time, I guess it wouldn't be fun."

"Let's go back and teach Dantario a lesson."

A flame appeared in Lin Hui's hand: "Mami, I'm back, let Xiu Denan and Bellupeo prepare, I'm going to plan the next step, let Shana take a look, it's best to give She has some influence."

"I understand, by the way, Dantario was just beaten by me, do you still need to teach me a lesson?"

Nakaoka Mami's relieved laughter came out, and she seemed to be in a very happy mood.

"It depends on the situation. The main thing is to wait for a while now. It's better to make the noise bigger to attract Shana and the others."

Lin Hui directly arranged Shana and others clearly.

"Haven't they been fooled by you? Will they really come?"

Nakaoka Mami was a little surprised, because if Lin Hui was angry, Nakaoka Mami thought she would not offend Lin Hui.

"Don't you know Shana's character yet?"

Lin Hui asked back.

"That's right, I almost forgot, so just wait a little bit, by the way, what do those two little girls have to do with you!"

Nakaoka Asami suddenly moved up.

"you guess!"

Lin Hui's mood is also very good, because the next step is the most important step. Showing his strength to Shana is also the most important step.

Because there are no preconceived notions, Alastair did not show Shana her own strength, and she needed Shana to understand her own strength.

However, now that Lin Hui has seen the embryonic form of Shana's power, there is no need for Lin Hui to hide it. Originally, Lin Hui planned to introduce a little bit of Shana's concept of power, but he didn't expect Dantario. Just let his two plans merge into one, then Lin Hui doesn't have to hide it.

Let Shana see how she fights, let Shana see how powerful she is as a human king, and how she fights as a human king, so as to find her own strength and fighting style. This is what Lin Hui needs to do.

For this reason, even Beilu Peoulu complained that she had to sacrifice Xingli Hall to pave the way for Shana.

But since it was Lin Hui's order, it's useless for Belupeo to complain. Moreover, for the masquerade, it is more important to fulfill the command of the leader of the alliance. Therefore, Belupio will also help, so Only with Lin Hui in that scene.

Looking at the nearby Xingli Hall, Lin Hui took the lead in rushing over...

Chapter [-] Must go...

Lin Hui "sneaked" into the Xingli Hall very smoothly, well, although now in the Xingli Hall, apart from Xiu Denan, Belupiolu, Dantalio and Nakaoka Mami, the only thing left is to be arrested. Three "captives" here, eh?Domino's?That is a phosphorus, not a person.

When Lin Hui quickly reached the place where the three girls were imprisoned, he took out the "Hades' helmet" and put it on his head, making himself invisible and eliminating all his breath.


"What should I do? I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Hirai Yuki was a little worried, but fortunately, he and Yoshida Kazumi had the Noble Phantasm bodyguard that Lin Hui implanted in their bodies, but Konoe Shina was different.

"Don't worry, my brother came back to save us."

Heikati played her role as Lin Hui's sister dutifully and dutifully, and completely substituted herself into it. Well, it's still a bit of a play. There's no way. Who makes Heikati one level higher than Yoshida and others? ?

Thinking of this, Hecate seemed to feel a little joy in his heart. Perhaps, this was what Lin Hui said about "happy" and "happy". The expression on Hecate's face began to become richer.

"Well, Konoe-san, you really don't have to worry about it, we don't care, in case you..."

Yoshida Kazumi knew it, and she also knew that the Noble Phantasm implanted in her and Hirai Rim's body would protect them, and they would not be hurt, but Konoe Shina was different, she hung it directly around her neck, It should have been luck that I didn't find it before, but if it was discovered, Konoe Shina would be very dangerous.

Feeling Yoshida Kazumi's concern for himself, Hecate's inner emotions changed again. Although he knew that he would be absolutely fine, but seeing Yoshida Kazumi's concern for himself, Hecate's heart happened. A little fluctuation, there is a strange feeling, some unbearable, and some throbbing.

Hecate is not clear about these two entangled feelings, one is called guilt and the other is called moving. Because of this change, the emotional seeds in Hecate's heart have begun to sprout and grow. Katie is sure to be a girl with as much emotion as anyone else.

"It's alright, come on, Ichimi, we just need to hold Konoe together. Once someone else wants to do it, it's the same as hitting both of us."

Saying that, Hirai Yugi hugged Hecate: "Ah, Konoe-san is very cute, the more you look at it, the more cute it is, it really makes people want to hold him in his arms, hee hee, I am now I understand why Lin Hui likes you so much."

"Well, Hirai-san, it's a little uncomfortable."

The turning point of Hecate's emotional road appeared. Because of the hardships together, the emotions and fetters between the three people will become extremely thick.

"Shi Cai, can I call you that? Because I've been calling you Konwei, I feel like we're a little rusty."

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi looked at Hecate.

"Well, can I call you Yimei too?"

Although Hecate didn't know why, even though it was a pseudonym, his heart was a little hot.

"Of course, thank you."

Yoshida Kazumi suddenly thanked him.

"Well, Yimei is too cunning, Shi Cai, you can also call me Xiao Yuan. But Shi Cai is really bold!"

Hirai's hand holding Hecate was slightly loosened, but he didn't let Hecate out of his protection: "To actually say such a thing, you will make it difficult for us!"

"Because I like my brother, that's why I say it. I think, no, I think I have to say it."

Hecate is still a little ignorant of some worldly customs, but that's why Hecate is so cute!

"However, thanks to Shi Cai, I was able to see my heart clearly. No, I will also say it. After we are rescued, I will also confess to Lin Hui."

"Well, Yimei, come on!"

Heikati didn't know why, and felt a little sad in her heart, but she still encouraged Kazumi Yoshida.

"Well, I haven't been rescued yet. Why are you so excited? The cage of this iron chain looks very strong."

Although Hirai Yuki was also very excited, but when he saw the environment he was in, he was gone.


Suddenly, the chain cage broke.

Lin Hui took off his helmet and gave Hirai a meaningful glance: "It turns out that Miss Hirai treats me like this. I really don't have confidence in me. It's a shame that I like Miss Hirai so much."

"Yeah, Lin Hui?! When did you arrive?"

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