Hirai Yuki was frightened by the suddenly broken iron chain cage, and the moment he saw Lin Hui again, a surprised expression appeared on his face. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Lin Hui's words, and the surprised expression on his face solidified. .

"Okay, stop teasing you! Let's go, I'll go out with you first, and then I'll help you out!"

A long spear appeared in Lin Hui's hand and threw it directly at the wall on one side.


The terrifying explosion destroyed everything around, and large pieces of gravel splashed towards several people, but they were all protected by the light on Yoshida Kazumi, Heikai edge and Hecate.

After a while, a big hole appeared in front of several people.

"Let's go!"

Lin Hui jumped out with the three girls, and with the help of his own strength, let the three girls fly in the air.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from a high altitude, and that figure turned into a huge beast in an instant, swooping down towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui waved his hand and shot out countless treasures in an instant, directly pinning the beast to the outer wall of Xingli Hall.

After Lin Hui brought the three girls back to the ground, let them stay away from here immediately. The three of Hirai Yuan also understood that they could not help Lin Hui by staying here now, so they left immediately.

Afterwards, Lin Hui was ready to show some of his strength, because he noticed it.


After sensing the movement at the Xingli Hall, Shana looked up and saw a shadow fly down but immediately hit the wall.

"do you want to go?"

Kamxin is indeed a fire and fog warrior who has lived for thousands of years, and he can see Shana's inner thoughts at once.

"But, Lin Hui, he..."

Shana bit her lower lip. She was in a mess at the moment. She knew that if she passed away now, she would definitely make Lin Hui angry, because Lin Hui was angry now, but she was very unwilling to be killed. Lin Hui left.

"Even if I make Lin Hui angry, I want to go, I think, I want to stand with Lin Hui."

Shana stood up, obviously she was the person who knew Lin Hui's temper best, but she also had a lot of self-esteem, because she didn't want to be left behind, so Shana wanted to stand by Lin Hui's side.

It's the only thing she can do now.


"must go……"

Chapter [-] Lin Hui's Power

"Xana, are you sure?"

Alastair didn't understand Shana's decision a little bit. It was you who persuaded others not to go before, but now it's you who took the initiative to go. Alastair didn't understand Shana's mood.

"Well, because I have to go, I know, Lin Hui, he is waiting for me, I have this feeling."

Shana clenched her little fist: "The others will stay here for the time being, because if I'm going to be scolded, I'll be enough alone."

"Will Emina, don't be impulsive!"

With that said, a pair of flame wings appeared behind Shana. At this moment, Shana flew directly towards the sky.


Along with the fire powder flying in the air, Lin Hui's eyes were filled with a small figure burning like a red lotus.

Afterwards, Lin Hui raised his hand, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Xiu Denan, telling him to avoid it.

Immediately, on the upper hand of Xingli Hall, the crimson ripples continued to spread out, and even Shana saw it.

"The King's Treasure!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the King of Humans symbolizes the anger of human beings. As a human being, he used the legendary hero's Noble Phantasm to raise the banner of rebellion, and told the mighty apostles of the red world to let them understand that human beings are definitely not to be slaughtered by others. One day, humans can also launch a counterattack against them.

At this moment, the castle of Xingli Hall was constantly being shattered, and the terrifying power continued to shoot down the Xingli Hall. Those powerful Noble Phantasms could still exert great attacking power even if their real names were not released.

This is the attack method that can be called the king of people, and this is also the strength of Lin Hui.

Shana was also stunned. Lin Hui's attack was very simple, but at the same time, it was also very rude. He directly blasted those Noble Phantasms out without money, giving people the feeling of a nouveau riche.

No, this can no longer be described as a nouveau riche, this is completely a local tyrant, a godly tyrant.

Those Noble Phantasms can be used as magical weapons to kill the Red World Apostles no matter which human beings or the Fire Mist Warriors get them, but Lin Hui now launches those Noble Phantasms directly like throwing consumables. I don't know what to say.

Even, some treasures are too huge, such as the Kaishan sword, which smashed most of the castle in Xingli Hall at once, and there are two huge scimitars like hell in hell, one exudes cold ice. Breath, the whole body is made of pitch black, but a liquid like magma flows in the center of the blade.

The two Noble Phantasms fell on the Xingli Hall, directly causing the crumbling Xingli Hall to be completely sunk, and smashed to the ground, setting off a huge storm.



The ground was smashed into a huge pothole, and the surrounding houses were completely destroyed by this huge impact, collapsed, and even affected other buildings.

The original river bank has completely disappeared, and the place where the Osprey Festival was held has almost vanished. Countless people fell there. Although it can be repaired afterwards, it is estimated that it will cost a lot of existence. Therefore, Lin Hui has long since The people there were all stacked together and protected them with a shield-like Noble Phantasm.

At this moment, the Xingli Palace has been completely shattered, and only some remains are left.

"It's really unfortunate, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing, the king, it really shouldn't be underestimated."

Belupeo was also a little surprised. She had no idea that Lin Hui would actually use another method to sink the Xingli Palace. She originally thought that she would once again see the incredible power known as God.

But he never expected that Lin Huiguang could kill everything with his weapons and wipe out everything.

Taking into account the fighting ability of the masquerade, Belupeo couldn't help but smiled bitterly. Even if he used all his troops to fight against Lin Hui alone, without Lin Hui using his powers, Belupeo could even see it. , In the face of Lin Hui's treasure of the king, a large number of apostles of the Red World fell down and died.

Fortunately, Lin Hui was on their side, otherwise, just being an enemy of Lin Hui would be enough to give Belupeo a headache, because it was an almost unsolvable problem.

"Cough, I almost died!"

Xiu Denan flapped his wings and flew up. There were several scars on his body, which seemed to be left by the attack of powerful Noble Phantasms, and it was estimated that he received those Noble Phantasms with additional damage. Not so slow anymore.

"If you annoy me, don't even think about leaving."

Lin Hui raised his hand, and immediately, a pitch-black, extremely ominous long sword that was exactly the same as the Sword of Oath of Victory hanging around Hecate's neck was pulled out of the king's treasure by Lin Hui.

"Come on, Professor!"

Belupeo immediately shouted.


"The escape begins!"

From the ruins below came the voice of "exploring and seeking".

"The King's Hammer, reverse the light of the sun - devour the light, Excalibur Morgan!"

Lin Hui fiercely swung down the holy sword in his hand. At this moment, it was different from the extreme light emitted by the breathtaking sword of oath of victory. At this moment, the dark sword of aurora did not restrain its own magic power at all. The magic power generated by the holy sword swung at will is not a particle of light, but a darkness that can engulf even light, just like the breath of the demon dragon Votigon that appeared to protect Britain.

It penetrated everything and engulfed everything, as if it had completely liberated its own anger. After waiting in the air for a long time, his lips moved.

"Did you escape?"

Because the ruins below have disappeared, they should have escaped.

Lin Hui, holding a pitch-black holy sword, stood in the air, with his back to Shana, the black holy sword, the black windbreaker, and the slightly reddish strands of hair that were illuminated by the flames, giving people a feeling of loneliness.

The surrounding seals began to become unstable, and Shana immediately raised her hand, because if the seals were released now, once they were connected to the outside world, it would cause huge distortions. However, this range is really It's too vast, and Shana alone can't support it.

At this time, a hand reached out and held Shana's palm...

Chapter [-] Arguments

"Lin Hui?"

Shana was a little stunned. Lin Hui, who was still some distance away from her, came to her side at an unknown time.

"What are you waiting for? All the power of existence can be borne by me."

A smile appeared on Lin Hui's face, which instantly reassured Shana.

Shana mobilized Lin Hui's power of existence to start repairing the severely damaged Misaki City. Of course, it was said that the damage was serious, but in fact, the damage to the place where the Osprey Festival was located was relatively serious, and there was no loss in other places.

After the repair was completed, Shana lifted the ban, and the Osprey Festival was still as lively as ever.

In fact, now Shana can continue to visit the Osprey Festival with Lin Hui, and she is still with the three girls standing not far away, but because an uninvited guest came to the house, Lin Hui must deal with this matter, So Shana stayed.

Shana also seemed to know what Lin Hui wanted to do, but was stopped by Lin Hui's look.

One is the opposite sex that he likes, and the other is someone who has raised him for more than ten years like a mother and a sister, making Shana in the middle is very uncomfortable.

It was for this reason that Lin Hui let Shana stay here.

Looking at the back of Lin Hui leaving, Shana was still a little worried.

"Xana-chan, what are you doing? Is there something wrong?"

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi came up and asked, Yoshida Kazumi was also a little worried about Shana's appearance.

Hirai Yuan also got close to Shana: "Yes, yes, if you have any questions, you can say it."

Shana opened her mouth, was silent for a while, and then explained her own affairs.

This time, even Yoshida Kazumi and Hei Yuyuan were surprised. I didn't expect that Lin Hui would be so angry because of their arrest, and he was still moved in his heart, indicating that Lin Hui really liked them, otherwise he wouldn't be so excited. Because of this, he also quarreled with other fire and fog warriors.

"It's okay, if it's my brother, it won't make you embarrassed."

At this time, Hecate came over and looked at Shana, with a sour tone in her tone: "Because it's you, my brother won't make you even more embarrassed."

"Shina, what are you talking about?"

Shana's eyes widened: "You mean..."

"My brother likes you, so my brother won't embarrass the person he likes."

Hecate's words directly hit Shana's heart: "You, it's so noisy, so noisy, he likes me and Will Amy, what does he have to do with me, and he won't because of me and Will Amy? Na reconciled."

Shana's face was already red, thinking that if Lin Hui really reconciled with Will Emina because of him, wouldn't it mean that he has a high status in Lin Hui's heart.

Shana actually understands that other people's words are impossible, but Lin Hui is absolutely possible. Therefore, Shana is also a little bit overjoyed. Of course, the premise is that before Shana goes back, Lin Hui and Will Emina can reach a consensus.


Lin Hui returned home, and as soon as he landed, he saw Will Emina standing in the yard.

"Come in and sit down and talk."

Lin Hui took a deep breath, he was just acting anyway, as long as he appeared "it's all right" and "completely resolved".

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