Lin Hui took the lead in walking into the room and sat down. Ma Qionglin and Kamsing also entered the room and found a place to be a bystander. Will Emina sat opposite Lin Hui and had a little relationship with Lin Hui. The tit-for-tat taste is in it.

"Will Emina Carmel, the one who raised Shana's mother and sister, I heard Mami mention you."

Lin Hui waved his hand gently, anyway, his abilities have been exposed a lot, and it doesn't matter if there are more.

The four cups of black tea were brewed and placed in front of the four of them: "This is one of my favorite flavors of black tea. Although it is not as good as I personally brewed, it tastes good on its own. You can try it."

Lin Hui made a "please" gesture and began to take a sip.

The other two also took a sip. Ma Qionglin didn't care much about it. Anyway, for Ma Qionglin, drinking tea is better than drinking, and Kamxin's eyes brightened: "It tastes good. ."

Will Emina also took a symbolic sip, and then put down the cup: "You said that you knew the 'Red Flame Witch', but as far as I know, the 'Red Flame Witch' does not have a very close male friend. , Of course, she also accepted some disciples, I also know this, but I have never heard of any human being accepted as a disciple by her."

"Suspicious origin."

Lin Hui leaned back, and then, a crimson light appeared in the space on the side, and a letter flew out directly and landed in front of Will Emina: "You first see if this is Mami. handwriting."

Will Emina picked up the letter and began to read it. When she saw the writing on the letter, Will Emina no longer doubted, because whether it was herself or her tone, it was Mami Nakaoka.

In other words, Lin Hui did know Nakaoka Mami, and they were very close people.

However, the content of the letter made Willemina extremely uncomfortable, as if the treasure that she had carefully cultivated was taken away by someone.

"I won't agree with you, you are exercising the 'Blazing Eyes Crusher', and she doesn't need a name as a 'Blazing Eye Crusher', everything you do is disturbing she."

"Cannot agree."

Will Emina's expression was a little solemn.

"Don't call her 'her', Shana has her own name and the title 'Xana'."

Lin Hui looked at Will Emina: "Perhaps for you, Shana's role as a 'blazing-eyed crusader' has other meanings, right?"

"For example, the successor of the previous 'Scorching Eye Crusher' Matilda Sanmirou."

"What makes you say that?"

Will Emina stood up.


"Based on your current reaction, I can probably guess what kind of mentality you have in cultivating Shana."

Lin Hui said indifferently: "You want to see if Shana can find the shadow of Matilda Saint Milu on her body, so Shana doesn't need a name, all she needs is a title, which is The title of 'the scorching slayer' is just that."

Chapter [-] Can't decide

"No, it's not like that..."


Will Emina strongly denied: "I just want her to maintain the balance of the world as a fire and fog warrior."

"Does maintaining the balance of the world have anything to do with having a name?"

Lin Hui chuckled lightly, but this laughter sounded ironic to Will Emina.

"Of course it is necessary, she doesn't need a name, she just needs to be a 'blazing crusader' to crusade those who destroy the balance of the world. She doesn't carry hatred like others. She is a perfect fire and fog warrior."

"It's different."

Will Emina's tone was a little rushed, and in the eyes of others, Will Emina seemed to be angry.

But Lin Hui discovered one thing, that is, there was such a slight fluctuation in Will Amina's eyes. Although it was very shallow, she probably didn't even notice it herself. Even if she didn't admit it, she was subconsciously thinking about Shana. As a substitute for Matilda San Milou.

"What does the so-called perfect fire and fog warrior look like? What is it? Please answer me this question, without hatred? Only mission and responsibility? Can you maintain the balance of the world alone?"

Lin Hui shook his head: "It's a big mistake."

"Whether a fire and fog warrior has a name has nothing to do with all of this. A name represents the identity of the person that once existed in this world, rather than becoming someone's 'shadow', let alone someone else's.' alternatives'!"

Lin Hui slapped the table: "Maybe you didn't realize it yourself, you just wanted to find some comfort from Shana's identity, to make up for your own guilt for not being able to save your companions. Without a name, Shana is not equal to It will become someone else, 'the scorching crusader', this title is the common title of the contractors of Alastair, you do not want Shana to have a name because you subconsciously want to see Matilda Sanmi Lu's shadow continues her mission in this world!"

"not like this!"

"Totally conjecture."

Will Emina stood up straight.

"Am I right? After Shana has a name, she can no longer be the perfect fire and fog warrior in your heart. The shadow in your heart was destroyed by me, and it is precisely because of this that Mami will always They all quarreled with you."

Lin Hui stood up and looked at Will Emina: "Recognize the reality for me, Shana, she is not a substitute for others, she is a human being, a living person who stands for me, for you, and in front of everyone. , she has her own life, her own thoughts, her own will."

"Perhaps you and Alastor just wanted to train Shana to be a fire warrior, but they didn't teach Shana about life at all."

Lin Hui looked at Will Emina, walked around the table slowly, and stood in front of Will Emina. Although the whole person was not very strong or tall, it brought Will Amy to the table. Na felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Willemina's whole body seemed to be looking up at a high mountain, and she was a little breathless.

"Shana doesn't understand anything, she's just a child, and Alastair may just because she's the Red Devil, she doesn't quite understand things among humans, but you're different, Willemina Ka. Mel, you were human before you became a Fire Mist Warrior!"

"Then, why can't you give up your name and only act under the title of 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands'?"

Lin Hui's eyes were fixed on Will Amina.

"that is because……"


This time, even Willemina's contract demon king was speechless.

"Because this name was given to you by your parents, to prove that you once existed in this world, no, not only you, but everyone else is the same, other fire and fog warriors are the same, even if you put your own The past, present and future have all been used as containers to carry the Demon King of the Red World, but you still have something to prove your existence."

"Your name is the best proof."

"But what about Shana? Shana has nothing. She was abandoned at birth. Her life was dark from the very beginning. It was you, Will Emina who picked her up and gave her to her future life. The meaning of existence has deprived her of the opportunity to have her own name."

"How sad! You can't even have a name that proves your existence. Is this the life you and Alastair decided?"

"The life decided for Shana, if you really think so, then I will completely destroy it!"

"Xia Na's life is not decided by you, but by herself, whether it is to become a fire and fog warrior, or to maintain the balance of the world, Shana must be willing to do so. The most important thing is whether there is a name that belongs to her. This matter also requires Shana to make choices based on her own will, not you, who raised Shana, to make choices for her!"

Lin Hui seemed to want to vent all his grievances, and directly made Will Emina speechless, and Tiamat the "Dream Crown Belt" also remained silent, thinking about what Lin Hui said. Is it right or wrong.

"And, you said, you don't agree with me exercising Shana? That's ridiculous."

Lin Hui sneered: "Xia Na's strength is very mature in your opinion, but in my opinion it is not enough, she can't even draw out her own flame, as the 'God of Punishment', 'The Fire of Heaven and Earth' Yaras Tel's contractor can only rely on the power of the Noble Phantasm to draw out flames to fight, and his own freedom method is not at all, and Alastair's power even uses only the fur."

"How can such Shana be considered mature? Once she encounters the powerful Crimson Demon King, she will be easily defeated, and the title of 'God of Punishment' is about to cry."

"I can do what you can't do."

Lin Hui directly put the evidence in front of Will Emina: "After meeting me, after my training, Shana's strength has already grown by leaps and bounds. This is something you must admit."

Chapter [-] Observation or Compromise?

Will Emina was speechless by Lin Hui. No matter what aspect, Will Emina couldn't speak to Lin Hui.

Nonsense, if I really want to be able to say it, then Lin Hui's title of "wise man" will simply be given to Will Emina, and he will concentrate the wisdom of a world and analyze the situation of this world layer by layer, not to Will Will. If Emina's words were all blocked, then Lin Hui could be regarded as gaining the wisdom of a world in vain.

Regarding Shana's name, Will Emina couldn't say anything to Lin Hui. No matter which way he answered, Lin Hui could answer a key point.

That is, Will Emina herself did not give up her name. After becoming the Fire Mist Warrior, the name Will Emina Carmel is still used. As long as this is still there, Will Emina will not be able to. Get around this to keep Shana without a name.

What's more, Will Emina has a straight personality, is straight-faced, expressionless, and doesn't talk much. She is still very cold when dealing with people. To put it differently, when she treats strangers, she usually looks from her own point of view. Instead of standing in the perspective of others, planning Shana's future route without even seeing Shana's changes.

How could Will Emina, who didn't talk much and didn't have much reason, could argue against Lin Hui in the refutation?

Coupled with the latter thing, it is a question of Shana's strength.

Will Emina doesn't like Lin Hui exercising Shana, but one thing Will Emina must admit is that Shana's strength has become stronger, and she has been able to condense wings of flame, which symbolizes "flame hair". A symbol of the Burning Eye Crusher, just like Yan Fa and Burning Eye, it belongs to the appearance change of the "Yan Fa and Burning Eye Crusher". In addition, the flame wings have the ability to fly, which makes Shana's strength even better. .

Shana has become stronger than when she was separated from herself. Moreover, Will Emina can feel that it is impossible for someone who has taken care of Shana for more than ten years to not feel that Shana likes Lin Hui, although not yet. I was completely caught up in it, but I really fell in love with Lin Hui.

This is an unwanted feeling for the perfect Fire Mist Warrior, but Will Emina doesn't know what to do. If Shana leaves Lin Hui, let alone Shana disagrees, I'm afraid Lin Hui will chase him away.

The most important thing is that this human being is very strong, and Will Emina is not sure to defeat Lin Hui, but looking at the situation that the other party can capture the Xingli Hall with her own strength, Will Emina thinks that she cannot do it.

What's more, just now, Ma Qionglin also explained a little about Lin Hui, and Shana also explained a little.

Will Emina also has a rough understanding of the concept of "King of Humans".

If it is said that Lin Hui is really the "King of Humans", then Lin Hui can't die even more. Once he dies, it will have a huge impact on the whole world. Considering that he knows Mami Nakaoka, no matter from which aspect Speaking of which, Will Emina felt powerless.

Strong strength, tyrannical background, identity that cannot be ignored, resourceful, articulate, and even his appearance is very attractive to women, plus Ma Qionglin and Shana both praised Lin Hui for some other aspects, such as Cooking skills, as well as all aspects of special wine prepared by Lin Hui, it seems that there is nothing that Lin Hui can't do. Even Nakaoka Mami's free method, Lin Hui can use it, it is incredible.

Perfect Superman?

No, it is almost impeccable, there should be no such human beings in this world, but if it is the "king of people", it can barely make sense.

"I see."

"Back off."

Will Emina let go, because any evidence Lin Hui gave proved that after meeting Lin Hui, Shana's whole person changed, but it didn't get worse, but became stronger and stronger. It also looks more and more like a perfect fire and fog warrior, but it is farther and farther away from the image in his heart.

Lin Hui looked at Will Amina and felt a little strange, because Will Amina seemed to have made a concession and compromised with herself, but there was still no sign of giving up in her eyes, she wanted to continue to observe ?

Lin Hui shrugged, it doesn't matter, after all, for Lin Hui, no matter how long Will Emina observes, she can only come to one conclusion, that is, Shana will only get stronger and better, and become a Really enough to be the perfect fire and fog warrior to maintain the balance of the world.

"That's fine. If you don't worry about it, then just stay here. Anyway, there are still a lot of empty rooms here."

Lin Hui pointed to a room at random: "Xia Na's room is the first room on the left. The room opposite the door is still empty. If you want, you can live there. Also, help with the housework on weekdays."

Lin Hui ordered very casually: "I also heard Shana talking about you, so you are not allowed to enter the kitchen, I will prepare three meals a day."

Lin Hui turned around and walked upstairs: "Also, if you can, I hope you can spare time to pick up Shi Cai, by the way, don't mess around, I know she and the head of the Hecate. very similar."

"The 'Top Seat' Hecate, one of the Three Pillars?"

Will Amina has not seen Hecate, so Lin Hui also reminds him first, lest Will Amina attack Hecate, which will lead to the exposure of Hecate's identity. Of course, it is more likely that It will be blocked by the light of the sword of vowed victory, but unpleasant trouble is always bad.

In this way, Lin Hui finally suppressed Will Emina, so that she would not pretend to be an educator to teach herself and change her plan to teach Shana.


"Hey, Shana-chan, I like Lin Hui. I made sure of this at the Osprey Festival this time."

Yoshida Kazumi turned her head and looked at the gorgeous fireworks that exploded in the sky, with a sweet smile on her face: "So, I will confess to Lin Hui."

"Me too, Lin Hui, he's really incredible. Although I was told such a thing, I just couldn't forget that day, the shining figure."

Hirai Yuan looked at the fireworks in the sky, as if returning to that day, and seeing the tall figure bathed in the light of victory, he couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

"So, Shana, how about you?"

At this time, Hecate turned his head, looked at Shana, and asked, "What's in your mind?"

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