Yes, just last night, after everyone fell asleep, Lin Hui got up and worked hard all night.

After everyone got the cake, Will Emina looked at Lin Hui, and then she cut her own model from the cake and brought it in front of Lin Hui.

"Thank you, Lin Hui. However, I haven't forgiven you yet."


Will Emina put the plate in Lin Hui's hand.

Lin Hui joked: "Do you want me to 'eat' you?"

"No, it's a gift of thanks."


Will Amina didn't make any other expressions because of Lin Hui's words, but let Lin Hui beg for it, or did Will Amina not catch the meaning of her words?

Alas, chatting with such a rigid and serious girl should be a very laborious task.

However, Lin Hui didn't plan to continue molesting. Anyway, he had already molested. Although the other party didn't hear it, it would be a big deal if he heard it.

Considering Will Amina's character, Lin Hui felt that even if he didn't die, he would have to peel off his skin, ah, of course, if Will Amina could do it.

Looking at Will Emina's model, Lin Hui shrugged, but it took him a lot of time to make such an almost identical villain.

Lin Hui chuckled lightly, and then used a fork to provoke Will Emina and swallowed it directly without swallowing. It must be straight."

Well, I don't know how Ji Hiirao is doing now. After being locked up by myself for so long, I will definitely find a way to retaliate against myself after coming out. I have to prepare myself, because I said it before, Ji Hiirao What Cai inherited was Lin Hui's almost infinite potential, and he was the only one who could catch up with him and surpass himself.

Among so many heavens and myriads of worlds, the only person who can do such a thing is Ji Hiirai Lingcai.

Lin Hui made a very large cake, and the amount was very large. After the people present finished dividing it, he basically couldn't eat dinner. Could it be that Yoshida Kazumi has worked so hard to make so much, but, fortunately, it can be put away, Lin Hui saved the work of cooking the next day, and could take a break from his busy schedule.

You know, Lin Hui has never been, um, not necessarily. In the dating world, Lin Hui has cooked three meals a day for more than five years. Moreover, in the outsourcing world, Lin Hui also basically does for more than ten years.

But adhering to the principle of being lazy if you can be lazy, Lin Hui still put all those dishes in the refrigerator, otherwise, in this weather, it will definitely be broken.

Afterwards, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan both decided to live in Lin Hui's house. After all, it was so late, and going back might disturb the family. Therefore, Lin Hui let the girls use the bathroom first, while he waited in the living room. After the girls have finished bathing, they go in and take a bath.

"I've rarely seen 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands' so happy. Thank you very much this time."

Alastair expressed his gratitude to Lin Hui.

"Don't say that, it's precisely because Shana asked me, that's why I'll do my best to help!"

Lin Hui chuckled and glanced at the bathroom: "It seems that I have already washed it, so I will prepare it too. By the way, tell Shana along the way, I will give her a vacation tomorrow and let her have a good rest."

"oh, I understand now."

Alastair also understands what Lin Hui means. Recently, Shana's exercise will not be missed, and sometimes she will even make up for it in the evening. However, it is not very good if the spirit is always tense, let the body slightly Take a break to adapt to the changes over this period of time. Of course, the basic exercise every day cannot be stopped, because the control force needs to be strengthened from the training bit by bit every day.

After taking a shower, Lin Hui went back to his room. Lin Hui already felt that there was a person in his room. Isn't this nonsense, a small bag has bulged under the quilt, who can't see it.

But today's Hecate is really early.

Lin Hui didn't think much of it, he lifted a corner of the quilt and lay in, then stretched out his arms to hug Hecate, and even touched Hecate's clothes with one hand.

Heikati didn't seem to react, and her whole body suddenly tensed, which made Lin Hui feel a little strange. After a closer look, Lin Hui stroked the back of "Heikati" up and down. All stunned.

Chapter [-] Hecate, listen to me

The body of the girl in her arms became more and more tense, as if she was very uneasy and nervous.

Although this girl also has short hair, it is obviously different from Hecate's short hair, because Hecate's short hair is longer, not like this girl's short hair.

What's more, Hecate is very fond of stroking her back. According to her words, it is very comfortable. In this case, Hecate will not show tension, but will be very relaxed.

When Lin Hui felt the girl's body in his arms tightened tightly, his whole body became a little sluggish, and then he lifted the quilt, and saw a girl with short pink hair lying inside, flushed face, tightly closed eyes.

"I said, Lian Nancy, what are you doing?"

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, um, indeed, this girl is really cute, and it's her own food, but Lin Hui has been too busy to attack Shana recently, so where's the time to attack Lian Nanxi? what.

Moreover, Lian Nanxi was also the person that her own woman, Nakaoka Mami, had sheltered. Lin Hui would never take action against his own woman's subordinates, at least not now. Besides, Lin Hui did not consider himself attractive enough. Let others fall in love with him all of a sudden. If it is a human, then Lin Hui will change the other person's thinking, then the other person may fall in love with him with all his heart, but Lian Nanxi is the devil of the red world, not a human being, Lin Hui has not Change Lin Nancy's mind without using power.

Then, in this way, Lian Nancy's appearance in her bed is very interesting.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see it? Help you warm the bed!"

Lian Nanxi smiled and said, "How is it? Are you happy?"

"No, not at all, but frightened."

Lin Hui's face was full of doubts. If there were really so-called question marks, then there should be a dense patch on top of Lin Hui's head now.

"Hey, you are really boring. At this time, you should follow the girl's words and say it."

Lin Nancy criticized Lin Hui.

Lin Hui shook his hand: "I'm sorry, I'm used to being domineering, and I don't have the kind of idea to follow a girl's way."

Except when at home.

Well, being hanged by Nangong that month was just, ahem, for the good of girls in other worlds, um, yes, that's right, that's it.

"As expected, Mami-sama said the same thing."

Lian Nanxi was lying on the bed, her two little feet were swaying, and she looked at Lin Hui with her chin on her hands: "Okay, I'll just say it straight, I said it before."

"I admit you."

"You are my lover from now on, my lover!"

Lian Nanxi stretched out a hand directly, wrapped her arms around Lin Hui's neck, and pressed her soft, slightly fragrant lips onto Lin Hui's mouth.

It made Lin Hui even more confused.

What the hell?

In the original book, Lian Nanxi, who is known as the strongest master of the free method in the red world, who is loyal to her lover, actually said that she fell in love with herself, how could it be possible?

Although Lian Nanxi usually likes to tease herself and stimulate Shana and others, Shana and others do not regard Lian Nanxi as an opponent, because Lian Nanxi treats Lin Hui all the time except when she stimulates Shana and others. Showing a level of interest.

But I didn't expect that Lian Nanxi directly touched Lin Hui's bed without saying a word. This kind of boldness was not even in Hecate.

Unexpectedly, the most courageous among these people is Lian Nanxi.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"How about that, is that okay?"

Lian Nanxi looked at Lin Hui with a smile.

The soft touch just now was still on his lips, and the fragrance was still lingering in his nose. Lin Hui couldn't help swallowing a saliva. Lian Nanxi's just now was definitely the first kiss. Such a jerky kissing technique is definitely a must. A proficiency that only a very pure girl can possess.

"But, why haven't I done anything to make you fascinated?"

Lin Hui was very puzzled.

"No, you have the courage to speak up, knowing that after you speak out from the harem, those girls will leave you, but you still choose to face them honestly."

"But I'm also very good at deceiving people."

"When facing Shana's nurturer, Willemina Carmel, you argued that Shana could continue to freely choose her own direction."

"That's just a lie."

"In this birthday party, in order to make Shana's surprise in place, you even participated in it yourself."

"That's because I have the confidence to protect myself!"

"Oh, why are you like this? Don't keep tearing down your own platform. This will reduce my favorability."

Lian Nanxi couldn't stand Lin Hui anymore. She didn't expect Lin Hui to speak like this. There is some admiration for dismantling one's own stage. Generally speaking, do any boys do this?

No, after all, it's a great thing to have a girl who likes you. It's not like Lin Hui, who directly puts his own shortcomings in front of girls. Basically, there is only one consequence of doing so, and that is to put women The child is pissed off.

However, this was also within Lian Nanxi's expectations. After all, Nakaoka Asami had already told Lin Hui's habits to Lian Nanxi and another Red World Demon King.

Lian Nanxi made a choice of her own will and chose Lin Hui.

"Actually, this matter started when I was accepted as a subordinate by the 'Scarlet Flame Witch'."

Lian Nanxi also planned to tell Lin Hui about her own affairs, but Lian Nanxi did not plan to reveal any information about the other Red World Demon King, for the sake of that one.


Just when Lian Nanxi was about to start talking, there was a sound from the door, and Lin Hui and Lian Nanxi turned to look.

Lin Hui's heart almost stopped, because he was too shocked by Lian Nancy's actions just now and he forgot that Hecate sometimes came back at night to attack, and today, Lin Hui felt that Hecate would not come if he didn't come. impossible.

As a result, such a tragic thing happened.

"Brother cheated."

Saying that, Hecate wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, Hecate, listen to me!"

Chapter [-]: Nakaoka Asami's Careful Thoughts


Lian Nanxi was stunned for a moment, isn't this the name of the top seat of one of the three pillars of the masquerade ball?

Could it be that?

Lian Nanxi looked at Lin Hui and couldn't believe it. If this is true, what exactly does Lin Hui want to do?

Lin Hui has a connection with the masquerade, no, this is no longer a connection. It can make the legendary top seat Hecate, fall in love with him, become his own woman, and balance Hecate and the Fire Mist Warrior. Not only that, but also perfectly concealed Hecate's aura as an apostle of the Red World, making it the same as human beings. This can no longer be explained by means of the sky.

What's more, from the standpoint of the masquerade, it is impossible for Hecate, who is the great sorcerer, to follow a human being, let alone other people. It is absolutely impossible to pass the level of Xiu Denan.

You must know that Xiu Denan has been to Misaki City before, but he has not mentioned anything about Hecate I know, and I agree. Lin Hui's status in the masquerade is unimaginable. No, maybe there is one who can do it, but that one has been completely sealed by Nakaoka Mami. The masquerade party has yet to find a way to break the seal.

However, the current situation has become extremely complicated. If everything that happened here was premeditated, then Lin Hui is really ignorant of a huge game of chess!

Lin Hui didn't know what Lian Nanxi was thinking at the moment, but he directly grabbed Hecate in the air and grabbed Hecate in his arms, and then snapped his fingers to completely cut off this space from the outside space.

He wrapped his hands around Hecate's body and set his chin on Hecate's shoulder: "What's the matter, Hecate, are you angry?"

"No, and, Alliance Leader, there are others here, isn't it bad to expose your identity like this?"

Hecate said with a blank expression.


The expression on Lian Nanxi's face is even weirder. You must know that the masquerade has an inescapable hatred with Mami Nakaoka, the "Witch of Red Flame". It is because of Mami Nakaoka that the snake of the sacrificial ceremony will be sealed. In the gap between the two worlds, there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation, but now Lin Hui and Nakaoka Mami have a good relationship, and they are the leader of the masquerade.

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