Lian Nancy felt that her head was not enough.

At this time, Lian Nanxi suddenly thought of one thing, which was very important: "Lin Hui, you only came to this world not long ago, right?"

Lin Hui touched Katie's little head, put her aside, turned around, stood by the bed, looked at Lian Nanxi, and said, "Introduce yourself, I'm..."

After listening to the long list of prefixes, Lian Nanxi's mouth twitched: "You are really amazing."

"You're welcome, then, let me and Hecate now listen to what you said about Mami."

Lin Hui rolled over onto the bed and held Hecate in his arms like a pillow.

Although Hecate said she was not angry, Lin Huixin was the real ghost, so she needed to comfort her and tell Nancy Lian of her plan by the way, and let her help him. After all, if there is Nancy Lian If you can help, then things will be easier.

Lian Nanxi felt that she admitted that she was wrong. Lin Hui's bureau, Lian Nancy, had a hunch that it might be terrible.

"Before that, Lin Hui, I want to ask you, what exactly do you want to do?"

Lian Nanxi looked at Lin Hui with a firm look: "If there wasn't those things just now, I think I was right, but you are hiding something very important."

Lin Hui shrugged: "So, I didn't say that you don't know me well enough, but I can tell you what I want to do."

"Cut off the chains of hatred, so that the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Apostle can coexist peacefully. I want to create such a world."

After listening to Lin Hui's words, Lian Nanxi was shocked. Lin Hui's purpose was really unusual.

"Well, then, it seems that my choice is not wrong, it's just that I missed a few steps."

Lian Nanxi smiled lightly: "later, you have to tell me everything clearly."

"Well, of course."

Lin Hui nodded: "Okay, tell me, what exactly did Mami tell you?"

Lian Nanxi sighed: "Really, after Mr. Mami rescued me, he took me as a subordinate, and Mr. Mami said to me at that time: 'You look so cute, if Lin Hui saw it You'll love it, um, I ask you, have you ever thought about finding a lover?', that's it."

Lian Nanxi spread her hands: "Then Mrs. Mami kept telling me about your advantages over there, as well as some temperament habits and so on, and praised you as a unique good man, but at that time I am also relatively simple, so I believed what Mami-sama said, and then Mami-sama developed a free law with me in order to contact you, but the power of existence required to activate this free law is too large, so I will Start collecting the power of existence outside."

"Mami-sama didn't necessarily let us choose you. He gave us the right to choose. Let's talk with you for a while and see. It doesn't matter if it's really unacceptable at that time. However, I think Mami-sama is right. You A good man indeed, albeit frighteningly big."

Lin Hui laughed, looked at Hecate in his arms and pouted: "Hmph, Belupeo is no worse than the 'Scarlet Flame Witch', why didn't the leader bring Belupeo with her?"

Lin Hui rubbed Hecate's head: "Because Belupeo still needs to maintain the operation of the masquerade. Then, let me talk about my plan, of course, it depends on the time I just came to this world. It's time to talk about..."

Chapter [-] Was the house stolen?

When Lin Hui woke up, he was really refreshed. Although he only slept for three hours, for Lin Hui, it was no longer important whether he slept or not. It was just that sleep was a characteristic of human life. , so, no matter what, Lin Hui will continue to live as a human being.

Looking at the two girls lying on both sides of him, Lin Hui gently picked up Lian Nanxi's messy hair, leaned down, kissed Lian Nanxi's forehead lightly, and then stood up, in order not to prevent him. Awakening Hecate, Lin Hui immediately moved away from the bed, then kissed Hecate's face and covered the two girls with a quilt.

After changing clothes and washing, Lin Hui left the room. As he left, Lin Hui glanced at the room and said softly, "Sleep a little longer."

Immediately, the faces of the two girls who were pretending to be asleep were flushed. Just now, Lin Hui found out when he came out. The breathing of the two girls became rapid, indicating that the two girls had woken up. , that's what I just said.

Hecate opened his eyes and said proudly to Lian Nancy, "I won."

Lin Nancy didn't have time to compete with Hecate for such a meaningless victory: "Yes, yes, you win, you win."

Afterwards, he turned over and planned to continue to rest for a while. Although as the Demon King of the Crimson World, it didn't matter if he didn't need to rest, but last night was really tired, so I don't blame her.

After Lin Hui put together his plan yesterday, even Nancy Lian realized for the first time how huge and complicated Lin Hui's plan was. From a normal level, it was almost impossible to achieve. Because there is no absolute strength.

Even the sacrificial snake known as the "God of Creation" and the "Red Flame Witch" Mami Nakaoka who sealed the sacrificial snake did not have the decisive strength to lay the foundation for all of this.

If Lian Nancy is to plan, it is estimated that it will take decades or even longer to perfect all this, and then this plan can be officially launched.

However, Lin Hui is different. Lin Hui has super strength that no one in this world can match. Even Nakaoka Asami is his woman and his contractor. Even if it is a sacrificial snake, he still chooses to be He paved the way and kept the immense power of existence contained in his body in the gap between the two realms, waiting for Lin Hui to use it.

Lian Nanxi couldn't pick out any loopholes in Lin Hui's plan. The only loophole was how to choose the key candidates for this matter. As a result, after Lian Nanxi asked about this matter, she looked at Lin Hui smiled, and secretly scolded himself that he was really stupid. Isn't this an obvious thing?

Afterwards, Lian Nanxi was completely conquered by Lin Hui, and Hecate on the side could be regarded as a complete and clear understanding of Lin Hui's strength and wisdom. Because of this, Hecate would give herself to Lin Hui. Because Lin Hui was able to forge an unprecedented path.

However, whether it was Heikati or Lian Nancy, the physical strength of the two girls was not very good. In addition, Lin Hui's physical strength was almost unlimited. The two girls were also tired, so they both wanted to stay on Lin Hui's bed and didn't want to get up.


After Lin Hui came to the kitchen, he thought for a while, and finally decided to make two breakfasts. Hecate is the first in history to eat the nourishing breakfast that Lin Hui made for girls twice. Nangong would definitely be jealous when he found out that month.

Lin Hui was busy in the kitchen alone, and Shana just got up. Seeing Lin Hui busy in the kitchen, she smiled lightly and walked to the yard to start daily basic exercises.

Alastair also told her yesterday that in addition to basic training, other training can be rested for a day, because now whether it is melee combat or the imagination of strength, Shana is already stuck in a bottleneck, and the melee training is already present. Shana has reached the limit, and Shana has also discovered these days. Therefore, what Shana needs is a more refined manipulation of the power of existence and an imagination of power.

However, the imagination of power, Shana always feels that she has touched it, but it is still a little short, and she can't break the barrier. Obviously, it only needs an opportunity. There is no need to pursue blindly, because this will make one's nerves tense all the time, which is not good for other training.

This is also Lin Hui's teaching. Relax and moderate. This is the attitude of life that a person should really achieve, and the same is true for training.

Afterwards, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan also got up. Last night, the two girls slept in the same room and chatted a lot about secret conversations between the girls, among which there was an agreement about sneaking away. They have already discussed it, and plan to explain to others that sneaking away is absolutely not allowed, because no matter what, love is absolutely not allowed to admit defeat, this must be made clear.

Lin Hui must be asked to make a choice. The outcome between the girls needs to be decided by boys. Of course, if Shana doesn't get involved, it won't work. Therefore, the girls also plan to negotiate with each other in the future. Waiting for Shana's action.

As soon as they went out, they smelled a very fragrant smell. The two girls were extremely surprised. They didn't expect Lin Hui to make such a fragrant breakfast, which made people's index fingers move.

Everyone else got up too, especially Ma Qionglin. I didn't know about it before, but after eating it once, I was drooling over Lin Hui's breakfast. No matter how much alcohol I drank the night before, I must have Ma Keya during the day. Sith helped her sober up, otherwise it would be a shame to miss this breakfast.

"Eh? What about Shi Cai?"

"Speaking of which, Miss Lian Nanxi isn't here either."

Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan took a look, and indeed did not find the figures of the two women.

Lin Hui held a tray in one hand and held it up: "The two of them are a little uncomfortable. I'll bring breakfast to them, you can eat it first."

The girls nodded, wondering if they would like to see them later.

As a result, Yoshida Kazumi found a problem sharply: "Wait a minute, don't I remember that Shi Lai and Lian Nanxi's rooms are both on the left? Why does Lin Hui go to the right? The right side seems to be his only. room?"

"Speaking of which, I remember that the guards seemed to have felt unwell once before."

At this time, Shana remembered the same thing that happened before: "At that time, Lin Hui also made a delicious-looking breakfast and brought it there."

"No way?"

Hirai Yuki looked at Yoshida Kazumi.

Yoshida Kazumi murmured; "It actually sneaked away."

"We've been robbed!"

Chapter [-] Lian Nancy: Mami-sama, please bear this black pot

"Sneak away?"

Shana hasn't figured it out yet. No, it's better to say that Shana is still a blank sheet of paper in this regard. The only thing she knows now is that kissing is an act of oath between lovers, not a simple mucous membrane contact. kind.

"that is……"

Margin Hirai is also very embarrassed, but in this kind of thing, if you can fight for one more, you can fight for one more, so Hirai Margin is still whispering in Shana's ear.

But whoever was present was not someone with excellent hearing ability, and even if Hirai Martial didn't explain it, Marchionne and Will Emina knew what it meant.

"Hahaha, what an amazing young man. He was so fascinated by the top-ranked Master of Freedom in the Red World that he went straight to the door. Alas, my poor loner Marjorin Duo! Ahahaha!"


Marjoram punched the huge book and ate breakfast: "Shut up, Stupid Marco. Really, what's so attractive about that guy, really."

Will Emina didn't speak, but her face was a little gloomy.



"No, absolutely not!"

Shana's whole face was already blushing, and even some steam came out from the top of her head: "This...this is too..."

"Xana, calm down!"

Alastair said directly: "Don't be affected by this."

"No, Alastair, I can't calm down."

Shana's whole body changed into Ye Li: "I'll go up and have a look."

"Wait a minute, Shana-chan!"

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan glanced at each other and ran up together. There was no way, they also wanted to know what happened.

After Willemina saw it, she sighed slightly in her heart, and sure enough, she was not suitable.


The movement below is not small. Lin Hui is not deaf, so he can hear it naturally. He put the spoon in his hand into Hecate's mouth and looks at Lian Nan, who is very shy after being fed by Lin Hui for a few mouthfuls. Xi: "What should I do? Shana and the others seem to have discovered it."

After being shy, Lian Nanxi grabbed the tray from Lin Hui's hand and started to eat it herself, while Hecate was enjoying Lin Hui's feeding very much. For her, this kind of experience was very new. Bar may not come a few times.

Lin Hui didn't force it either. After all, not every girl could stand Lin Hui's feeding, and she had been fed just now. It was just a little fun between the two. Since the woman didn't want to, Lin Hui naturally wouldn't force it. of.

"If you find it, you will find it? Do you still expect to keep them in the dark? This is obviously unrealistic, right? According to your thinking, if you want to stimulate Shana, this method is the most suitable, but you must also grasp one. Just do it, otherwise it will be counterproductive.”

While eating the nutritious breakfast carefully cooked by Lin Hui, Lian Nancy's face showed a slight blush, showing a happy look. It is not only delicious, balanced nutrition, conditioning the body, but also filled with Lin Hui's full Love, this is something that can only be known by eating it.

At this time, Lin Hui could sense that there were a few footsteps quietly coming from outside the door, and he was observing the situation in the room through the gap in the door.

"Shi Cai, you can't be picky eaters, you have to eat these too."

Lin Hui picked up the food with his chopsticks, and put it into Hecate's mouth with his hands. Heikati understood in an instant that Shana and the others were already outside the door, so naturally Hecate would not reveal any flaws. Yes, as for Lian Nancy, she is even more incapable of it. On the contrary, she also wants to stimulate Shana and the others, so that they can't help rushing in for fun.

While feeding Hecate, Lin Hui paid attention to Shana and the others.

I saw that the three girls were all quietly observing the scene inside the door through the crack of the door. Seeing Lin Hui feeding Hecate for breakfast so tenderly, they were so envious that they all began to fantasize about Lin Hui. The scene of hand feeding them breakfast.

As a result, Shana and Yoshida Kazumi suddenly felt extremely shy, and Hirai Margin was also very shy, but more happy, happy for the warmth of this moment.

"No, I must ask."

Shana said that she was about to rush in.

"No, Shana-chan, at least you can't go in now."

Hirai Yuan pulled Shana desperately: "It is absolutely not possible now, because now is the time when Hecate is happy, we have already decided, then it will not change, it will be a family in the future, how can we destroy the family now What about happiness?"

Even Yoshida Kazumi was greatly touched after hearing this: "Yeah, Shana-chan, at least for now, just bear with it, think about it, if someone breaks in when you are treated like this by Lin Hui in the future, what will you be? Feeling."

Shana listened, and the whole person became a little calm: "But..."

"We didn't say we were giving up, we just waited a bit."

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