Hirai margin pressed Shana's shoulder: "Please."

"I, I know."

Shana is also a little wronged, but, as the only girl among the girls (not counting Lian Nanxi) who has not confessed to Lin Hui, Shana's current position is actually very embarrassing. Like it, the girls also let her consciously or unintentionally.


Lin Hui put down the tragedy in his hand, waved his hand, and the door was immediately opened, and the three girls were directly exposed under the eyes of Lin Hui and others: "Okay, have you watched it for a long time? What do you want to ask? Just ask directly."

"Eh? That..."

Shana is a little bit twisted, even Shana, who is hot and hot, can't directly say such a shameful thing.

"Let's talk about it first, what you think, we have already happened."

Lin Hui said in a very scumbag tone, after all, no matter how you look at it, Lin Hui has already taken advantage of it, so it is better to open the skylight and speak brightly.

"Sure enough, I know."

Hirai edge muttered.

"Hee hee, don't blame me, I'm just following the orders of Lord Mami to see if Lord Lin Hui is messing around with flowers. If so, then I have to help Lord Mami to tie up Lord Lin Hui's heart. ."

Lian Nanxi began to throw the blame: "Unfortunately, I came a little late, but I was one step ahead of the guards!"

A bright smile made Lian Nancy leave herself clean.

Chapter [-]: A Weary Summer Vacation

After some "severe torture", Lian Nanxi finally told the truth.

Yes, it's not to force Lin Hui to confess. After all, no matter how they force Lin Hui, they can't fight against Lin Hui, especially the three pure little girls. It's too tender to want to play with Lin Hui. For this reason, Shana The object of others who choose to "extract a confession" is Lian Nancy.

Well, after all, Lian Nancy and Hecate are only wearing a thin shirt, and the spring breeze will be exposed from time to time.

And why was Hecate not chosen as the object of "torture"?

Because Hecate's performance is too much for Shana and others to complain, plus Hecate and Shana are too familiar, and they are the first girl to confess to Lin Hui, Shana and others even have complaints No way, who made them fall behind?

But Lian Nanxi didn't even confess, and went straight to the home run. How could Shana and others stand it?

In addition, Hecate made a very amazing move, even under the watchful eyes of the three girls, even though Lin Hui was still in the room, Hecate still generously took off his shirt and put on a new one. You know, apart from this shirt, Hecate has no clothes on his body.

So wonderful...cough, the evil scene was caught in Lin Hui's eyes, and finally Lin Hui was pushed out of the door under the efforts of Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yumori.

It made Lin Hui a little difficult to handle. There was no way. Although he had tried it all over the place, even Lin Hui liked it very much.

Because of this, Hecate's astonishing move made Shana and the others feel a little uneasy to attack her. Therefore, the three girls aimed at Lian Nanxi.

Lian Nanxi couldn't bear the "torture" of the three girls, and finally explained that she had accepted the brainwashing of Nakaoka Mami from a long time ago, and then Lian Nanxi also chose whether to like Lin Hui or not, and finally The conclusion is this, which makes Shana and the three very discouraged.

No, it should be said that Shana is the most discouraged, let alone such a thing. She hasn't even said her confession. Shana is already the slowest of all... maybe the slowest.

Knowing this, Shana has been depressed for several days.

Let's not talk about Konoe Shicai, because I didn't expect that even Nakaoka Mami, whom she respected, was worried and worried, and considering that she was alone and weak, she began to help Lin Hui find a harem.

Yes, Lian Nanxi is a harem prepared by Nakaoka Asami to help Lin Hui, and Lian Nanxi is not an ordinary person, she is the Demon King of the Red World, or the Master of Free Law in the Red World, second only to her, such a heavyweight. The characters are all willing to become Lin Hui's women, so Shana feels that she is really slow.

However, if the current Shana confesses to Lin Hui, Shana still can't do it, because Shana feels that she can't express her emotions now, like Lin Hui?

There is no doubt about it, but there is still something missing. If I really want to say it, it is the lack of determination, the determination to really want to go on with Lin Hui.

Not only has the exercise reached a bottleneck, but Shana's own feelings have also fallen into a bottleneck. For Shana, this relationship is the first time she has come into contact with such embarrassing but absolutely impossible to let go, and Wil Ai. The family-like relationship between Mina and Alastair is completely different. It is a relationship that truly surrenders oneself and spends a lifetime with each other.

This relationship, Shana cannot be complete, because there are still many people who will share this feeling with Shana. It is precisely because of this that Shana is a little bit unable to let go, and this happens.

In such an extremely tangled atmosphere, a day passed by like this. She originally planned to let Shana have a good rest, but instead of resting, Shana was extremely annoyed and irritable, and even offered to fight Lin Hui. A way to vent this anger in my heart.

Naturally, Lin Hui would not disappoint Shana. He shot directly and fought back and forth with Shana, which made Yoshida Kazumi and Heiyuan realize even more that Lin Hui, Shana, and even Lian Nanxi were not in the same world as them. , and Konoe Shicai is even more so. According to Lin Hui, Konoe Shicai can even mobilize part of the power of the holy sword, but it only takes a certain amount of time. .

Moreover, this is also something that only Konoe Shina can do, because what protects Konoe Shina is the holy sword - the sword of the oath of victory, unlike Kazumi Yoshida's Avalon and Hirai's small world surrounded by the sky is completely Guardian treasure.

This gave Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan a heart-to-heart idea.

In the next few days, no, it should be said that from that day, Shana took Hecate, and the two of them slept together, which made Hecate immediately unhappy. Therefore, when the two met, they would quarrel, after all. If she didn't sleep alone, how could she find Lin Hui?

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I find that Shana has opened her eyes at the same time, which makes Hecate feel very uncomfortable, and the two almost quarrel.

Not only Heikati, but even Lian Nancy was arranged by Shana to Will Amina, and Will Amina also agreed to this matter. Now even Lian Nancy has no chance.

This made Hecate also start to be hostile to Lian Nancy. If it wasn't for Lian Nancy, it is estimated that he would not have found out by now.

However, for Lin Hui, it doesn't matter anyway. If the two little girls don't plan to come, Lin Hui can also run back to the Xingli Hall to find Mami Nakaoka. After all, Lin Hui has not been there for decades. After meeting, not to mention Nakaoka Mami, it is definitely not enough to just stay warm for one night.

However, Lin Hui was only happy to see Hecate, Shana and Lian Nancy quarreling, because for Lin Hui, Hecate's performance showed that she was getting closer and closer to human beings. Emotions such as grief and joy began to fill her once-empty heart.

Until the beginning of the new semester...

Chapter [-] Dream?waiting for you!

Cherry blossoms are falling, and they are falling with the cool autumn wind.

There is a cherry tree in Lin Hui's yard, but it is amazing that there are still cherry blossoms in September, which is incredible.

Shana, on the other hand, was standing in the yard holding the Zhan Dian Zhana, drawing out the flames in her body little by little.

Lin Hui sat on the sofa and looked at all of the surroundings, feeling very inconsistent. No, it was absolutely unusual.

Because the cherry blossom season is from March to April, and now it is more than five months later, it is extremely abnormal to see such falling cherry blossoms.

In addition, the current Shana has long been able to freely draw out the flame in her body without resorting to the ability of Zhan Dian Zhana, and even, the current Shana can control the flame extremely precisely, not the roughness it is now. The appearance can be compared.

Well, that is to say, this is a recurrence, but at the wrong time.

"I see, is it a dream? It's really an interesting ability, yes, in general, even the power of the gods can't make me hurt a little bit, but if I use my dream, then it is possible Make it happen."

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "There are still people who can take advantage of such a loophole. It seems that I will take some precautions against this aspect in the future."



Suddenly, the surrounding space began to shatter and twist until it disappeared completely.

When Lin Hui opened his eyes again, he saw that he was in a siege, Shana was with a Gothic Lolita coat, holding an umbrella, and wearing a pair of curved horn-like hair that stretched downwards. The brown short-haired beautiful girl who was decorated was fighting, and in this beautiful girl's hand was holding a three-layered ring like a wind chime. The ring was covered with bells, which seemed to be a Noble Phantasm.

This is in a park. Lin Hui was taking a nap, but he didn't expect to be invaded by this very insignificant gangster. When he was about to attack Lin Hui, Shana rushed to confront her.

"You finally woke up, Lin Hui."

When Shana saw Lin Hui sitting up, she directly reprimanded: "Don't be careless, the more time this happens, the more you can't be careless!"

"Yes, Lin Hui, your safety is the survival of the human race, and there is absolutely no room for loss."

Alastair also rarely educated Lin Hui.

"Oh, so I woke up from an eternal dream. Welcome back."

The girl smiled lightly, and the silver bell in her hand shook, making an incomparably crisp sound, and then, one after another, magic bullets slammed directly towards Lin Hui.

At this moment, Shana's eyes and hands were quick, and she directly released a strong flame to cover all the magic bullets. Then, she rushed up to cut the girl in half, and then Feng Jue disappeared.

"Lin Hui, don't be too careless!"

Shana taught Lin Hui a lesson with a straight face.

Lin Hui nodded: "I see, don't worry, this time it was just that the apostle of the Red World used my dream to trap me in it. As long as I find out, I can wake up. Thank you, Shana."

Lin Hui touched Shana's head.

Shana narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling very comfortable, but then she said, "Don't be so careless in the future, but I didn't expect that that disciple would actually have such an ability, even a person like Lin Hui could be trapped. "

"Well, that's not it, it seems that I also need to arrange some defensive Noble Phantasm on me. Otherwise, if such a person appears again, wouldn't I be very dangerous?"

Lin Hui laughed and said, after all, this time the Red World Apostle is too weak, even the former Shana can easily solve it, not to mention that the current Shana is almost able to become a real "Yan". Burning-Eyed Crusaders" exist.

Afterwards, Lin Hui said that he was going to buy some ingredients for dinner and let Shana go back first.

Shana didn't refuse either. Originally, the school was on a lunch break, so she ran out after realizing the ban. Although it felt a bit early to buy ingredients, Lin Hui basically didn't do anything at home. Er Emina was doing it, so Shana didn't find it strange.


Coming to a lawn, looking at the figures running around, those couples and families having a picnic, Lin Hui suddenly felt a warm feeling. Perhaps, this is the simple and small happiness of people who do not know that there are people in the world.


Lin Hui snapped his fingers gently, and suddenly, the surrounding space and time were completely confused, and almost everything became extremely mixed.

Afterwards, Lin Hui stretched out his hand, and immediately, a humanoid creature with a clown-like appearance was expelled from his palm by Lin Hui.

"Ah, cough, ah! You, who are you..."

The clown looked at Lin Hui and felt as if he had seen an extremely terrifying demon.

"'Sleeping Town' Meiya, right?"

Lin Hui looked at the clown: "Do you think I won't find out if you invaded my body? Are you suffering now?"

Lin Hui's body is equivalent to an extremely terrifying existence to those who dare to touch him, and can almost swallow everything up.

Because Lin Hui's body contains the curses, sins and darkness of human beings in many worlds. This is a terrible existence that even the red world devil will be wiped out. If it weren't for the relationship between Meiya and Shabrak, Lin Hui would not Protect her.

"I can give you a promise, you should leave first, go to the Xingli Palace, find Beilu Peoru, and let her place you there. Soon, Shabrak will help me complete a plan, and when he is done, , I will let you meet him."

Lin Hui glanced at Meiya lightly: "Don't be afraid of Shabrak's power, in front of me, he has the same feelings as you, if you are really afraid, then I will help you The power of existence is raised to the same level as Shabrak."

"You, who are you? Why?"

Meiya stared blankly at Lin Hui, because the conditions given by Lin Hui were too generous, unimaginably rich, and Meiya had absolutely no possibility of rejecting it.

"Because of Shabrak, the current Shabrak joined the masquerade, and I am the second leader of the current masquerade!"

"Go to Xingli Palace, there, someone is waiting for you to go back."

Chapter [-] Want to be with you

Maya was shocked.

She didn't know about the masquerade, because even in the masquerade, it was considered top-secret information, and only the apostles of the Red World who were at the masquerade that day and the apostles of the Red World who were the confidants of the Three Pillars. The information that was learned, the information that others received was to lurch, and to return to the Xingli Hall to prepare the psalm of the great life of the leader.

After this news was released, the Red World Apostles affiliated to the Masquerade Ball all over the world began to disappear one after another, and even the Fire Mist Warriors were surprised, because the Red World Apostles who were rioting everywhere basically belonged to the new students. There are few of the old ones.

However, Meiya never expected that the leader of the masquerade party who appeared in front of him was actually a human being.

"You... how could you be the leader of the masquerade? Are you not human?"

Maya spoke up against the fear in her heart.

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