"Why can't human beings be the leader of the masquerade party? Your question is very strange. Well, I'll take you to the Xingli Hall first, and then you can ask Belupiolu about the next thing."

With a wave of Lin Hui's hand, he immediately teleported Maya directly to the room where Belupeolu was.


After dealing with Meiya's affairs, Lin Hui walked towards the supermarket. Although it was noon, Lin Hui planned to cook a good meal today. The weather was starting to get colder, and a little bit of food would warm up the body. The cooking is also good.

In fact, to be honest, Lin Hui wanted to do a BBQ during the summer vacation, but the relationship between Shana, Lian Nancy and Heikati made Lin Hui's plan aborted. After all, every day Reconciling the relationship between the three made Lin Hui feel haggard, and naturally he had no time to take care of other things.

During the summer vacation, Will Emina and Lin Hui even went to the supermarket to buy things together. Shana meant to let Will Emina supervise it, in order to prevent anyone from sneaking out. After all, Shana It is also impossible to stare at it all the time, so this possibility is blocked directly from the source.

Well now, Shana and Hecate went to school, and by the way, even Lian Nancy was dragged to school, which is really surprising, because whether it is Hecate or Shana or even Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Don't worry, Lian Nancy stays at home.

If no one is watching, the last time will happen again, so it's better to put Lian Nanxi by her side.

For this reason, Lian Nancy is very dissatisfied. Who is she?

She is a "spiral organ". In the red world, she is the top master of freedom art after the "Scarlet Flame Witch", but now she is restricted by a few little girls. If it is not for being stared too tightly, It is really possible that Lian Nanxi will get into Lin Hui's bed again. After all, the taste of forbidden fruit for the first time makes Lian Nanxi unforgettable. She is not like Hecate who has tasted it many times, and even unlocks many new products. posture.

The problem is, Shana didn't give her this chance, so that even Hecate is restricted now. Therefore, Hecate is angry with Lian Nanxi. Since she can't do anything about it, she can't do it. The idea that will make Lian Nancy better is in it.

Therefore, in the school, the five girls often bickered like happy friends, especially Shana, Heikadi and Lian Nancy, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan basically couldn't get in a few words, because there was no way After all, the two girls didn't know much about the inner world, and it was difficult for them to have conversations with the other three.

For this reason, Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai Yuan are a little lost.

It wasn't until after school that Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan were on their way home, looking at the three girls who were still arguing in front of them, and realized once again that Shana and the others were not in the same world.

"Huh? Lin Hui, why are you here?"

At this time, Hirai Margin noticed the person coming out of the corner.

I saw Lin Hui carrying a lot of things in large and small bags, which contained a lot of vegetables and meat, and even a lot of fish and seafood products, which made the girls look very surprised.

"Lin Hui, why are you buying so much at once? You want to stay away for a few days?"

After Lian Nanxi saw the ingredients in Lin Hui's hands, she said in surprise, because according to Lian Nanxi's estimation, Lin Hui would not have to go out to buy things for at least two or three days.

"What are you thinking, really, these things just seem to be too much, and the amount is not large."

Lin Hui did have dozens of bags in his hands, but in general, the amount in each bag was not too much. According to Lin Hui's habit, this amount was not enough for one dish.

"Then who are you?"

"Okay, BBQ tonight, Yimei, Xiaoyuan, are you coming?"

Lin Hui sent an invitation to Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai edge.


The two nodded at the same time, then looked at each other and made a decision.

"Okay, I'll reserve a place for you today, let's go, let's go back and prepare first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Hui took the three daughters of Shana towards the villa. Of course, after arriving at each person's place, he directly moved the three girls to the villa. After all, Lin Hui didn't want to waste time. Since we are going to have a BBQ today, Then there is less time left.

Even Will Amina was called to help, Lin Hui took out all the ingredients, and Will Amina helped wash the vegetables, while Shana and Heikati took the iron sticks given by Lin Hui to cut the cut ones. All the ingredients were inserted in order. As for Lian Nancy, she went outside and set up the barbecue.

After Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan come, there will be more helpers, especially Yoshida Kazumi, who is also a cooking expert, so cutting vegetables can also help Lin Hui, in this case, Lin Hui can be free It's time to deal with those more complex fish and seafood ingredients.

"That, Lin Hui..."

Just when Lin Hui cut off the tentacles of the squid and put it aside, Yoshida Kazumi called out softly.

"Is something wrong? Just say it."

Lin Hui didn't stop in his hands. After all, there are a lot of ingredients to be processed, and he still needs to take time to see how the chicken legs and wings are marinated.

"Can I stand with you too? No, I, and Xiaoyuan, want to be with you, in the same world."

The kitchen knife in Yoshida Kazumi's hand stopped unconsciously.

"Now you are so far away from us..."

Chapter [-] Decision

"Is it far?"

"Da da da--!"

The kitchen knife continued to make a crisp sound on the cutting board, like the sound of water droplets dripping from a secluded spring in the empty valley, which added a disturbing embarrassment to the originally quiet kitchen.


Lin Hui finished processing the squid, then took out the chicken leg that was being marinated, and cut a series of openings on it, so that the marinated taste could penetrate deeper into the chicken leg.

After doing this, Lin Hui turned around, took out an iron stick, and put the chicken thigh on it. Then, he took out another iron stick and inserted it on the other side, so that the chicken thigh could maintain its balance.

"Yimei, do you and Xiaoyuan really want to step into this world? Actually, there is no need for you to step in."

Lin Hui said in a very peaceful tone, neither dissuading nor supporting, but just stating a fact: "You are not suitable to be soldiers, you have lived as ordinary people for more than ten years, and you have neither. Like Shana, you have been trained since childhood, and you are not like Marjoram or Will Emina, who contracted the Red World Demon King and became a Fire Mist Warrior. Likewise, you are human beings, not Red World like Lian Nancy. Demon King."

"But, Lin Hui, aren't you too? You are also human, and Shi Cai is also human. Why, why do you have to fight?"

Yoshida Kazumi is very unwilling: "Xiaoyuan and I are ordinary people without power, ordinary girls, but we also have our own pursuits, we want to be with you, even if we share our own with others. Love, we don't care, but we only don't want to be left behind by you!"

"Absolutely not!"

At this time, Hirai Yuan did not know when he appeared at the door of the kitchen and looked at Lin Hui: "Maybe we didn't become as talented as Shana-chan, but we don't want to be a burden to you, at least, let us have the ability to protect ourselves. Ability, not relying on your Noble Phantasm, but our own strength."

"The ability to protect yourself."

Lin Hui couldn't help but smile bitterly; "You two are really beyond my expectations."

Yes, Lin Hui didn't take this into account, or in other words, Lin Hui didn't put too much thought on it, because as ordinary girls, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan didn't actually need to participate in their own plans. They came from the middle, and when everything was over, Lin Hui came back and picked them up.

However, if they want to enter this world, then they will definitely come into contact with another cruel and unimaginable fact, and this fact is also one of the trials that Lin Huiliu gave Shana.

Only after passing this test can Shana be regarded as a true "blazing crusader".

All the plans were made for Shana. The once arrogant Lin Hui even planned to give up this plan, but after returning to normal, he will continue the plan and continue to revise it until he is satisfied. However, , Now there are two more variables, that is Yoshida Kazumei and Heiyuan, and even Nakaoka Asami actually stepped in and arranged Lian Nanxi to herself.

All the variables changed so much that Lin Hui was speechless. This was of course Lin Hui's negligence, because he forgot to take the girl's mood into account.

It has been impossible to intervene between Lin Hui, Shana and others, and it is like a lonely animal that has been left behind. This is unbearable for Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai.

"Then, you make a decision, whether to return my defensive Noble Phantasm to me, and I will give you new power so that you can also participate in the next battle, or continue to hold the defense. type treasure."

In fact, Lin Hui doesn't need to ask this question, because the girls have already made a choice.

"We want to fight! With you!"


Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a scabbard and a round shield floated out from the bodies of the two girls: "At this time tomorrow, come here, I will give you new power, because before this, you The body cannot exist in any supernatural power, so I will take out the Noble Phantasm."

Lin Hui took the two Noble Phantasms back into the treasure of the king, and said to the two women, "The next step is to give you the power, and I have made a decision."

"Give me a drop of your blood!"

"Hand out."

Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan glanced at each other and extended their hands to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui stretched out two hands and placed them on the index fingers of the two girls.

The next moment, the two girls felt a little tingling in their fingertips, and with Lin Hui raising his hand, two drops of blood flew out from the index fingers of the two girls and floated in the air.

I don't know when two reagent tubes appeared in Lin Hui's hand, and he transferred the two drops of blood into them, and then covered them with lids: "If you want to gain the power to participate in the battle in a short time, then the Fire Mist Warrior will No way, because not only do you need to find the Crimson World Demon King who can make a contract with you, but you also need to let you master the use of the power of existence in a short period of time, which is too slow, so I will give you two special powers, this is A power that is unique in the world, only the two of you have."


Hirai's eyes lit up, because Lin Hui's words showed that the two of them were very special.

Yoshida Kazumi is also very happy, to be treated by Lin Hui in this way, which is enough to show that he has a heavy weight in Lin Hui's heart, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a decision.

"Tell me, in what capacity do you want to be involved in the battle, soldiers? Or support?"

Lin Hui looked at the two drops of blood floating in the reagent tube and asked.



Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi gave different answers respectively. This answer did not surprise Lin Hui, because it was the decision of the two girls.

Hirai Margin is active by nature, and she does things carelessly. Although she has not been trained, if she is asked to do support, it is estimated that some problems will arise.

Although Yoshida Kazumi is soft on the outside and tough on the inside, she is essentially a kind girl. It is unrealistic to let her participate in the battle. Because of this, Lin Hui will ask.

As Lin Hui expected, both girls made their own decisions.

Chapter [-] The power that has never been seen before - the artifact

"Fighting and support, it's a good fit for you."

Lin Hui smiled, and then handed over the large chicken legs and wings on the plate to Hirai Margin: "Take it out, it'll be all done right away."


Hirai Yuan answered excitedly, and walked out of the whole person with a jump.

Lin Hui and Yoshida Kazumi also dealt with the remaining ingredients, and now, outside, Will Emina has set up a large table, and Lian Nancy has also set up Lin Hui on the other side and handed it over. Her barbecue grill, now the charcoal fire has also been raised, everything is ready, just waiting for Lin Hui to start the barbecue.

After Lin Hui and Yoshida Kazumi came out with their plates, they saw that Hecate and Shana were still bickering from time to time, while Marjorie was pulling Will Emina to persuade her to drink, but Will Emina was still arguing. Righteously refused.

"I said, you are also true, won't I do it myself if I don't come?"

Lin Hui was helpless. He picked up the chicken legs and wings from the small table beside him and started roasting them. After all, it was relatively difficult to cook, so he leaned on it first, brushed with oil, sprinkled with cumin powder, chili powder and other seasonings. , a fragrance emanated directly.

"Brother bakes the best!"

Heikati said directly, implying that she would not touch anything other than what Lin Hui roasted.

The corner of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, which is really irrefutable.

Afterwards, Lin Hui began to put other things on the grill, some shredded squid, vegetables, and even a whole saury. Lin Hui's hands were dancing like flying spirits, and he kept moving the top of the grill. The reverse side of the skewer is brushed with oil and sprinkled with seasonings, so that the ingredients can fully absorb all kinds of seasonings and bring out the delicious taste to the extreme.

The moment the first set of skewers came out, Shana and Hecate almost fought over a skewer, and Marjorie couldn't even drink the wine. What is the difference between the usual three meals, but for Lin Hui's craftsmanship, Will Emina is also tasting the skewers with great respect.

In particular, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuen, because their hearts were unraveled, they smiled more than ever, and even dared to intervene in their conversation when Shana and Hecate was bickering.

It's just pitiful that Lin Hui is sitting alone in front of the barbecue grill, silently nibbling on the big drumstick, no one cares about him anyway, and Lin Hui doesn't really want to participate now, and now Lin Hui is thinking about what to give to Yoshida. What kind of artifact would Kazumi and Hirai make better?

If it is a combat-type artifact, but there are many types of combat-type, and in terms of the strength of Hirai margin, even if the power of the artifact is used, it is unlikely to be able to tie with the general Red World Apostle, it is estimated that a few The next one is defeated, and Yoshida Kazumi is similar. If he has no self-protection ability and appears on the battlefield casually, it is equivalent to courting death.

Therefore, the types and abilities of artifacts need to be determined first.

Lin Hui has the knowledge and wisdom of a world in his mind, and from the data of countless artifacts obtained from the DXD world, Lin Hui has probably settled on two abilities.

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