"Lin Hui, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Shana looked at Lin Hui and felt that Lin Hui was a little absent-minded, although the test results were still delicious.

"It's nothing, I'm just trying to give Yimei and Xiaoyuan some power."

Lin Hui said casually, it doesn't matter anyway, I still have to tell them tomorrow, and it's okay to tell them in advance.

"Eh? Strength? Lin Hui, what do you mean?"

At this time, Alastair was puzzled: "These two shouldn't need to participate in the battle, right?"

"No, we want to join you."

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi said, with a very firm attitude: "Xiaoyuan and I don't want to be left behind by you, and we also want to help, so we asked Lin Hui, and Lin Hui agreed."

"Wait a minute, aren't you kidding?"

Ma Qionglin said slightly drunkenly: "What do you want to do now? Is it possible to find two Crimson Demon Kings to make them sign a contract to become a Fire Mist Warrior? Even so, they are not suitable for fighting!"

"Moreover, the most important thing is that it is not an easy thing to become a fire and fog warrior. I think Yoshida Kazumi and Hei Yuan have not been able to use their abilities in a short period of time after becoming a fire and fog warrior."

"Insufficient qualifications."

Will Emina came to a conclusion. As Will Emina, who has nurtured the "blazing crusaders", she has plenty of experience. After all, Shana is not the first to be found and brought back by Will Emina. The children of Tiandao Palace, before Shana, many, many children were brought back to Tiandao Palace by Will Amina for training, but unfortunately, those children failed to become "blazing crusaders", but all died in halfway through.

Therefore, Will Emina can perceive that there is no fighting spirit in the eyes of the two, there is no so-called fighting spirit, and there is no consciousness of becoming a fire fog.

Such human beings, even the Demon King of the Red World will not pay attention, unless Lin Hui takes action to catch the Demon King of the Red World and force those Demon Kings to sign a contract, just like "exploration" Dantario, artificial Create a Fire Mist Warrior.

"That's not it, where can I go to find the Crimson Demon King now, and even if it is the Crimson Demon King, it may not be able to match the characters of Yimei and Xiaoyuan. Besides, in case the Crimson Demon King is caught If it's Marcosias, then I'll have a headache."

"Hey, boy, what do you mean, do you have any opinion on me?"

Immediately, the book that was put aside by Marjoram trembled, and Marjoram didn't mean to press it down, because Marcusias was her chosen partner, and insulting Marjosias was tantamount to insulting Marjoram. .

"It's no fun, just in case you run into a fighting maniac, you'll be in big trouble."

"So, like me? Is it a Noble Phantasm?"

At this time, Hecate opened the mouth and said, while Lian Nancy was also thoughtful.

"No, what I want to give them is the power that only humans can obtain and use. My Noble Phantasm is equivalent to the incarnation of heroes in history. Apart from me, only those heroes can be used by resurrection. Shi Cai should also be able to use it. felt it."

"Well, it's really not very useful, but it's enough."

Hecate replied.

"What exactly is that?"

Shana is very curious about this, the power that only humans can obtain and use.

"Missing is an incomparably powerful energy, and Yimei and Xiaoyuan both have powerful thoughts, and this emotion is very good, so what I want to give them is to take thoughts as food, as long as the thoughts keep increasing, then this The power will continue to evolve and become stronger.”

"This is how Yimei and Xiaoyuan can participate in the battle in a short period of time."

"And the name of this power is—"


Chapter [-] Crown and Bracelet


"what is that?"

"Isn't it a treasure?"

At this time, Shana, Marchionne and Will Emina were a little puzzled, because the so-called artifact refers to the prop that manifests the will of the Red World Demon King contracted with him, but, obviously, this "artifact" does not refer to It is the artifact of the Fire Mist Warrior.

"Not really."

While playing with the barbecue, Lin Hui looked at Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai, and said slowly, "I once said that I came from a different world, and in that world, the so-called gods, demons, angels and fallen angels, The existence of these myths is not non-existent."

"These beings that originally only existed in myths have unparalleled abilities in the world, while human beings are very ordinary, they don't have much power, and they can only survive in the cracks."

Lin Hui seems to remember the scene in the DXD world: "However, at that time, there was a god who took pity on the world, and developed artifacts and gave them to humans, so that humans can have the existence of demons and gods in mythology. Opportunity to fight or even beat the opponent.”

"And the artifact can only be used by humans, or people with human blood."

"And what I want to do is to make artificial artifacts. However, it is also different from the artifacts in that world. In this world, at least the artifact holders must be able to move freely within the seal, and , and give you the ability to use the power of existence to repair."

Lin Hui put the grilled skewers on the side plate: "There are a lot of things to consider, but don't worry, I can do it."

Lin Hui's self-confidence was undoubtedly highlighted at this moment, as if nothing could stumped Lin Hui.

At this moment, Yoshida Kazumi and Hei Yuan's hearts were filled with the figure of Lin Hui, and there was no longer any hesitation, because Lin Hui had completely carved his figure into their hearts.

Shana was also shocked by Lin Hui's words.

Although it's just a simple sentence, Shana has learned that it is extremely difficult to manufacture a Noble Phantasm. For example, the Noble Phantasm "Zero Hour Mizi" held in Lin Hui's hands is a collection of worthy items in the red world. It is said that the time-distorting secret treasure was created by the joint efforts of the top three masters of freedom.

However, now Lin Hui wants to create an artifact that can be used by Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan to fight against the Apostles of the Red World, and also encapsulate a "sealing" that can be activated and a repair ability that can repair the loss due to battle. This is no longer as simple as making a Noble Phantasm.

This is like compressing the Freedom Law into one item. For the Master of Freedom Law, it may be a little troublesome, but if it is sealed, it is not so simple.

Because the effect of sealing is to cut off the internal and external cause and effect, after storing the item in the item, the cause and effect of the item will be cut off. In this way, no matter what item is easily destroyed, this is also Lin Hui's One of the difficulties that needs to be taken into account.

However, even in the face of such difficulties, Lin Hui still has sufficient self-confidence. It can be seen that Lin Hui is strong. Shana always feels that Lin Hui's identity is not as simple as a king, because everything Lin Hui does is incredible. , teach myself, wake up Will Emina, and let Kazumi Yoshida and Heiyuan participate, I always feel that there are many lines connected, but Shana can't find the end of these lines.


Today's BBQ was still very successful. Although there were some small episodes in the middle, it was a good thing. It was a good thing for Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai, because they could finally participate in the topics of Shana and others. Don't worry about being left behind by Lin Hui and Shana.

Both Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan are looking forward to the artificial artifacts that Lin Hui made for them.

Therefore, after the barbecue, Lin Hui directly entered the empty room that no one lived in, and cut the spatial dimension directly, making the room as huge as a continent.

If you want to withstand the power of this world, you must use a lot of materials. What's more, the ability to repair damaged things is very well sealed. It is really impossible to directly seal Lin Hui's own ability to control the reverse flow of time. Yes, but "suppression" is different. It is the ability to cut off cause and effect. Even for the current Lin Hui, it is still somewhat difficult to grasp the cause and effect of a world, and it will take at least several months.

Moreover, this is not the Dao of Karma inherited by Feng Zhan Binghua, but just the karma ability of a world, and this is the tricky part.

Not only can it be cut off, but it can also be reconnected. Coupled with the growth of the artifact, Lin Hui needs to find a few beasts that he has prepared. However, after a while, Lin Hui will take back the souls of the beasts. Go, because it is not suitable, it is impossible to seal the soul of the beast into the divine weapon, which is not acceptable.

Afterwards, Lin Hui began to think carefully, and finally made a decision. This decision is also a part of Lin Hui's plan. However, now Lin Hui intends to divide this most important part. If possible, no, Lin Hui believes, it will be successful.

Time passed by minute by minute. Lin Hui stayed in this room from the night before to the evening of the next day. Finally, the production of these two artifacts was completed, which cost a lot of precious treasures from other gods. , produced a god-killer that even the "Sacred Spear of Twilight", which is called the strongest god-killer, is not comparable to the god-killer. This is the strongest god-killer in the heavens and the world. In the hands of Lin Hui, the extremely powerful world power was sealed, and it was almost the only divine weapon in the world.

A splendid and noble jewel-encrusted crown.

A gemstone bracelet that reflects light, makes people feel dazzling, and seems to exude a captivating charm.

Chapter [-] First try

The girls around Lin Hui are all very strong, whether in terms of managing the world or in terms of strength, they are all strong on their own.

Especially the girls from the world of Apocalypse and the world of giants that I came into contact with at the beginning. The girls in the world of Apocalypse were just ordinary people at first, but later they became godslayers, and the girls in the world of giants were not bad either. Especially Mikasa, although he did not become a godslayer, but with the projection magic that can project star-made weapons, no, it should be projection magic, coupled with the power of the artifact, even if it is a contest with gods, it will not fall into Downwind.

There are also many girls in other worlds, either godslayers or artifact holders, and with their own strength, they can make a name for themselves in the world of Hakoniwa.

Of course, the girls from the outsourcing world have no idea of ​​participating in it yet, but Lin Hui has already prepared the god of disobedience and artifacts for them. In the future, Lin Hui knows that there will definitely be an incomparably terrifying enemy. Waiting for oneself, that is the self from the future who has failed miserably even if he has mastered his destiny.

If possible, Lin Hui will naturally keep it out of his Myriad Realms, but if it doesn't work, Lin Hui will shatter Myriad Realms. At this time, the power of the girls will become the key to their survival.

Of course, that was a scene that Lin Hui didn't want to see.


Put the two artifacts into the corresponding boxes, and rely on the power of time to promote the seeds buried in them to mature. The powerful power of time makes the boxes exude a quaint flavor, as if they have been stored for countless times. generally.

After returning the spatial dimension to normal, he walked into the living room with two boxes.

Just saw Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yubi sitting on the sofa with some unease, and the moment they saw Lin Hui, both girls stood up.

"Lin Hui!"

The girl's slightly nervous voice concealed a vague sense of panic. They must have thought about it for a long time last night, and only when their minds calmed down did they realize what an incredible move they had done.

"Don't worry, the artifact prepared for you has been completed. This can be said to be my highest masterpiece so far."

Lin Hui put the two boxes on the table and pushed them in front of the two girls: "Open it and take a look, don't be too surprised."

Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi glanced at each other, and both could see the tension in each other's eyes, but at this moment, Shana and others also gathered around, wanting to see what Lin Hui said could be compatible with the legendary demon god What exactly is the artifact of competition?

The two girls opened the box respectively. At this moment, a smell that seemed to have been banned for a long time floated out of the box. It was an ancient smell, like a bottle of old wine when it was opened. The fragrance comes out.

However, the people were not attracted by the smell, because their minds were taken away by the two items placed in the box.

An incomparably ornate crown was placed in a box, inlaid with various gems, red, blue, purple, etc., through the refraction of sunlight, the ceiling was reflected in colorful, and , The whole body of the crown is golden, so there is no doubt that it is made of gold. In terms of style, it is definitely a rare treasure of great value.

In another box, there is a bracelet made of twelve agate-like gemstones. Although the appearance is not as shocking as a crown, anyone who understands can feel a sense of silence from the bracelet. The breath, as if a giant dragon is sleeping.

Both Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi saw the shocking look in each other's eyes, which was really incredible, really incredible.

Because they felt that the artifact in front of them seemed to be connected with their minds, and they could fully feel the movement in the artifact in front of them.

At this moment, the two artifacts slowly floated up, and when they floated to a certain height, they turned into two rays of light, which disappeared into their bodies.


"This is?"

Both Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi looked very flustered, because the divine artifact disappeared after being submerged in their bodies. Unlike the Noble Phantasm implanted by Lin Hui before, they could clearly feel its existence.

"Don't worry, calm down, quietly feel the power of the artifact that exists deep in your body, and then slowly, slowly guide it out."

Lin Hui added a bit of inductive magic to his words, which calmed down the two women who were originally a little flustered.

Afterwards, both women closed their eyes, and after a while, Yoshida Kazumi suddenly raised her right hand, and the bracelet that disappeared just now appeared on Yoshida Kazumi's wrist, and the top of Hirai Yuan's head suddenly The golden light was flourishing, and a noble crown appeared on the top of Hirai Margin's head.

"This, is this magic? What's the use?"

Shana looked at Yoshida Kazumi's bracelet and Hirai's crown, but didn't find much special.

"Would you like to try it out?"

Lin Hui chuckled lightly. Then, a knife appeared in his hand and cut his wrist. Immediately, blood began to gush out.

"Lin Hui, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Shana was a little puzzled, how could Lin Hui actually self-mutilate?

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi seemed to be moved, and raised her bracelet. Suddenly, a gem on the bracelet released light and shone on Lin Hui's wrist. Suddenly, the wound healed in an instant. .

"Is this what I did?"

Yoshida Kazumi was in a trance, only to realize that she had done something incredible.

"Yes, this is the power of the magical 'compassion of life'. Each of the twelve gems on your bracelet has a different effect. What you showed just now is the effect of healing wounds. Poisoning, immunity to petrification, evading fire and other effects, you need to experiment yourself, I won't say too much, because the artifact needs the owner of the artifact to use it constantly, and use your own thoughts to make it grow."

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