Lin Hui threw it on the ground.

"Okay, my purpose and everything I've done have been explained, and it's time to go back."

Lin Hui turned around and turned his back to Shana: "After I build 'Nowhere', I'll pick you up, Shana!"

"Wait a minute, Lin Hui, are there any human beings in the world you created?"

Alastair asked such a question.

"Since it is the world, how can there be no such thing? All life exists!"

Lin Hui slowly walked towards the teleportation formation, and everyone else followed behind Lin Hui.

"What if the Red World Apostle eats people?"

Alastair's purpose is this, but Lin Hui has already entered the teleportation array, so the answer will naturally not reach everyone's ears.

Today, Shana has experienced ups and downs, not only Shana, but also Ma Qionglin has been hit to a certain extent, and Willemina can't cheer up...

Chapter [-] Military division, I am optimistic about you!

The inner hall of Xingli Hall.

Lin Hui returned with everyone. Since the Xingli Palace was hidden by the "hidden temple" of the Freedom Law, it was not easy to be discovered. When the two are closer, then a passage will appear between the two, allowing the people in the two palaces to communicate with each other.

Of course, Lin Hui didn't tell anyone about this news, and on Shana's side, only Will Emina knew about it. This is also the Red World Demon King Gobida, who created the Xingli Palace and the Tiandao Palace. informed.

However, if Lin Hui said everything, it would not give Shana and the others a chance, because in this case, Shana and the others would have no way to break through here.

Therefore, Lin Hui decided to give them a little chance to work hard. Of course, whether they can pass this biggest trial depends on Shana's personal efforts. Of course, Lin Hui will not doubt this, because Shana's will is Very firm.

"Okay, then I'll go on with the mission."

After Xiu Denan came back, he resisted the steel gun and left alone. As for the task given by Lin Hui, Xiu Denan was determined to complete it.

"Then, Alliance Leader, what should we do next?"

Bellupiolu said, she was in charge of the original Xingli Palace, and after Lin Hui left, it was only Nakaoka Mami who was in charge of supervision.

"What are you doing, go and revive Shabrak first."

Lin Hui chuckled, and then, on Lin Hui's palm, a dark red flame swayed. Lin Hui took this flame and went outside, and under everyone's attention, sprinkled it on the ground, At the same time, the endless power of existence was released from his body, reversing Shabrak's death in one breath.

The next moment, a big man whose face was wrapped in a scarf-like cloth, had straight long hair and wore a cape. Under the cape, he was wearing a lot of leather protective gear, and there was no part of his body leaking out. The dead man appeared again.

"Is this the resurrection?"

Shabrak looked at his palm: "There's nothing special about it."

"Did you think it would be spectacular? Death and rebirth are just a state. Death is equal to the annihilation of consciousness, and rebirth is the recovery of consciousness. I just reversed these two states."

Lin Hui smiled and said: "Okay, then, you can do what you want to do next. It doesn't matter if you want to stay and participate in the war."

"I want to see, and see again, the kind of power you showed at the beginning."

Shabulak was blunt. Regarding the power of Lin Hui, Shabulak wanted to watch it again. It would be even better if he could experience it in person. Only in this way, Shabulak would be able to appreciate how he met Meiya at the beginning. The fear of oneself.

"There will be a chance, before the war comes."

Lin Hui turned around and walked towards the palace, while Shabulak bowed and left, because Meiya was still waiting for him somewhere in the Xingli Palace.

Of course, Lin Hui also fulfilled his promise, allowing Meiya to get a [-]-hour fan, and at the same time expanding her existence to the level of the Demon King of the Red World, making Meiya unable to believe it. In this way, Meiya is equivalent to having The foundation of being with Shabrak is gone.

"By the way, Sergeant, have you sent all those letters?"

Lin Hui asked.

"Of course, according to your instructions, everything has been handled properly, and even the letter from the 'Scarlet Flame Witch' has been sent to the four gods of the earth."

Belupeo reported.

"Oh? The four gods of the earth, wouldn't that be a problem? I remember that I didn't order this at the beginning, right?"

Lin Hui did not have any dissatisfaction with Belupeo's self-assertion.

"Because the 'Reverse Reason Judge' feels that if you only let those fire and fog warriors come, Lin Hui, it is estimated that they will be defeated in a short time, and the four gods of the earth are an insurance. After all, I am standing here now. , then those fire and fog warriors will have less confidence to fight."

Nakaoka Mami explained: "You and I are equivalent to two pillars of the Red World Demon God, and even if the other party has Shana, it is estimated that they can't resist it at all. In addition, we have the advantage of numbers on our side. Even if a legion is formed, it will basically be one-sided occupation, in that case, Lin Hui, there is no way you can start your trial against Shana, right?"

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "I have a heart."

"Thank you for the compliment from the leader."

Belupeo smiled lightly, and then gave a provocative smile to Nakaoka Mami.

As if to say, no matter what, you are not on our side.

The corners of Nakaoka Mami's mouth twitched. It wasn't that Nakaoka Mami didn't want to fight back against Bellupeo's provocation, but that Nakaoka Mami didn't have any good way to counterattack for the time being. Was instantly defeated by Nakaoka Asami.

Therefore, Belupeo just turned to another direction and occasionally provokes Asami Nakaoka.

However, Belle Peoru also knows the position of Nakaoka Mami in Lin Hui's heart. As long as she is Lin Hui's woman, then Lin Hui will definitely prefer it. Moreover, Lian Nancy and Felice who are with Nakaoka Mami are also A big help from Nakaoka Mami, coupled with the fire mists who made good friends with Nakaoka Mami, Belupeo felt that her side seemed to be a little weak.

Lin Hui sat on the main seat and said to Belupeolu: "Get ready tonight, I'm going to announce it, and how many people in the organization can continue to eat people after they get the zero-hour fans? "

Belupeolu bowed slightly to Lin Hui: "Leader, please rest assured, these compatriots who are still eating people have been killed by the general personally, and supervised by me and the 'Red Flame Witch', but there are still many problems around the world. Few compatriots are eating people."

"Don't worry, I have my own way to clean up these guys. Also, let Xiu Denan act faster and try to pull out all the outsiders within a week."

"Please rest assured, I have made a plan, within five days, the outside world will be annihilated by the general."

Bellupiolu seemed to have expected everything, and put all the plans in place.

"Well, very good, military division, I am very optimistic about you!"

Lin Hui praised that with such a subordinate, Lin Hui really has a lot of peace of mind.

Chapter [-] Do you want to sacrifice it?

Belupeo has already arranged things properly, so Lin Hui naturally doesn't need to think too much about some small details. After all, for Lin Hui, all he needs to pay attention to now is the general direction. , If you don't have to worry about the little things, you will be a lot easier.

Lin Hui suddenly felt that Beilu Peolo did a good job. Why didn't he have such a resourceful person before?

However, I can't say the same thing. After all, Belupeo can only understand her intentions in this world. If she leaves this world, she will probably become the same as other people, such as naughty Alice, and others. Laura, who can calculate, etc., they can play well in their own world, but they need to learn from scratch when they go to other worlds.

However, compared to other people, Bellupeo really doesn't need to say too much in small matters. He has done a really good job in details. He is also known for his resourcefulness in the original work. Even after Shana and others break into the principle of not being able to eat people, they can modify the laws of the world to change all this.

If it wasn't for the last Red World apostles who felt that such a world was okay, I'm afraid Shana and the others would have failed completely.

Afterwards, Lin Hui also gave a random order, and let Beilu Peoulu leave, while Lian Nanxi and Felice also left with Nakaoka Mami. They still need to get acquainted with Xingli Hall.

Apart from Lin Hui, Hecate was the only one in the room now.

After Heikati left with Lin Hui, her whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes. She was no longer the great sorcerer who could only pray, but a little girl with her own desires.

I don't know how long it took, Hecate suddenly said: "Lord, it's time."

Lin Hui slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, like the night sky containing countless shining stars, he turned to look at Hecate: "Actually, I still prefer to hear you call me brother. of."

"elder brother."

After hearing this, Hecate complied with Lin Hui's advice and gave a sweet cry.

Lin Hui touched Katie's little head: "Then let's go and meet my subordinates."


Coming to the central lobby of Xingli Hall, at this moment, there are already many famous Demon Kings of the Red World waiting here.

Of course, no one would be foolish enough to jump out and want to give Lin Hui a slap in the face, let alone not agree with Lin Hui's move to be the leader of the alliance despite being a human being.

In the battle more than half a year ago, Lin Hui crushed Sanzhuchen with absolute strength, and then created the Zero Hour Mizi at will. The strength of his strength has long been seen from these aspects.

After Lin Hui showed up, everyone was quiet. They listened to Lin Hui's plans and requests the whole time, and got Lin Hui's promise that everyone could let go of their hands and feet and work hard. Hui also created hundreds of zero-hour fans in one go, and rewarded them to those Crimson Demon Kings who performed well after he left.

Some of these killed the Red World Apostle who was still eating people, some completed Lin Hui's layout, and some returned important information, etc., so that everyone could see Lin Hui's incredible.

Therefore, these people have been entrusted with important tasks. In the next time, they will set off for the whole world and pass the news that they want to create a new world to all the apostles of the red world, so that they will all gather here.

Here, it will be the beginning of the new world and the place where all the apostles of the Red World will be born.


Lin Hui, who was sitting in his room, kept thinking about whether there would be a mistake in the time he set, and whether it would cause a bad influence and so on.

Because Lin Hui intends to start the war in a month, continuing the battle of division between the ancient and the ancient.

At that time, the Fire Mist Warriors won, but at that time, some of the forces of Nakaoka Asami and Lin Hui played a decisive role.

Now the strength of the two sides is completely unequal, not only Lin Hui's deity has come, but as the core character of the battle - "Red Flame Witch" Nakaoka Asami also stood on Lin Hui's side, which is to become the masquerade party. combat power.

In addition, Lin Hui's strength is far stronger than the original Serpent Snake, this is a war that seems to be impossible to win at all.

After all, there is only one fire-mist warrior who has survived the battle of the ancient times and has survived to this day. Asami Nakaoka is the only one, and none of the others have seen the horror of the battle of the ancient times.

However, what Lin Hui is going to launch now is a war that is even more powerful than the original battle of ancient times. The war between the Red World Apostles and all the Fire Mist Warriors all over the world is what Lin Hui calls the "Battle of Destiny".

This battle will determine the fate between the Red World Apostle and the Fire Mist Warrior. If they win, then they will be able to successfully cut off the fate of the two who must kill each other. At the same time, this also determines the fate of Lin Hui and Shana. destiny between.

A month is not too long or too short. Moreover, Lin Hui must also be prepared for a sneak attack from the Tiandao Palace. If the war starts too early, then things will be a little unsightly.

This month will be the month that decides the fate of this world.

Perhaps, in this world, there are many ordinary people who do not know the fate of themselves and others, but some people are very clear, because the upcoming war will become the key to the world, and The core characters are Lin Hui, the leader of the masquerade party, "Time and Space Tyrant", and Shana, the "Bright Eyed Crusher".

However, at this critical moment, instead of helping Lin Hui, Hecate, who was Lin Hui's side, pulled the masquerade's strategist Belupeo to start plotting something.

"Belupeo, do you want to sacrifice?"

Chapter [-] Is the gloomy cloud bleak?

After hearing this, Belupeo looked slightly embarrassed, but she did not expect that after going out, Hecate would have changed so much. It was impossible for Hecate in the past to say such things, and even, You can also see a trace of anticipation in his eyes.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Belupeo didn't answer Hecate, on the contrary, for Hecate's idea, Belupé also wanted to know how Hecate came into being.

"Because my brother really likes Shana. Oh, by the way, Shana is the name of 'The Burning Eye'."

Heikati said, there was a trace of jealousy on his face, which was absolutely impossible in the past: "Look, my brother has really done a lot for Shana, in order to help Shana become a real 'scorching eye' Crusaders', train Shana constantly, and set up so many trials for Shana, and even set herself as an enemy and let Shana defeat herself, isn't that too good for Shana?"

Belupeo immediately understood that Hecate was quite different from before, and being able to feel dissatisfied with Lin Hui's preference, Hecate would not have such feelings in the past.

Therefore, Belupeo suddenly smiled: "Then, why did you make me sacrifice?"

"Because Belupeo is very beautiful, I think my brother will like it too, and I want to be with Belupeo, if my brother wants to go back, I will also leave with my brother, but I don't want to either. Belupeo is here to stay, and I hope Belupeo can leave with me."

Hecate said sincerely, while looking at Belupeo, hoping that Belupeo would win.

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