But Belupeo fell into silence, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Also, even if Belupeo doesn't like his brother now, as long as he has been in contact with him for a long time, he will definitely like him."

Hecate seemed to be worried that Belupiolu had some scruples, so he added another sentence.

Belupeo patted Heikati's head: "Okay, I understand. Really, Heikati, you have completely changed. If it was before, I would definitely not agree, because you It has to be pure and flawless, but now you don't have to sacrifice, so it's great that you can have such an abundance of emotion."


There was surprise on Hecate's face.

"If that's the case, then let's get in touch with the leader first, and see what he has to do to fascinate our Hecate like this. It's really surprising."

Belupeo decided to have a good talk with Lin Hui, because Lin Hui is too mysterious. Before that, no one knew that Lin Hui would have such an idea. In the beginning, even Belupeo was scolded by him. In the dark, I didn't expect that what Lin Hui said about himself was actually to cultivate "blazing crusaders" who could stop all this, which was really incomprehensible to Belupeo.

However, the boat has been done, so Belupeo decided to go on, because Lin Hui has made a promise, bloodshed, sacrifice, it is essential, but after everything is over, all people can go to the new world.

This is the reason why Belupeolu still supports Lin Hui's plan.

Even if you can't eat people, it doesn't matter, as long as everyone can live a happy life as they think.

On the side of Xingli Hall, all the apostles of the Red World are revelling and enjoying themselves. There is only one month left. As long as they can win the war, then they can go to the new world.

On the other side, the atmosphere was extremely depressing, it could be said to be gloomy and gloomy, people didn't know what to say at all, and everyone's emotions fell to a low point.

Standing in the kitchen, Will Amina wiped the kitchen counter, which she had wiped several times. Here, Will Emina and Lin Hui cooked together. The former Lin Hui taught her how to cook, but It took a lot of effort, although Will Emina's cooking level is still very bad, but Lin Hui said:

"You have warm flavors in your dishes that outshine any flavor."

And Shana also had such a similar evaluation. After that, the two separated the dishes that Wil Amina made that were not delicious, even bitter, which made Wil Amina very moved.

However, all that is no longer there.

Lin Hui showed his true identity and became the enemy of himself and others, and he was the one who must be attacked by himself and others.

However, Willemina knew that if she went to crusade against Lin Hui, she would have to overcome obstacles such as the masquerade, Sanzhuchen, and even her friend "The Witch of Red Flame" Nakaoka Mami. However, Lin Hui's own strength Even though it runs through the world, Nakaoka Mami, who used to have only a part of Lin Hui's power, can seal the sacrificial snake, so how terrifying is Lin Hui who can use all his power now?

neither knows.

Will Emina's heart is in a mess.

In the room, Shana sat on the bed, cradling her knees with her hands, and looked at one place.

In that place, Lin Hui expressed his affection to her, and under the witness of Alastair, he personally wore a ring symbolizing the oath for her.

And now, the ring is still on Shana's finger, still exuding bright light, but the owner of the ring is dark, with a low mood and a sad expression.

Not long ago, I expressed my heart to the person I loved the most, but at the happiest moment, I was personally beaten down by the person I loved the most. All the happiness that the courage to speak of is shattered.

How could Shana accept this?

Shana didn't want to believe it, and she didn't dare to believe that all this was real. If it was a dream, Shana really hoped that she could wake up earlier.

Shana thinks she is very strong, and her strong will is very tough, which has been praised by Lin Hui.

But now, Shana understands that she is not strong, on the contrary, she is still vulnerable.

"Lin Hui..."

Chapter [-] It's not time to give up


The door of the villa was opened, and Hirai Margin suddenly pushed the door open and rushed in, only to see Will Amina standing in the kitchen, but at this moment, Will Amina seemed to have not seen Hirai Margin at all.

When Hirai saw this scene, he felt a pain in his heart.

And Yoshida Kazumi followed closely. They were banished by Lin Hui, and they didn't participate in the subsequent conversation at all. They showed no mercy, and bluntly said that the two could not participate in the next trial.

After seeing Fengjue disappear, Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi immediately returned to the original rooftop. However, no one was there at that time, so they rushed home and saw Willie Mina looked lost.

"Don't look at it, she has been like this since she came back, and that little girl has kept herself in the room and never came out. It must have hit them hard."

At this time, a woman wearing an OL suit and gold glasses walked out with a big book on her back.

"Wow, haha, it's as if you haven't been hit, my strong survivor Marjorin Duo."

Marcosias burst out laughing. Before, he was worried that Lin Hui's information would have a huge impact on Marjoram, but it turned out that this did not hit Marjoram, but it was Marchionne brought Shana and Will Amina back.

"Hmph, since it's the group of people I killed, there's no need to worry too much. Although I didn't kill it myself, it doesn't matter. Anyway, that 'tyrant' has been destroyed. My My wish is complete, and what I want to do next is my freedom.”

A warlike smile appeared on Marchionne's face: "For example, to take revenge on a scumbag, what do you think, Marco?"

"Whoa, whoa, that's the best, my beautiful goblet, Marchionn Doe."

"So, what happened?"

Yoshida Kazumi tightly held the bracelet on her hand. It was an artifact given to them by Lin Hui, enough to allow them to participate in the battle. Although it was possible that Lin Hui had manipulated her hands and feet, they believed that Lin Hui was definitely not like that. people.

"Yes, please tell us what happened after that?"

Margin Hirai is also very anxious, and believes that if it weren't for the huge shocking news, the always strict and cautious Will Emina and the strong and cheerful Shana would never have become like that.

"Do you want to know? I told you in advance that this is indeed a very unbelievable thing. The deeper the relationship with him, the greater the stimulation will be."

Marchionne looked at the two women: "You guys, can you bear it?"

"It's not a matter of tolerable or unbearable."

Yoshida Kazumi's eyes became extremely firm.

"We don't want to be left behind, if it's really painful, then we should bear it together!"

Hirai Margin's words were sonorous and powerful, and Ma Qionglin also looked at her. She had no idea that these two little girls would have such courage.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll tell you about it. As for the future, it's up to you."


Ma Qionglin left, she will no longer stay in Misaki City, because the next battle will not start in Misaki City, but will be in another place, the battlefield selected by Lin Hui, that place, Lin Hui has long ago. It was attached to the letter when provoking the fire and fog warriors all over the world.

Yoshida Kazumi covered her face with her hands and remained silent.

Maru Hirai was leaning on the sofa and looking at the ceiling.

They also did not expect that Lin Hui's ambition was so big, and the so-called trial of Shana was actually to create a world where the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Apostle could coexist.

However, there is a flaw in this world. As long as this flaw persists, true peace will not come. Because of this, Lin Hui, no, it should be said that the entire masquerade party is bound to have a war with the Fire Mist Warrior.

Moreover, the news that Marchionne received was a little more known than Shana and the others. After all, Willemina, who was in charge of sorting out the news before, was uneasy, so it was sorted out by Marchionne, but she found out that she was waiting for her. When people fought against Shabrak, someone sent a letter of challenge to the fire and mist warriors all over the world in the name of the masquerade leader, that is, provoking all the fire and mist warriors.

In other words, Lin Hui has long been ready to fight the fire and fog warriors all over the world.

Moreover, after sorting out various news, the only remaining analysts in the outside world found that in the past few months, the red world apostles who belonged to the masquerade party have been found too few times, and most of the people who were found and punished were found. It is the new generation, or the apostles of the red world who do not belong to the masquerade.

This news can prove that the masquerade is preparing for the battle, ready to deal with the next battle.

Cut off the fate, cut off the fate of the fire fog warrior, Lin Hui has to do this, but the problem is, Lin Hui intends to do this by himself, and has not discussed it with anyone.

Afterwards, Yoshida Kazumi stood up and walked to Shana's room, and Hirai Yuan looked at the direction Yoshida Kazumi left, and also stood up and walked towards Will Emina.


The door was opened, Shana raised her head, and it was not the person in her memory that came into her eyes.

"Xana, how long will you be depressed?"

Yoshida Kazumi asked as soon as he entered the door.

Shana buried her face in her legs, holding her knees with both hands, and seemed unwilling to face such a reality.

"Are you going to give up just like that?"

Yoshida Kazumi continued: "Aren't you a fire and fog warrior? Aren't you a 'blazing-eyed crusader'? You should have said that the powerful you are the 'blazing-eyed crusade'!"

"But, why are you so weak now!"

"Lin Hui said, he will wait for you!"

"Are you going to give up now?"

"Now, it's not time to give up!"

Shana's body trembled slightly, and she slowly raised her head...

Chapter [-] Wake you up!Yoshida Kazumi VS Shana

Yoshida Kazumi saw it.

The original bright big eyes have lost their spirit, and it is a heart wrapped in disappointment and sadness.


Yoshida Kazumi also heard at that time, Shana's confession to Lin Hui, confided her own voice, and Shana found her own path and became a real "blazing crusader", at that time, For Shana, it should be a double happiness.

As a result, Lin Hui showed no mercy and directly knocked Shana down from heaven to hell.

The person he loves the most has become his enemy, and he has to wage war on the whole world, standing on the opposite side of the mission that Shana shoulders.

For Shana, it was like a bolt from the blue, which directly made Shana look like this.

Even Alastair couldn't persuade Shana, because even Alastair couldn't do anything, and it didn't know that Lin Hui would actually be the leader of the masquerade party, and he had such plans, if he knew in advance, Then Alastair will never let Shana and Lin Hui come into contact.

But now Shana has a deep-rooted love, and encountering such setbacks at this time, even Shana can't bear it.

"what else can I do?"

There is a tremolo in Shana's voice, and you can hear the sadness in Shana's moment: "Lin Hui, it's impossible to win! Even the fire and fog warriors from all over the world can't win!"

Shana, who has been trained to fight against Lin Hui, is the one who knows Lin Hui's strength best. Lin Hui's strength is beyond anyone's imagination, and he possesses extremely terrifying and terrifying power, but his swordsmanship, Lin Hui's absolute sword skills. It is enough to defeat all powerful enemies, and Shana, who is as strong as now, does not have any confidence to take the sword that is almost close to the speed of light.

Yoshida Kazumi grabbed Shana's arm: "Xana, stand up, the Shana I know is not the kind of person who will not fight because the opponent is too strong, where is that strong, majestic Shana? That? Where is Shana, who has been rushing to the front when we have no fighting ability?!"

Shana was pulled under the bed by Yoshida Kazumi all of a sudden, the whole person was also angry, and she threw off Yoshida Kazumi's arm: "What do you know? Lin Hui, he..."

"Ah, I don't know how much Lin Hui will do and what he will do, but, I know, Shana, if you don't fight, even a possible victory will be lost at the beginning. It's gone!"

The strength of Yoshida Kazumi at this moment surprised Shana: "Yimi, you, aren't you sad?"

"I'm very sad, but what makes me more sad is that Lin Hui didn't tell us anything. He clearly wanted to help Shana and be with Shana, but he had to stand on the opposite side of Shana. I think Lin Hui has It's a last resort, and, didn't you say it? This is your trial for Shana!"

Yoshida Kazumi's words made Shana fall into silence. As a strong-willed person and a great person, Shana's willpower is outstanding. Even if she suffers some setbacks, Shana will never be discouraged. On the contrary, Shana will be more Work hard and move forward.

Looking at Shana like this, Yoshida Kazumi made a decision and took a deep breath: "Xana, fight with me!"

Shana suddenly raised her head and looked at Yoshida Kazumi: "Are you going to fight me?"

"Yes, don't look at me as an auxiliary artifact owner, but even an auxiliary artifact owner must have the ability to fight, at least, to have the ability to protect themselves."

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