"This is what Lin Hui told me."

A bracelet appeared on Yoshida Kazumi's wrist: "Xana, I'm going to wake you up!"

After Shana listened to it, the resentment that had been backed up in her heart also erupted. Not a good state, but even so, not everyone can bully.

"You want to wake me up? I'm already sober, and I don't want you to meddle in your business at all!"

Shana was also angry: "You want to fight, right, come on!"

Afterwards, Shana took the lead out of the room, followed by Yoshida Kazumi.

But at this moment, in the kitchen, Hirai edge looked at Will Emina calmly.

Will Emina looked at Hirai margin, and finally said: "Want to fight? Then I will accompany you."

"One victory and one defeat."

Tiamat didn't know what to say. Although she really hoped that Will Emina would wake up, but in terms of Hirai's strength, even if she had an artifact, she was not Will Emina's opponent. is a sure thing.

However, just when the two fell into silence, Shana rushed out angrily, followed by Yoshida Kazumi. It can be seen that now Yoshida Kazumei really intends to do something with Shana.

It has nothing to do with winning or losing, but the current Yoshida Kazumei cut but now Shana looks decadent, nothing is clear, nothing is understood, why are you complaining about yourself here?

"It seems that Yimei has decided, Will Emina, fight with me!"

A crown appeared on top of Hirai Margin's head.

"Come on then."

Will Emina's face was expressionless, and she went directly to another open space in the yard. Fortunately, when Lin Hui bought it, the yard of this villa was big enough, otherwise, it might not be possible for these four people to fight. Woolen cloth.

The Zhan Dian Zhana in Shana's hand has already ignited a flame: "Yimi, I will not be merciful."

"That's how it should be!"

Yoshida Kazumi shouted softly: "It doesn't make any sense to not win against you like this!"

Shana stepped on the ground, and the whole person shot out, and even the ground was cracked by Shana. At that moment, she came to Yoshida Kazumi.

In his hand, Zhi Dianzhe fell ruthlessly towards Yoshida Kazumi's shoulder...

Chapter one hundred and forty-nine battle of the two sides


Shana's sword was blocked, and her palm was slightly numb.

A pale green light spread out in front of Yoshida Kazumi.

It is Yoshida Kazumi's defensive ability. With extremely powerful auxiliary ability, Yoshida Kazumi's role on the battlefield is no less than that of a small fire and fog warrior group, integrating a series of abilities such as healing, dispersing, and defense. The nightmare of battlefield enemies.

However, Yoshida Kazumi, who is a support department, also has a weakness, that is, his combat ability is not strong. He is a support department, and his combat ability is not necessary. However, once he is targeted, then Yoshida Kazumei will very dangerous.

This is also the reason why Yoshida Kazumi will be a partner with Hirai edge. The ability of Hirai edge artifact is enough to protect Yoshida Kazumi.

Shana's attack was blocked by Shana's expectations, because there was no reason why the protective barrier that could block even Shabulak's first terrifying raging wave couldn't even block her own blow.

However, this does not mean that Shana will give up the attack. On the contrary, this time, Shana suddenly shot, a huge flame burst out from her body, and a huge burning glasses appeared on the top of Shana's head: "Judgment!"

Seeing this scene, Yoshida Kazumi immediately activated another ability on the bracelet. The divine weapon with a total of twelve abilities can deal with various situations.

Holding his hand high, a gem radiated purple light, directly blocking Shana's exploration and preventing Shana from seeing through.

"Then attack directly!"

The flame on Shana's body did not go out, but moved to Shana's left hand: "It's really red!"

The huge palm that has been slapped directly at Yoshida Kazumi, dispelling the purple light all at once, slaps fiercely at Yoshida Kazumi.

Yoshida Kazumi directly seized this opportunity, and suddenly, her body became illusory. In the huge flame palm, she came to Shana's side like a puff of smoke before, and in the next instant, Yoshida Kazumi's bracelet exuded again. The rays of light directly dispelled Shana's flames, and waved his fists to hit Shana ruthlessly.

Shana's whole body jumped backwards quickly, and then she slammed Zhana: "Flying Flames!"

Yoshida Kazumi couldn't make a single blow, and the whole person raised his arm: "Absorb!"

Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared in front of Yoshida Kazumi, directly absorbing all the flame bombs thrown by Shana into the vortex, making people feel a little incredible.


Afterwards, the gem in Yoshida Kazumi's hand radiated light again, and directly returned Shana's flying flames that she had just absorbed to Shana.

Shana swung the sword and directly split the flame bomb flying towards her in half.

"Yimi, you should know that you can't be my opponent, you are not suitable for fighting, so..."

"Holy Light Sword!"

Yoshida Kazumi didn't respond, but raised her arm. Suddenly, a bead radiated a strong white light. In an instant, all the light turned into a pure white long sword and flew towards Shana. go.

Shana was taken aback by surprise. I didn't expect Yoshida Kazumi to have aggressive tactics, and the range was still so wide.

Immediately, Shana also became serious, the flames wrapped around her body, and slashed directly: "Condemn!"



Countless white ribbons tied all the summons, out of Hirai's control, and on the other side, Hirai's whole person was already out of breath. Unlike Yoshida Kazumi, she is a fighting type. , so not only can control the summons, but also fight with the opponent, melee combat, long-range attack, etc. As long as the attack can be done, Hirai Margin can master all of them.

However, Willemina's fighting skills are far superior to Hirai Margin.

Immediately, countless ribbons were broken from the middle, and the ribbons of the wrapped summons appeared one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

Almost all the summons trapped by the white ribbon were blown up, and Hirai Yu himself was also hit a lot, and the whole person was constantly forced to flee by Will Amina's attack.

"Dancer with unparalleled combat skills"!

This title is not in vain, but a revered title that Will Amina has achieved with real life and death fights.

"There's no need to go any further."

"The victory and defeat are already divided."

Will Emina doesn't want to continue fighting, because the gap between Hirai edge and her is too big. Hirai edge is good at multiplayer team battles but small group battles. Now she has not reached the elite level. Few fights.

At present, there is only one trick that Hirai Margin can really use, and that is the crowd tactics, which is also the most suitable fighting method for Hirai Margin.

Relying on this fighting method can make Hirai Yuan ignore most of the Crimson World Apostles, even the stronger Crimson World Demon King, as long as there is no large-scale attack method, it will be very uncomfortable.

However, the problem is that in addition to the "dancer with unparalleled combat skills", Will Emina also has another title of "Ten Thousand Skillful Hands". From this title, it can be seen that Will Emina is very good at Since people fight, since they are all good at multiplayer battles, Will Emina, who has experienced life and death a few times, will naturally not lose to Hirai, who has only experienced real life and death battles a few times. Fate.

On the other side, Yoshida Kazumi flew out and fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, Shana-chan is really strong!"

There are wounds on Yoshida Kazumi's body, all of which were hit in the previous blow. The light of treatment has been lit, and Yoshida Kazumi's injuries have been restored.

"You don't need to fight anymore, right? You can't even defeat us, let alone Lin Hui."

Shana is still very sad, but even in a bad state, the Fire Mist Warrior is still the Fire Mist Warrior, even if the humans who suddenly gained powerful strength want to challenge them, it is still impossible.

"Then why don't you fight!"

"It's so powerful and powerful, why don't you fight?!"

Chapter [-] Powerful thoughts can turn the world around

"Because I can't win."

Shana said, "Only those who have fought personally can understand that Lin Hui is unfathomable, as if everything is under his control. This is not the difference in numbers."

Shana still clearly remembers that the number of Noble Phantasms thrown by Lin Hui when he defeated Fariagni's Phosphorus Legion can be said to be inexhaustible. What people have defeated, plus there are many powerful treasures in it, as long as the release of the real name is enough to kill the existence of the level of the Red World Demon King, the general fire and fog warrior has no chance of winning.

Coupled with the support of the masquerade, it is conceivable that Lin Hui's strength and power have reached their peak, and there is no chance of winning at all.

"Won, it is possible to win!"

Yoshida Kazumi shook his head: "Xana, you lost from the beginning, because the battle I said was not for you to fight against Lin Hui, but for your own destiny!"

Shana was stunned: "Fight with me... my own destiny...?"

"Yes, isn't Lin Hui trying to cut off the fate between the Red World Apostle and the Fire Mist Warrior? Then, just follow Lin Hui's ideas!"

Hirai Yuan stood up slowly, clenched his fists with both hands, and looked at Will Emina: "We want to help Lin Hui cut off this fate, Lin Hui wants to create the world, we will not stop it!"

"However, there is one thing missing from the new world created by Lin Hui!"

Yoshida Kazumi clasped her arm and looked at Shana, no, she was looking at Alastair: "'God of Punishment' 'Heaven's Earth Catastrophe' Mr. Alastair, you should have found it too, right? "

"Well, there is indeed such a problem. If this problem can be eliminated, then we can avoid fighting with Lin Hui."

Alastair said this, and suddenly, Alastair seemed to understand something: "Wait a minute, isn't it? If so, so it is, so, is it a trial?"


Shana blinked, a little confused, and looked at Will Amina, but Will Amina was also puzzled.

"what is the problem?"

"driven to distraction."

Just when Will Amina asked, Tiamat directly criticized, Alastair had already explained it at that time, but unfortunately, neither of the two girls heard it, no, it should be even the admitted reality. No.

"It's human!"

Yoshida Kazumi looked at Shana: "It's a human being! Lin Hui is the king of people, but in the new world he created, there is no restriction on the apostles of the Red World not to eat people!"

Shana suddenly realized, how could Lin Hui, the King of Humans, allow the apostles of the Red World to eat people?

However, the problem is that Lin Hui did not impose restrictions, which should be a judgment that can be made.

"Perhaps, Lin Hui wants you to make restrictions, not from the perspective of human beings, the Fire Mist Warrior and the Red World Apostle, but what two people who love each other do for each other."

Alastair analyzed: "He deliberately left such a flaw, perhaps so that you can enter the principle of 'no cannibalism' in the world he created!"

Shana was stunned: "But, if that's the case, why didn't you make it clear?"


Yoshida Kazumi said directly: "Because this is a test for you, Shana, the Apostles of the Red World want a free world that can eat people, but you must be a representative of the Fire Mist Warriors and limit the freedom of the Apostles of the Red World. ."

Saying that, Yoshida Kazumi pointed to the ring that Shana wore on the ring finger of her right hand: "Then, isn't that the oath that Lin Hui left you? Why did you forget it?"

Shana looked at the ring on her right hand, and the whole person was in a trance.

"Now, are you still running away?"

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