"Will Emina, things are clear, you... do you want to give up?"

Yoshida Kazumi and Heirai edge back to back:

"We will never give up!"

"I'm going to fight!"

"I want to ask!"

"Because I (I) like Lin Hui!"

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura emanated from the bodies of the two of them, green light gushing out from Yoshida Kazumi's wrist, and a golden aura constantly hovering over Hirai Margin's body.

Both of them seemed to be unable to control their terrifying power, and the endless power only pushed back Will Emina and Shana.

"This...this is?"

"Could it be that..."

At this time, Yoshida Kazumi and Hei Yuan both remembered what Lin Hui had said to the two of them at the beginning:

"...It also requires huge stimulation to be stimulated. When a person's thoughts are enough to reverse the world, the artifact will sense it and enter the 'hand-forbidden state'..."

Powerful thoughts, the desire to never give up, the future that is unwilling to give up, and the trust in the one you love from the bottom of your heart.

All conditions are fully ripe.



Lin Hui was holding the teacup, and the whole person was stunned for a moment. Beilu Peoulu, who was sitting opposite Lin Hui, looked at Lin Hui: "What happened?"

"No, nothing."

Lin Hui smiled and shook his head.

"Forbidden"?Actually entered the "banned hand" at such a time, what happened?

Lin Hui shook his head, he wouldn't care about this kind of thing, because it was the choice made by the two girls. In this case, Lin Hui would respect their choice. However, it seems that the next big event will The two girls are also eligible to participate.


Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yumura all thought of this word. This is the complete stage of the artifact known from Lin Hui's mouth. However, when they fought against Shabrak before, they failed to succeed, but unexpectedly, they succeeded at this time.


Yoshida Kazumi raised her arms high.

"Will Emina!"

Margin Hirai raised his head and looked directly at the masked woman not far away.

"Before we were considered by Lin Hui to be ineligible to participate in the trial that belongs to you."

"But, it's different now, we were not qualified before."

"I will personally come to get this qualification!!"

The two said in unison:


Chapter [-] beat him up

The green light exploded in an instant, turned into a rain of rain and fell on the earth. All the wounds on Yoshida Kazumi's body healed in an instant. At the same time, the bracelet originally attached to the wrist exploded in an instant, turning into twelve The pillars were suspended in the air, emitting twelve different rays of light.

At this moment, Yoshida Kazumi immediately received a message in his mind, and instantly understood the power of the so-called "forbidden hand", that is, the power of the forbidden hand belonging to his artifact.

"The first form?"

And the golden masterpiece on the body of Hirai Yuki, who was leaning against Yoshida Kazumi, the crown on his head completely disappeared at this moment, and it turned into a bright golden light and merged into Hirai Yubi's body.

A golden light radiated from the inside out. At this moment, Hirai edge seemed to be a peerless goddess carved out of gold. On Hirai edge's arms, a pair of handguards appeared, and a set of boots appeared on the feet. The clothes on his body also changed into a set of soft armor exuding golden light, with a laurel crown on his head, pure white and flawless.

In Hirai Margin's hand, a golden sword appeared, which she held tightly in her hand.

"Golden Valkyrie!"

Hirai edge immediately brought a huge sense of threat to Will Amina.

However, on the other hand, Shana felt that something was wrong with Yoshida Kazumi's banning, because there was not a lot of pressure, could it be because Yoshida Kazumi is a support-type artifact, so it is not suitable for combat. Too prominent?

"Xana-chan, this is just my first form. In this form, I won't have any combat power. This is a purely support mode."


"However, I won't be willing to be just a support person, because I understand now that although my artifact will be support, I also have to keep up with your footsteps, I won't become a person without the slightest The burden of combat power!"

"So, I chose the second form!"

Suddenly, the beads that originally radiated light all melted at this moment, turning into twelve rays of light, all of which melted into Yoshida Kazumi's hands.

Suddenly, a halo appeared behind Yoshida Kazumi, and a white robe appeared on Yoshida Kazumi's body, like a saint in a monastery, and a halo appeared on her head, like an angel in mythology, but, This angel came with a weapon of great power.

Just like the only offensive ability that Yoshida Kazumi had released before - the holy lightsaber, beside Yoshida Kazumi, countless lightsabers emitting various colors of light were suspended beside Yoshida Kazumi.

"Holy Pure Angel!"

"This is the ability I chose to be banned."

Yoshida Kazumi looked at Shana: "I chose this form instead of the fully supportive 'Bright Life Guardian', Shana, you should know the reason?"

"Would you like to have a fight with me?"

Shana said solemnly, because the battle between the two can be described as one-sided, no matter how hard Yoshida Kazumi works, Shana is always much stronger than Yoshida Kazumi.

"Okay, Yimei, come on, wake up these two silly women!"

Edge Hirai drew out the golden sword and aimed it at Will Amina.

"Try the level is also."

"Be careful."

Willemina also wanted to know how powerful the so-called divine weapon was after it was banned.

"Well! Then, Shana-chan, here I come!"

Yoshida Kazumi opened her hand and waved it towards Shana.

At this moment, Mardi Hirai, who was leaning on his back, stepped on the ground with one foot, and suddenly, the whole person disappeared.

"Is it here?"

With her excellent crisis sensing ability, Will Emina discovered the location of Maru Hirai at once.

But to Will Amina's surprise, what appeared to her right was an earth-type summoned beast exuding golden light.


Will Emina threw out the ribbon directly, but was smashed by the summoned beast, and the strength was much stronger than the summoned beast at the beginning.

"not good!"

Will Emina immediately noticed that Hirai Margin's strength was several times stronger than before, no, it was dozens of times better.

Hirai Yuan suddenly appeared in front of Will Amina and slashed with a sword.

Will Emina did not dare to hold back, because if she continued to show mercy, she would definitely lose.

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

Suddenly, the ribbon turned into a spear and pierced through Hirai Margin's body, which made Will Emina stunned. Even before, Hirai Margin could react, and it was impossible for him to be injured without moving.

Suddenly, Will Emina felt a chill in her neck, and a sharp long sword was already on her shoulders.


Countless lightsabers flew towards Shana, and at the same time, the halo behind Yoshida Kazumi continued to separate out countless lightsabers, turning them into unmatched blades of light that could snipe any existence.

Shana kept blocking one lightsaber after another, and the whole person seemed a little struggling: "No!"

"really red!"

Shana started, and directly used her own free method. In an instant, the palm of the flame shot directly at Yoshida Kazumi.

Yoshida Kazumi held two long swords emitting green light in both hands and threw them at the huge flame palm.

Suddenly, the huge flame palm was pierced by two green long swords, and then disappeared.

"how is this possible?"

Shana was stunned, she couldn't believe it, and now Shana didn't understand Yoshida Kazumi's abilities at all.


Suddenly, a huge burning flame eye appeared. Shana planned to see the truth first, but before Shana used "judgment", Yoshida Kazumi seemed to have expected it, and a white light spoke directly through it. only flame eyes.


Shana was forced to retreat, and the countless light talk turned into a huge long dragon in Yoshida Kazumi's hand and leaned towards Shana fiercely.

Shana closed her eyes: "Did you lose?"

"Xana-chan, after that, we have to beat Lin Hui to relieve our anger!"

The lightsaber dragon hit Shana, but there was such a voice...

Chapter [-] How can you hate military advisors?

Lin Hui put down the black tea cup, and the tea inside was still steaming slightly, turning into smoke and continuously floating in the air.

"Lord, you seem very happy, is there any happy event?"

Belupeo looked at Lin Hui with a smile on her face. Speaking of which, Hecate was the one who brought Belupeo to Lin Hui's room and slipped away. Lupeolu and Lin Hui had a good contact. He had only told Bellupeolu about this matter, but it has already started to be implemented. I don’t know whether Hecate’s actions are swift and violent or if he is in a hurry to find an ally. .

"Well, that's it, the next game will be very exciting, if you don't arrange it properly, you may suffer a big loss!"

Lin Hui showed a wicked smile.

Looking at Lin Hui's appearance, Bellupiolu suddenly realized something in her heart. She knew that if Lin Hui made a move, the Fire Mist Warrior would definitely be completely defeated, not to mention anything else, just random Power can turn the tide of battle.

This point, Belupeo has clearly felt it.

Thinking of the time when she once challenged Lin Hui out of her own strength, Bellupiolu felt that she was really stupid at that time, because Lin Hui was the second leader appointed by the previous leader, the Serpent Serpent. In this case, That shows that Lin Hui definitely has the strength not weaker than that of the sacrificial snake. At that time, he hadn't thought that he was really worthy of the name of "strategist".

In view of this, Lin Hui originally planned to add a principle of not eating people into the new world he created. Because Lin Hui is the king of humans, he would naturally need to consider the human race.

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