Chapter [-] Let's go together!

"Manchaluo!" Lin Hui said.

This is when cultivating tantra in India, in order to prevent the intrusion of demons, a circle or a square area is drawn, or an earthen altar is built, and sometimes Buddha and Bodhisattva images are painted on it. A shape or square area is called a mandala.

That's right, it was a formation in which the gods and Buddhas were drawn in a geometric pattern to beg for peace and avoid the demons.

But now, the gods and Buddhas of the gods have been replaced by countless divine tools, which are famous in the entire history of mythology, and the people who hold this treasure house are the brave ones, which is why he cited Proud trump card.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and said softly, "Really, I didn't expect to use such a thing here, that Yuejiang is really predictable! I really need to use it!"

Lin Hui waved his hand gently, and immediately, countless crimson waves appeared in the space behind Lin Hui, and pieces of Noble Phantasms exuding a powerful breath kept emerging from the crimson space.

"This is?" The brave man's eyes widened, he couldn't believe no matter what, such a thing would actually happen. He was favored by the gods and gods to get countless divine tools, but the godslayer in front of him actually It can also be done, and from the perspective of breath, each of them is an extremely terrifying divine tool. Not only that, from those feelings, it is definitely an authentic product that has been lost in the long river of history.

"How did you do it?" The brave man now understands that the terrifying degree of the person in front of him is far beyond his imagination.

Lin Hui chuckled: "How did you do it? It's very simple, beat me and you'll know!"

The brave man also laughed. At this moment, countless terrifying artifacts poured out towards Lin Hui. With a wave of Lin Hui's hand, the treasure house of the king kept ejecting the treasures one by one, and then automatically recovered them, and then ejected them again, constantly entering the cycle. among.

The hero's trump card was offset by Lin Hui's trump card, but the brave man would not stop there. The divine sword of salvation in his hand sent out a terrible thunder of salvation, and the dazzling light of salvation all rushed towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui stepped on the ground: "I am the guardian of justice, the gifter of brilliance, I can dominate the sky, and I can command thunder. Here, I issue orders to justice and brilliance, and impose sanctions on me who drive justice. The hammer, judge all the evildoers!"

An extremely terrifying thunder erupted from Lin Hui's body, which directly scattered the lightning of salvation and drowned the light of salvation.

"It's not over yet!"

"You broke the covenant and brought sin to the world. I say—sinners will be punished. Smash their backs, dig out their bones, hair, and brains, and trample their blood and soil. Arrogant black dragon, reckless wild boar, Shatter the world with my order, and slaughter the evil!"

A gigantic black dragon and a gigantic wild boar appeared directly from behind Lin Hui and rushed towards the brave man. The terrifying force destroyed everything around him.

The Divine Salvation Sword in the brave man's hand directly turned into a huge light sword, blocked the wild boar and the black dragon, and cut them into two, making Lin Hui temporarily unable to use this power.

Lin Hui did not stop: "All those who do evil, fear my strength. Now I will gain the majesty of ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and the strength of a thousand camels! The majestic I will lift up It's the ferocious camel mark!"

Lin Hui came to the front of the brave man in an instant, kicked out and kicked the brave man, directly kicking the brave man to vomit blood, and the whole person drew a gully on the ground.

However, Lin Hui was not over yet, the whole person rushed directly towards the brave man, waving his spear.

The brave man reacted immediately, and the whole person rushed towards Lin Hui directly, and slashed out fiercely.

With the blessing of the camel, Lin Hui's foot eruption has been greatly increased, and the eruption of the whole person has also increased along with all this, and he has suppressed the brave man at once.

With one shot, the brave man was swept away by Lin Hui, and the whole person was empty. Lin Hui did not pursue the victory, because he saw it, and the other obstacles were coming.

The brave man held a golden disc in his hand, which was originally the brave man's thing, and after Gunivia died, the disc returned to the brave man's hand.

This disc is called "Disc of Arrowhead", and it stores the power of "Sword God Summoned". As long as the nearby Steel God dies, its power will be absorbed by this disc and used to become a hero to regenerate Summons the power of the Steel God.

On that disc, there are two powers, and now, those two people have reappeared.

"Haha, I didn't expect that my old grandson would have another day to fight with you!" The disobedient Sun Wukong came.

Perseus looked around: "Is the girl who killed me and usurped my power not here?"

That's right, according to reason, it is impossible for Lin Hui and Poshima Saeko to gain power with the power of the disc. However, Lin Hui copied the Great Secret Mantra from Pandora, and by doing this, the disobedient Sun Wukong's The power was seized, and he used his own great secret spell to steal food from the tiger's mouth, and under the power of the disc, Saeko Poshima became a godslayer.

And the wind god on the other side also came.

"Although I am very embarrassed, but I don't want to drag it on any longer. Then, let it end. After all, this is my power!" The brave man looked at Lin Hui with very clear eyes.

"Haha, it's just a few more people, what should I be afraid of, let's go together!" Lin Hui responded aggressively.

"Well said, since she is the king, no matter how many challenges you face, you should not back down! Husband, concubine is here to help you!" A beautiful woman in a gorgeous Hanfu and a feather coat came to Lin Hui around.

"Well, since it's the god I killed before, then I won't back down!" A girl in a kimono walked over slowly.

"That's right, we won't admit defeat here! Sun Wukong, I don't know if you are as powerful as the legends!" Ji Hiragana came out with a woman in a purple tights.

Chapter [-] Battle!The myth recreated!

The brave man looked at the four women who suddenly appeared, and couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded: "The breath I felt just now is you! It seems that I have come to help, then you will also come to help! Moreover, among the godslayers today There are also people who are married, which is really unexpected!"

"King of the end, I respect you as the king. Those who don't know are innocent. I will forgive you for your mistakes. However, if you are rude to my husband, you must be prepared to be cut into pieces by me, Luo Cuilian!" Luo Hao is still so brave and domineering.

And Saeko Poshima looked directly at Perseus: "If you feel unconvinced before, then let's do it again!"

Perseus laughed: "Very good, heroic girl! Then what if I fight you again!"

Saeko Poshima ran directly to the other side, and Perseus also chased after him on his Pegasus.

"Then my opponent is you, the unknown Fengshen!" Luo Cuilian collided with the wind and the Fengshen, knocking the Fengshen into the air.

"Ah Lala, Master, then, let's go too!"

"Haha, my old grandson is the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, little baby, if you want to fight me, then become my old enemy first!" The disobedient Sun Wukong slammed down.

"Great Sage, don't underestimate people!" The golden spear of God-killing Ji Qi Lingcai suddenly came to life, bypassing Sun Wukong's golden cudgel and stabbed Sun Wukong in the chest, directly blasting Sun Wukong into the air.

"Then, Master, I'll leave everything to you! Although I really want to fight with you, it's better to leave it to my Master now!" Skaha looked at the brave with a fiery light in his eyes. But she was suppressed by her, and the whole person rushed towards the disobedient Sun Wukong who was knocked away by Ji Hiirai Lingcai.

"They all trust you!" The brave man sighed a little: "Once upon a time, I also had such close friends and relatives!"

The black spear in Lin Hui's hand disappeared, replaced by a long sword with golden light that Lin Hui was able to draw out of the crimson space: "Yes, they all trust me, so I can't live up to them. Your trust, I will bring you down! And cut off your destiny and take away your power, this is what I can do now."

The brave man looked at the long sword in Lin Hui's hand, and his eyes narrowed: "This is? You actually have this sword?"

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