Lin Hui pointed the tip of the sword at the brave man: "Yes, I have never met the owner of this sword, but, I know, I will meet her in the future! But, before that, I hold this sword After the sword, I will not lose to anyone, no matter who that person is!"

"Let's try it!" The sword of salvation in the brave man's hand was transformed into a long sword exactly the same as the long sword in Lin Hui's hand, which is the divine tool of the legend of King Arthur in this world.


The attacks of Lin Hui and the brave collided with each other, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye was spreading around.



A wound appeared on Lin Hui's left shoulder, and the wound was still flickering with lightning bolts, eroding Lin Hui's flesh and blood.

The brave man's abdomen was cut open by Lin Hui, but the blood was soon stopped, but in comparison, Lin Hui's skills were superior.

However, the longer it lasts, the more unfavorable it is to Lin Hui, because the weapon of the brave is the sword of salvation, and the thunder of salvation carried on it is almost unsolvable!

"I command the spirit of all things with this word. God, the earth, the wind, the water, the spirit of all things, come to me quickly, dispel the evil for me, and heal everything!"

Lin Huisong revealed a new power that combines the power of the ram and the power of the water dragon usurped from Sha Wujing!That is a natural scenery, that is, the incarnation of all things in nature!

"It's very powerful, but I haven't reached the limit yet! I am the representative chosen by the gods, and naturally I can use all the power of the gods!"

A longbow appeared in the brave man's hand, aimed at Lin Hui: "Surya!"

Suriya is the sun god in Hindu mythology, the undead hero Karna is his son, and he is the one who gave Karna the sun armor.

Therefore, the arrow of Surya represents the arrow shot by the sun god, and the flame ignited on the arrow is the flame of the sun. At this moment, the arrow of Surya turned into an arrow. small sun.

Lin Hui unhurriedly took out a longbow from his king's treasury, a long sword appeared in his hand, and pulled it to full string: "End Sword (Enki)!"

This is one of the strongest Noble Phantasms of Gilgamesh in the Moon World. It is said that the God of the Bible used to destroy the world. The Great Flood, also known as the Noble Phantasm of Civilization!

In an instant, the end sword and the small sun formed by the arrow of Surya collided with each other, and in an instant, a terrible flood erupted and drowned the small sun.

At the same time, Lin Hui manipulated the power of space, turning all the world-destroying floods into countless dragons of water and rushing towards the brave.

Countless artifacts were shot out of the Mandala square above the brave man's head to completely wipe out and evaporate those giant water dragons.

At the same time, the brave man took out a hammer and slammed it down directly at Lin Hui.

Countless thunders exploded in an instant, which is the hammer of Thor in the hands of Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, which is said to be a blow to the end of all things!It is the most powerful weapon in Norse mythology.

Lin Hui smiled lightly, and a shield appeared in his hand. It was the Aegis Aegis in Greek mythology, but it was not held by Athena, but the side of Zeus, even if it was Zeus, the king of the gods. The thunder of Thor couldn't hurt the shield one bit, and it blocked the countless thunders of Thor's Hammer very easily.

"It's my turn to fight back!" Lin Hui stretched out his hand, and immediately, a red spear shot out and threw it fiercely in the face of the brave man: "Gungnir! I swear, This gun will hit and kill!"

The corner of the brave man's eyes twitched fiercely, he did not expect Lin Hui to use such a terrible weapon as soon as he came up.

Chapter [-] The final conflict!I already knew it!

Gungnir, also known as the Declaration of the Great God, is the weapon of Odin, the main god in Norse mythology, made by the dwarves from the branches of the World Tree (Yggdrasil).This spear is sacred, and the oath sworn to the spear point will never be revoked and will be fulfilled.The prototype of its own is a javelin, so it is used as a throwing gun with great power.

Although Gungnir is not the strongest weapon in Norse mythology, it contains a powerful force that must kill and kill, but it can make countless strong people terrified, because it can have the ability to change fate, even if it can escape, Gungnir can also twist fate to make it hit and kill!

After all the impossible fates are eliminated, only the fate of certain death is left.

Although the power is under Thor's Hammer, its terrifying power is no less than that of Thor's Hammer.

Facing Gungnir, there are only two ways. One is to collide with each other with extremely terrifying power to offset Gungnir's power. Gnir's power was blocked abruptly, consuming all Gnir's power.

Other than that, if you want to deal with Gungnir, there is no other way.

Of course, there is a third method, that is, he has already jumped out of his destiny and is not in his destiny, so Gungnir naturally cannot have an effect on it.

Facing the Gangnir thrown by Lin Hui, the brave man felt a little bad. After all, it was the long spear that was said to be sure to kill. No matter who he was, he would feel a little uncomfortable in the face of such power. However, the brave man Don't worry, because at this moment, the brave man has come up with a more powerful divine tool.


This was originally a kind of thunder and lightning used to call Emperor Shitian.

Dishatian is the emperor in Indian mythology, also known as Indra, the king of the gods in Indian mythology, and the god of war. Later, he even joined Buddhism, and Brahma, the three supreme gods in Indian mythology Let's become the guardian deity of Buddhism together.

Lightning is the most violent force in nature, and it is also a divine tool used by Emperor Shitian, who can be said to be at the top in Indian mythology. Its power is beyond imagination.

In the Moon World, there are some very few anti-god Noble Phantasms, one of which is very famous, and that is the "Sun Wheel, Obey Death (Vasavi Shakti)!" used by the undead hero Karna. Armour (Kavacha and Kundala)!" In exchange, a light gun capable of taking down the gods with just one blow.

Its prototype is the light gun composed of extremely powerful lightning.

At this moment, with the power of the vajra, the brave man released the light spear once used by Karna in a short moment.

Although it is impossible to reach the level of the light spear used by Karna in the Moon Moon World, its huge power is enough to completely destroy Gungnir, and it rushes towards Lin Hui with an incomparably huge destructive power. .

The thunder light gun provoked by the vajra has a concept of "Sun Wheel, Obedience to Death (Vasavi Shakti)" in its power. Creatures and even any objects, including beasts, phantom beasts, mythical beasts, people, shields, armies, cities, enchantments, gods... can burn and dissolve any existence as "the only unit".But only the "world" can resist, in other words, the protection of the concept of "world" cannot penetrate.

Then, there is no doubt about the result. A quaint shield was ejected from the crimson space, and a green light enveloped Lin Hui's whole body. You must know that Lin Hui was once Karna. The Master, of course, knows all of this very well.

"The Achilles Cosmos!"

The powerful thunder light bombarded the shield, the space, the earth, the ocean, everything was completely evaporated by the flames formed by the thunder light, and completely burned, not even a trace was left.

However, in that boundless place, the green light was still flickering, and Lin Hui was unscathed.


"So that's the case, is this the identity of a brave man?" Luo Hao looked at the tall and incomparable white ape whose mask was knocked down by himself and the bandages were scattered. This is the real reason why Fengshen hides his identity, because as long as it is exposed Out of their own appearance, then, everything is completely understood.

If one can think of Indian mythology from the Mandala Square, then in Indian mythology, when it comes to the ape god with white body hair and the ability to manipulate the wind, the only one that comes to mind is that one. position.

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