"Student Wuhe, what a coincidence, did you also study this way?" Lin Hui and Lan Yumengcong accelerated a few steps and caught up with Shiori Wuhe.

Wuhe Shiori didn't expect the new teacher to greet him: "Well, yes, Teacher Lin Hui, and Lan Yu?"

"Just call me Mengcong, I can give you Shizhi? Don't be too surprised!" Lanyu Mengcong responded with a smile.

"Okay, but what is the relationship between the teacher and Moecong?" Shiori Wukawa asked with his eyes open.

Lin Hui smiled slightly: "It's nothing, we are just father and daughter."

"Father, father and daughter?" Wu Shichi suddenly widened his eyes.

Lan Yu Meng onion pinched Lin Hui.

Lin Hui slapped Lan Yumengcong's little hand at once: "Why, I'm telling the truth!"

Lanyu Mengcong was helpless to her father, and explained to Wuhe Shiori: "Shiori, don't be too surprised, this guy is like this. However, what he said is indeed the truth, and I am indeed him. daughter."

Wuhe Shiori's eyes widened: "But didn't Mr. Lin Hui say that he doesn't have a girlfriend? And what is Lan Yu's surname?"

Lin Hui spread his hands: "Isn't it common sense to have a wife but no girlfriend? Mengcong follows her mother's surname."

Lan Yumengcong continued to complain: "Damn common sense."

Wuhe Shiori understood: "So that's the case, by the way, where are the teachers and Mengcong's home?"

Lin Hui said a place, which made Wuhe Shiori a little surprised: "Oh, it turns out that the teacher's house is behind my house, it's such a coincidence, I wonder if the teacher can come to my house? I also Welcome, teacher."

Lin Hui nodded: "No problem, but there are still three people in my family. I don't know if we can come together. By the way, is there anyone else in Wuhe's family? Wouldn't it be very difficult to cook dinner for so many people alone? Hard work? Let me help too!"

"Eh? Teacher, it doesn't matter. If there are still people in the teacher's family, you can come with me. My sister is the only one in my family now. It doesn't matter, the teacher is a guest, so just help..." Thinking of Lin Hui throwing so many questions all at once, he was in a hurry.

"Shiori, since someone wants to help, let him help. Although my father is not very good, he is very good at cooking, but he is usually too lazy. This time, he took the initiative. Never let it go!" Lan Yumengcong interrupted Shiori Wuhe's words at once, and immediately agreed to help Shiori Wuhe.

"Oh!" Shiori Wuhe blinked, which actually made Lin Hui feel a heartbeat.

"No way? I didn't expect the protagonist to be so cute after becoming a mother. No wonder Yu Xiaomeijiu likes him. It's a pity, I'm sorry, this time, it's mine!" Lin Hui secretly cheered in his heart. , and even the strategy for Yu Xiaomeijiu has begun to be researched. After all, there is a strategy master around - Lan Yu Mengcong!


After returning home, Lin Hui dragged out Erya Honjo, who was living in the room, and went to Wuhe's house with La Furia and Natsune Yase.

"Is that the teacher? Welcome!" Shiori Wuhe opened the door wearing an apron, and was a little lost when he saw the beauties behind Lin Hui.

Chapter [-] Is it him?

"Student Wuhe, come, let me introduce you, this is the famous writer Benjo Cang'er teacher!" Lin Hui sneered and pushed Benjo Erya in front of him.

Shiori Wuhe was really surprised: "Huh? Are you the teacher Souji Honjo who drew "My Infinite Journey"? It's been a long time since I was famous. I'm Shiori Wuhe, please give me more advice."

Benjo Erya nudged Lin Hui with his elbow, then stretched out his hand and shook Shiori Wuhe; "Hello, my real name is Benjo Erya, please give me more advice."

"This one is my younger sister, her name is Yase Xiayin." Lin Hui pulled Yase Xiayin to introduce.

Yase Xiayin bowed slightly: "Hello, I am Yase Xiayin."

"Hello!" Shiori Wuhe looked at Natsuyin Yase, and couldn't help but imagine that Natsuyin Yase was just like a holy angel, very similar to a girl in the story of Erya. Perhaps this article Erya took her as a reference object.

At the beginning, Shiori Wuhe didn't think there would be such a girl in the world, but after meeting Natsune Haase today, he completely realized that he was wrong. There is such a thing in this world that people really admire. , the existence of a girl who cannot raise a trace of blasphemy.

"This is Xia Yin's older sister, La Furia Lihavain, because of a certain relationship, Yase Xia Yin follows her mother's surname!" Lin Hui introduced.

"Oh, hello, Shiori Gokawa-san, I'm La Furia Lihavain, you can call me La Furia." The elegant princess greeted politely.

"Hello." Shiori Wuhe really couldn't imagine that these outstanding women actually lived with Lin Hui, and any one of them was a girl who could be called a treasure.

"Hey, big pervert, you haven't introduced yourself yet!" Benjo Erya poked Lin Hui.

Lin Hui blinked: "I've already introduced it, right, classmate Wuhe?"

Wuhe Shiori smiled slightly: "If the teacher doesn't mind, just call me Shiori."

"No, I'm talking about your other identity!" Benjo Erya said maliciously.

Lin Hui started to talk about it: "Well, Shiori, didn't you say you still have a younger sister? Why can't you see anyone?"

Shiori Wuhe looked at the time: "Ah, it should be the start time of her favorite "Endless Gensokyo", it should be almost over, you can see it later!"

"Hoho, so that's how it is!" Benjo Erya chuckled.

Lin Hui glared at Benjo Erya, and the warning in his eyes was completely revealed.

"Okay, Shiori, let me help you." Lin Hui looked at the kitchen and seemed to have something unprepared.

"However, the teacher is a guest..." After thinking about it, Shiori Wuhe felt that it would be inconvenient for Lin Hui to do it.

"Ah, so Lin Hui is going to cook?" La Furia exclaimed in surprise.

"My brother's cooking is my favorite." Yase Natsuyin was a little shy.

Benjo Erya almost drooled: "Haha, although Lin Hui has flaws all over his body, only cooking can't pick out any faults."

"Look, I just said it, don't worry." Lan Yu Mengcong said while hugging Shiori Wuhe.

As a result, Lanyu Mengcong seemed to be stimulated a little, and would bleed from her nose when she was excited. Now Lanyu Mengcong tried her best to calm down.

"Teacher, let me help you too!" Saying that, Shiori Wuhe and Lin Hui started to prepare today's dinner.

However, after Lin Hui started to do it, Wuhe Shiori suddenly became a spectator and could only help Lin Hui to wash the dishes. Dazzled.

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