"Okay... It's amazing!" Shiori Wuhe felt that he was surpassed, this new teacher is really all-powerful.

He teaches well, his athletic ability is also very strong, his people are handsome, and his cooking is so good now that Shiori Wukawa doesn't know what to say.

"Hey, there seem to be a lot of guests at home!" At this time, a cute little loli with red hair and a pair of ponytails tied with a white headband came downstairs and saw that there seemed to be many more people in the living room of the house .

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is my sister Wuhe Kotori." Wuhe Shiori's eyes were full of pampering.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wuhe Qinli." Wuhe Qinli smiled at everyone.

Afterwards, everyone introduced themselves to Wuhe Qinli.

At this moment, Lin Hui came out with delicious dishes: "Hello, Kotori-chan, my name is Lin Hui, I'm Shiori's teacher, and I just moved to the back of your house recently, so I'm coming to visit today, no Would you mind?"

"Well, Mr. Lin Hui?" Wuhe Qinli looked at Lin Hui, but felt very strange, as if he knew Lin Hui, and had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

And the previous Kotori sauce, Wuhe Kotori even felt as if he had heard it somewhere?

If it is possible, then it could only be five years ago. At that time, Wuhe Qinli had a vague memory because of the long time passed, and he didn't know the other party's name at all. The most obvious one was the other party. That head of black and white hair, but Lin Hui's hair is completely black, even the roots, it feels a bit strange.

"Don't be polite, just eat a little more." Lin Hui didn't seem to notice Wuhe Qinli looking at him, greeting him like the owner of the house.

"I said, teacher, this sentence should be up to me!" Shiori Wuhe smiled bitterly, there was no way, because she just took a bite of Lin Hui's cooking, and there was really no way to resist it, no wonder Lan Yumengcong and others have to cook by Lin Hui, this skill is too terrifying.

Lin Hui looked at Wuhe Qinli looking at him, and subconsciously reached out and touched Wuhe Qinli's small head: "What's the matter, isn't my cooking to your taste?"

Wuhe Qinli suddenly got rid of Lin Hui's big hand: "No, no, Mr. Lin Hui's cooking is delicious!"

Just muttering in my heart: Is it him?

Chapter [-] The Perfectly Perfect Superman

After a meal, Lin Hui completely conquered the Wuhe sisters with his own craftsmanship, which made the two women have a little bit of admiration for Lin Hui.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lin Hui's craftsmanship to be so good, no wonder Meng Cong and the others want you to come!" Wuhe Shiori and Lin Hui compared, the two are simply one in the sky and the other in the ground, there is absolutely no comparison.

Well, it's no wonder, after all, Shiori Wuhe is just an ordinary person. He has only lived for more than ten years at most, and being able to practice such craftsmanship is already an unparalleled talent, and Lin Hui has the cooking skills transmitted through the system. In the origin of the world, Lin Hui has at least tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years as a chef, and various chefs take turns changing. Even in deep sleep, Lin Hui's cooking skills have been fully improved. .

As the saying goes, if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab a man's stomach, and this sentence is equally useful for women.

"Yeah, but there's nothing I can do. Dad is just too lazy and rarely cooks!" Lan Yumengcong began to count Lin Hui.

"That's right, he only has this advantage, but he still doesn't want to show it. It's too hateful." Benjo Erya also started to follow up.

Our friend Yase Natsuyin retorted: "Brother Lin Hui is also very tiring to do it once, so..."

"Xia Yin, don't protect him, he is lazy!" The enemy La Furia directly blocked Haase Xia Yin.

"He's just too lazy!" Lan Yumengcong began to intensify: "At home, I'm not happy to do housework, and I'm not happy to wash clothes. I just know that I'm staying at home, so I helped my father find this job."

Shiori Wuhe did not expect this seemingly all-powerful Lin Hui to have such an unknown side: "So it is, I said why there is a new teacher now, so it is."

Lin Hui was a little dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, Meng Cong, what you said is too much. I am at home to support my family!"

Lan Yumengcong folded her arms across her chest: "You're too embarrassed to say that, at home you're almost a waste."

Lin Hui scratched his cheek: "There is a reason for this."

"Then what did the teacher do in the past? Computer designer or something?" Shiori Wukawa was a little puzzled. At home, what kind of occupation does he need to work from home?

"Okay, don't hide it, anyway, sooner or later you have to say it!" Benjo Erya Geyou was lying on the sofa, and the whole person was useless.

Suddenly, the Wuhe sisters looked at Lin Hui curiously.

"Okay!" Lin Hui finally couldn't resist the curious eyes of the two sisters, so he could only reveal his previous occupation: "Well, I used to like to read comics, so I became a comic artist before today. "

"Oh!" Shiori Wukawa understood, indeed, as a cartoonist, he could work at home.

"Has the teacher ever produced any comics? The house here is not cheap!" Shiori Wukawa suddenly became interested.

Lin Hui waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just a small work."

La Furia suddenly broke down Lin Hui: "Did you know? Lin Hui is the author of the famous comic "Endless Gensokyo", and his pen name is Tyrant!"

"Ehhhh?!" Wuhe Qinli suddenly jumped up: "Is Mr. Lin Hui the tyrant?"

Lin Hui rolled her eyes at La Fulia, keep a low profile!As a result, this woman insisted on making herself high profile, doesn't she know that it's better to be a low-key person and do things better?

Lin Hui touched his nose: "Well, yes!"

Shiori Wuhe suddenly felt a little resentful: "A small work, for the teacher, "Endless Gensokyo" is indeed a small work!"

Wuhe Qinli ran back to the room with a bang, and then took out a pen and a piece of paper: "Teacher Lin Hui, please sign me!"

Lin Hui took the pen and paper, wrote his name and pen name in a "swoosh", and wrote a sentence by the way: To Kotori-chan.

Make Wuhe Qinli very excited.

Shiori Wuhe did not expect that Lin Hui was the tyrant of the great writer, which was really unexpected.

Okay, now Wuhe Shiori has put another label on Lin Hui. There is no way. The reputation of the tyrant is resounding in many countries. Not only children, but even some adults like to watch it. It has a very profound impact on the understanding of people, the description of non-human creatures, and the balance between people and nature.

Some people even regard it as a research object. They really want to know what kind of monster is the person who can draw such a cartoon, and his understanding of people and the world is so profound.

This work has made an extremely profound evaluation of what humans and humans have done, and insinuated through the balance between monsters and humans in Gensokyo.

A manga artist and a philosopher, a monster-level human who can show extraordinary achievements in various fields.

Shiori Wuhe commented on Lin Hui as follows: A perfect and impeccable superman!

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