In addition, this work has brought fame and wealth to Lin Hui. You must know that this book is intended to be imagined at home and abroad!

In other words, Lin Hui is young and handsome at the same time as a rich young man. Although his daughter is so old, Lin Hui's appearance looks like only in his early twenties, which makes people feel incredible.

"Hey, right? Then why did the teacher tell us that she is about the same age as us? The teacher's daughter is so old, so the teacher is at least twenty-seven, right?" Shiori Wukawa suddenly thought of it. this problem.

Lin Hui said with a straight face: "Shiori, I'm going to criticize you for this. Do I look so old?"

Shiori Wuhe smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, the teacher looks only about twenty years old, it's just the teacher's real age..."

Lin Hui was a little resentful: "Shizhi, listen carefully, I have never lied to you, because I am always eighteen years old!"

Shiori Wuhe felt speechless, but she finally found one of Lin Hui's shortcomings, which is not a shortcoming, that is, he is very narcissistic and shameless, and someone would actually say that about him.

However, Lan Yumengcong glanced at Lin Hui: "Be careful of being beaten!"

Lin Hui looked up at the sky, as if he didn't know anything.

Chapter [-] Time flies!

"Yeah! I can sleep for a while!" Lin Hui looked at the sunlight peeking out from between the windows, turned over, and hugged La Furia's smooth body tightly in his arms and continued to fall asleep.

"Alala, Your Majesty the tyrant really loves to sleep in!" La Furia also buried Lin Hui's face between her twin peaks.

"Don't you like it?" Lin Hui asked softly with his head down.

La Furia said one word very firmly: "No."

The two continued to embrace each other: "But didn't you make an appointment with Kotori-chan today? Also, don't forget, today is the back-to-school day after the Spring Festival."

Lin Hui was helpless, and stretched his waist: "Really, stealing for half a day!"

Lin Hui grabbed the clothes from the side and prepared to put them on, but La Fulia took the lead and dressed Lin Hui.

Lin Hui looked at the black-bellied princess with some helplessness, but for La Furia, it was normal for her to serve her husband and dress.


After breakfast, Lin Hui went to Wuhe's house.

"What's the matter, Kotori-chan?" Lin Hui asked while looking at Wuhe Qinli who was shivering in the corner.

"It's nothing, I just frightened her before." Shiori Wuhe came downstairs with his schoolbag.

"Yeah, but Kotori looks scared! So, by the way, Kotori-chan, what do you want for lunch?" Lin Hui began to change the subject without a trace.

"Huh? Super luxurious children's package!" Wuhe Qinli suddenly became excited.

"I said, teacher, don't spoil her too much!" Wuhe Shizhi was a little helpless. Lin Hui treated Wuhe Qinli better than himself. He didn't even know whose sister Wuhe Qinli was. .

Lin Hui smiled and said: "What does it matter? In our country, there is a saying that boys need to be poor, and girls need to be rich! So, no problem, Kotori-chan, today you are in a family style. The restaurant is waiting, I'll be there!"

"Oye! Brother Lin Hui is so nice." Wuhe Qinli looked at Lin Hui with a look of love in his eyes.

"Then, let's go, Shiori!" Lin Hui picked up the briefcase and left Wuhe's house with Wuhe Shiori.

After they left, Wuhe Qinli smiled and said, "Safe journey!"

"Although you don't know what method you used to do such a thing, it's finally confirmed today."


"Ah, sure enough, there are rumors that the two of them are dating!" Looking at Shiori Wuhe who was walking with Lin Hui on the road, some people who came to Zen High School were whispering.

Wuhe Shiori's face was a little red. After all, she knew the strange situation in Lin Hui's house. First of all, Lan Yu Mengcong's mother did not live there. According to Lan Yu Mengcong, Lin Hui and her mother were temporarily separated from each other. Well, for some reasons, but the two are still very much in love.

In Lin Hui's house, sisters La Furia and Yase Natsuyin are also one of Lin Hui's wives.

This seems to be the tradition of three wives and four concubines handed down in ancient China.

Therefore, the idea of ​​several women serving one husband together made Shiori Wukawa suffered a lot when he first knew about it.

That is to say, no matter how many wives Lin Hui has, it is no problem. In view of this, Lan Yumengcong seems to want to match herself and Lin Hui.

According to Wuhe Shiori's thoughts, Lin Hui is indeed a good person. Although he is sometimes lazy, he is still very reliable, and he is a superhuman close to perfection. Especially Wuhe Qinli likes Lin Hui very much, and even said Lin Hui is my elder brother, if possible...

When Wuhe Shiori was thinking wildly, his face became more and more red, and it seemed that steam was about to emerge from his head.

"Oh? Shiori, what's wrong, have you caught a cold? Your face is so red." Lin Hui gently stretched out his hand and placed it on Wuhe Shiori's forehead, carefully feeling Wuhe Shiori's body temperature.

Shiori Wuhe looked at the familiar face in front of him, and the whole person was about to faint.

"It seems to be fine, just be careful!" Lin Hui glanced at the time: "It's getting late, let's go!"

"Yes!" Shiori Wuhe walked in the direction of the school following Lin Hui dazedly.


"Yo hoo, Shiori-chan, how's this winter vacation going?" Yamabuki Ai came over and looked at Wuhe Shiori.

"Oh, it's Ai, how's it going? That's it, what's the matter?" Shiori Wukawa was a little confused.

Ye Ying Mai also asked: "Of course it's the progress of you and Teacher Lin Hui. When I saw you going to school together that day, many girls felt resentful!"

Shiori Wuhe also smiled awkwardly: "Yes, it was really dangerous at that time!"

After Lin Hui and Wuhe Shiori went to school together and were witnessed, Wuhe Shiori was considered to be Lin Hui's girlfriend, and Lin Hui also affectionately called Wuhe Shiori "Shiori". ", this kind of appellation only used between very close people, the relationship can basically be settled.

Therefore, Shiori Wuhe was provoked by many girls, although Lin Hui later clarified that the two just lived very close to each other, so they went to school together, which made Shiori Wuhe lost a lot, and also let other girls relax Take a breath.

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