"Really, so the teacher knows who that person is?" Yuan Yi Origami looked at Lin Hui: "Please tell me the identity of that person, teacher!"

Lin Hui waved his hand: "Okay, I said it, I can only tell you that person is here, I can't say anything else!"

"Teacher!" When Tobiichi Origami was about to pull out the photon sword, a voice came: "Teacher, what are you and Tobiichi doing?"

Wuhe Shiori and Lan Yumengcong appeared in front of his eyes, and Tobiichi Origami immediately put away the photon sword hilt in his hand (in other words, where did you put those east? Dimensional!), looking at Shiori Wuhe: "It's nothing, just discuss something with the teacher."

"What's the matter?" Shiori Wuhe was a little curious, it was normal for girls to gossip.

"It's nothing, the talk has collapsed!" Lin Hui shrugged, and when he saw Shiori Wuhe, Lin Hui's inner irritability was suppressed.

"Huh?" Shiori Wuhe was a little stunned. The two of them looked friendly, but they said they had broken down?Has there been any such talk?

"Stop talking, Shiori, come with me! Help me wipe the sunscreen! I'll wipe it off for you later!" Tobiichi Origami grabbed Shiori Wukawa's arm and walked out .

Suddenly, an unexplained irritability rose in Lin Hui's heart, as if something he liked was taken away, or was he worried that Tobiichi Origami would attack Shiori Wuhe?

What happened to yourself?Lin Hui put his hand on the stone and grabbed it violently, grabbing a large piece of the stone and crushing it into pieces.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Lan Yumengcong saw Lin Hui's appearance a little abnormal: "Did something happen?"

Lin Hui shook his head: "It's okay, you go back first, you may be a little tired."

Lan Yumengcong looked puzzled, tired?Is it possible for Lin Hui?Does it mean too much pressure?

"Then, Dad, pay attention to yourself!" Lan Yumengcong turned back to look at Lin Hui three steps at a time.

"What's wrong with me now? I always feel that I've become very strange since I came to this world!" Lin Hui looked at his hands and checked his body. There was no abnormality. In other words, this is the real It's strange that there is no abnormality in oneself, but the mood will become worse, this is a bit strange!

"Is it because of all the evils in this world?" Lin Hui felt it for a while, but he didn't find anything wrong, because all the evils in this world had already turned into his strongest trump card, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life was In the middle, just above the Kabbalah Tree of Life, a huge slate was suspended high in the sky. There were seven kinds of stone carvings around the slate, and each stone carving was inlaid with a white jade piece.

"What exactly is the problem?" Lin Hui hadn't figured out yet, but suddenly, the weather changed.

The wind is howling!

The waves are starting to get huge.

At this time, Gangfeng Zhuhui had come to the beach and asked all the students to return to the hotel to avoid the sudden hurricane, watching the weather that it was about to rain heavily.

Lin Hui came out from the side, sorted out his emotions, and with his extraordinary eyesight, he suddenly discovered the two women fighting in the sky, who were called "Berserk (Berserk)". Twin Spirits.

Chapter [-] Eight Dances, Love War?

The gust of wind was still whistling, the waves continued to slap the shore, the terrifying storm rolled up everything, and the two lightning-like figures collided with each other, making a sound like a thunderbolt.

The violent wind split the sky into two, forming two whirlwind battlefields centered on human figures. No one can cross the two whirlwinds. The two are still constantly colliding. At that moment, a strong sandstorm formed due to the hurricane and rolled towards the hotel.

"You two, have you had enough trouble?" Lin Hui naturally couldn't watch this place destroyed.

The two figures in the air were stunned for a moment. The surrounding hurricane disappeared, and the sandstorm subsided. They slowly descended from the sky. Looking at Lin Hui, it felt a little incredible.

"It's human!"

"Repeat, it's human!"

The two have almost the same appearance, both have orange hair, one is tucked behind the head, the other is braided, both have mercury-silver pupils, and they are wearing blue-purple restraint clothes, which are slightly exposed. One of them has broken chains on his right hand and right foot, and the other has his left hand and left foot. The two are like twins, as if they are two sides of a mirror, except that the one with broken chains on his left hand and left foot is more like the one with the right hand. He's in better shape than someone with a broken chain on his right foot.

"Human, I am asking you, what is your intention to disturb our sacred duel? I am about to defeat Yu Xian and obtain the real name of Yamori!" The girl with broken chains on her right hand and right foot proudly said Looking at Lin Hui, he said with a condescending attitude, but it seemed like he was arrogant.

"Rebuttal, it's Yu Xian who is about to win, and Yekuya is about to lose. If this human hadn't appeared, Yekuya would have already been defeated by me!" hit another girl.

"Hey... Long-winded, if it weren't for this human being, you would have been pierced by Ben Gong's hurricane long spear!"

"Laughing, the name changed again (poof)!"

"I said you guys, fights are fights, can you not cause trouble to the people around you!" Lin Hui said with a headache: "This is good, it will take some time for this beach to return to its original state. I want to continue playing here!"

The two women did not expect Lin Hui to say such a thing.

"Forget it, but, who are you two, and why are you fighting?" Lin Hui asked while looking at the two women.

"Huhuhu! Human beings, this palace will tell you mercifully, this is your glory! This palace is Yaguma Yakiya, and next to it is Yawu Yugen, we are fighting for the only one. Only the elves in the name of Yamori will fight here!" The girl named Yakiya raised her head and said.

"Sorry, what Yaguya said is true. Although he was introduced by Yaguya, I have to introduce it again. I am Yagyu Yugen, who is more worthy of the name of Yaguya than Yaguya. !" Yamai Yuxian said with her own unique fetish.

"What, Yu Xian, Ben Gong is the one more worthy of the name of Eight Dances, but as expected of the person who fought against Ben Gong to 29 wins, 29 losses and 49 draws, but, won the [-]th victory. The person who is here must be this palace!" Yaguya had a proud look on her face.

Yawu Yuxian is like a girl without three: "No, the one who won the [-]th victory must be me!"

Lin Hui felt a slight headache as he watched the two girls arguing again.


At this moment, Ratastock also ushered in a change, there is no way, after all, Lin Hui showed the power of the elf, which made the founder of Ratastock feel incredible, so Wuhe Qinli had to go there. Just do a report.

"You all pay attention, it seems that the Eight Dances Elf has already been in contact with Lin Hui, especially you, Shen Wuyue, don't give any instructions!" Wuhe Qinli stomped on the Shen Wuyue who was lying on the ground. hand.

"Ahh~! Yes, Commander!" Kannazuki Kyouhei shouted with great enjoyment.

"Assist Lin Hui's strategy!" Wuhe Qinli said and left.


However, just after Wuhe Qinli left, DEM's battleships were also moving rapidly towards this beach. This time, DEM's team has come up with a lot of combat power. After all, the opponent's strength is not simple!That is a man who claims to have the power of God.

Although Eileen has confidence in the development of DEM over the past few decades, she was defeated by the same man five years ago and not long ago, and even Eileen will suffer some blows.

"Hmph, is the executive director alright?" The bearded captain walked over and looked at Aileen, the unhappy expression in his eyes was obvious.

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