"Let's speed up, it's better to get there tonight and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop!" Ailian didn't know how much power the man named Lin Hui still had hidden, but she knew very well, Westcott said. Well, if you want to defeat that man, then you must use the power of the elf, study the reversal of the elf, and defeat the opponent in one go.

After imprisoning the other party, it was the right time to study the power of God.

This time action is crucial!


"So, why did this happen?" Lin Hui looked at all the trash, and the scumbag looked at his students.

"Hey, Lin Hui, it's almost time to admit that Ben Gong's charm is higher!" Yakiya Yagura hugged Lin Hui's right hand.

"On the contrary, it must be that I am more attractive!" Yawu Yuxian hugged Lin Hui's right hand.

Since the two have different statures, Lin Hui has a different feeling, um, it's heaven, Lin Hui confirmed this.

"Ah, are the transfer students here? I didn't expect you to bring them, Lin Hui!" At this time, Lingyin Muramura helped Lin Hui out of the siege.

"You two, come with me!" Murasame Lingyin looked at the two of them, and then said quietly, "I'll teach you how to attack Lin Hui!"

The eyes of the two girls suddenly lit up.

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "By the way, is it really good to say this in front of me?"

Chapter [-]: Exposing, revealing, I will take it

"By the way, Lingyin, do you really think it makes sense to attack me?" Lin Hui knocked on the door and looked at Murasame Reine, who was sitting in front of the computer.

Muramame Reine turned her head to look at Lin Hui, as if she was sleep-deprived: "Otherwise? Do you want to attack two people who are fighting and hostile to each other at the same time? Let them put down their reasons for fighting and let them both Both of them fall in love with you at the same time? It doesn’t matter how you think about it, you don’t show it, right? Even if you are amazing, it’s the same!” Muramame Lingyin looked at Lin Hui and said.

Lin Hui sighed, indeed, theoretically speaking, it would be extremely difficult to conquer these two, because both of them fought for the name of Eight Dances, which means that in the end, only one person can survive. Come down, then, the two sides are objects that cannot be tolerated by each other, and one must die, so even if the two sides do not want to, there must be a victory or defeat.

In other words, the other party is the existence that he must kill, and he is also his biggest enemy. No matter how you think about such hostility, it is impossible to attack at the same time, and attack to the extent that both sides stop and fall in love with him at the same time.

However, there is a prerequisite for this!

That is, these two idiots really have to want to win the name of Eight Dances.

After all, the two have fought 99 games, so why can't the winner be decided after so long?

Why?This is very strange, one person wins, and the other is not convinced, it is not very credible!It's been so long after all.

Besides, are the two really going to kill each other?Lin Hui couldn't feel the killing intent from the two of them, and they didn't mean to be hostile to each other at all.

"Forget it, just watch, I will attack both of them at the same time!" Lin Hui threw the towel over himself and left the room.

Muramura Lingyin looked at Lin Hui with a look of light in her eyes: "I'm really confident! However, it's this confidence that makes people fascinated, isn't it?"

"How could you do such an action? This is not in line with your policy!" Murasame Reine looked at the corner.

A young girl slowly appeared: "It took me a lot of effort to avoid being discovered by him. I can't say the reason, but it was a request from someone else! But, that's fine, anyway, these two people You are two idiots!"

Murasame Reine looked at the girl: "Why are you so sure? I didn't expect the split of Eight Dances!"

"Because, from the beginning, that person was an idiot! So, even if the personalities split, these two people inherited the character of the previous eight dances, so these two people are also idiots! I'm leaving, I'll pay you next time. Just give it to Lin Hui, because he is the god of strategy!" The girl suddenly disappeared.

"God of Raiders?" Murasame Lingyin turned on the computer and started to communicate with Fraxinas, asking them to pay attention to what was happening on Lin Hui's side, and at the same time they saw the screen transfer to their computer.

"Let me take a look at your strategy!" Murasame Reine said expectantly.


"Yo, Lin Hui, what's the matter with coming out to Ben Gong so late?" Yakiya followed behind Lin Hui.

"Doubt, I'm still discussing with Master Mengcong how to attack you, so time is tight!" Yawu Xixian looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took a deep breath and turned to look at the two of them: "What should I say, I really think you two are idiots!"

"Ha? Are you provoking the two of us?" Yaguya looked at Lin Hui with a bad expression.

"I'm sure, this sentence can be used on Yaguya, I'm not an idiot!" Yaguya sarcastically retorted Yaguya.

"Hey, Yuxian, are you provoking?" Yagura Yakiya clenched his fists.

"Contradictory, this is a fact!" Yawu Yuxian said calmly.

"Can you stop pretending? Yuxian, you care about Yakiya more than yourself, so why do you have to use this method? Anyway, your idea is to come to me at the last moment and let me choose Yaguya wins, and then you just disappear, right?" Lin Hui said, looking at Yawu Yuxian.

Yawu Xixian's heart trembled fiercely. Lin Hui's own thoughts were said by Lin Hui, but she still insisted: "Angry, don't stay here..."

"Don't talk nonsense here, how could Ben Gong lose to Yuxian? Ben Gong is..." Yaguya also had an angry look on his face.

"Because I told Yuxian, you were also angry, why Yaguya? The answer is very simple, because your heart for Yuxian is much deeper than your own, and your thoughts are the same. , find me at the last moment, and let me choose Yuxian to win, in this case, Yuxian can stay!"

"That's why I said, both of you are idiots!" Lin Hui finished speaking in one breath, looking at the two surprised faces.

"No...it's not like this!" Yakiya's arms were trembling slightly.

"Agreed, we don't have that idea at all!" Even though he said so, Yawu Yuxian's voice trembled a little.

"Obviously they are sisters, and they care about each other more strongly than themselves, but why don't you want to express your heart? Say it, you want to live with each other!" Lin Hui taught the two of them directly.

"It's impossible, there can only be one eight dance!" The spiritual power of Yawu Yaguya released, at the same time, Yawu Yuxian also released his own spiritual power, and the two faced each other together. Lin Hui.

"Second, Ye Kuya is right, there can only be one eight dance!" Eight dance Xixian looked at Lin Hui, and a chain appeared in his hand: "In the end, there can only be one winner or loser!"

"Yeah, let outsiders judge, I'm too stupid!" A long spear appeared in Yaguya's hand.

The frantic wind swept through almost all of this, and Lin Hui's clothes were constantly being blown.

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