For this question, Tobiichi Origami suddenly threw it out of his mind. If people from different worlds can't give birth to children, then what is Lanyu Mengcong?

Looking at Lin Hui, the interaction between Sono God Rinne and Sono God Rinxu makes people feel jealous. It's the standard of a typical model couple!

"Rinxu, tomorrow should be a holiday, where do you want to go?" Lin Hui asked with a smile, looking at the garden god Rinxu who was trying to cook rice.

"Amusement park!" The garden god Rinyu's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Then I'll take Rinyu-chan to the amusement park tomorrow! Does anyone else want to go?" Lin Hui looked at the girls.

"No!" Lan Yumengcong expressed her rejection.

"I'm going!" Or Shou Junai thought for a while and made a decision.

Other girls have things they want to go, and things they can't do.

Lin Hui nodded, and after counting the number of people, he silently wrote down the number of people, and then cleaned up the tableware with Sonoshin Rinne, while Sonoshin Rinho went to bed with Orsho Juna.

A beautiful day has passed, and the happy life of He and Meimei's family is about to begin!

Chapter [-] is not the same as yours!

"What's going on?" Or Shou Junna stopped Wan Yuri: "It's not the same at all, okay? Why is it like this? You know Rinxu..."

"Isn't the situation of Rinxu? Rinxu can only exist for seven days, no, it should be five days. In the end, she can only disappear, because she is not a product of any kind, and even appears only to find the most important thing. His face is not even an existence!" Wan Yuli looked at or guarded Junai.

"So, why, why did Lin Hui suddenly become like this? If we can solve this situation as soon as possible! Then Rinxu..." Or Shou Juna was a little anxious.

"It won't disappear, you want to say that, right?" Wan Yuri looked at or guarded Junai.

"Please clarify one thing first, I also know your concern for Lin Xu, but on this basis you need to consider one point, that is the actual problem, Lin Xu, who has taken away most of Lin Hui's power, has already hindered the passage of this The biggest difficulty of all is now, even if Lin Hui wants to save it, there is no way to save it!"

Wan Yuli said with some regret: "And there is a difference between you and me and Lin Hui's cognition in this regard. This difference is the reason why you and we have made different judgments!"

"Trust Lin Hui once, believe in him who has created so many miracles! He is a man who will not expect any tragedy to happen, and will not be reconciled to an unhappy ending! Now give him a little time and let him have a good rest. He is really tired!" Wan Yuli smiled lightly: "For the past few days, let it be Rin You!"

Or Shou Junai looked at Wan Yuri: "What will it be like, Mom?"

Lan Yumengcong opened the door and put her hand on Or Shou Junai's shoulder: "I only know one thing, that is that Rinxu has been recognized by my father, then, since I am my father's daughter , Dad will never let go. Don't look at Dad's usual appearance, but if he is really serious, even gods and demons can't stop Dad's footsteps, because Dad is so domineering! "

Or Shou Junai buried her head in Lan Yumengcong's arms: "But, Rinxu really can't last long!"

"Then just wait patiently. Dad is always like this. Once he pays attention to one thing, he can't see other things, and he doesn't know how worried others will be for him. However, he can always create the impossible. It's a miracle, because he's Lin Hui!" Lan Yumengcong patted or guarded Junai's back.


The next day, Lin Hui and Rinne took Rinxu and other girls to the amusement park, and had a good time with the girls in the amusement park. Looking at the smile on the face of the garden god Rinxu, it made people feel Blissful.

However, Lan Yumengcong is studying the difference between this disaster paradise and the last disaster paradise. After all, this disaster paradise has integrated part of Lin Hui's power. Otherwise, her memory will not be tampered with. .

"Sure enough, there is a big difference from Rinne's. If you use a symbolic metaphor, Rinne's catastrophe paradise is 'reincarnation', and Rinxu's catastrophe paradise is 'life'! This is really fundamental. It's different! However, it's okay to focus on Dad."

"However, what is the most important thing?" Lan Yumengcong pondered deeply: "It must be very important to be able to make Rinxu restart the Catastrophe Paradise, and such things may not actually exist, Dad and Wan Yuri will make such a choice only if he is sure, or in other words, he already knows.”

"According to what Wan Yuli said last night, if Dad wants to, he can solve this incident on the same day, but he chose an extremely long road, but he can give Dad a good rest! "

"Take a good rest? Wait a minute! Rest, reincarnation? Life? Is that so? Is this the way of strategy? This is the strategy that Manyuri said! No wonder it's life!"

"But the most important thing is...Wait a minute, is Dad too tired? That's why I have to rest? No, that's not what I mean. Dad's so-called real 'rest' is to experience a complete life! All of Dad's experiences so far have been imperfect, that's why 'rest' is needed!"

"If this makes sense, then the most important thing is to connect everyone from this point, and the answer lies in the people present! I and La Fulia sister and Xia Yin sister is excluded, if all the common points of the people present are connected, the answer has already appeared!"

"But, is this the most important thing? No, there should be a deeper meaning, but this meaning is only known to Wan Yuri and Dad, the meaning behind salvation!"

"Ah, ah, why do I always encounter this kind of brain-burning game! Damn it! But the timing doesn't match! After all... No, wait a minute, we got it wrong, we got it wrong from the most fundamental point. , No wonder Dad and Wan Yuli are not in such a hurry! Yes, we made a mistake from the most fundamental point!"

Lan Yumengcong remembered something: "I am as confused as Ju Nai, what a joke, if this is the case, Dad is really bold! Or, Dad has absolute certainty? There should be absolute Be sure of it! However, after this time, I must talk about him properly!"

"I always take risks like this, what if something really happens? Don't take your own life seriously!" Lan Yumengcong immediately began to calculate: "Sure enough, if this is the case, the time can overlap! All is done!"

The day will soon come to an end, and this time, the completely different places in the Paradise of Misfortune and the Paradise of Misfortune launched by Rinne will be revealed. Lan Yumengcong is also ready to welcome this game. The biggest change!

Chapter [-] Ten years are like one day!

Opening his eyes the next day, Lin Hui walked to the mirror. At this moment, Lin Hui's face had become the same as that of a middle-aged uncle in his thirties, but he was more mature and handsome.

"As I expected, but it's almost there! Just follow this speed!" Lin Hui smiled slightly.

But the garden god Rinne around her is still the same as before, the most beautiful time at the age of eighteen, including everyone else. Time seems to have left no trace on them at all.

And everyone has no doubts about this, as if everything should be like this, Sono God Rinuo has grown up and has become a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, standing with Sono God Rinne is like Like a pair of sisters.

Only Lan Yumengcong can be sure that this is the so-called strategy method, and it is also the most incredible strategy method. The so-called use of life to pick up girls, this time Lin Hui has performed it to the fullest.

"Dad, this time, you gambled too much. Although according to the success rate, your probability of success is more than [-]%, but there is still [-]% uncertainty, is it worth it?" Lan Yu Meng Cong looked at Lin Hui who was in front of the mirror.

Lin Hui looked back at Lan Yumengcong: "So, Mengcong, when did you think I did something that I didn't think was worth it?"

"Ah, but..." Lan Yumengcong seemed to want to explain something.

"No, but I've already chosen this path, so please let me have a good rest! Besides, I'm not that reckless, and it's absolutely impossible for me to underestimate any danger, so I'll stay behind. Don't worry!" Lin Hui put his hand on top of Lan Yumengcong's head.

"Let me do my father's responsibilities well!" Lin Hui tied his tie and left the bathroom.

When Chi Yemengxiang was in love, Lin Hui did fulfill his so-called father's responsibilities, but that was only an afterthought, and most importantly, Chiye Mengxiang didn't remember Lin Hui's memory at all. After all, Chiye Mengxiang was Incorporating the other side of Akashia's personality, and when Chi Ye Mengxiang was very young, Lin Hui returned to the original time and space, so it can't be counted.

And Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong were even more so. When they were born and grew up and even fought to the death, Lin Hui was still asleep in the source of Myriad Realms, so he couldn't say anything.

And Misaka Mikoto has indeed been with her since she was a child, but the problem is that Lin Hui had an impure mind at that time!Therefore, he did not fulfill his father's responsibilities at all. This time, Lin Hui wanted to be a real father once.

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