"Forget it, but, if you keep messing around like this, be careful I tell my mother and them and see how they deal with you!" Lan Yumengcong could only throw a gentle threat to warn Lin Hui.

"Yes, yes, I know!" Lin Hui walked downstairs, and at this moment there was a sound of joyful laughter from downstairs, making Lan Yumengcong quite helpless.

And Lin Hui treats the garden god Rinxo like a loving father treats a well-behaved daughter, doing everything he can to meet the garden god Rinxu's needs, and accomplishing this as an ordinary person.

Yes!as an ordinary person.

Lin Hui has sealed everything about himself, whether it's his remaining powerful power, his immortality, or the power of the Penglai Medicine lurking in his body, everything, including everything in this world. All evil is sealed!

Lin Hui is just a talented ordinary person now. He owns a large listed company and is also a powerful cartoonist. In the world, two completely different occupations seem to be perfectly integrated in Lin Hui. .

However, the private information about Lin Hui is well hidden. In the campus, other people do not know the identity of Sonoshin Rino. Sonoshin Rino also makes friends with other people normally, while Sonoshin Rino He also perfectly concealed his identity as a child of a rich family, and even went out to work occasionally.

Sometimes, Lin Hui takes the garden god Rinne and the garden god Rinou out to hang out.

These are the memories instilled in everyone in ten years, and the other elf girls also have their own jobs after graduation.

For example, Tohka likes to eat soy flour bread very much, so she opened a bakery together with Hase Natsuyin, the eight dance sisters run a brand barber shop, and lure Xiao Meijiu to continue her stardom, etc. The girls have their own jobs.

Regarding the appearance of the girls, under the influence of Catastrophe Paradise, no one thought it was incredible at all.

Day after day, year after year!

Lin Hui's appearance gradually became old, and the fire of life began to gradually become weaker.

In this calamity paradise, Sonojin Rinho can only exist for five days, but Ormorina used his own power to allow Sonojin Rino to exist for two more days, that is, a week, and after a week, Sonoshin Rinko will disappear, but the disappearance of Sonoshin Rinko does not mean the end, it is the beginning!

This calamity paradise represents "life", that is, a person's life, and it is launched with Lin Hui as the center, unlike the garden god Rinne who resets the world!

If it is a reset world like Sonojin Rinne, it would be better to solve it, as long as you defeat Sonojin Rinne.

But Sono God Rinxu's is much more difficult than Sono God Rinne, because the condition for lifting this calamity paradise is Lin Hui's death!

That is the so-called dream!

As long as Lin Hui dies in this calamity paradise, this calamity paradise can be solved, but there is a prerequisite, that is, to spend a lifetime, peaceful natural death, other disasters, etc., no matter how big The disaster still won't let Lin Hui die.

Coupled with the fact that the garden god Rinxu has captured most of Lin Hui's power, this condition is even more deeply imprinted on this calamity paradise.

And the reason why Sonojin Rino did this was because she was looking for the most important thing!

Chapter [-] I have a real daughter!

The most important thing that Sonojin Rino was looking for was not a stylized object, but a concept.

As Lin Hui had thought before, what Sonojin Rino was looking for was something called possibility!

Genie Possibilities!

What the elves had in common was that they were all elves, and they were all sealed by Lin Hui, and most importantly, they were all saved by Lin Hui!

They have all encountered unfortunate disasters more or less, but at that time, Lin Hui stepped forward to solve their difficulties and save them, becoming the light and hope in their hearts!

In addition, after being sealed, the elf girls are basically the same as humans, and there is no difference at all. Unlike the previous elves, in Tohka and the others, Sonojin Rino saw something called possibility. , so it was born!

And what she was looking for was this possibility, but, unexpectedly, her birth needed the power of Catastrophe Paradise, but coincidentally, at the beginning of her birth, when the garden god Rinne and Lin Hui were combined, At that time, both of them let go of their bodies and minds. Therefore, most of Lin Hui's power was unconsciously taken away by the garden god Rinxu who opened the Paradise of Misfortune, or Lin Hui unconsciously handed it over to the garden god. Rin, this is the truth of this incident.

However, if you want to unravel, the quickest shortcut is to show the so-called possibility of spirits to Sonojin Rino, take back his power from Sonojin Rino, and then modify the conditions for the closure of Catastrophe Paradise.

This method is undoubtedly fast and can even be done in as little as a day.

But Lin Hui gave up this method and chose a longer road, so he sealed off his immortality, in order to truly experience one life, which is the so-called human birth, old age, sickness and death!

The original Lin Hui possessed immortality, and it was impossible to die, but in this calamity paradise, there is an opportunity to realize this possibility and truly experience death once. This is a rare opportunity, and Lin Hui wants to seize it. Take this opportunity to become a breakthrough for your future breakthrough!

Because of this, Lan Yumengcong would say that Lin Hui was playing with fire. If he really died and could not wake up in the real world, then Lin Hui would die, and the source of all worlds centered on Lin Hui would also It will collapse because of this!

However, Lin Hui did leave behind his back. If he really died and couldn't wake up in the real world, then the power given to Wan Yuli could play a role. Lin Hui put the tree of Kabbalah in short In a short period of time, it was transferred into Wan Yuli's body in a sealed state, and within it was the life that Lin Hui had cut off!This life is in a state of death, but, on the other hand, if Lin Hui dies, this life will be resurrected, thus bringing Lin Hui back to life!

However, if you want to unlock this result, the necessary condition is to let the garden god Rin O give the authority of the Catastrophe Paradise to others, otherwise, the possibility of the so-called elves will not be realized!

However, once it was handed over to someone else, Sonojin Rinou himself would have to disappear, which was the most crucial point.

The two are in conflict with each other, and it is impossible for Lin Hui to let such a thing happen!

Lin Hui interfered with the Paradise of Catastrophe that had changed due to his own power. Large-scale interference was impossible, but small-scale changes were still possible!

There is only one change, that is, Sono God Rinxu can open such a powerful Catastrophe Paradise because he has his own power, which means that the owner of Catastrophe Paradise this time is Sono God Rinxu, how can there be What about the subordinate who made the master disappear?

Under the intervention of Lin Hui, the power of the evil paradise was activated, and it started to advance without transferring the authority of the evil paradise by the garden god Rinxu, and really showed the possibility of the elves to the garden god Rinxu, that is, the future. hope!

Lin Hui also perfectly demonstrated his responsibilities as a father, making Sonojin Rino truly feel the love, and at the same time seeing the lives of the elf girls who lost their powers of elves, and was very satisfied!


Lying on the hospital bed, Lin Hui slowly opened his eyes and looked at the many girls in front of him: "It's really... great to be able to see you at the end of... life..."

"Lin Hui." The garden god Rinne grabbed Lin Hui's hand.

"Brother Lin Hui!" Yase Xia Yin also looked at Lin Hui worriedly.

"Dad!" Sono God Rin Xu looked at Lin Hui from the other side of the bed.

Lin Hui looked up at the garden god Rinxu: "Rinxu, my daughter! Don't worry, we will meet again soon!"

"Dad?" Sono God Rino has fully understood all of this. She clearly sees what she wants to see. She only needs to give back what she got from others, but she didn't expect Lin Hui to actually After choosing such a path, she who should have disappeared actually flowed down, and she didn't know what would happen next.

Lin Hui slowly closed his eyes, the last trace of strength on his body was gradually disappearing, and the candle of life was extinguished at this moment.

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