But now we have to deal with the little vinegar jar of Tohka.

Lin Hui got dressed: "Seven sins, do you need to buy some clothes today? Do you want Yoshino to accompany you?"

After thinking about it for a while, Seven Sins said, "Well."

"Okay, I'll let Lin Ni accompany you when the time comes, and take Lin Xu out for a walk by the way!" Lin Hui sorted it out, then looked at Tohka: "Tohka, do you want to go out on a date today?"

Tohka's original bad mood completely disappeared when she heard Lin Hui's words: "Yeah!"

Lin Hui touched Tohka's little head: "Then go get ready!"

Seven sins was a little unhappy at this time: "Really, I just made an agreement with others, and now I go to someone else, what a fool!"

Lin Hui suddenly smiled bitterly: "Hey, seven sins, do you want me to teach you makeup next time?"

Hearing the seven sins, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay! I want to learn!"

Lin Hui smiled and touched Qisin's little head: "Okay, then don't be angry!"

Seven sins thought for a while: "Well then!"

Lin Hui has never felt this way before. After all, he is very casual with girls. There are more girls in this world than in this world, but in general, most girls are backwards. Yes, there are very few who are serious about chasing them, and those girls are very understanding and never fight for anything.

But it is different when you come to this world. The elves in this world are what a real girl should look like. They are jealous and turn black. When they see their boyfriends with others, they will not To be happy, you need to coax yourself, although the number of people is less than in the blood-devouring mad attack, it is much more tiring than the blood-devouring mad attack.

"Hey, La Furia, am I being too careless?" Lin Hui leaned on the sofa in the living room and asked the princess from the blood-devouring attack.

"Yeah, it's really too much, really too much! There are already so many girls and I'm not satisfied!" La Furia leaned on Lin Hui's body: "However, there are also such kind of concerns. The reason is because Lin Hui, you have a very powerful power and you are so gentle. These are the deadly weapons to attract girls. Every time you go to a new world, you will continue to attract girls. There is no way. Woolen cloth!"

La Furia said softly: "However, I should let you know a little now, girl, it's not so easy to chase!"

Lin Hui laughed: "Yes, it's really hard to take care of it! But, it's worth it!"

"That's why you can't leave people without it!" La Furia lay on Lin Hui's lap: "Go boldly, you are our king! Our only love, yours We will fully support all actions, although we will not help in chasing girls!"

Lin Hui gently stroked La Furia's little face: "I know!"

Tohka jumped in from the room; "Lin Hui Lin Hui, where are we going on a date today?"

"Go!" La Furia straightened up and gently pushed Lin Hui.

Lin Hui also took advantage of the situation and stood up: "Ah, let me think about it, why don't you go abroad today and play in another country! By the way, let's try the food of other countries!"

"Oh, long live!" Tohka hugged Lin Hui all of a sudden, and her whole body was about to jump up.

Lin Hui touched Tohka's head and looked at Tohka's appearance. Sure enough, what he liked most was to make such a girl smile.

Chapter [-] Meijiu was finally bent!

In order to take care of the upset little girl, Lin Hui tried his best to play with Tohka. Especially after he went to Huaxia, Tohka became obsessed with Huaxia's food, but it was just right, Lin Hui's cooking level It is also enough, at least it can make Chinese cuisine that makes Shixiang salivate.

It's just that after opening the head of Tohxiang, Lin Hui began the journey of disaster!

"Eriya, you guy, didn't you agree, this time out is just a date, and you are still drunk!" Lin Hui looked at Benjo Erya who was holding a wine bottle in the room, I was speechless about this. You must know that the clothing line of Honjo Erya is usually taken care of by the garden god Rinne and Hase Natsune.

"What's the matter, Lin Hui! Come, come, I'm drunk, wouldn't it be more to your liking, you can do whatever you want with me! Well, we're not that bad anyway, compared to dating you, I think this is more suitable for us to communicate! Hiccup!" Honjo Erya said drunkenly.

"You eroge book painter!" Lin Hui tapped Benjo Erya's head.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm a professional cartoonist! Well, I still lack an assistant. Although I really want you to be my assistant, Lin Hui, it seems unlikely!" Aya said with a smile.

"Isn't this nonsense?!" Lin Hui was speechless about the current appearance of Benjo Erya.

"What, Lin Hui, do you have no desire for me now?" Benjo Erya lay on the bed and began to slowly lift his clothes.

"You provoked it first, then don't blame me if you can't get out of bed!" Lin Hui is a man who is loyal to his desires, not to mention that he has been provoked to such a degree that it is impossible if he doesn't get up!


"Come on, Lin Hui, indulge in the dark baptism of this palace. You will definitely fall in love with this palace, so that you will have endless desire for this palace, and become a prisoner of desire!" Yaguya Yamai used her body Come and wipe the shower gel for Lin Hui.

"Deny, Yekuya's unattractive body can't make a man like Lin Hui show his desire. Therefore, only a body like mine can make Lin Hui commit a crime!" Yawu Yuxian is also not to be outdone. fight back.

Lin Hui was a little speechless: "Why do I feel restless after taking a shower?"

"Because Lin Hui is a beast possessed by dark desires! So let this palace come to save you!" Yakiya Yaguya put his body on Lin Hui's back at once.

"Pfft, laugh! Yaguya's words can't match up with the previous ones again, Lin Hui's desire can only be elicited by me!" Saying that, Yawu Yuxian put Lin Hui's hand on his chest .

Lin Hui felt that he was too good to these little girls, one or two came to tease him, did he really think he was not angry?


"So, Origami, what are you playing?" Lin Hui looked at the white-haired girl who tied herself up and lay on the bed in a sexy maid outfit.

"In order to show that the owner of a beast meets a beautiful maid, she will do whatever she can to get her body! So, please feel free to violate me!" Tobiichi Origami's words were a little excited.

"No need!" Lin Hui covered his face, cut off the rope on Yuan Yi Origami, and threw Yuan Yi Origami back to his room. This slut always wanted to attack her when she had nothing to do. She really thought she couldn't bear it. tempting?

The door was opened again, and Tobiichi Origami appeared in his room again.

"I said Origami, I'm going to bed!" Lin Hui was speechless.

"Master, I'm not wearing anything underneath!" Tobiichi Origami said softly.

"I know, I saw it just now!" Lin Hui sighed.

"But I just put it on when I went back, please take it off for me!" Tobiichi Origami showed a shy expression at this time.

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