Well, Lin Hui really can't stand the temptation!


Lin Hui was exhausted both physically and mentally. After that, he accompanied Seven Sins and Yoshino to visit Tiangong City, and he and or Shou sisters had a meal for sisters, and accompanied Wuhe and sisters to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Chinese mainland. Manyuri relaxes at the water park, and enjoys the warmth of the family with Rinne and Rinou.

Although some of the dates are great, more of them are very erotic temptations, making Lin Hui speechless. How can he feel like he has fallen into a big trap?


"How is it, Meijiu, isn't it great?" At this time, Lan Yumengcong quietly said to Yu Xiao Meijiu: "Just think about it, such a plot, such a masterpiece, can definitely make Dad fall in love with you. Yes, among so many distinctive sisters, you should also have a little bit of your own unique style!"

"Maybe it's not enough to sing well! Think about it, Tohka is cute, and she has the attributes of a big stomach king, Sito is a loli, and she is shy, and directly stabbed Lin. Hui's cuteness, not to mention the seven sins, she is the opposite of Shito, she is a little arrogant, and the eight dance sisters are sisters, so that's enough to be distinctive, and Erya, who is a worker The mouth girl is still a waste house, Yuan Yi Origami is a slut, and she can cooperate with Lin Hui to do whatever Lin Hui wants to do, think about it, do you have any other attributes besides singing?" Lan The corners of Yu Mengcong's mouth unconsciously showed an arc.

"So follow my script, I think Lin Hui can push you down!" Lan Yu Mengcong is trying to seduce Yu Xiao Meijiu.

"Lily? But if this is the case, will Lin Hui hate me?" Yu Xiaomeijiu was a little embarrassed.

"No, no, after all, what he likes most is beautiful women, not to mention a girl like you, Miku, but, if Lily is talking, maybe you need someone, come, let's see, Tohka will pass for the time being, but Yoshino can be used as an option, after all, she is rather shy and a little timid!" Lan Yumengcong has already planned the Lily Road to lure Xiaomeijiu.

However, if Lin Hui knew about it, he would definitely doubt, Lan Yumengcong, are you also a transmigrator? How did you know that Meijiu has the lily attribute?

Moreover, although it is a script, the final result is beyond Lan Yu Mengcong's expectations.

Chapter [-] I can't come back!

"As a lily, you must first understand the beauty of women, and you must first learn from Benjo Erya, because she is an erogeist! For you, she is the best learning object!"

This is Lan Yu Mengcong's original words. Now, Yu Xiao Meijiu stood at the door of Honjo Erya, made up her mind, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it? Come in!" Honjo Eryan's lazy voice came out.

As soon as Yu Xiaomeijiu opened the door, she saw that she was lying on the bed playing a game console, the latest anime was playing on the TV opposite, and at the same time, there was one piece of clothes on the ground, one piece of clothing in the west, and many comic books were scattered everywhere, except for In addition, there are many wine bottles on the ground.

At this moment, Benjo Erya was drooling at the corner of his mouth: "Hey hey hey! It's awesome, it's awesome! It's amazing!"

It made Yui Miku feel a little creepy.

"Oh, it's Miku, what's the matter?" Honjo Erya glanced up, then continued to play the game.

"That, Erya, I have something to ask you!" Yu Xiaomeijiu finally summoned up her courage.

"What's the matter? It depends on whether I'm in the mood to answer!" Benjo Erya said casually.

"Well, what the hell is going on with Lily?" Yu Xiaomei asked with shame.

"Oh, Lily... Lily?" Honjo Erya suddenly raised her head and looked at Yu Xiao Miku: "Is that Lily?"

Yu Xiao Miku nodded.

Benjo Erya suddenly became interested: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so interested in Mijiu! Well, I'll tell you!"

Benjo Erya sat upright: "The so-called lily! It's a beautiful thing between women! I know the specific situation from time to time. After all, I'm not a lily, but I also learned a lot for painting. Knowledge, come, this is the Lily manga I recommend! Also, in fact, I tell you, Lily among beautiful girls is the most loving!"

After speaking, Honjo Erya suddenly licked Yui Miku's face.

"Yeah!" Yu Xiao Miku suddenly called out.

Honjo Erya held her chin with her hand: "Oh, I didn't expect Miku to make such a voice! It's really cute! It looks like Miku has the potential of Lily!"

Yu Xiao Meijiu felt that she really couldn't keep up with Benjo Erya's rhythm: "That..."

"Would you like me to use my body to tell you the beauty of lilies?" Erya Benjo put on a very seductive pose to Yu Xiao Meijiu. If it was Lin Hui, she would definitely turn into a wolf Yes, after all, Benjo Erya is an erogeist no matter what, and he has a very good grasp of the excitement of men!

However, the current Benjo Erya is a drooling wolf to Yu Xiaomeijiu. I don't know much about what this is. It's clearly a pure lily!

Suddenly, Yu Xiao Miku realized that the Honjo Erya in front of her was a terrifying character with countless attributes, such as lily, idiot, kongkou and so on.

"Sorry, I'll pay you back after reading it!" Yu Xiao Meijiu rushed out of the room at once.

"Haha, Xiaomei is really interesting!" Benjo Erya held her face: "However, Lily? This is really interesting! This is probably the plan that Mengcong came up with! Helping my father open a harem is taboo. Love, tsk, what a good daughter, if only I had a daughter like this!"

And Benjo Erya's game console shows exactly a Lily game: "Hey, but this time it is estimated that after Lin Hui finds out, Meng Cong will be miserable!"

Yuxiao Meijiu, who returned to her room, still has lingering fears. If she is facing Lin Hui, Yuxiao Meijiu may turn herself into a wolf and pounce on it, but facing the same girl, Yuxiao Meijiu. It felt a little impossible, but the scene just now was deeply imprinted in Yu Xiao Meijiu's mind.

"Eriya, she's still very beautiful!" A thought suddenly popped into Yu Xiaomeijiu's mind: "No, no, how can I think like this? Be calm!"

"Then, let's take a look at the manga recommended by Erya, I hope I can understand a little..." Yu Xiao Miku gently opened the manga and opened a forbidden door.



Honjo Erya was taken aback, his door was so rudely opened.

"Ah, it's Miku, remember to knock before coming in next time!" Honjo Niya scratched her head.

Yu Xiao Meijiu panted and raised the comic in her hand: "Eriya, what about the sequel to this comic? I want to know the plot behind it!"

At this moment, Yu Xiaomeijiu's face was flushed, but she looked extremely excited, which made people feel that she was doing something unspeakable before.

"Ah, it's here!" Benjo Erya has already put out nine comics: "In addition to the one in your hand, there are ten volumes in total, and it happens to be all here!"

Yu Xiao Meijiu suddenly took a step forward and touched Benjo Erya's face: "Thank you so much, I will thank you well next time! Also, you are very beautiful today!"

Afterwards, Yu Xiao Miku left with the remaining nine comics.

The corner of Benjo Erya's mouth twitched: "No, isn't this the plot in that comic? It won't have such a big impact on Miku, right? Could it be that Miku was originally a lily, but it wasn't shown before? This is so interesting!"

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